Feline infectious peritonitis (FIP) occurs as a result of a viral mutation in cats infected with feline coronavirus. For decades, FIP has been a devastating condition in cats with an extremely high (95%) mortality rate and no reliable treatment options. A few years ago it was discovered that the antiviral drugs remdesivir and GS-441524 are highly effective for treating FIP, but these drugs are very expensive and there was no legal means of accessing them in Canada or the US – until now! As of 2024, Canadian veterinarians can access these life-saving drugs through an Emergency Drug Release (EDR). As these drugs and the process to access them are new to many Ontario veterinarians, the Ontario Animal Health Network is thrilled to have Dr. Kelly St. Denis with us to walk us through some of the ins and outs of these new treatment options.
Veterinarians can find the links discussed in the podcast on the OAHN website here (OAHN login required). Don’t have an OAHN login? Veterinarians and RVTs can sign up for free in one step.
This OAHN bovine podcast takes a look at highlights from surveillance in Ontario and activities of the OAHN bovine network in 2023. For more information, veterinarians can login to access full quarterly reports at www.oahn.ca
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Dr. Katie Clow and Valentina Gonzalez Rodriguez from the Ontario Veterinary College join OAHN to discuss their surveillance project describing the spatial and temporal patterns of Culicoides spp in select areas of Ontario. What are Culicoides spp? Katie and Valentina explain what these insects are and describe the diversity of Culicoides spp. found and their significance to livestock in Ontario. This was a joint project between the OAHN bovine, equine and small ruminant networks and included farms of all 3 types. You can also check out the accompanying project summary at OAHN Network Project: Identification of Culicoides species found in selected areas of Ontario from June - September 2022 - Ontario Animal Health Network
Dr. Tracey Chenier, Associate Professor and Theriogenologist at the Ontario Veterinary College, joins the OAHN equine network to discuss her Ontario Agri-Food Innovation Alliance funded project investigating the exposure of broodmares to Neospora caninum and the possible role of this parasite in equine abortions. As an adjunct to this project, Dr. Chenier also investigated exposure of these broodmares to Neospora hughesi , a cause of equine protozoal myelitis (EPM).
Dr. Jamie Imada, who recently completed his PhD at the Ontario Veterinary College joins the OAHN bovine network to discuss his thesis, A Holistic Investigation of Johne’s Disease Control on Ontario Dairy Farms through Quantitative and Qualitative Methods. Dr. Imada discusses the results of follow up risk assessment and management plans (RAMPs) on 180 Ontario dairy farms and the changes in management practices on study farms since the end of the Ontario Johne’s Education and Management Assistance Program in 2013, the current prevalence of Johne’s Disease (JD) in Ontario, and the motivations and barriers of producers with regards to JD control and farm biosecurity.
Dr. David Kelton and Dr. Diego Nobrega from the Ontario Veterinary College join the OAHN bovine network to discuss a disease surveillance project using bulk tank milk samples in Ontario dairy herds. The project funded jointly by Dairy Farmers of Ontario (DFO) and the Ontario Ministry of Agriculture, Food and Rural Affairs (OMAFRA) tested bulk tank milk samples for endemic (common in Ontario) and emerging diseases. Dr. Kelton and Dr. Nobrega discuss why the project was initiated, how to best interpret the results dairy producers have received, and what are some next steps veterinarians and dairy producers might take to continue efforts for disease management on farm.
Dr. David Renaud from the Ontario Veterinary College joins Dr. Cynthia Miltenburg to discuss our current understanding of Salmonella Dublin in Ontario. Learn more about how S. Dublin is transmitted between and within cattle herds and how to detect it, and hear some preliminary research findings from Dr. Renaud’s current projects.
The OAHN bovine quarterly podcast report covers several issues discussed at our recent expert meeting including summer cases of Blackleg, a Bovine herpesvirus 1 abortion outbreak, and a new, more severe strain of Winter Dysentery. It also gives a quick update on laboratory data from Q2. For more information, veterinarians can login to access full quarterly reports at www.oahn.ca
The OAHN bovine quarterly podcast report gives a quick update on laboratory data from Q1, an update on Theileria orientalis Ikeda detected in Tennessee, and a global surveillance update on Foot and Mouth Disease reported in Indonesia. For more information, veterinarians can login to access full quarterly reports at www.oahn.ca
The OAHN bovine quarterly podcast report gives a quick update on laboratory data from Q4, an overview on cases of Salmonella Dublin in 2021, and an update on how Ontario bovine veterinarians can report unusual cases to the OAHN bovine network. For more information, veterinarians can login to access full quarterly reports at www.oahn.ca
Dr. Ron Erskine from Michigan State University joins the OAHN Bovine network to discuss our current understanding of bovine leukemia virus, the causative agent of enzootic bovine leukosis. Learn more about the prevalence of BLV, the hidden economic impacts of this disease on milk production and cow longevity, “super-shedders”, and practical, pragmatic measures to monitor and control BLV prevalence in herds.
The OAHN bovine quarterly podcast report gives a quick update on laboratory data from Q3, an overview on epizootic hemorrhagic disease in deer and cattle, and a global surveillance update focusing on Schmallenberg virus. For more information, veterinarians can login to access full quarterly reports at www.oahn.ca
The OAHN bovine quarterly podcast report gives a quick update on laboratory data from Q2 with Dr. Rebecca Egan (AHL), and Dr. Cynthia Miltenburg (OMAFRA) and Dr. David Renaud (OVC) discuss disease test results from of cattle purchased into Ontario beef and dairy herds. For more information, veterinarians can login to access full quarterly reports at www.oahn.ca.
Dr. Kathryn Reif, an assistant professor and researcher at Kansas State University joins the OAHN Bovine network to discuss how to recognize bovine anaplasmosis, how the disease is transmitted, and why the risk to cattle in Ontario might be changing.
For more information, visit our Anaplasmosis Fact Sheet.
Dr. Cynthia Miltenburg of the OAHN Bovine network speaks with Dr. Jessica Gordon, a veterinarian and assistant professor in Ruminant Health Management at the Ontario Veterinary College, regarding a recent surveillance project on gastrointestinal parasites in cattle including management and how to help avoid increasing resistance issues. For more information on the project, veterinarians can login to www.oahn.ca
The OAHN bovine quarterly podcast report gives a quick update on laboratory data from Q4, a wrap-up of Salmonella Dublin cases in Ontario in 2020, and a global surveillance update focusing on bovine tuberculosis. For more information, veterinarians can login to access full quarterly reports at www.oahn.ca:
The OAHN mini-podcast series on COVID-19 precautions in veterinary clinics features quick 3-5 minute “lighting rounds” with advice and tips from infection control expert and University of Guelph professor Dr. Scott Weese.
If you have a COVID-19 related question about which you’d like to hear a podcast or mini-podcast, please email us at oahn@uoguelph.ca. Also check out our COVID-19 resources page for veterinarians. Stay safe!
The OAHN mini-podcast series on COVID-19 precautions in veterinary clinics features quick 3-5 minute “lighting rounds” with advice and tips from infection control expert and University of Guelph professor Dr. Scott Weese.
If you have a COVID-19 related question about which you’d like to hear a podcast or mini-podcast, please email us at oahn@uoguelph.ca. Also check out our COVID-19 resources page for veterinarians. Stay safe!
The OAHN mini-podcast series on COVID-19 precautions in veterinary clinics features quick 3-5 minute “lighting rounds” with advice and tips from infection control expert and University of Guelph professor Dr. Scott Weese.
If you have a COVID-19 related question about which you’d like to hear a podcast or mini-podcast, please email us at oahn@uoguelph.ca. Also check out our COVID-19 resources page for veterinarians. Stay safe!
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