History of Arda explores the writing of J. R. R. Tolkien and helps you understand Amazon's ‘The Rings of Power.’ We respond to episodes of the show, dig into the lore behind it, and answer your questions. We look forward to hearing from you!
Video Rekkinn er þáttur sem kemur út alla mánudaga í umsjón Hildar og Ragnars.
Í hverjum þætti förum við yfir eina bíómynd sem tengist á einhvern hátt síðasta þætti — allt frá klassískum myndum til furðulegra perla.
Við erum engir sérfræðingar, bara bíónördar sem finnst gaman að ræða það sem tekst vel (og ekki svo vel) í myndunum.
Fylgist endilega með á Facebook-síðu Video Rekkans: -
Greetings, travelers of space and time! Know then that this is the #1 Dune podcast in the Known Universe, examining all things from the world of Frank Herbert’s legendary universe, including the classic books, groundbreaking movies, TV miniseries, tabletop and video games, documentaries, ongoing novels by Brian Herbert and Kevin J Anderson, and much, much more. Whether this is your first foray into the saga or you are returning like a Duncan Idaho ghola, join us for a show beyond your dreams and a podcast beyond your imagination.
The ultimate Dune podcast is hosted by avid science fiction fans and podcasters Joe Tavano and Rod Johnson, and is part of the RetroZap Podcast Network. We endeavor to create the most detailed and insightful examinations of every piece of the Dune Universe, and connect with other fans in the process to create a positive and active community. -
Hlaðvarp um íslenskar bókmenntir fyrri alda í léttum dúr. Þorir þegar aðrir þegja...
Nature and the Nation explores politics, philosophy, psychology, sociology and economics from a naturalistic, paleoconservative perspective, using the format of a book review. I examine books published in a wide array of time periods, with a special emphasis on the early to middle 20th century, the ancient Greeks, and of course the present.
Í þáttunum ræðir Anna Margrét Ólafsdóttir við rithöfunda um allt mögulegt sem tengist því að skrifa og skálda. Sjónum verður aðallega beint að því hvernig það er að stíga fyrstu skrefin sem rithöfundur og hvernig ferlið við ritun bóka, ljóða og sagna er.
Lilja Gísla & Jóna María fylgja þér í gegnum nýjustu Bachelor seríuna með vikulegri samantekt ásamt því að fara yfir það helsta sem gengur á í Bachelor heiminum.
MOVIOLA es un podcast dedicado exclusivamente a hablar de cine clásico de todas las décadas: rescatar nombres, historias, estrellas y anécdotas que hicieron el cine, con la intención de parar las aguas del olvido.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Este podcast habla sobre las miserias por las que atraviesan todos, TODOS, los cineastas independientes.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Open Stacks brings you conversations with scholars, poets, novelists and activists on subjects as eclectic as the books on our shelves, from under-the-radar debates in the academy to pressing contemporary social issues, and from bestselling works of fiction to avant-garde poetics. Recorded live at Chicago's Seminary Co-op Bookstores, Open Stacks invites listeners to sit in on the kind of candid discussions and lively debates made possible by the participation of readers in a public space, with the aim of expanding and encouraging a broader community of ideas. Turn up the volume, pull up a chair, and let's start a conversation.
Welcome to Qwerty, the podcast for writers on how to live the writing life. Host Marion Roach Smith interviews the best writers in all genres to discover their process. Qwerty is by, about and for writers and explores the real challenges of writing and the steps anyone can take to become a better storyteller. Listen in for writing tips, publishing advice and encouragement on how to live the writing life.
A little procrastination goes a long way
* Winner: Arts & Culture Award - Australian Podcast Awards 2021 *
The Best Movies That Hollywood NEVER Made. -
MFA Writers is the podcast where host Jared McCormack interviews creative writing MFA students about their program, their process, and a piece they’re working on.
Becca has read all of Jane Austen's work. Molly literally does not know who Mrs. Bennet is. Together, they venture into Austen's world of romance, biting satire, and class struggles. Like Austen? Interested in a modern take? This is the podcast for you!
Produced by Molly Burdick
Audio production by Graham Cook
Show art by Torrence Browne
Transcriptions provided by SpeechDocs
contact: [email protected]
Clark Coffey and Cullen McFater discuss film, those who make them, different philosophies of filmmaking, the creative process, and life as a Soldier of Cinema.
This is Thresholds, a series of interviews with writers and artists you love about the transformative experiences (surprises, crises, existential freakouts, u-turns, breakthroughs) that have shaped their work. The life-wasn’t-the-same-after-that moments.Hosted by Jordan Kisner, author of the essay collection THIN PLACES. Thresholds is a Lit Hub Radio podcast.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Two guys review old "classic" movies to see if they're still good. Or maybe they weren't any good to begin with?
- Award Winning Horror-centric Comedy Podcast
- Hosted by Angel, Kevin, Mandie and Ryan
- Powered by The Dorkening Podcast Network -
Patti, Binni og Bassi leyfa áheyrendum að skyggnast bak við tjöldin í Æði 2, svara spurningum áhorfenda og sulla teinu um allt sem að þú fékkst ekki að sjá í þáttunum.