This week Justin and Karissa say thank you to you, the listener! There is also a song by Stooshy at the end of the podcast.
Check out our new podcast, Queued Up! We’re going to cover all the shows in our streaming queues and so far we’ve covered Stranger Things season 2 and Alias Grace! We start Black Mirror season 4 Jan. 7. Available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - MyScrubsPodcast@gmail.com
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by Stooshy of If All Else Fails. Find Stooshy on Instagram @ohstooshy -
This week Justin and Karissa continue their review of the entire series of Scrubs, covering all seasons 1-9. In this episode they talk about their 10 favorite episodes and more!
Questions - 3:48
Honorable Mentions - 14:52
Top 10 Episodes - 21:15
Check out our new podcast, Queued Up! We’re going to cover all the shows in our streaming queues and so far we’ve covered Stranger Things season 2 and Alias Grace! Available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - MyScrubsPodcast@gmail.com
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by Stooshy of If All Else Fails. Find Stooshy on Instagram @ohstooshy -
Estão a faltar episódios?
This week Justin and Karissa begin their review of the entire series of Scrubs, covering all seasons 1-9. In this episode they talk about their 10 favorite: songs, fantasy and flashbacks, and moments.
Songs: 6:05
Fantasies: 37:07
Moments: 56:25
Justin and Karissa will review their top 10 episodes and more next Sunday Dec. 17.
Check out our new podcast, Queued Up! We’re going to cover all the shows in our streaming queues and we’re starting with Stranger Things season 2! Available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - MyScrubsPodcast@gmail.com
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by Stooshy of If All Else Fails. Find Stooshy on Instagram @ohstooshy -
This week Justin and Karissa review Scrubs season 9. They discuss the issues of season 9, and then their favorite: songs, fantasies and flashbacks, moments, and episodes.
Issues of Season 9 - 3:56
Songs - 24:43
Fantasy and Flashbacks - 32:10
Moments - 38:52
Episodes - 50:27
There will be no new My Scrubs Podcast Dec. 3. Justin and Karissa will return Dec. 10.
Check out our new podcast, Queued Up! We’re going to cover all the shows in our streaming queues and we’re starting with Stranger Things season 2! Available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - MyScrubsPodcast@gmail.com
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by Stooshy of If All Else Fails. Find Stooshy on Instagram @ohstooshy -
This week Justin and Karissa finish the last episodes of Scrubs season 9 and the series, episodes 12 and 13, “Our Driving Issues” and “Our Thanks.”
They chat about Cole’s skin cancer diagnosis and future career, Denise and Drew’s relationship, Kelso aging, Lucy struggling to say thank you, and more!
Our Driving Issues - 4:46
Our Thanks - 27:29
Outro - 49:17
Check out our new podcast, Queued Up! We’re going to cover all the shows in our streaming queues and we’re starting with Stranger Things season 2! Available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - MyScrubsPodcast@gmail.com
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by Stooshy of If All Else Fails. Find Stooshy on Instagram @ohstooshy -
This week Justin and Karissa breakdown Scrubs season 9 episodes 9-11: “Our Stuff Gets Real,” “Our True Lies,” and “Our Dear Leaders.”
They talk about Cox’s fear of signing a will, JD’s and Elliot’s relationship before their child arrives, Drew’s secret marriage, Lucy cheating on a test, Turk’s jealousy of Dr. Vaughn, and more.
Our Stuff Gets Real - 2:43
Our True Lies - 21:51
Our Dear Leaders - 44:24
Check out our new podcast, Queued Up! We’re going to cover all the shows in our streaming queues and we’re starting with Stranger Things season 2! Available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - MyScrubsPodcast@gmail.com
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by Stooshy of If All Else Fails. Find Stooshy on Instagram @ohstooshy -
This week Justin and Karissa breakdown Scrubs season 9 episodes 7 and 8 “Our White Coats” and “Our Couples.”
They chat about Drew’s and Cole’s show down over a speaking role, Denise’s make over, Lucy’s desire to be a doctor, Turk’s and Cox’s fight over a lovable patient, and more.
Our White Coats - 1:39
Our Couples - 25:47
Outro: 50:59
Check out our new podcast, Queued Up! We’re going to cover all the shows in our streaming queues and we’re starting with Stranger Things season 2! Available on iTunes, Google Play, and Stitcher.
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - MyScrubsPodcast@gmail.com
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by Stooshy of If All Else Fails. Find Stooshy on Instagram @ohstooshy -
This week Justin and Karissa continue into Scrubs season 9 with episodes 5 and 6 “Our Mysteries” and “Our Girl-Bro.”
They talk about JD’s and Turk’s investigation, Sonny’s return, Denise’s and Drew’s relationship, porkchop pants, Turk’s and Denise’s new friendship, and more!
Our Mysteries - 2:06
Our Girl Bro - 23:57
Outro - 50:05
Check out our new podcast, Queued Up! We’re going to cover all the shows in our streaming queues and we’re starting with Stranger Things season 2!
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - MyScrubsPodcast@gmail.com
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by Stooshy of If All Else Fails. Find Stooshy on Instagram @ohstooshy -
This is a preview of our new podcast, "Queued Up." We'll be breaking down and reviewing the TV shows in our streaming queues and we're starting with "Stranger Things" season 2.
We hope you enjoy this episode of "Queued Up" and continue watching TV with us. It's available on iTunes, Google Play, and elsewhere.
We will finish up Scrubs and have a new My Scrubs Podcast for you Sunday Oct. 29.
Thank you for listening!
Queued Up 1 Description:
Justin and Karissa breakdown and review Stranger Things season 2 episode 1 "Chapter One: Madmax."
First they discuss what they want to see out of this new season of Stranger Things and make some quick predictions on what's to come.
Afterwards, they chat about how the people of Hawkins are moving on after the events of season 1. Some of the topics they touch on: how Will is being treated differently than the rest of The Party, the Nancy, Steve and Jonathan love triangle, #JusticeForBarb, Maxmax, the mysterious new 008, Hopper's new found fatherdoom of Eleven, and more!
New Queued Up covering Stranger Things season 2 episodes 3 and 4 "Chapter Three: The Spy" and "Chapter Four: Will the Wise" Sunday Nov. 5.
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - QueuedUpPodcast@gmail.com
Checkout Justin and Karissa's other podcast "My Scrubs Podcast" about the show "Scrubs."
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by @ohstooshy -
This week Justin and Karissa breakdown Scrubs season 9 episodes 3 and 4 “Our Role Models” and “Our Histories.”
They talk about Turk and JD’s Bro-A-Palooza, Ted’s goodbye, the medical students working together, JD teaching Cox, and more!
New Podcast News - :30
Our Role Models - 4:47
Our Histories - 32:26
Outro - 55:55
We’re launching a new podcast Oct. 28 called Queued Up! We’re going to cover all the shows in our streaming queues and we’re starting with Stranger Things season 2!
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - MyScrubsPodcast@gmail.com
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by Stooshy of If All Else Fails. Find Stooshy on Instagram @ohstooshy -
This week Justin and Karissa begin their journey into the divisive Scrubs season 9 and breakdown episodes 1-2 “Our First Day” and “Our Drunk Friend.”
They chat about the changes to Sacred Heart and what they expect from this season. They also talk about the new roles of the old cast, the new medical students: Lucy, Cole and Drew, judging yourself, and more.
Our First Day - 4:33
Our Drunk Friend - 39:14
Outro - 58:25
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - MyScrubsPodcast@gmail.com
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by Stooshy of If All Else Fails. Find Stooshy on Instagram @ohstooshy -
This week Justin and Karissa review Scrubs season 8. They talk about their favorite: fantasies and flashbacks, songs, moments, episodes, and more!
Fantasies and Flashbacks: 5:00
Songs: 15:45
Moments: 24:50
Episodes: 40:19
Outro: 1:01:42
There will be no new podcast Sunday, Oct. 8. My Scrubs Podcast will return Sunday, Oct. 15.
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - MyScrubsPodcast@gmail.com
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by Stooshy of If All Else Fails. Find Stooshy on Instagram @ohstooshy -
This week Justin and Karissa breakdown the final episode of Scrubs season 8 “My Finale.”
They talk about all the character’s goodbyes and how they have changed over the series. Plus they talk about the themes of the episode, JD’s last day at Sacred Heart, JD’s future, and more!
My Finale: 2:25
Outro: 1:18:02
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - MyScrubsPodcast@gmail.com
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by Stooshy of If All Else Fails. Find Stooshy on Instagram @ohstooshy -
This midweek mini Justin and Karissa celebrate two years of podcasting and thank you - the listener!
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - MyScrubsPodcast@gmail.com
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by Stooshy of If All Else Fails. Find Stooshy on Instagram @ohstooshy -
This week Justin and Karissa breakdown the penultimate episode of Scrubs season 8 episode 17 “My Chief Concern.”
They chat about the changes at Sacred Heart and how each of the characters are taking them from Cox’s reluctance to acknowledge JD, the Janitor trying to control everyone, and JD and Turk’s bittersweet acceptance of growing up.
My Chief Concern - 2:14
Newbie Notes - 51:15
Outro - 56:10
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - MyScrubsPodcast@gmail.com
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by Stooshy of If All Else Fails. Find Stooshy on Instagram @ohstooshy -
This week Justin and Karissa breakdown Scrubs season 8 episode 16 “My Cuz.’
They chat about Turk’s career path, how Kelso misses work, JD and Elliot smoothing things out with Sean and Kim, JD moving, and more.
My Cuz - 2:27
Newbie Notes - 38:40
Outro - 41:30
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - MyScrubsPodcast@gmail.com
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by Stooshy of If All Else Fails. Find Stooshy on Instagram @ohstooshy -
This week Justin and Karissa take a metaphorical trip to the Bahamas and breakdown Scrubs season 8 episodes 14-15 “My Soul On Fire: Part 1” and “My Soul On Fire: Part 2.”
They chat about: the Janitor’s wedding, vacation episodes for TV shows, JD and Elliot’s relationship, Turk and Carla’s relationship, managing the braintrust, mermaids, and more!
Soul of Fire Part 1 - 0:58
Soul on Fire Part 2 - 34:17
Newbie Notes & Outro - 1:01:03
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - MyScrubsPodcast@gmail.com
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by Stooshy of If All Else Fails. Find Stooshy on Instagram @ohstooshy -
This week Justin and Karissa chat about all 12 Scrubs season 8 webisodes.
They chat about each webisode and what they thought. They also discuss whether or not they think the webisodes are must sees, if more television shows should feature webisodes, and more!
Webisodes 1-6 - 3:17
Webisodes 7-12 - 25:55
Outro - 49:48
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - MyScrubsPodcast@gmail.com
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by Stooshy of If All Else Fails. Find Stooshy on Instagram @ohstooshy -
This week Justin and Karissa breakdown Scrubs season 8 episode 13 “My Full Moon.”
They chat about Elliot’s and Turk’s role in JD’s life, Elliot’s and Turk’s career paths at the end of the series, what 30 years of oppression might smell like, what the interns represent, and more.
My Full Moon - 2:12
Outro - 43:55
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - MyScrubsPodcast@gmail.com
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by Stooshy of If All Else Fails. Find Stooshy on Instagram @ohstooshy -
This week Justin and Karissa breakdown Scrubs season 8 episodes 11-12 “My Nah Nah Nah” and “Their Story II.”
They talk about Janitor’s relationship with Lady, Dr. Cox wearing his wedding ring again, Turk’s SportsCenter treatment, Denise working with Elliot, and more!
My Nah Nah Nah - 2:00
Their Story II - 33:09
Newbie Notes - 55:20
Outro - 56:43
Thank you so much for listening! Please subscribe if you haven’t, and if you enjoyed this podcast please consider leaving a review. It helps out so much!
Email Justin and Karissa - MyScrubsPodcast@gmail.com
Follow Justin on Twitter @justinbuchanan and Instagram @justinjbuchanan
Follow Karissa on Tumblr: kcmiscellany.tumblr.com
Theme song by Stooshy of If All Else Fails. Find Stooshy on Instagram @ohstooshy - Mostrar mais