Meditations by Ofer Shani
Estados Unidos · Ofer Shani
- Ensino
- Saúde e fitness
- Enriquecimento individual
- Saúde mental
Practice and frequency for vibration management ///////////////// Free guided meditations for the benefit of all. New meditation every Tuesday ///////////////// Ofer Shani is a Tech entrepreneur and Meditation coach from Tel Aviv, Israel ///////////////// His sessions are unique and combine music with teachings of Mindfulness, Zen, Shamanism, Quantum physics and Neuroscience ///////////////// Linktree https://linktr.ee/ofershani ///////////////// An important notice: this podcast celebrates music as a tool for transformation and well being - and wish to spread the tracks played in each meditation as much as possible.Each episode’s description showcases the list of artists and pieces played - and includes links to a full playlist to listen to on Spotify. If you wouldn't want your music to be played here - Please contact us [email protected]