
  • Dear friend,

    Today's Nugget of Wisdom is a poem I wrote called Forever Light.  

    Creating this podcast is a labour of love that I take on entirely by myself, from recording and producing the sounds to editing and finalizing each episode. I pour my heart and soul into every detail to bring you content that is both insightful and meaningful. Sharing this podcast freely with you all brings me immense joy. If you love what you hear and want to support my work, consider becoming a member of One Whole Being. As a member, you’ll gain access to a healing library of empowering sessions for...

    Resting, relaxing and letting goFinding Emotional FreedomAccepting yourself... just as you areLiving with an open heartConnecting with your true natureLetting your natural energy flowFinding true peace of mind

    You will also get access to the complete collection of sound healings I've produced.

    Become a member of One Whole Being here. 

    Thank you for your support and for being a part of this journey!

    Martin Lowndes


    Here are some additional resources for you...

    Receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedomBook a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom 



     Dear friend,

    Today's Nugget of Wisdom is a mini Sound Healing I made called Light of Being. 

    Creating this podcast is a labour of love that I take on entirely by myself, from recording and producing the sounds to editing and finalizing each episode. I pour my heart and soul into every detail to bring you content that is both insightful and meaningful. Sharing this podcast freely with you all brings me immense joy. If you love what you hear and want to support my work, consider becoming a member of One Whole Being. As a member, you’ll gain access to a healing library of empowering sessions for...

    Resting, relaxing and letting goFinding Emotional FreedomAccepting yourself... just as you areLiving with an open heartConnecting with your true natureLetting your natural energy flowFinding true peace of mind

    You will also get access to the complete collection of sound healings I've produced.

    Become a member of One Whole Being here. 

    Thank you for your support and for being a part of this journey!

    Martin Lowndes


    Here are some additional resources for you...

    Receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedomBook a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom 


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  •  Dear friend,

    Today's Nugget of Wisdom is a Sound Healing I made called Divine Light. Listen with headphones. Breathe deeply. Connect with the stillness. 

    Creating this podcast is a labour of love that I take on entirely by myself, from recording and producing the sounds to editing and finalizing each episode. I pour my heart and soul into every detail to bring you content that is both insightful and meaningful. Sharing this podcast freely with you all brings me immense joy. If you love what you hear and want to support my work, consider becoming a member of One Whole Being. As a member, you’ll gain access to a healing library of empowering sessions for...

    Resting, relaxing and letting goFinding Emotional FreedomAccepting yourself... just as you areLiving with an open heartConnecting with your true natureLetting your natural energy flowFinding true peace of mind

    You will also get access to the complete collection of sound healings I've produced.

    Become a member of One Whole Being here. 

    Thank you for your support and for being a part of this journey!

    Martin Lowndes


    Here are some additional resources for you...

    Receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedomBook a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom 


  • Dear friend,

    Today's Nuggets of Wisdom are mantras for freedom. As you listen, I invite you to tune into the feeling of freedom.

    Creating this podcast is a labour of love that I take on entirely by myself, from recording and producing the sounds to editing and finalizing each episode. I pour my heart and soul into every detail to bring you content that is both insightful and meaningful. Sharing this podcast freely with you all brings me immense joy. If you love what you hear and want to support my work, consider becoming a member of One Whole Being. As a member, you’ll gain access to exclusive bonus content and help ensure the podcast continues to thrive. My mission is to empower people to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom. My core values in sharing this are love, truth, authenticity, clarity and compassion. As a member, you will both support my mission and access deep healing sessions to create a beautiful shift in your life. Thank you for your support and for being a part of this journey!

    Support the Podcast and become a member of One Whole Being here. 

    with love,

    Martin Lowndes


    Here are some additional resources for you...

    Receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedomBook a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom 


  •  Today's Nugget of Wisdom is a prayer I wrote called Dear Light. I read this to myself often to call in those beautiful states of love, joy and freedom. If this resonates, I invite you to read or listen to this each morning. 


    Dear Light,

    Allow me to feel peace in my mind,

    Love in my heart,

    And Freedom in my life.

    Let me accept the way things are,

    So I can act from a place of clarity and wisdom. 

    May I be free to speak my truth

    And listen with love.

    Let me give freely,

    And be wildly open to receiving love.

    May I know my own value,

    So I can share my gifts,

    Without the shadow of a doubt.

    May I be free to forgive myself

    For any mistakes that have been made along the way.

    And equally, to forgive others.

    Let me enjoy loving and lasting connections.

    Let me be courageous and resilient,

    So I can grow through every challenge

    That life brings my way.

    Allow my heart to open fully,

    So my natural energy can flow.

    Let my heart be set free,

    So I can truly let go.

    Fill my heart with a deep knowing,

    That I am always cared for,

    That I am always loved.

    Let me shine my light.

    Let me live from a place of truth and authenticity,

    So I can be a lamp for others.

    Let my mind come to peace,

    So I can know the stillness.

    Let me be present for each moment of my life,

    So I can live in the flow.

    May I be free to accept myself…

    Just as I am.

    And Equally,

    To accept others…

    Just as they are.

    May I be free to love fully,

    And wildly,

    And fearlessly,

    And without conditions,

    Or expectations.

    Remind me that I am never truly alone. 

    Let me know that I am enough… just as I am.

    Let me know that I was never broken,

    That I am… now and forever,


    by Martin Lowndes


     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom

    Additional resources from Martin

    Book a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom 


  • Today's Nugget of Wisdom is a reading of the Serenity Prayer, by Reinhold Niebuhr.

    God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change,

    The Courage to change the things I can,

    And wisdom to know the difference.


     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom

    Additional resources from Martin

    Book a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom 


  • Today's Nugget of Wisdom is an answer to a common question - what is emotional freedom? 

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom

    Additional resources from Martin

    Book a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom 


  •  Today's Nugget of Wisdom is a poem about the healing of addiction - inspired by my own experiences. 

    There is no greater teacher

    On the art of letting go

    Than the lessons that addiction

    Will break your heart to know


    Deep beneath that master

    Is a pain for us to feel, 

    An aching from the past

    And a wound for us to heal,


    But if we find the courage,

    To feel the hurt that’s here

    We can wash away the pain

    With every single tear


    Soon those broken habits

    Will gently fall away

    So we can rise each morning

    To dance with each new day


    No longer we are chained

    By a desperate urge to scream

    We can let ourselves be free

    To live and love and dream


    by Martin Lowndes


     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom

    Additional resources from Martin

    Book a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom 



     Today's Nugget of Wisdom is an invitation to breathe, relax and let go. 

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom

    Additional resources from Martin

    Book a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom 



     Today's Nugget of Wisdom is about cultivating an loving relationship with your heart. 

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom

    Additional resources from Martin

    Book a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom 



     Today's Nugget of Wisdom is a few thoughts on resting in the light of awareness. 

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom

    Additional resources from Martin

    Book a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom 



     Today's Nugget of Wisdom is about knowing that you are enough... just as you are. 

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom

    Additional resources from Martin

    Book a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom 


  •  Today's Nugget of Wisdom is a poem about life. 

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom

    Additional resources from Martin

    Book a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom 


  • Today's Nugget of Wisdom is a few thoughts on healing the wound of unworthiness. It finishes with a minute of sound healing - a chance to rest, breathe and ponder. 

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom

    Additional resources from Martin

    Book a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom 


  •  Today's Nugget of Wisdom is a poem about finding freedom from the chatter of your mind.

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom

    Additional resources from Martin

    Book a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom 


  •  Today's Nugget of Wisdom is a poem about true friendship..

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom

    Additional resources from Martin

    Book a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom 


  •  Today's Nugget of Wisdom is all about learning to let go.

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom

    Additional resources from Martin

    Book a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom 


  •  Today's Nugget of Wisdom is all about freeing yourself from the voice in your head.

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom

    Additional resources from Martin

    Book a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom 


  •  Today's Nugget of Wisdom is all about letting go of stress.

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom

    Additional resources from Martin

    Book a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom 


  •  Today's Nugget of Wisdom is all about the challenge of living with an open heart.

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom

    Additional resources from Martin

    Book a free 30 minute 1-1 discovery session with MartinRead Martin's new book - the Way of Embracing - a path to joy, love and freedomListen to his new album of 36 Sound Healings for Sensitive Souls 

    "I secretly love Martin Lowndes and wanted to share my secret love today. For all those who might want to spend a few minutes listening to their heart, Martin has such a lovely way." James Reeves, best selling author of the Book of Rest

    "Martin provides a positive and shining light to those seeking a way out of the patterns of suffering. He has the ability to facilitate a transformation of consciousness and his 'The Way of Embracing' contains a profound transmission that will quite literally raise your spirit...." Blue Marsden - Hay House Author

    "I feel so blessed to have met Martin. He is such an incredible healer with very special powers. I feel he is a kind of catalyst that triggers and shifts something within me every time. I would like to call him Archangel Martin because of his special powers. " Bernadett Pal - Holistic Healer

    "Martin has helped me to accept myself more as a work in progress than a fixed being. Thank you Martin. I feel this has started me on a journey, because it's created a powerful link to listen to my own heart and follow its loving guidance." Rosemary, Mother, Grandmother and Teacher

    "Quite simply Martin has guided me to my light that was already there. I have been able to let go (and continue to do so) so much that has been suppressed deep within my being. Thank you Martin from the wholeness of my being." Leila Al-Badawi - Mother and Documentary Maker

    "From the first meeting we had, the quality of Martin's kindness and capacity for active listening impressed me. I felt deeply heard and clearly seen. After our first full session, I knew I would be in good hands and I immediately signed up for a group of sessions. The work I have done with Martin has had a profound impact on my life. I already had a long experience of inner work and had reached the stage where I needed support to integrate core areas of my being. Martin had the experience, wisdom, and skills to take me through this process. I have felt enormously safe with Martin. His integrity and authenticity help to create a very safe space to do sensitive work. I would happily recommend Martin to anyone." Alex Rawlings

    "What an amazing resource you have created. Thank you !" Katherine Enskat

     Go to One Whole Being to receive a free healing session for your heart to feel more love, joy and emotional freedom