Three best friends gather to play video games and talk gaming news and culture.
Candid conversations with game creators that dive deep into the art, craft, and process of making games.
A light, fun, creative World of Warcraft podcast that explores the lore behind instances and the bosses inside them. We take time to really explore these locations, the voice lines, music, and any hidden gems we can find!
Ingen underholdningsindustri er større og mere indflydelsesrig end computerspilsindustrien. Alligevel er den kriminelt underdækket i det danske medielandskab. Derfor er det ualmindelig godt, vi har GameBoys, som dag ind og dag ud rejser dybt ind i spillenes verden, mens de fortæller, hvordan gaming påvirker store dele af vores samfund og os selv som individer.
Har du input, spørgsmål eller kommentarer? Skriv til
Værter: Daniel Møgelhøj og Asgar Bugge -
Art of Draft is Magic: The Gathering weekly podcast with a focus on Limited MTG. Improve your drafting, deckbuilding and gameplay with Luka (Justlolaman) and Kyle (TheHamTV) who sport some of the highest winrates and monthly finishes in the world.
Listen to two friends convince each other to play games they've never experienced!
Welcome to Never AFK.
On this podcast were going to talk about games movies and all that. -
A new podcast about business and legal topics in the interactive entertainment industry.
The purpose of this podcast is to explore interesting game related topics in conversation with guests who play an active role in the industry. Each episode, the host will be joined by a guest that gives practical, real-life angles on the subjects, and together they aim at providing a deeper understanding of the topics from a legal as well as a business perspective.
The plan is to explore topics such as legal protection of video games, user generated content, fan art, AI in game development, investments, publishing, and much more.
Robert Jønsson
Attorney/Partner at DAHL Law Firm
M: +45 4049 0551
Produced in collaboration with
Recording, editing and mixing: Dennis G. M. Jensen / - er et spilmedie der blev skabt tilbage i 2007 med Thomas Bense i front.
Vi dækker spil, film/tv, tech og alt muligt andet underholdning.
Denne podcast indeholder vores ugentlige spil/film/tv nyheder samt andre emner der kan passe ind i programmet, som indtryk og anmeldelser. -
Nerds invite you into their world and chats about TTRPGs w/ OSR vibes, Board & Video Games, pop culture, & more!
Listen and Subscribe for real, irreverent, yet relevant discussions, creator interviews, nerdy news, product reviews, and more! -
Best in Tabletop is an entertainment network dedictated to inspiring players to be their best in every aspect of their game.
En spin-off til Han Duo podcasten, hvor Elias Eliot og Jacob Ege Hinchely udvider holdet med Maria Månson, og Danmarks dygtigste Gamemaster Morten Greis, og spiller forskellige rollespil.
Sith Takers Snap Shots is a podcast dedicated to the X-Wing Miniatures Game created by Fantasy Flight Games run by the Sith Takers based in Stockport, North West UK. The goal of the podcast is to release three podcasts a week of a short duration (approx 10-15 mins) discussing a single topic in detail with different members of the Sith Takers team.
We will discuss news on upcoming releases and their impact on the game, our experiences attending and preparing for tournaments around the world, list creation and tweaking, meta breakdowns, and much more. -
Lyt med når Jakob Stegelmann og venner diskuterer alt det, folk ikke altid forstår, at vi elsker. Film, spil, tegneserier og meget andet.
Call in show about League of Legends Esports hosted by Travis Gafford and Cubbyxx, featuring guests from all across the LCS.
-'s live talk show hosted by Chad "SPUNJ" Burchill dedicated to hot topics surrounding the professional Counter-Strike scene.
Catch us live here: -
En podcast om esport og kun esport. Vi berører både store og små emner i esport og kommer helt tæt på Copenhagen Flames. Fra spillerne til direktøren. Vi vil løfte diskussionen om esport i Danmark og inviterer både Flames ansatte og store danske esport personligheder i studiet. Hvis du vil vide mere om hvordan en esportsorganisation arbejder og få indblik i den danske og internationale esport scene er dette en podcast for dig.
A monthly recorded show in an actual play format where a group of great role-players serve up their character's experiences in new and published scenarios. Call of Cthulhu, Delta Green, Vampire the Masquerade (V5), and many more!
Michael Diamond (@diamond_writing) is the Keeper of Arcane Lore and eagerly prepares each session for your listening enjoyment! -
A pop culture time machine! Each episode covers that very week from 30 years ago, 20 years ago and 10 years ago, which means each show is loaded with forgotten movies, timeless TV episodes and songs best left to the past. We'll examine TV, movies, music and video games from the 90s, 2000s, and 2010s. Come remember with us!
Arkaden er en spændende podcast, der dykker ned i gaming og spilnyheder. Værterne, Morten Urup og Nicolaj Jyde, tager lytterne med på en underholdende rejse gennem spilverdenen. De anmelder spil, deler personlige anekdoter og diskuterer de seneste nyheder inden for gaming og spilindustrien. Morten og Nicolaj inviterer ofte nøglepersoner fra det danske gaming-miljø, som deler deres egne historier og meninger.