
  • Host Bob St.Pierre is joined by Quail Forever Journal Editor Ryan Sparks for a visit with Danielle Prewett about her brand new book, “MeatEater’s Wild + Whole, Seasonal Recipes for the Conscious Cook.” Prewett also discusses her love affair with North Dakota, grasslands, and sharp-tailed grouse.

    Episode Highlights:

    • One of Prewett’s signature philosophies is that every meal tells a story. She writes about that philosophy in the new Fall 2024 edition of the Quail Forever Journal and explains how a meal is the final chapter to a story connecting people to birds to habitat. This philosophy also mirror’s Sparks’ vision for the Quail Forever Journal’s new recurring feature, “The Hunter’s Table.”
    • Prewett also tells a hilarious story of ice fishing on Devil’s Lake during a brutally cold and windy North Dakota winter’s day.
    onX Hunt is a proud supporter of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever and they want to thank everyone who gives back to the birds we all love to hunt and the places they call home. Click this link to get a free month of onX Hunt and then use code PFQF to get 20% off, and a portion will go back to supporting Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s wildlife habitat mission.

  • Host Bob St.Pierre visits with Matt Holland, Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s vice president of grant development and a wildlife biologist, about the organization’s public land creation efforts in celebration of Build a Wildlife Area Week. The organization first created a public wildlife area in 1986. Since that time, PF & QF has worked on 1,810 different land acquisitions covering 229,846 acres of permanently protected habitat for wildlife. Those acres are now open to public recreation, including hunting.
    Episode Highlights:
    • St.Pierre approximates that Holland has played a role in the creation of 100,000 acres of public wildlife areas during his 28-year career with “The Habitat Organization.” In an oddly funny comparison, St.Pierre goes on to equate Holland to being a Swiss Army Knife and how sometimes he must be the blade and other times the toothpick to help facilitate a land acquisition.
    • Holland shares news of $300,000 in matching contributions to help incentivize donations from listeners interested in becoming “Public Land Creators.”
    • To learn more about PF & QF’s Build a Wildlife Area program and to get your hands on a new limited edition coffee mug, please go to www.PheasantsForever.org/BAWA or www.QuailForever.org/BAWA to learn more.
    onX Hunt is a proud supporter of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever and they want to thank everyone who gives back to the birds we all love to hunt and the places they call home. Click this link to get a free month of onX Hunt and then use code PFQF to get 20% off, and a portion will go back to supporting Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s wildlife habitat mission.

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  • Host Bob St.Pierre is joined by Quail Forever Editor Ryan Sparks for a discussion with professional upland photographers Brian Grossenbacher and Aaron Black-Schmidt. The conversation starts with Sparks sharing his vision for a photo essay to capture a quail hunt from the very beginning to the final meal. The final result of that concept appears in the current edition of the Quail Forever Journal and features multiple images from Grossenbacher and Black-Schmidt.
    Episode Highlights:
    • Grossenbacher kicks things off with the funny story behind the essay’s lead photo featuring a pair of legs wearing brush pants sticking out from under a jacked-up truck with a flat tire.
    • Black-Schmidt, who is also PF & QF’s video production coordinator, talks about his philosophical approach to capturing film and still photography, while also offering practical tips for using the camera phone in everyone’s pocket.
    onX Hunt is a proud supporter of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever and they want to thank everyone who gives back to the birds we all love to hunt and the places they call home. Click this link to get a free month of onX Hunt and then use code PFQF to get 20% off, and a portion will go back to supporting Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s wildlife habitat mission.

  • Host Bob St.Pierre is joined by Jon Steigerwaldt, the Ruffed Grouse Society & American Woodcock Society’s forest conservation director for the upper Midwest, to preview the 2024 ruffed grouse hunting season. Jon describes the ideal habitat for ruffed grouse and woodcock, and offers plenty of tips to find more birds this season. The guys also discuss new projects in Michigan, Indiana, and Pennsylvania getting underway because of the recent memorandum of understanding (MOU) between PF & QF and RGS & AWS.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Steigerwaldt talks about the science behind ruffed grouse drumming counts and what they indicate about bird survival through the winter, but what drumming counts don’t tell biologists about the population heading into autumn hunting seasons.
    • Steigerwaldt also talks about the 10-year ruffed grouse population cycle and how climate change is influencing swings up and down.
    • Learn more about the Ruffed Grouse Society & American Woodcock Society and check out their current membership offer at www.RuffedGrouseSociety.org.
    onX Hunt is a proud supporter of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever and they want to thank everyone who gives back to the birds we all love to hunt and the places they call home. Click this link to get a free month of onX Hunt and then use code PFQF to get 20% off, and a portion will go back to supporting Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s wildlife habitat mission.

  • Host Bob St.Pierre is joined by Pheasants Forever Editor Tom Carpenter and Quail Forever Editor Ryan Sparks for a conversation with professional dog trainer Clyde Vetter, who also happens to be husband to PF & QF President and Chief Executive Officer Marilyn Vetter. Each member of this conversation also considers themselves prairie grouse hunting junkies, so they provide a forecast for the 2024 sharp-tailed grouse and greater prairie chicken hunting season and weave their hunting tips into a game of Prairie Grouse Battleship.

    Episode Highlights:

    • The group plays four rounds of “Prairie Grouse Battleship” in which each participant provides a fresh hunting tip for sharpies and/or chickens in hopes of scoring points for tips the other competitors don’t have on their lists.
    • This episode marks the introduction of the brand new “Premium Moments in the Field” stories from Grain Belt Premium, “The Pheasant Friendly Beer.”
    • Check out the state-by-state prairie grouse hunting forecast at www.PheasantsForever.org/Primer presented by Sportsman’s Guide.
    onX Hunt is a proud supporter of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever and they want to thank everyone who gives back to the birds we all love to hunt and the places they call home. Click this link to get a free month of onX Hunt and then use code PFQF to get 20% off, and a portion will go back to supporting Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s wildlife habitat mission.

  • Host Bob St.Pierre is joined by Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s newly elected national board chair Jerrod Burke and vice chair Dan Forster. Burke hails from southwest Nebraska where he farms, works on habitat, and bird hunts. Forster is a biologist from Georgia where he chases bobwhite quail, ducks, and alligators.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Burke and Forster talk about their professional, conservation, bird dog, and hunting backgrounds, then they explain the board of directors’ role in helping guide the organization’s vision for delivering its’ habitat mission.
    • Unable to help himself, St.Pierre’s fascination with alligator hunting leads him to keep bringing the conversation back to gator hunting in Georgia, which will likely result in this edition of the podcast being referred to as “The Gator Episode.”

    onX Hunt is a proud supporter of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever and they want to thank everyone who gives back to the birds we all love to hunt and the places they call home. Click this link: https://www.onxmaps.com/hunt/r/p56q9fg to get a free month of onX Hunt and then use code PFQF to get 20% off, and a portion will go back to supporting Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s wildlife habitat mission.

  • Host Bob St.Pierre visits with Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever National Board member Thomas Harris about quail, bird dogs, wildlife art, and his commitment to volunteering. A passionate Alabamian, Harris talks about a very personal connection to his quail hunting property, and how his conservation ethic resulted in being named the Alabama Conservationist of the Year for 2019 as recognized by the Alabama Wildlife Federation.

    Episode Highlights:
    • Harris talks about growing up outdoors and how that upbringing was the impetus for the creation of Alabama Blackbelt Adventures in 2009.
    • Harris also previews the Wetumka Wildlife Arts Festival coming up on October 19th featuring PF & QF President and CEO Marilyn Vetter.
    onX Hunt is a proud supporter of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever and they want to thank everyone who gives back to the birds we all love to hunt and the places they call home. Click this link to get a free month of onX Hunt and then use code PFQF to get 20% off, and a portion will go back to supporting Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s wildlife habitat mission.

  • We’ve assembled a special upland bird hunter’s super show episode with Travis Frank of The Flush and Nick Larson of Birdshot Podcast for a conversation focused on the Minnesota Department of Natural Resources’ new Bird Hunter Diary app and ruffed grouse drumming counts. Joining the conversation from the Minnesota DNR are Assistant Area Wildlife Manager for northeast Minnesota Bailey Petersen and Resident Game Bird Consultant Nate Huck.

    Episode Highlights:

    • On the Wing host Bob St.Pierre kicks off the show with a recap of his recent visit to Washington, D.C. to moderate a panel focused on the idea of a North American Grasslands Conservation Act and to talk with elected officials about a new federal farm bill.
    • The conversation then jumps into Minnesota’s eye-popping ruffed grouse drumming counts indicating the highest adult carryover of birds since 1972. Peterson, a wildlife biologist, explains what those counts do AND don’t indicate for the upcoming hunting season.
    • Huck provides an overview of Minnesota’s new Bird Hunter Diary, what the state is looking to measure through the app, and how all upland hunters can help provide better data through citizen science.

    ✓ The Minnesota DNR’s Bird Hunter Diary is available at https://tinyurl.com/2nbdyz6p
    ✓ The Flush podcast is available at www.theflush.tv
    ✓ The Birdshot Podcast is available at www.birdshotpodcast.com

    onX Hunt is a proud supporter of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever and they want to thank everyone who gives back to the birds we all love to hunt and the places they call home.

    To get a free month of onX Hunt, go to https://www.onxmaps.com/hunt/r/p56q9fg and then use code PFQF to get 20% off, and a portion will go back to supporting Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s wildlife habitat mission.

  • Host Bob St.Pierre is joined by Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever Vice President of Government Affairs Ariel Wiegard for a conversation in Washington, D.C. with U.S. Senate Agriculture Chair Debbie Stabenow focused on farm bill legislation. A democrat from Michigan, Chairwoman Stabenow talks about the bi-partisan nature of the farm bill’s conservation title II and the legislation’s intersection between farming, ranching, hunting, and fishing.

    Episode Highlights:
    • St.Pierre plays a fun game of “Six Degrees of Kevin Bacon” based upon a famous baseball player from Senator Stabenow’s hometown of Clare, Michigan.
    • Chairwoman Stabenow explains how her proposed farm bill legislation would increase funding and acres for the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP).
    • Chairwoman Stabenow talks about the importance of seizing the opportunity to integrate Inflation Reduction Act (IRA) funding into the farm bill’s conservation baseline before the end of the year or else that opportunity disappears forever.
    onX Hunt is a proud supporter of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever and they want to thank everyone who gives back to the birds we all love to hunt and the places they call home. Click this link to get a free month of onX Hunt and then use code PFQF to get 20% off, and a portion will go back to supporting Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s wildlife habitat mission.

  • Host Bob St.Pierre is joined by Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever Vice President of Government Affairs Ariel Wiegard for a conversation in Washington, D.C. with U.S. House Agriculture Chair Glenn “GT” Thompson focused on farm bill legislation. A republican from rural Pennsylvania, Chairman Thompson talks about the bi-partisan nature of the farm bill’s conservation title II and the legislation’s intersection between farming, ranching, hunting, and fishing.

    Episode Highlights:
    • Chairman Thompson kicks off the conversation with a story of how his shotgun ended up in Jamaica on his way to a duck hunt in Arkansas that nearly resulted in him bringing home a new Labrador retriever puppy from a Ducks Unlimited banquet.
    • Chairman Thompson talks about his work on the House’s farm bill language that includes improved soil rental rates for the Conservation Reserve Program (CRP) and a tripling in funding for Voluntary Public Access – Habitat Incentives Program (VPA-HIP).
    • Chairman Thompson also “handicaps the race” to get a new farm bill across the finish line before the current bill expires.
    onX Hunt is a proud supporter of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever and they want to thank everyone who gives back to the birds we all love to hunt and the places they call home. Click this link to get a free month of onX Hunt and then use code PFQF to get 20% off, and a portion will go back to supporting Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s wildlife habitat mission.

  • Host Bob St.Pierre is joined by Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever President & Chief Executive Officer Marilyn Vetter for a conversation in which she reflects on her first year in the organization’s top leadership role. The pair also detail the vision, mission, values, and four strategic priorities comprising the organization’s new strategic plan themed “Building Forever.” Episode Highlights:• St.Pierre asks Vetter to share stories from her first year as “The Habitat Organization’s” leader; including the significant moments, times of frustration, best advice received, and favorite hunt. • Despite the organization already having a strategic plan in place, Vetter explains her philosophy behind initiating a revitalized strategic plan with a larger collection of PF & QF employee executives focused on the following quote from business leader and inspirational speaker Simon Sinek, “If a movement is to have an impact, it must belong to those who join it not just those who lead it.” • Vetter goes on to explain why the organization’s wildlife habitat mission isn’t changing, but how increasing a reliance on science-based decision-making and improving accountability sharpened the organization’s focus on four strategic priorities, which include: a. Increase & improve wildlife HABITAT on public and private landsb. Advance conservation POLICIES and program fundingc. Expand public ACCESS to upland wildlife habitatd. Expand, educate and engage the upland conservation COMMUNITY Learn more about PF & QF’s new strategic plan by reading “Aiming High,” an excerpt from the Pheasants Forever Journal. onX Hunt is a proud supporter of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever and they want to thank everyone who gives back to the birds we all love to hunt and the places they call home. Click this link to get a free month of onX Hunt and then use code PFQF to get 20% off, and a portion will go back to supporting Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s wildlife habitat mission.

  • Host Bob St.Pierre is joined by Pheasants Forever Journal Editor Tom Carpenter and Quail Forever Journal Editor Ryan Sparks for the first-ever meeting of the Upland Bird Hunters’ Book Club. The conversation starts with a discussion about Norman Maclean’s A River Runs Through It and how that book, and subsequent movie, changed the general public’s perception of fly fishing. St.Pierre poses the question, “has the upland bird hunting version of that classic narrative been written yet?”

    Episode Highlights:
    • The “national treasure” Tom Carpenter dives deep into his bookcase of classics with personal tales, including a story of his cherished friendship with renowned bird hunting writer Ben O. Williams.
    • Sparks covers a wide array of genres with his selections as his top five picks include a cookbook, a collection of essays, a couple of classics, and even a wacky fiction where a wealthy English hunter is reincarnated as a pheasant on his own hunting estate.
    onX Hunt is a proud supporter of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever and they want to thank everyone who gives back to the birds we all love to hunt and the places they call home. Click this link to get a free month of onX Hunt and then use code PFQF to get 20% off, and a portion will go back to supporting Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s wildlife habitat mission.

  • Host Bob St.Pierre is joined by Yia Vang, a Hmong American chef, restaurant owner, and host of Outdoor Channel’s television show “Feral.” Vang talks about growing up as a small game hunter, going on his first pheasant hunt in Wisconsin, and his perspective on the Hmong “balanced” approach to food.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Vang talks about his journey from college to chef and food truck operator to the owner of a new restaurant, Vinai, in Minneapolis.
    • Vang also explains how Andrew Zimmern’s producers “discovered” him, which led to “Feral.”
    • WATCH Vang make pheasant fried rice, which is featured in the new PF & QF Upland Bird Hunting Super issue.
    onX Hunt is a proud supporter of Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever and they want to thank everyone who gives back to the birds we all love to hunt and the places they call home. Click this link to get a free month of onX Hunt and then use code PFQF to get 20% off, and a portion will go back to supporting Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever’s wildlife habitat mission.

  • Host Bob St.Pierre is joined by the husband-and-wife dog training duo Susanna and Ronnie Smith. Ronnie comes from a long line of famous bird dog trainers that includes his father, Ronnie Sr., his uncle Delmar, and his cousin Rick. The couple talk about falling in love when Susanna brought her young German shorthaired pointer pup to Ronnie for training. This is their touching love story filled with bird dog conversation and priceless bird dog training tips.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Susanna shares her story of growing up as a ranching kid in Texas, moving to Washington, D.C. to work for the House Committee on Agriculture, then coming back home to her roots to work livestock, horses, and dogs.
    • Ronnie shares a few fun stories about guiding President George H. Bush, President George W. Bush, NFL Hall of Famer Lynn Swann, and astronaut Eugene Cernan on Texas quail hunts.
    • The couple also share how the COVID pandemic changed the way they approached training a bird dog.
    • The Smiths are members of the Purina Pro Plan Pro Staff, check out this video about their story and learn more about the Smiths at their website.

  • Host Bob St.Pierre is joined by Travis Frank, host of The Flush, to preview the television show’s new 2024 season on Outdoor Channel. The guys kick off the conversation with a fun debate about which characters they most resemble from 1990’s sitcoms, then talk about their philosophical differences in approaching podcast preparations. The highlight of the episode comes with Travis discussing his personal trepidation about filming his son’s first pheasant hunt and the joy he experiences raising two daughters and two sons as hunters and anglers. Travis also shares the horrific experience of getting a fishhook in his eye and his miraculous recovery.

    The Flush 2024 Season Lineup

    Week 1 July 1 Alberta Huns & Fowl
    Week 2 July 8 Superior Trail Ruffed Grouse
    Week 3 July 15 North Dakota Sharpies & Huns
    Week 4 July 22 Minnesota’s First CRP Farmer
    Week 5 July 29 Kansas Quail
    Week 6 August 5 Marilyn Vetter as PF & QF’s New President & CEO
    Week 7 August 12 Traveling Grouse Guide
    Week 8 August 19 A Boy’s First Pheasant
    Week 9 August 26 Iowa Pheasant Roadtrip
    Week 10 September 2 Idaho Quail Nightmare
    Week 11 September 9 Christmas Grouse Camp
    Week 12 September 16 Hank Hunt #3 at Prairie Wildlife Lodge
    Week 13 September 23 A Young Chukar Hunting Phenom

    The Flush airs on Outdoor Channel at the following times (Eastern):
    • Mondays at 9:30am
    • Wednesdays at 12:30pm
    • Fridays at 11:30am
    • Saturdays at 8:30am
    • Sundays at 6:30am

  • Host Bob St.Pierre is joined by Quail Forever’s Dr. Jessica McGuire, University of Georgia’s Dr. James Martin, and Quail Forever Journal Editor Ryan Sparks for a conversation about the new “Bobscapes” mobile app. The group chats about citizen science, artificial intelligence, and using Bobscapes data to better understand bobwhite quail populations.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Dr. Martin discusses the evolution of citizen science in wildlife research and also theorizes ways artificial intelligence may be used to help biologists in the future.
    • Jokingly referred to as a Bobscapes app “super user,” Sparks explains how easy the app is to use and how he enjoys putting it to work on his family’s Nebraska farm.
    • Learn more about Bobscapes and download the free app at www.Bobscapes.org.
    This episode of On the Wing podcast was made possible by a grant from the #Farming4Habitat campaign. Learn how private landowners are investing in the conservation of America’s fish and wildlife resources by visiting www.Farming4Habitat.org.

  • Host Bob St.Pierre is joined by Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever biologists Ciera Garner and Heather Francis to talk about the intersection between pollinator habitat for pollinating insects and brood habitat for upland birds. Garner is the organization’s pollinator coordinator in Tennessee and Francis is a farm bill biologist III and on-boarding coordinator in Nebraska. In fact, pollinators are so important to them both that Garner’s wedding earlier this spring included a variety of native wildflower components as did Francis’ youngest son’s wedding that happened on the very same day as Garner’s nuptials.Episode Highlights:• The group focuses their conversation on a Top 10 list of wildflowers as voted on by a sampling of PF & QF’s team of biologists. • The criteria for the Top 10 list of wildflowers included each plant’s a) value in creating habitat structure; b) value as a food resource – both in seed produced as food, as well as the plant’s ability to attract soft-bodied insects as chick food; and c) as the wildcard value of the flower’s blooming beauty. • Pheasants Forever and Quail Forever are currently offering a special Pollinator Week package including a PF or QF membership, six wildflower plants, a “Habitat Creator” sticker, and a “Pollinator Habitat” sign. Check out the offer at: www.PheasantsForever.org/PollinatorWeek www.QuailForever.org/PollinatorWeekThanks to our Pollinator Week partners: • Corteva Agriscience• Bayer U.S. Crop Science• Syngenta US• U.S. Fish & Wildlife Service • Monarch Joint Venture• Bass Pro Shops and Cabela’s Outdoor Fund

  • Host Bob St.Pierre is joined by Quail Forever Journal Editor Ryan Sparks for a conversation with Jesse Griffiths, a restauranteur, chef, cooking instructor, MeatEater contributor, and James Beard award-winning food writer. Griffiths wrote an article in the new summer edition of the Quail Forever Journal titled, “The Three Quail I’ve Known,” about wild, stocked, and farm-raised quail.

    Episode Highlights:
    • The conversation starts with a focus on quail hunting opportunities in Texas and how a love for eating quail can lead to a passion for quail habitat conservation.
    • Sparks equates being a capable wild game cook at home to being able to read quality habitat for bird hunting. Both are equally important, but not always viewed as equals.
    • Griffiths closes the conversation with a lightning round of his favorite way to prepare quail, favorite quail side dishes, and favorite quail libations.
    Learn more about Jesse Griffiths by visiting the following sites:
    - His restaurant Dai Due at https://www.daidue.com/home
    - His books at https://www.thewildbooks.com/
    - Follow Jesse on Instagram @sac.a.lait

  • Host Bob St.Pierre is joined by Mike Amman and Ashly Steinke, both volunteers with the Wisconsin Sharp-tailed Grouse Society, for a conversation about prairie grouse, barrens habitat, and dog training. When most folks think about sharp-tailed grouse and greater prairie chickens, they automatically think about the large expanses of prairie grasslands across the Dakotas or Montana or Nebraska. There is, however, a somewhat “secret” population of sharp-tailed grouse in Wisconsin’s brushland habitat.

    Episode Highlights:

    • Steinke, an ecologist with Audubon Society, shares his personal passion and professional knowledge focused on growing Wisconsin’s sharp-tailed grouse population through habitat management and brushland connectivity.
    • Amman, a forester for Wisconsin’s Bayfield County, discusses his perspective on the importance of the state’s brushland habitat and the wildlife dependent upon this unique form of grasslands habitat, even though he’s also passionate about the state’s Northwoods forests.
    • The guys also discuss the value Wisconsin Sharp-tailed Grouse Society find in having a booth to recruit new members from all over the country at National Pheasant Fest & Quail Classic.
    Learn more about sharp-tailed grouse in Wisconsin by visiting www.WiSharptails.org

  • Host Bob St.Pierre is joined by the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Irene Liu, Wenfei Tong, and Tom Swartwout, along with web developer and software engineer Ben Cooley for a “behind the scenes” conversation about the creation of the Map for Grasslands. The map is the output of a partnership spanning two years between the Cornell Lab of Ornithology and more than two dozen conservation organizations working toward the creation of the North American Grasslands Conservation Act.

    Episode Highlights:
    • As a producer, editor, and director with the Cornell Lab of Ornithology’s Center for Conservation Media, Swartwout explains his organization’s interest in grasslands conservation and his team’s role in turning data into a visual tool for the public.
    • Liu and Tong discuss the data sources behind the map’s focus on bobwhite quail, pheasants, monarch butterflies, elk, and northern pintails as five of the fifteen different wildlife species highlighted within the www.MapForGrasslands.org.
    • Cooley then explains how he turned the tremendous volume of data sources into a heart-breaking AND compelling story of the need for grasslands habitat conservation by utilizing the “martini glass” principle.