
  • Rusty Komori was the varsity boys’ tennis coach at the Punahou School in Honolulu from 1994 until 2015. During his tenure, the school won the state championship each and every year. That’s a record unmatched by any other coach in any other sport.

    But Rusty is not just excellent at taking a diverse group of teenagers and turning them into champions — he masterfully coaches employers on how to adapt his methods for the workplace, transforming typical office environments into ones that enjoy a culture of consistent success.

    Rusty is the author of the recently published book Superior: Creating A Superior Culture Of Excellence.

    As he details in this week’s episode, the core of success — in sports or business — starts at the top. If a dictatorial boss heads an organization, it won’t achieve the same success as if a leader guides it.

    “Love” may be the lowest score in tennis, but it’s absolutely what you need to convey to be at the top of your game in business.

    Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart.

    Photo: Rusty Komori
    Posted: July 1, 2024
    Monday Morning Run Time: 54:50
    Episode: 13.03


    Phebe Trotman, Athlete and Business Coach, On Sticking It Out

    From Benchwarmer to Olympic Record Holder and Business Champion

    ‘Rising Above’ Adversity: How Hardship Can Forge Strength

  • Business and brand websites have existed for almost three decades. Yet most companies still don’t know how to design them so that their messaging aligns with and supports their advertising, social media, and point-of-sale communication.

    Moreover, most present-day websites fail to incorporate language that appeals to each of the four major personality types, relying on so-called persuasion architecture.

    Vi Wickam, an exceptional digital and ad strategist, optimizes websites to deliver more leads, sales, and happier customers.

    A veteran Wizard of Ads partner, Vi not only helps his own clients but also teams with expert marketers worldwide to ensure their clients' websites perform like virtuoso violinists, delivering exceptional and harmonious results.

    Even then, Vi notes, there is no resting on your laurels: No website is ever complete.

    Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart.

    Photo: Vi Wickam, Wizard of Ads Online
    Posted: June 24, 2024
    Monday Morning Run Time: 46:32
    Episode: #600


    ‘Semple’ Strategies to Rev Your Advertising and Marketing Campaigns

    Peter Nevland on What Your Marketing Campaigns Can Learn From Dachshund Races

    Morty Silber Squeezes Amazing Profits Out of Event Marketing

    Jeff ‘The Professor’ Sexton Explains the Enduring Appeal of the Fictional Captain James T. Kirk

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  • In his award-winning 2021 book about the aftermath of the terror attacks on the World Trade Center, September Twelfth, Monday Morning Radio co-host Dean Rotbart described Gwendolyn “Wendy” Bounds, an eyewitness and award-winning journalist.

    She was, he wrote, telegenically attractive, with big chocolate-brown eyes, a sparkly broad smile, and shoulder-length buttery blond hair blended with honey highlights.

    That was then. Today, as evidenced by the cover photo on her new book — Not Too Late: The Power of Pushing Limits at Any Age — Wendy is often covered in mud and sweat, ripped, displaying muscular arms, strong and toned legs, and broad and well-developed shoulders.

    Wendy spent nearly 20 years with The Wall Street Journal, including anchoring the daily, live 25-minute noon news/lifestyle show Lunch Break. Subsequently she became vice president and chief content officer at Consumer Reports and currently heads U.S. media partnerships and business development at SmartNews.

    Wendy has transformed herself from a desk jockey into a competitive Spartan racer, running through mud pits, crawling under barbed wire, swinging across monkey bars, and hoisting sandbags as she navigates obstacle courses.

    Age, she assures Dean and his co-host, Maxwell Rotbart, “can be a secret weapon.”

    [Not Too Late: The Power of Pushing Limits at Any Age will officially be published on June 18, 2024. It is available for pre-order here.]

    Photo: Wendy Bounds, Not Too Late
    Posted: June 17, 2024
    Monday Morning Run Time: 43:05
    Episode: 13.01

  • Pop quiz, hotshot.

    Hackers have frozen you out of your own databases. They tell you that if you want back in, you have to pay them a ransom in the next 24 hours. Oh, and if you don’t want them to sell your clients’ data on the black market, that’s another hefty fee, too.

    What do you do? WHAT DO YOU DO?

    That’s the question that keeps Terry Ziemniak, TechCXO’s fractional chief information security offer, working around the clock, advising businesses on how to build systems and protocols to protect their data, and to prepare a plan in case the barbarians breach the castle gates.

    What steps can you take to begin building a moat around your databases?

    Terry has more than 25 years of experience in the information security field. This week he reveals the deeply guarded secrets to effective cybersecurity.

    Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart.

    Photo: Terry Ziemniak, TechCXO
    Posted: June 10, 2024

    Monday Morning Run Time: 48:00
    Episode: 12.49

  • When business owners and entrepreneurs struggle to resolve an intractable problem, they often blame everyone and everything but the true culprit. Themselves.

    Often, what they should be thinking, says Steve McCready — who spent more than 15 years as a psychotherapist before becoming a business coach — is, “It’s not you, it’s me.”

    Steve is a “magic eraser” for the root causes of many business problems, including owner self-doubt, lack of focus, and feeling overwhelmed.

    You don’t have to lie on the couch while listening to this week’s podcast, Steve assures listeners, but you will want to be comfortable and create a psychologically safe space.

    Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart.

    Photo: Steve McCready
    Posted: June 3, 2024

    Monday Morning Run Time: 41:00
    Episode: 12.48


    Dr. Sarah Reiff-Hekking Knows How to Bulldoze Past ‘Overwhelm’ and Procrastination

    Instead of Fearing Conflict, Dr. Nate Regier Says We Should Harvest It

    Leveraging Adversity: Turning Your Business Woes into Assets

  • When it comes to talented business people, there is a hierarchy of ability: skilled, expert, masterful, and brilliant.

    Brilliant is the realm where Simon T. Bailey operates and teaches others how to elevate their performance from proficient to awesome.

    A former Disney sales executive, Simon has written multiple books on the topic and has been invited to be a keynote speaker at more than 2,400 events over the past two decades. He has been recognized among Success magazine’s Top 25 alongside Brené Brown, Tony Robbins, Tom Brady, and Oprah Winfrey.

    Simon’s latest book is Resilience@Work: How to Coach Yourself Into a Thriving Future, a business parable that illuminates how anyone can become not just resilient, but brilliantly resilient.

    “Resilience is a superpower that reduces stress, boosts psychological capital, and paves the way for greater productivity,” Simon writes.

    Listen and Profit™ now as Simon discusses the importance of resilience, patience, proper mentorship, and even the role of theology in business success.

    Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart.

    Photo: Simon T. Bailey, Simon T. Bailey International
    Posted: May 27, 2024
    Monday Morning Run Time: 45:52
    Episode: 12.47

  • Michelle D. Gladieux will celebrate 20 years of running her company, Gladieux Consulting, this year.

    Michelle and her colleagues have advised hundreds of companies, including Best Buy, General Dynamics, Lincoln Financial, and Medtronic, on ways their executives and employees can communicate more effectively to improve their performance and satisfaction.

    Michelle is one of 21 previous Monday Morning Radio guests showcased in All You Can Eat Business Wisdom, the new anthology authored by deputy reporter and co-host Maxwell Rotbart.

    This week, on Michelle’s second podcast appearance, she delves deeper into the correlation between effective communications, career advancement, and life satisfaction. What you say, how you say it, and — importantly — how you listen really do matter.

    Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart.

    Photo: Michelle D. Gladieux, Gladieux Consulting
    Posted: May 20, 2024

    Monday Morning Run Time: 42:44
    Episode: 12.46


    Communicate with Courage: Taking Risks to Overcome the Four Hidden Challenges by Michelle D. Gladieux

    All You Can Eat Business Wisdom: A Monday Morning Radio Anthology of Actionable Advice by Maxwell Rotbart

    September Twelfth: An American Comeback Story by Dean Rotbart

    The Wizard of Ads: Turning Words into Magic and Dreamers into Millionaires by Roy H. Williams
  • Bryan Clayton, CEO and co-founder of Your Green Pal, uses a proprietary app to match homeowners who need lawn care with small businesses - many of them solo operators - that provide those services.

    His numbers are impressive: more than 55,000 entrepreneurs serving over half a million customers.

    Bryan began mowing lawns in high school and essentially never quit. Today, he runs a $30 million company that stands out in the so-called “two-sided marketplace,” which brings buyers and sellers together.

    Bryan says there are opportunities aplenty for other entrepreneurs like him — in service-sector companies — to leverage technology to create a beautifully manicured business empire.

    Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart.

    Photo: Bryan Clayton, Your Green Pal
    Posted: May 13, 2024

    Monday Morning Run Time: 53:40
    Episode: 12.45

  • Forbes magazine describes Sol Rashidi as one of the nine brightest minds when it comes to Artificial Intelligence.

    She was part of the first generation of leaders who helped IBM launch Watson, the powerful machine-learning suite of AI services, applications, and tools.

    In addition to IBM, Sol has worked for EY, Sony Music, Merck, and Estee Lauder.

    Sol is the author of the new book Your AI Survival Guide: Scraped Knees, Bruised Elbows, and Lessons Learned from Real-World AI Deployments, which distills her expertise and decades of experience into a must-read guide for non-technical business leaders.

    The AI universe is not just here now; the volume, variety, and velocity of information being generated is growing exponentially. This week, Sol shares her do’s and don’ts for businesses hoping to harness the potential of artificial intelligence while trying to avoid being crushed by the AI juggernaut.

    Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart.

    Photo: Sol Rashidi, Your AI Survival Guide
    Posted: May 6, 2024

    Monday Morning Run Time: 47:19
    Episode: 12.44


    Dr. Michael Lenox Explains Why Keeping Up with AI and Other Technologies is a Matter of Business Survival

    Using Artificial Intelligence to Supercharge Your Marketing is Quickly Becoming the Norm

    Main Street Is Awakening to the Huge Opportunity Augmented Reality Presents

  • Over the course of his career, including stints at PayPal, Cisco, and Nike, Sean Lemson has encountered all varieties of leaders — good, bad, and toxic.

    Toxic leaders are a special breed of “bad,” capable, often without even realizing it, of chasing off the best employees and slowly killing their companies.

    Sean is the founder of Motivated Outcomes, which coaches corporate leaders on rooting toxic traits out of their company culture and training destructive leaders to stop hurting their subordinates and start inspiring them instead.

    His new book is One Drop of Poison: How One Bad Leader Can Slowly Kill Your Company.

    Listen now as Sean calls out some of the most common toxic leadership archetypes, reveals how to spot them, and offers practical methods to immunize any business against their poisonous effects.

    Photo: Sean Lemson, Motivated Outcomes
    Posted: April 29, 2024
    Monday Morning Run Time: 50:05
    Episode: 12.43


    Purchase the new Monday Morning Radio anthology, All You Can Eat Business Wisdom, featuring 105 actionable insights and in-depth advice from 21 of this podcast's previous guests.

    Only $19.95 in digital format from http://tinyurl.com/AYCEBW-ISSUU


    Ken Blanchard: Simple Truths But Profound Leadership Tools
    Charles Duhigg: The Amazing Benefits of Good Habits
    Michelle D. Gladieux: The Key Determinant of Happiness and Reputation
    Mike Kaeding: Utilize Proven Strategies Adapted From Other Business Sectors
    Joanne Lipman: Closing the Gender Gap at Work and Reinventing Your Career
    Blaine Oelkers: Your Mind is Your Most Potent Business Tool
    Stephen Semple: Unconventional Marketing to Build Your Business Empire
    Roy H. Williams: How to Turn Words into Magic and Dreamers Into Millionaires
    Tom Ziglar: The Steps That Lead to a Successful Life

    All You Can Eat Business Wisdom is a rich buffet of practical advice. Readers will want to fill their plates and return for seconds.

    About the Author: Maxwell Rotbart is Monday Morning Radio’s co-host and associate producer.

  • On May 7th and 8th, experts from government, industry, small business, and academia will come together in Washington, D.C., for the 2024 Humans to Mars Summit focused on sending humans to Mars.

    The event, the largest such gathering on earth, is being organized by Chris Carberry, the CEO and Co-Founder of Explore Mars Inc., a nonprofit dedicated to fostering a permanent human presence on the Red Planet no later than 2033.

    Once the province of science fiction, Chris says a Martian colony is inevitable, and there are ample opportunities right now for entrepreneurs and independent businesses to climb aboard.

    Chris is the author of The Music of Space: Scoring the Cosmos in Film and Television and Alcohol in Space: Past, Present and Future.

    Before joining Explore Mars, he served as Executive Director of The Mars Society.

    The countdown to an out-of-this-world adventure has begun. Listen now for your ticket to ride.

    Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart.

    Photo: Chris Carberry, Explore Mars, Inc.
    Posted: April 22, 2024
    Monday Morning Run Time: 53:12
    Episode: 12.42


    Daniel Sax’s Entrepreneurial Philosophy is “Shoot for the Moon” — Both Figuratively and Literally

    Exploring Out-of-This-World Business Concepts with Christine Nobbe

  • Scott Mautz is a former senior executive with Procter & Gamble, whose free leadership classes on LinkedIn have attracted more than two million registrants.

    Scott, who ran four of P&G’s multi-billion dollar businesses, knows what it takes to be an effective leader. That’s why he advises all owners and entrepreneurs to work out daily.

    But Scott doesn’t mean bench pressing or squats. He’s a champion of rigorous mental workouts designed to build fortitude, confidence, boldness, and decision-making muscles.

    Scott’s new book, due in May, is The Mentally Strong Leader: Build the Habits to Productively Regulate Your Emotions, Thoughts, and Behaviors. In the book, Scott offers a 50-question mental strength self-assessment as well as the methods to create a personalized mental strength-training program relying on habit-building science.

    When readers get mentally fit, Scott assures, they will find greater achievement and successfully overcome more challenges, both professionally and personally.

    Inc. magazine named Scott a “Top 50 Leadership Innovator.” To learn more about his international training and speaking offerings, click here.

    To download a free 60-page companion workbook that includes Scott’s 50-question mental strength self-assessment, click here.

    Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart.

    Photo: Scott Mautz, scottmautz.com
    Posted: April 15, 2024

    Monday Morning Run Time: 40:21
    Episode: 12.41


    Stuck in the Middle (Manager’s Role): How to Influence Up, Down, Sideways, and Out

    How to Clear the Obstacles and Greet Each Workday Morning with Enthusiasm

  • Whether you are a solo entrepreneur, a small business owner, or the head of a FORTUNE 500 company, innovation is within your grasp — if you understand what it is and isn’t.

    This week’s guest, Steve Wunker, managing director of New Markets Advisors, is widely acknowledged as one of the country’s foremost masters of innovation. He pioneered the mobile marketing and commerce industries, and is responsible for one of the world’s first smartphones.

    In his latest book, The Innovative Leader: Step-by-Step Lessons From Top Investors For You and Your Organization, Steve shares the ABCs of innovative leadership: Aspire, Build, and Cultivate.

    He also debunks three of the most common myths about innovation:

    A company needs to invent a better product or service to be “innovative.”

    The hardest part of innovation is hitting on the ‘Big Idea.’

    Innovation is the exclusive province of high-tech companies.

    Not only can every company, big and small, innovate, but Steve warns they had better trailblaze, or they’re sure to be left in the dust of others. Where to begin and who should lead the effort are insights Steve shares on this week's podcast.

    Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart.

    Photo: Steve Wunker, New Markets Advisors
    Posted: April 8, 2024

    Monday Morning Run Time: 37:28
    Episode: 12.40


    Enter the Inner Sanctum of Microsoft’s Executive Suite

    This Battle-Hardened Corporate Executive Knows What It Takes to Lead and Innovate

    Sears Once Resembled the Amazon Juggernaut – What Happened?

  • Does your business have a mascot, a team jersey, and team-related merchandise for sale?

    Probably not.

    Fredrick “Freddy D” Dudek has spent more than three decades studying how companies can turn their employees, customers, and business affiliates into the kind of raging fans that sports teams enjoy.

    He is the author of Creating Business Superfans: The Time-Tested Playbook That Converts Your Customers, Employees, and Business Partners into Superfans for Bigger Sales, Broader Awareness, and Long-Term Success.

    Like a sports franchise, Freddy D discovered that the secret to creating business super fans begins by fostering an internal culture dedicated to winning. For businesses, that means making superior customer service the desired home run of every "at bat" with customers and prospects.

    While the analogy to sports fanatics is perfectly valid, Freddy D assures us that it’s unnecessary to dress up your CEO as an animal, historical figure, or other costumed mascot with an oversized head and goofy feet.

    Hearing what he has to say and reading his book will suffice.

    [Visit Freddy D’s website here and be sure to catch his Business Superfans Podcast here.]

    Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart.

    Photo: Frederick “Freddy D” Dudek, Business $uperfans
    Posted: April 1, 2024

    Monday Morning Run Time: 40:15
    Episode: 12.39


    Founding host Dean Rotbart’s most recent book, Dedication and Service: 50 Years on Call with the Volunteers of Colorado’s Genesee Fire Rescue has been awarded the prestigious Gold Medal from the national Nonfiction Authors Association. It is Dean’s second Gold recognition.

  • This week’s guest, David Page, is a well-known expert on American cuisine, culture, and entrepreneurship.

    The two-time Emmy-award winner and veteran broadcast journalist is best known for creating the Food Network hit Diners, Drive-Ins and Dives and serving as its executive producer for eleven seasons.

    David, president and executive producer of Page Productions, understands why some restaurants succeed while many don’t. Every owner, executive, and entrepreneur, regardless of their business sector, will take away actionable intelligence from David’s insights.

    If you’ve ever dreamed of opening your own restaurant, it’s absolutely essential to hear the cautions that David offers.

    For foodies in the audience, David shares some of his favorite foods and restaurants, and the one dish he has a strong aversion to.

    David is the author of Food Americana: The Remarkable People and Incredible Stories Behind America’s Favorite Dishes. The book is a literary feast of fascinating characters, food culture, pop culture, and nostalgia.

    And stay tuned for David’s new podcast, Culinary Characters Unlocked, which is scheduled to debut in early May and feature inside stories of the food world from its most fascinating people.

    Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart.

    Photo: David Page, Page Productions
    Posted: March 25, 2024

    Monday Morning Run Time: 58:15
    Episode: 12.38


    Founding host Dean Rotbart’s most recent book, Dedication and Service: 50 Years on Call with the Volunteers of Colorado’s Genesee Fire Rescue has been awarded the prestigious Gold Medal from the national Nonfiction Authors Association. It is Dean’s second Gold recognition.

  • As a physician, Hanah Polotsky is an expert in treating diabetes, thyroid disorders, and serious hormonal abnormalities.

    As a leadership expert, Dr. Polotsky excels at showing executives — both in and outside the medical field — how best to run teams and apply the tenets of lean management to their organizations.

    A native of Belarus who fled to the United States at 17 to escape rampant anti-Semitism, Dr. Polotsky earned her Master of Business Operational Excellence at The Ohio State University Fisher College of Business. She is the lead author of Physician Leader: How Exam Room Experience Drives Leadership Excellence.

    Often, whether in hospitals or the profit-driven marketplace, administrators are unprepared for the leadership roles that become their responsibility.

    This week, Dr. Polotsky shares her prescription for curing the most common supervisory ailments. Listen now, and you’ll start to feel better immediately.

    Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart.

    Photo: Dr. Hanah Polotsky, Physician Leader
    Posted: March 18, 2024
    Monday Morning Run Time: 46:47
    Episode: 12.37


    This Surgeon is Operating a New Business that Could Revolutionize Learning

    Dr. Per-Olof Hasselgren on the “Anatomy” of Idioms, Slang Common Expressions

    What Everyone Can Learn From a Daring Team of ‘Citizen Scientists’ and Enlightened Physicians

  • When it comes to running a competitive company, Bob Moog doesn’t play games. Well, actually, he does. Daily.

    Bob is co-founder and president of University Games, the largest independent game company in the world.

    For almost four decades, Bob has gone up against the biggest players — including Hasbro and Mattel — and found a way to beat them at their own game. Pun intended.

    In fact, University Games distributes more products in more outlets and more markets than any other company focused on board games.

    The company now has six divisions: University Games (board games), Great Explorations (science and learning/glow-in-the-dark products), BePuzzled (puzzles and brainteasers), Briarpatch (preschool games and puzzles), U-Create (crafts and activities), and Front Porch Classics (classic games, built to last a lifetime).

    University Games’ philosophy has always been to offer games that encourage social interaction and imagination through gameplay, with learning sprinkled in to spice it up.

    Bob’s story will inspire anyone who competes against entrenched giants. He’ll also share the management philosophy that has proven a game winner for just shy of four decades.

    Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart.

    Photo: Bob Moog, University Games
    Posted: March 11, 2024
    Monday Morning Run Time: 51:10
    Episode: 12.36


    Frank Armbruster Invented or Created 96 Products

    Elliott Neff, a Real-Life Chess Master, Shares the Valuable Lessons that Chess Teaches
  • He’d be the oldest man ever to run for president, even as calls grow louder and louder for him to step aside.

    Joe Biden?

    No, William Henry Harrison, the successful 67-year-old Whig Party candidate back in 1840.

    Tying yesteryear to current events is Ron Shafer’s specialty. His contributions to The Washington Post’s Retropolis history column form the basis of two of his engaging books, Breaking News All Over Again and the forthcoming A Half-Naked George Washington.

    Now retired, Ron spent nearly 40 years with The Wall Street Journal as a reporter, columnist, and political features editor, based out of Washington, DC.

    On this week’s program, he makes clear that business owners and entrepreneurs can glean a lot of helpful information about where we’re headed if they only take the time to review where we’ve been.

    Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart.

    Photo: Ron Shafer, Author
    Posted: March 4, 2024
    Monday Morning Run Time: 48:00
    Episode: 12.35


    Bestselling Author Joanne Lipman Shares Her Formula for Professional and Personal Reinvention

    They May Be Gone, But Their Legacies — and Those of Dozens of Other Dead CEOs — Can Inform Today’s Business Leaders

    PR Strategist Robert L. Dilenschneider Looks to History for Decision-Maker Role Models

  • Most people fail to say their own name correctly.

    Odd as that may sound, Laura Sicola explains her assertion in a YouTube video that is approaching 7 million views.

    Dr. Sicola earned her PhD from the University of Pennsylvania in educational linguistics and taught there from 2001-2013. She has more than two decades of experience teaching good vocal habits to executives at companies including Comcast, IBM, and Vanguard.

    She is the author of Speaking to Influence: Mastering Your Leadership Voice.

    As Dr. Sicola explains on this week’s episode, how leaders introduce themselves, whether from a speaker’s podium or meeting someone for the first time one-on-one, will help determine how effectively they convey the messages that follow.

    How well do you articulate your name?

    Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart.

    Photo: Dr. Laura Sicola
    Posted: February 26, 2024
    Monday Morning Run Time: 48:00
    Episode: 12.34


    How You Say It May Be More Important Than What You Say

    The Speaker’s Podium is One of the Most Overlooked Business Tools

    The ‘Sound’ of Your Company or Product Merits Close Attention

  • Each year, roughly 700,000 American businesses or individuals submit a trademark application. That may sound like a considerable number, but Andrei Mincov — a superstar trademark lawyer based in Dubai, says it's far less than it should be.

    Before starting The Trademark Factory, his global consultancy that provides start-to-finish trademark registration services, Andrei worked for Baker & McKenzie, one of the world's largest international law firms. His clients there included Apple, Microsoft, Sun, and Dell, which turned to Andrei to help them avoid the pitfalls of filing and defending their marks.

    Andrei’s client base now includes many small and mid-size companies that frequently do not file formal trademarks or fail to file them for all their brands. That, as he explains, is a significant and potentially very costly oversight.

    Learning about trademarks is not only valuable for every business executive and entrepreneur, but it’s also fascinating to discover the most common trademark landmines and how to avoid them.

    Monday Morning Radio is hosted by the father-son duo of Dean and Maxwell Rotbart.

    Photo: Andrei Mincov, The Trademark Factory
    Posted: February 19, 2024
    Monday Morning Run Time: 56:46
    Episode: 12.33