
  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    Welcome to the Luminary Podcast with your host Annie Perry. This is a sister episode to EP 133 on Psychic Channeling.

    We're discussing:

    Eclipse season and the final Pluto transit in Capricorn. How to tell if you're channeling a being of Light/positive polarity. Polarity energetics and the equal power of free will. Energy clearing and proper use of salt and sage to clear your home and objects. What guidance from your Guide's really sounds like The four main psychic Clair's and what they feel like when awakening them: Clairaudience, clairvoyance, clairgonizance, clairsentience. Bonus Clair's: Clairolfactance, clairgustance. How to easily turn your psychic Clair's on/off, up/down.

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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    For those interested in: Ascension, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spirituality, psychic, ascension, manifestation, quantum healing, psychology, inner child, consciousness, galactic, galactic family, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Psychic channel, galactic federation of light, esoteric, Lightworker, started, astrology, tarot, reiki, star family, chakra, energy healer, energy, energy worker, spiritual podcast, masculine energetics, feminine energetics, new earth, energy updates, channeled messages, channeling, wellness.

  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    Welcome to the Luminary podcast with your host Annie Perry, professional psychic channel and seer. I am delighted to teach you the foundations for channeling in this episode so that you can get started right away!

    We're discussing:

    Summer catch up: what I've been up to, prepping for a half marathonComment free zones: Youtube and Instagram Balancing masculine and feminine energy Clearing your space to begin channeling How to easily raise your frequency and begin opening your upper energy centers. Which Spirit Team members I recommend connecting with when getting started. Which questions to start with and how to keep track of the answers. How to connect with me for group channeling courses or private mentorship.

    Psychic Channeling Links:

    Level 1 Psychic Channeling Workshop

    Blue Flame Activation

    Violet Flame Activation

    I’m glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about my current offering by clicking the link below, visiting www.wellspringofficial.com or joining me on Instagram @iamthewellspring

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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    For those interested in: Ascension, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spirituality, psychic, ascension, manifestation, quantum healing, psychology, inner child, consciousness, galactic, galactic family, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Psychic channel, galactic federation of light, esoteric, Lightworker, started, astrology, tarot, reiki, star family, chakra, energy healer, energy, energy worker, spiritual podcast, masculine energetics, feminine energetics, new earth, energy updates, channeled messages, channeling, wellness.

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  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    Welcome back to the Luminary Podcast with your host Annie Perry. Sending everyone lots of gratitude for listening to the podcast from 90 countries around the world! It's 8/8/8, let's get into the energetics.

    We're discussing:

    8/8/8 Lionsgate meaning and energetics this year Becoming The One and owning your full power. Pre-symptoms of the global timeline jump. Post-symptoms of the global timeline jump. When to expect the next jumpMastering manifestation and feeling good After Hours w/ Annie What I've been teaching myself this year Frequency attuning myself into new identities Book recommendations Show recommendations

    I’m glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about my current offering by clicking the link below, visiting www.wellspringofficial.com or joining me on Instagram @iamthewellspring

    8/8/8 Lionsgate Portal Activation:


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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    For those interested in: Ascension, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spirituality, psychic, ascension, manifestation, quantum healing, psychology, inner child, consciousness, galactic, galactic family, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Psychic channel, galactic federation of light, esoteric, Lightworker, started, astrology, tarot, reiki, star family, chakra, energy healer, energy, energy worker, spiritual podcast, masculine energetics, feminine energetics, new earth, energy updates, channeled messages, channeling, wellness.

  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    Welcome back to the Luminary Podcast with your host Annie Perry. This is Part 3 of our What is Light Body series channeled by Archangel Ariel through Tashira Tachi-Ren. You can get the What is Light Body book on Amazon.

    We're discussing:

    The Luminary Podcast origins and evolution Light Body and Ascension mutational symptoms in mind, body and soul Grace Elohim and letting go of processing trauma Parallel realities and timelines converging during your ascension Releasing "enemy patterning" from your experience Gaia's advanced Light Body Activation The Descension of the Higher Self into this realm Light Body process for animals Headaches, appetite, sensory, perception and memory changes during ascension Spiritual significance, ambition and manic-depression phases of Light Body The Awaken Vow Break

    I’m glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about my current offering by clicking the link below, visiting www.wellspringofficial.com or joining me on Instagram @iamthewellspring


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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional medical or mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    For those interested in: Ascension, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spirituality, psychic, ascension, manifestation, quantum healing, psychology, inner child, consciousness, galactic, galactic family, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Psychic channel, galactic federation of light, esoteric, Lightworker, started, astrology, tarot, reiki, star family, chakra, energy healer, energy, energy worker, spiritual podcast, masculine energetics, feminine energetics, new earth, energy updates, channeled messages, channeling, wellness.

  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    Welcome to the Luminary Podcast with your host Annie Perry. On this episode we are reading the 12 Stages of Light Body Awakening from the channeled text What is Light Body by Archangel Ariel, channeled by Tashira Tachi-Ren.

    We're discussing:

    DNA changes during the Light body activation from carbon to crystalline Epidemics and how they are initiated for the purpose of ascension The irreversible global 3rd Level Light Body Activation 4th-9th Level Light body activation mental, physical and spiritual changes. 10-12th Level Light body activations and superhuman abilities The future of earth's Ascension and our roles as Angelics, Ascended Masters and Galactic Families. My experience being "stuck" at 7th level and how I quantum leaped into 8th Level.

    I’m glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about my current offering by clicking the link below, visiting www.wellspringofficial.com or joining me on Instagram @iamthewellspring


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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    For those interested in: Ascension, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spirituality, psychic, ascension, manifestation, quantum healing, psychology, inner child, consciousness, galactic, galactic family, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Psychic channel, galactic federation of light, esoteric, Lightworker, started, astrology, tarot, reiki, star family, chakra, energy healer, energy, energy worker, spiritual podcast, masculine energetics, feminine energetics, new earth, energy updates, channeled messages, channeling, wellness.

  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    Welcome back to the Luminary Podcast with your host Annie Perry. This week I am delighted to be co-creating this episode with Archangel Ariel of the Angelic Council of Ein Soph. This is part 1 of a 2 part series on the Light Body.

    I will be reading portions of the book What is Light Body? Channeled by Tashira Tachi-Ren from Ariel.

    We're discussing:

    How Ariel's presence has unfolded in my life over the last 2 yearsThe Council of Ein Soph's message for Lightworkers The Angelic 3 part plan for earth's ascension The split parallel realities and different Ascension tracksActivating Gaia's Lightbody and what makes earth ascension uniqueThe 12 Dimensions according to Angelic perspectiveThe 14 Major Chakra System and their transmutation during awakening

    Mentioned in this episode:
    What is Light Body By Archangel Ariel & Tashira Tachi-ren
    The Reality Revolution podcast by Brian Scott

    I’m glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about my current offering by clicking the link below, visiting www.wellspringofficial.com or joining me on Instagram @iamthewellspring


    Wellspring Official




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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    For those interested in: Ascension, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spirituality, psychic, ascension, manifestation, quantum healing, psychology, inner child, consciousness, galactic, galactic family, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Psychic channel, galactic federation of light, esoteric, Lightworker, started, astrology, tarot, reiki, star family, chakra, energy healer, energy, energy worker, spiritual podcast, masculine energetics, feminine energetics, new earth, energy updates, channeled messages, channeling, wellness.

  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    Welcome back to the Luminary Podcast with your host Annie Perry. As an agent of the Arcturians and Galactic Command, I am honored to be reading a portion of this channeled book: We, The Arcturians by Dr. Norma Milanovich, Betty Rice & Cynthia Ploski

    We're discussing:

    A brief message from the Archangels on Ascension An introduction to the Arcturians of the Starship Athena The 35 chambers of the Athena Messages on earths Ascension and Path to Enlightenment Arcturian activity on earth and relationship with governments Ascended Masters, Commanders, Elders and Councils of the Universe How they connect with and support Arcturian Starseeds on earthTheir message for Starseeds who are far from home.

    I’m glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about my current offering by clicking the link below, visiting www.wellspringofficial.com or joining me on Instagram @iamthewellspring


    Wellspring Official




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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    For those interested in: Ascension, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spirituality, psychic, ascension, manifestation, quantum healing, psychology, inner child, consciousness, galactic, galactic family, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Psychic channel, galactic federation of light, esoteric, Lightworker, started, astrology, tarot, reiki, star family, chakra, energy healer, energy, energy worker, spiritual podcast, masculine energetics, feminine energetics, new earth, energy updates, channeled messages, channeling, wellness.

  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    Welcome back to the Luminary Podcast with your host Annie Perry. This episode has been a long time coming! This was my journey to the Other Earths.

    We're discussing:

    New free masterclass: The Law of Attraction Glitching in the matrix after my Christ Self experience A reminder to Starseeds from Commander Lightbringer My Archangelic activation and tumbling through hidden dimensionsDiscovering the Other Earths experiment Meeting Malibu Annie and my Echo Parallel Selves Traveling to the Antarian planets in the 5th dimension

    I’m glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about my current offering by clicking the link below, visiting www.wellspringofficial.com or joining me on Instagram @iamthewellspring


    Wellspring Official




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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    For those interested in: Ascension, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spirituality, psychic, ascension, manifestation, quantum healing, psychology, inner child, consciousness, galactic, galactic family, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Psychic channel, galactic federation of light, esoteric, Lightworker, started, astrology, tarot, reiki, star family, chakra, energy healer, energy, energy worker, spiritual podcast, masculine energetics, feminine energetics, new earth, energy updates, channeled messages, channeling, wellness.

  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    Welcome back to the Luminary podcast with your host Annie Perry. This week we are catching up on current energetics and my latest transcendental experience as my 5D Christed Self.

    We're discussing:

    Kundalini Awakening & my time at Cosmic Sex School updates The Field Energy dissolving your motivation, passions and obligations. Mother Plasma, solar flares and encoded solar energy Mindset re-codings incoming to the planet My Northern Lights experience w/ the Arcturians Miracle Frequency live in the Field and how to tap into it. The exact practice I used to exit the matrix and enter the Christed State of Awareness. Everything my Christed Self revealed and showed me in the etheric realm Father Consciousness as the Vortex and receiving complete care and support from this higher state of awareness. The Artist and my Self Portrait

    I’m glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about my current offering by clicking the link below, visiting www.wellspringofficial.com or joining me on Instagram @iamthewellspring


    Wellspring Official




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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    For those interested in: Ascension, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spirituality, psychic, ascension, manifestation, quantum healing, psychology, inner child, consciousness, galactic, galactic family, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Psychic channel, galactic federation of light, esoteric, Lightworker, started, astrology, tarot, reiki, star family, chakra, energy healer, energy, energy worker, spiritual podcast, masculine energetics, feminine energetics, new earth, energy updates, channeled messages, channeling, wellness.

  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    Welcome to a special episode with your hosts Annie Perry and Alicia Bryan as we uncover and remember the ancient star civilizations of Lemuria and Atlantis!

    We're exploring:

    Founding Ancient Lemuria & where those star families come from in our galaxy Everyday life in Divine Feminine Lemuria (MU)Water consciousness and their connection to 10-12D Crystalline Lemurian DNA and the archives under Mount Shasta The allowance of Atlanteans and their experiment on earth Ancient Atlantean technology and creations The Fall of Atlantis and Lemuria Atlantean DNA and their karma being brought to resolution today

    I’m glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about my current offering by clicking the link below, visiting www.wellspringofficial.com or joining me on Instagram @iamthewellspring


    Wellspring Official




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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    For those interested in: Ascension, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spirituality, psychic, ascension, manifestation, quantum healing, psychology, inner child, consciousness, galactic, galactic family, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Psychic channel, galactic federation of light, esoteric, Lightworker, started, astrology, tarot, reiki, star family, chakra, energy healer, energy, energy worker, spiritual podcast, masculine energetics, feminine energetics, new earth, energy updates, channeled messages, channeling, wellness.

  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    Welcome to a special *Roundtable* episode of the Luminary Podcast with your host Annie Perry. This week we are joined by the incredible Alicia Bryan and Samantha Darwak to share their spiritual awakening experiences and how they navigate being a 3D/5D human in our world.

    We're discussing:

    Their spiritual awakening experience and how 2020 changed everything Navigating family and spirituality What they love most about their spiritual experience What they love most about their human experience and life on earth How to cultivate friendships with open and loving support What they wish more spiritual people would talk about What kind of world they want to live in and create here on earth

    I’m glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about my current offering by clicking the link below, visiting www.wellspringofficial.com or joining me on Instagram @iamthewellspring


    Wellspring Official




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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    For those interested in: Ascension, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spirituality, psychic, ascension, manifestation, quantum healing, psychology, inner child, consciousness, galactic, galactic family, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Psychic channel, galactic federation of light, esoteric, Lightworker, started, astrology, tarot, reiki, star family, chakra, energy healer, energy, energy worker, spiritual podcast, masculine energetics, feminine energetics, new earth, energy updates, channeled messages, channeling, wellness.

  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    Welcome back to the Luminary Podcast with your host Annie Perry. This week we are discussing Leap Year Energetics, NEW Ascension symptoms, and who are the real fallen angels?

    We're discussing:

    Intense Mouth of God chakra activations Heart chakra disconnection in the Field NEW physical ascension symptoms this year Kundalini energy and the sexual renaissance happening on earth Reporting back to Galactic Command The Arcturian 9D Council sends massive transmissions Uncovering who the REAL fallen angels are The Hero's Journey and the descent Choosing Ascension and activating YOUR Divine Resurrection The Lightbringer

    I’m glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about my current offering by clicking the link below, visiting www.wellspringofficial.com or joining me on Instagram @iamthewellspring


    Wellspring Official




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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    For those interested in: Ascension, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spirituality, psychic, ascension, manifestation, quantum healing, psychology, inner child, consciousness, galactic, galactic family, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Psychic channel, galactic federation of light, esoteric, Lightworker, started, astrology, tarot, reiki, star family, chakra, energy healer, energy, energy worker, spiritual podcast, masculine energetics, feminine energetics, new earth, energy updates, channeled messages, channeling, wellness.

  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    Welcome back to the Luminary Podcast with your host Annie Perry. Today I'm catching you up on all of my personal and energetic upgrades and experiences from January-February of 2024. Then we dive into the energetics of the Aquarian Golden Age!

    We're discussing:

    Light Quota in the physical body, green juice, living foods and habit changesWhy Taylor Swift is a sign of Ascension New Moon in Aquarius deep dive 5 chakra energy activations and wtf the Mouth of God is Anatomy lesson on the Light Body and Kundalini energy Ascension Symptoms to expect this year Three phases of energy activation cycle for 2024 Disclosure updates and why frequency first is critical this year

    I’m glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about my current offering by clicking the link below, visiting www.wellspringofficial.com or joining me on Instagram @iamthewellspring


    Wellspring Official




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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    For those interested in: Ascension, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spirituality, psychic, ascension, manifestation, quantum healing, psychology, inner child, consciousness, galactic, galactic family, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Psychic channel, galactic federation of light, esoteric, Lightworker, started, astrology, tarot, reiki, star family, chakra, energy healer, energy, energy worker, spiritual podcast, masculine energetics, feminine energetics, new earth, energy updates, channeled messages, channeling, wellness.

  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    Welcome back to the Luminary Podcast! After a Sacred Season break, I am so excited to be back with one of my biggest frequency transmissions EVER...buckle up Lightworkers.

    We're discussing:

    Sacred Season energetics and the shift from 2023 to 2024Pluto transiting Aquarius, the Millienal Dilemma and Kali Yurga My annual birthday episode features 32 Lightcodes from 2023This massive transmission spans codes from creation, multiverse, parallel realities, manifestation, masculine & feminine energetics, emotional intelligence, shadow self, GodSelf, 3D expression, wealth frequency and the I AM. You probably want to bring a notebook ;)

    I’m glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about my current offering by clicking the link below, visiting www.wellspringofficial.com or joining me on Instagram @iamthewellspring


    Wellspring Official




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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    For those interested in: Ascension, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spirituality, psychic, ascension, manifestation, quantum healing, psychology, inner child, consciousness, galactic, galactic family, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Psychic channel, galactic federation of light, esoteric, Lightworker, started, astrology, tarot, reiki, star family, chakra, energy healer, energy, energy worker, spiritual podcast, masculine energetics, feminine energetics, new earth, energy updates, channeled messages, channeling, wellness.

  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    Welcome back to The Channeled Interviews series on the Luminary Podcast with your host Annie Perry and our guest host Alicia Bryan. Today we are interviewing a High Council member from the Andromeda Galaxy to give us insight into their worlds and how they support the Milky Way Galaxy.

    We're discussing:

    What the Andromeda galaxy and their different species is likeCentral Andromeda metropolis and crystalline towersThe destruction of the Andromedan Stargate by the draconian forcesEtheric technology and Living LightTheir role in the elemental world with fairies, guardians and plant templatesHow to tell if you‘re an andromedan starseedAccessing the Higher Dimensions at any given moment How to connect with nature and remember your Divine Light

    I’m glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about my current offering by clicking the link below, visiting www.wellspringofficial.com or joining me on Instagram @iamthewellspring









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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    For those interested in: Ascension, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spirituality, psychic, ascension, manifestation, quantum healing, psychology, inner child, consciousness, galactic, galactic family, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Psychic channel, galactic federation of light, esoteric, Lightworker, started, astrology, tarot, reiki, star family, chakra, energy healer, energy, energy worker, spiritual podcast, masculine energetics, feminine energetics, new earth, energy updates, channeled messages, channeling, wellness.

  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    Welcome to the Luminary Podcast with your host, Annie Perry. This episode is the audio from our live Codes Class. It's an essential masterclass on how Universal Coding works and how to create/collapse your own coding.

    We're learning:

    Universal Coding and Light Codes Energy Flows, Wave/Particle & Musical Frequency Fractal Geometry and patterns in coding Soul Cosmic Memory ActivationHow Activations and Deactivations work Law of Resonance and collapsing code stacks How to create your own Higher Light Commands Live Q&A on Codes with the audience

    If you'd like to receive invitations to free live classes, please make sure you are on my email list: https://www.wellspringofficial.com/wellspring-links

    I’m glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about my current offering by clicking the link below, visiting www.wellspringofficial.com or joining me on Instagram @iamthewellspring









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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    For those interested in: Ascension, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spirituality, psychic, ascension, manifestation, quantum healing, psychology, inner child, consciousness, galactic, galactic family, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Psychic channel, galactic federation of light, esoteric, Lightworker, started, astrology, tarot, reiki, star family, chakra, energy healer, energy, energy worker, spiritual podcast, masculine energetics, feminine energetics, new earth, energy updates, channeled messages, channeling, wellness.

  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    Welcome back to our series on the Galactic Wars. This episode is narrated by one of the young Lyran Commanders Kathiya, channeled by me.

    The Story:

    Draconian forces destroying one of the Lyran planets The Lyran dispersion through our galaxy to save the Adam Templates The Young Commanders heading to Orion Their plan and creating a more suitable species to incarnate intoOrion One: topography and humanoid species The introduction of kings, kingdoms and separation The earliest wars and who the Lyrans helpedThe surprise entry of the Antarians to help The Fall of Orion One and many lessons for us to learn from Lyrans spreading their new species across Orion 2, 3, 4 My notes after channeling, what I saw + context about early Orion

    I’m glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about my current offering by clicking the link below, visiting www.wellspringofficial.com or joining me on Instagram @iamthewellspring









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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    For those interested in: Ascension, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spirituality, psychic, ascension, manifestation, quantum healing, psychology, inner child, consciousness, galactic, galactic family, Pleiadian, Arcturian, Sirian, Psychic channel, galactic federation of light, esoteric, Lightworker, started, astrology, tarot, reiki, star family, chakra, energy healer, energy, energy worker, spiritual podcast, masculine energetics, feminine energetics, new earth, energy updates, channeled messages, channeling, wellness.

  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    Welcome to the first episode in a new series of Channeled Interviews. Our new Co-Host Alicia, has been given a list of all the Light Beings that I channel and free rein to choose who to call into this interview. For our first interview she felt called to the Pleiadian Council of Light

    Alicia also compiles all of the questions, I go into the interview completely blind about what she will ask them. This has given us a beautiful pure channel to receive these transmissions.

    In this interview we discuss:

    Where the Pleiaidians are in time/space What their society is like and what they've struggled with Their opinion of the human experience and us Methods of the Awakening process What jobs they perform as part of the GFL assisting earth The Light Body and future humans Gaia and the future of Earth

    In our recap:

    -I describe what I saw and felt while channeling

    -We offer our opinions of what they told us about earth and humanity

    I’m glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about my current offering by clicking the link below, visiting www.wellspringofficial.com or joining me on Instagram @iamthewellspring







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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    This is a sister episode to The Lyran Legacy, as I describe what I saw and experienced psychically while channeling the Lyrans. I paint the picture of what else was happening during the Lyran Wars in other parts of our Universe.

    The Story:

    The Elohim and how they operate, populating planets and new species templates. The 3D/3D Lyran form and how they evolved to the slender catlike humanoid. The Blue Avians gifting the Lyrans avian DNA codes The Arcturians and how they developed ahead of the Draco's The Draco ranks from Dragons, Draco's and Reptilians (before the Grey's joined them) Dragons and their role in our UniverseThe Young Commanders, Lyrans who chose to infiltrate Orion planets. A human like species chasing the Light in the Pleiades Setting the Stage for the Orion Wars

    I’m glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about my current offering by clicking the link below, visiting www.wellspringofficial.com or joining me on Instagram @iamthewellspring







    Wellspring Official




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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    For those interested in: Ascension, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spirituality, psychic, ascension, manifestation, quantum healing, psychology, inner child, consciousness.

  • Let me know what you think of the episode! -Annie

    Welcome to a new series on the Luminary Podcast: The Galactic Wars. I have been entrusted to tell this story from the origin point with the Lyrans to the present day with humanity. Part 1 The Lyran Legacy is channeled directly from the 7th Density Original Lyrans, The Lion of Unity Consciousness.

    Part 1:

    The Elohim creating the original Lyran 12D beings How they evolved and populated their planet How they entered 4th Density and began space travel The Creation of the Adamic Templates (human) The first DNA configurations The Draconian Forces and where they came from The first interactions between Lyrans and Draconions Trade turning into a hostile takeoverEvacuating Lyra and the search for a new home The Lyran Warriors traveling to Orion

    I’m glad you're here, don't forget to subscribe and share with a friend. You can find out more about my current offering by clicking the link below, visiting www.wellspringofficial.com or joining me on Instagram @iamthewellspring







    Wellspring Official




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    DISCLAIMER: Information in this podcast is meant to be informative and is not professional mental health advice. Please seek professional help if you are experiencing anxiety, depression or any other physical or mental health medical conditions. Please use discernment and care when implementing any spiritual or physical practices described in this podcast.
    Some names may have been changed to protect privacy.
    All original ideas, voice and cover artwork is protected under copyright laws.

    Music: Electronic Downtempo Emotional Music | Earth by Alex-Productions | https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCx0_M61F81Nfb-BRXE-SeVA
    Music promoted by https://www.free-stock-music.com
    Creative Commons Attribution 3.0 Unported License

    For those interested in: Ascension, Human Design, Gene Keys, Spirituality, psychic, ascension, manifestation, quantum healing, psychology, inner child, consciousness.