
  • Today, McKay explored the sense of entitlement on the Open Your Eyes podcast.  He starts off by introducing various examples of moments when individuals were and weren’t entitled, beginning with the story of a man who was tired of waiting for his flight.  He then contrasts that example with George Washington and his heroism fighting against the British army.  McKay notes that, like George Washington, we are entitled to nothing in life.  If we start to adopt this mindset that nothing is guaranteed to us, we would be all the more happy. 

    McKay goes on to recall a story about a man who can sleep when the wind blows - a tale of preparation and diligence teaching us that things won’t fall into line unless we do.  Similarly, he argues that adversity is important because it forces us to be resilient and to take responsibility for ourselves - when we teach our children that life owes us happiness and success, they’ll hardly be prepared to face real challenges. McKay also talks about his work at a nonprofit where he helps children get involved in science at a young age to stimulate this type of growth mindset.  He draws this episode to a close by detailing the journey of Elon Musk’s Tesla company and its humble beginnings demonstrating that success isn’t just entitled to us, it’s made.

    The Finer Details of This Episode:


    The difference between working hard and feeling you’re entitled to somethingWashington’s heroic efforts in the fight against the BritishWhy we are entitled to nothing in lifePreparation and the “I can sleep when the wind blows” parableThe importance of adversityWhy growth mindsets encourage confidence and persistence The journey of Elon Musk’s Tesla



    “Things like the Revolutionary War, the Declaration of Independence, and the Constitution came about because of character, determination, hard work and even some chance. It was the individual choices and actions of the people at the time that gave birth to the country where some of us live. They were far from entitled.”

    “The truth is that no one owes you or me a living, and no one is going to hand you or me a great life.”

    “​​I believe he had the mindset to persevere especially when things got tough. He knew they were not entitled to freedom. They had to earn it.”

    “Here's the thing: I worry that my children and you and me tend to think that the freedoms we enjoy, to speak freely, to worship in the manner we choose, to have free and fair elections, and many other things, were somehow bestowed upon us because we are entitled.”

    “Sometimes we think we are entitled; entitled to freedom, entitled to a happy life, to a job, to benefits, and all of the other things that we enjoy. But the truth is, we are entitled to very little.”

    “We must remember to prepare the child for the road, not the road for the child.”

    “Kids who develop this ability to struggle through answers have less anxiety and stress, increased attention capacity, fewer symptoms of attention deficit disorders, more confidence, ability to make independent decisions, improved physical and emotional health, and they perform and have a better attitude in school.”

    “Remember, we are not just entitled to freedom of any kind, whether it be political, financial or emotional - it must be earned.”

    “Now is the time to work so you can sleep when the wind blows, whatever winds may come.”


    Open Your Eyes with McKay Christensen

  • Today, McKay talks all about action on the podcast, starting off the episode by recounting Ernest Shackleton’s 1914 expedition to Antarctica.  After two years of combatting ice, cold temperatures, and the ocean, Shackleton finally managed to save his team and bring them home.  McKay attributes his unlikely success to his willingness to move and set his plans into action, and points out that many of us overthink far too much and are paralyzed by our thoughts.  To overcome our overthinking, action is the best remedy - making moves, changing our thought processes, and cultivating what McKay calls our emotional homes are key to success.

    During the latter half of this episode, McKay introduces Larry Lemieux, an Olympic sailor who made the heroic decision to forfeit his pursuit of the gold medal to save his competitors drowning in the water.  It was his quick action skills that made this move possible - he didn’t overthink.  Likewise, McKay draws this episode to conclusion by detailing Sarah Lift’s decision to leave her abusive household at the age of 15.  He says that her fast acting, like that of Lemieux, changed her life and led her down a path to emotional freedom and financial success. Listen in today as McKay demonstrates that, truly, “there is power in moving and keeping your focus on the next necessary part of your life's journey.”

    The Finer Details of This Episode:

    Ernest Shackleton’s 1914 mission to Antarctica Why overthinking is a bad habit Why action assuages overthinkingThe importance of a healthy emotional homeLarry Lemieux’s heroic move at the OlympicsSara Lift’s decision to leave her abusive household


    “We let habitual thinking freeze us from time to time, and the way out of our situation, or to safety or success, just might be to move. Action is a powerful force, not only in our life, but in our minds.”

    “The problem with overthinking is it can become a habit, and soon we get hung up on relatively simple decisions.  We worry excessively, our mind tends to go into overdrive, and we even begin to think about our thinking.”

    “Overthinking can prevent us from taking action by keeping us trapped in circular thoughts.  When we overthink, we may be unable to separate facts and what we know for sure from the worries we keep telling ourselves.”

    “You can't start the next chapter of your life if you keep rereading your last one.”

    “Overthinking plagues many of us, and we can change the rumination going on in our life and our thinking by focusing on what's next.”

    “Stand guard at the door of your mind. Only build rooms for the people and technology that helps you direct your thinking.”


    Open Your Eyes with McKay Christensen

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  • On McKay’s 50th podcast episode, he talks about the importance of staying in your lane, and opens this week by introducing the story of Sarah Blakely, the creator of SPANX.  He talks about her unhappiness as a fax machine saleswoman and her perseverance in the industry.  Only after dedicating herself to her position did she serendipitously find success in the hosiery business.  McKay notes that, although dedicating yourself to your craft in the face of unhappiness is no easy feat, giving yourself fully or staying in your lane is the most surefire method to achieve success. 

    He goes on to recall the story of Dirk Nowitzki, the starting center for the Dallas Mavericks.  McKay remembers the moment when Dirk turned down high offers at other teams and chose to stay with Dallas - a prime example of staying in your lane.  He didn’t forego his path for the sake of money, but stayed true to his goal.  McKay concludes this episode by reminding us all that there is huge value in being loyal to others, to your calling, to your values, and that you will find you can travel faster, make more progress and feel better about who you are when you stay in your lane with confidence.

    The Finer Details of This Episode: 

    Sarah Blakely’s journey to create SPANXFinding serendipitous successThe importance of giving yourself fullyDirk Nowitzki’s loyalty to the Dallas MavericksWhy imitation never worksWhy one should avoid worrying about othersFocusing on yourself 


    “You see too often in life, we don't stay in our lane. We think things are better doing what someone else is doing or want to shift strategy, because things are temporarily hard or something else seems a little more inviting.”

    “You develop skills and meet people that can likely change the course of your life. And on it goes.”

    “Give your full commitment to your relationship even though things aren't perfect.”

    “There is depth in anything you give yourself to fully.”

    “Staying in your lane is more than being focused, committed, or loyal. It also means you give yourself to what you were called to do.”

    “Stick to your lane until the time is right to add a boat or camper, and until then, smile.”

    “Now I've known people who are very good at staying in their lane in life. They just have this way about them. They're not worried about other people. They're not obsessed with what other people do wrong. They're just confident and observant and patient and comfortable with who they are.”

    “Next time you're tempted to be nosy or out of your lane, or critical of someone else or wanting to direct their life, say to yourself, ‘I've resigned from that job.’”

    “Every second you spend driving someone else's car is not spent driving yours.”


    Open Your Eyes with McKay Christensen

  • McKay talks about the importance of goals in today’s episode, and he opens up the episode by recognizing the success of Mike Krzyzewski as Duke basketball head coach.  Only after seeing his book in an airport, did McKay read it and learn about having worthy goals.  He ties Coach K’s story into that of Chris Norton, a football player who suffered a paralyzing injury in a football game, highlighting his determination and how he defied all odds to walk again.  McKay finds it important to add that you are the only person who has control over your destiny, and at the end of the day, your goals and capacity for growth are up to you.  

    The next lesson he learned from Coach K was that losses can be wins, as seen in the example of Dave Ramsey, a failed real estate man turned publishing phenom and radio host.  McKay says that he would hardly have success in his career had he not failed miserably at first.  To make drastic changes in your life and succeed, he says that the big moments are far less important than the little ones in between, and that creating daily habits and small changes makes all the difference.  McKay also urges the audience to keep a positive mindset, pointing out that, when you worry about losing, you deem your goals unworthy of your commitment.  To close out the episode, McKay encourages listeners to let go of the past, because it only serves to drag you down.  

    The Finer Details of This Episode:


    Mike Krzyzewski and having worthy goalsChris Norton’s paralyzing injuryYou determine your futureLosses can be winsDave Ramsey Total Money MakeoverThe importance of changing your daily habitsPositive mindsets Why you need to let go of the past


    “I saw a book called Leading With The Heart by coach Kay, I bought it. And by the time I landed in Salt Lake City three hours later, I had devoured the book. And from it, I learned several principles that changed how I lead.”

    “He decided he was going to stand and walk again. Well, the first thing that happened was a few days later. He moved his left arm, and that tiny movement gave him hope. And with this little bit of encouragement, his dad said to Chris, ‘Chris, there's no challenge too big that you can’t conquer.’”

    “Perhaps you want to get that degree or get out of debt or whatever you're striving to do. Remember the only person who can tell you that you can't win is you, and you don't have to listen.”

    “I had two choices.  Was I going to spend the rest of my life feeling sorry for myself? Was I going to make a stand? And I know one thing, when they tell you, you have a 3% chance of moving anything below your neck again, forget the 97; focus on the three. Yes, my life changed forever, but through my experience, I realized–it was up to me, and I had the power to stand.”

    “A worthy goal does more than Inspire. It causes you to see yourself differently.”

    “It doesn't matter if you win every game, but play each game with all your heart. And most of all, remember, family is everything.”

    “Dave's loss in the game of real estate enabled his win in the game of publishing and helping others improve.”

    “To change your life, you must change your day.”

    “When I focus on what can go wrong. I changed my tactics. I lose my strength and it works differently on my psyche.”

    Show Links: 

    Open Your Eyes with McKay Christensen

  • Today’s episode finds McKay guiding the audience on a path to sustain one’s personal energy.  He opens the episode by discussing Bitcoin’s mining scarcity and how it negatively impacted the personal will power of those like James Halls, who misplaced his Bitcoin retrieve code worth millions of dollars.  This story prefaces his statement that personal energy drives will power and emotional sustenance.  McKay goes on to use the neutrino discovery and the radish v.s. cookie experiment to articulate how emotional energy continues or stops.  

    He urges us to subscribe to habits like clearing clutter, focusing on being the best version of ourselves, and engaging in healthy lifestyles to sustain high energy levels, while also warning us that when we chase status and titles, we lose our sense of place and purpose.  McKay goes on to state that a variety of healthy lifestyle practices in tandem with human connection are key to energetic sustenance.  As he brings this episode to a close, McKay tells the story of Paul McCartney and the woman who inspired the song ‘Eleanor Rigby’, concluding that some of the greatest sources of energy are found in the solace of a fellow human being.  

    The Finer Details of This Episode:

    James Halls’ storyPersonal energy drives will powerNeutrinos discoveryRadish vs cookie experimentEmotional energy sustenanceHow listening to stories boosts a broader vocabularyWhy cleaning the clutter is calmingTitles don’t fuel us in the long runBecome the best version of yourselfThe importance of healthy food and activitySpecific adaptations to imposed demandsPaul McCartney’s ‘Eleanor Rigby’ inspiration


    “A study out of UC Berkeley concluded that listening to narrative stories, like the ones you find in this podcast, can stimulate multiple parts of your brain in healthy ways. And this stimulus reduces stress and anxiety.”

    “In May of 2020, researchers at York University showed that symptoms of Alzheimer's are halted by up to five years in people that fluently speak more than one language.”

    “Clutter represents unfinished business.”

    “Instead of just focusing on limiting sugars, carbs or inflammatory foods, be sure to increase the variety of nutrients in your diet with plenty of vegetables, fruits, nuts and seeds, healthy fats, and lean protein.”

    “‘The benefits of having such a diverse gut microbiome from a rich variety of food are impressive.”

    “Workout variety is important for both your physical and mental health because it helps keep you from being bored with your existing routine. And research shows that adding variety to an exercise program helps us adhere to it better, because we enjoy our workouts more.”

    “Remember, improving your energy in life is done on purpose. Try a few new ways to bring energy to your life.”

    “Bring variety to your life, to your diet, and exercise. And remember, people may in fact, be the greatest source of energy in your life.”

    Show Links:

    Open Your Eyes with McKay Christensen

  • In this week’s episode, McKay discusses the importance of an abundance mindset.  He opens the podcast by discussing Britney Bowe’s Olympic history and her decision to give up her spot in the 2022 Olympic trials to Erin Jackson.  This selfless act hardly granted Bowe a medal, but it led Jackson to win gold in the women’s 500 m speed skating event.  Christensen argues that this is a prime example of abundance thinking and grace.  Because humans tend to resent and envy the success of others, especially those in close proximity, Christensen urges the audience to replace envy and resentment with grace.  He then goes on to detail another Olympic tale between Mikaela Shiffrin and Sophia Goggia.  After Shiffrin practiced with Goggia’s skis and got her fastest time, Goggia gave Shiffrin her skis before an event in the hopes that she might be as successful in the competition as she was in practice.  The story exemplifies how abundance and grace can transform our attitudes and help others in a positive way.  

    In contrast, McKay then tells the audience about the tense relationship between Thomas Edison and his once student, Nikola Tesla. When Edison dismissed and admonished Tesla for one of his suggestions, Tesla quit and decided to patent his own ideas.  He eventually received the notoriety he deserved and was tasked with engineering Chicago’s famous World Fair instead of Thomas Edison.  McKay segues into the episode’s conclusion where he discusses the inherent value of personal worth and security that comes from an abundant mindset.  He closes out the podcast with a quick anecdote about Jesse Owens and Luz Long’s friendship that blossomed from the 1936 Olympic Games.  Long is rumored to have given Owens advice before his gold medal run, despite being Owens' opposition.  While Owens came out on top, the pair developed a lifelong friendship in the face of a disapproving Nazi Germany.  Long story short, McKay advises that if we truly believe that there is enough success and happiness to go round, prosperity will come.

    The Finer Details of This Episode:

    The story of Britney Bowe giving up her spot so that Erin Jackson could win GoldThe importance of rejoicing in others’ victoriesWhat abundant thinking isWhy we resent others’ successMen envy occupational success; women envy physical attractivenessWhy we envy close friends moreHow to replace envy with graceSophia Goggia gifting Mikaela Shiffrin her skis for an eventEdison’s scarcity mentality and how he devalued Tesla’s ideasThe inherent value of personal worth and securityThe friendship between Jesse Owens and Luz Long


    “Every day, in most things we do, we have a choice.  We can see things as scarce, like the chances to win a race at the Olympics and decide not to help or cheer others on, or we can see things as abundant—that there is more than enough for everyone.”

    “I believe one of the most powerful characteristics you can develop in life, one that will reward you for years to come, is to rejoice in the other person’s victory.”

    “It’s common that our reaction to other people’s success isn’t always positive.  We tend to draw comparisons between what we have and what we perceive others are having—our thoughts get distorted and what they have grows in our minds and what we have shrinks at the same time.”

    “In one survey, more than 74% of respondents reported experiencing major envy recently in their lives.  Surprisingly, researchers found that we most often envy others of our own gender.”

    “When you take envy out of your heart, it needs to be replaced with something, otherwise the void will be filled with envy again.  So what do you fill it with? Grace.”

    “Most people

  • There are moments in our lives when feelings of doubt or fears of failure discourage us from following our dreams or striving toward goals.  In fact, many of the world’s greatest success stories failed countless times before finally achieving success and notoriety.  McKay Christensen opens today’s podcast with Garth Brooks’ origin story, so to speak.  He details the failure and discouragement that inevitably forced Brooks to abandon music in Nashville for the comforts of his home in Oklahoma. After returning to Stillwater, OK, however, he realized that he no longer belonged in the town he used to find solace in.  So, only after heading back to Nashville for the second time and enduring additional bouts of failure and rejection, did Garth finally find success.  In the wake of signing to Capitol Records, Garth Brooks became a household name and the top selling act of the past two decades. 


    McKay goes on to remind us that, like Brooks, there is a right time and place for each of us to find what we’re looking for so long as we don’t give up.  He says that people often quit too soon because of hurdles and daunting challenges.  Christensen urges us to stop asking God to remove obstacles and tests from our lives, because they serve to hone our skills and strengthen us in the end.  After all, success is a marathon, not a sprint.  He then goes on to talk about snowboarding Olympian, Lindsey Jacobellis, who, after doing a trick that cost her a gold medal in 2006, she had to endure over a decade of failure until she finally won Olympic gold in the 2022 winter games.  McKay says that things rarely go as planned.  He looks back at who he thought he would become at the age of 20 and finds that he’s far from where he expected himself to be; and he sees this as a good thing.  Life is full of uncertainties, and failure is a necessary component for success.  Without it, McKay says we lack the mental toughness and wisdom that inevitably propel us to reach our goals in the end.

    The Finer Details of this Episode: 

    Garth Brooks’ bouts of failure and doubt before finally achieving music stardomPeople often give up before their inevitable breakthroughHow tests help us find positive outcomesPlaying the long game is important (like the stock market)Ingrid Olsen’s story of praying for God to stop the windWhy we shouldn’t pray for obstacles to ceaseThe beauty in life’s uncertaintyThomas Adams’ struggle to find a use for chicle Why failure is a learning experienceHow Lindsey Jacobellis won gold at 36 years of age in the 2022 Olympics after over a decade of failure


    “One of the truths we all learn in life is that much of the good that comes our way comes our way in its own time.”

    “Never give up.  Keep trying.  There’s a reason you are where you are.”

    “If massive good didn’t come from grief and loss and even stupid mistakes, God wouldn’t allow grief and loss and stupid mistakes.”

    “Too often, we look so long and so longingly at the closed door that we don’t see the one that is opening.”

    “Because of the loss we’ve had or our mistakes, we feel unworthy to even think that the best is yet to come, and those limiting beliefs hold us back from what God has intended for us.  So let yourself believe that you are of immense worth, and your time will indeed arrive soon enough.”

    “When we’re under pressure, we never know what we really believe until our beliefs are tested.  We don’t know our capabilities until they are tested.  And perhaps in those tests, we are learning that we can do hard things.”  

    “So tests are good for us, because they affirm strengths and reveal...

  • We all have important races we are trying to finish in life. For some, that race may be to finish college, or get their business to the place they know it can be, or to raise honest and capable kids. For others, it might be to lose the weight, beat cancer, or survive and thrive after divorce. Whatever our race is, McKay reminds us all today that we are endowed with great talents, and that if we stay in the race, we can prevail and reach our full potential.

    He uses the story of Dale Earnhardt and the Daytona International Speedway as a metaphor to introduce today's topic, elaborating on some proven secrets of getting back and finishing the race in your life. These include unhooking the load that's holding you back, whether that's your past, criticism from other people, or longstanding habits. McKay also delves into the remarkable story of the never-giving-up American speed skater Dan Jansen who finished his race despite personal difficulties and years of failure by breaking a ten-year Olympic record. At the heart of McKay's message today is to not let life's inequities keep you out of the race, but to stay focused on your purpose and discover that you are actually meant to be driving in the greatest race of life – becoming who you are meant to be.

    The Finer Details of This Episode:

    Dale Earnhardt's experience on the Daytona International Speedway. Finishing your race despite adversity Proven secrets to getting back on the track and finishing the race A chemist, an electrician, and an IT guy get stranded after their car breaks down... The importance of rebooting in finishing your race Unhooking the boat of your past, your habits, or the criticism of other people Dan Jansen's race A lesson to not let life's inequities keep you out of the race—the story of Victoria Ruvolo


    "Few people understand the extreme danger of driving at such high speeds. And it takes courage - immense courage - to finish each race. But it was something that his Dad did 136 times in his career."

    "There is joy in trading paint in the bumps and bruises of the race. And it's there that you find out who you really are, you learn how to protect those in the race with you and secure the lead, and you live life more fully when you're in the race."

    "It is likely that we ordinary people are being asked to do extraordinary things and may even be racing right now without the right equipment or vision."

    "My dad took me aside and said, 'Son, if you ever want to win a NASCAR race, you'll have to unhook the boat you've been towing behind your car the last 10 races.'"

    "Here he was in his fourth Olympics after enduring one disappointment after another and still dragging the weight of those falls."

    "As ridiculous as it may be to see a car in the Daytona 500 pulling a boat behind it, it is just as crazy that you and I still carry these mindsets of the past."

    "How do you win when you are in a tug of war with your doubts? Drop the rope."

    "As John C. Maxwell said, 'You cannot always control what happens to you, but you can control what happens in you.'"

    "One lesson I want my children and grandchildren to learn is that life is rarely, if ever, fair. The truth is that we must take control of our life now. There is usually no hero coming to save the day. Life is unfair. And usually, there is no referee to call out the fouls or offenses that come our way. I learned a long time ago that everything in life is not fun or interesting or easy."

    Show Links:

    Open Your Eyes with McKay Christensen

  • There are times in our lives that call for reinvention. It doesn't have to be some dramatic thing, and it doesn't have to happen at any certain age -  it only matters what it is you are inspired to do as you chart your course for the next stage of your life. Today, McKay reminds us that we are, at our core, full of possibilities, and discusses the power of reinvention as well as the steps to take to reinvent yourself through inspiration and incubation.

    He begins with the story of Keira D’Amato and how she reinvented herself. He then talks about steps to reinventing yourself by identifying your problem, finding a solution, incubating and acting in the moment of inspiration. Listen in today to learn about acting in the moment of inspiration, running toward your reinvention, and watching your God-given talents shine and grow.

    The Finer Details of This Episode:

    How Keira D'Amato reinvented herself The great impacts of the printing press What is reinvention? Steps of invention Learn how to build your day How to reinvent your life The power of incubation Acting in the moment of inspiration


    “It's like you open your eyes after a decade of living your life and keeping up with the busyness of things and look at who you are and wonder, ‘Is this who I am or even who I want to be?’ ”

    “When you reinvent yourself, the best is yet to come.”

    “What problem, large or small, needs to be fixed or addressed in your life right now?”

    “The secret of your success is found in your daily routine.”

    “We all need a little reinvention now and then. And we all have something about us, about our brand, so to speak, that makes us attractive, but too often people run from reinvention.”

    Show Links:

    Open Your Eyes with McKay Christensen

  • Studies summarized in the book Beauty Pays indicate that attractive people earn more than people considered average-looking. In a large nationwide study, it was shown that beautiful people make 15% more than others in the exact same jobs. Given all of this, you may wonder if physical appearance is all there is to be attractive. The answer is a resounding 'No'. In today's episode, McKay brings together stories, studies, and real-life examples of what makes people attractive, opening your eyes to what truly makes you pleasant, and stressing why you need to know what draws you to people.

    To kick off, McKay tells the tale of the successful moon landing of the heaviest rocket ever built after numerous failures with previous rockets, explains how people are unaware of why they're attracted to something or someone, and lays out that factors such as early childhood experiences can subconsciously draw a person to what they're attracted to. McKay also explores one significant point—attractiveness has a broader definition beyond mere physical beauty and it has more to do with who you are than how you look. citing other such important aspects as positivity, empathy, and interest in other people. He warns against speaking ill of other people in their absence and highlights the fact that being a good listener is attractive. In essence, McKay's overall message here today is that when you are intentionally positive, practice genuine empathy, speak only good of people, know when to say nothing, and be a person who seeks to learn from other people, your God-given attractiveness will shine and grow – a valuable message for all to heed.

    The Finer Details of This Episode:

    The story of the heaviest rocket landing on the moon The analogy of the rock found on the moon to today's topic—why you're attractive Why people are attracted to the things they're attracted to A study from the book Beauty Pays relating attractiveness to earning Attractiveness goes beyond mere physical beauty; it has more to do with who you are than how you look The significance of understanding why you are attractive How positive interaction creates more attraction and affinity Case studies of how childhood memories influence attractiveness Other reasons for attraction include similar attitudes, beliefs and values, demographic characteristics, and nonverbal behaviors The attractiveness of positivity, empathy, and being a listener Three things you must always ask yourself before you say anything


    "Research shows that our attraction often stems from our patterns of experiences in life going back to early childhood."

    "Remember, attractiveness has a broader definition beyond mere physical beauty."

    "It's proven that attractiveness has more to do with who you are than how you look."

    "If you're in the people business and have regular interaction with the human side of work, whether it be with customers, vendors, or team members, it helps to have a good understanding of why you are attractive."

    "Seek to find common areas of interest or agreement. This makes you more attractive. And the more similar you are, the more attractive you will be. When you have a similar outlook and views, it fuels attraction."

    "Positivity heavily correlates to predicting a salesperson's success even if they lack the prerequisite selling aptitude."

    "If they're not there to hear what you say, don't say anything or say something positive."

    "When you're true to others, you have a light about you. When you enter into gossip or tearing down another person, you lose that light. You feel different as a result, and different means not good. And I learned that if you can't be kind, be...

  • A powerful way of opening your eyes to your potential is to step back to see how you’ve been prepared.  Today, McKay helps us understand that when we change our belief window to “I am prepared, I am ready for just a moment as this,” we can seize the opportunity and act with confidence.  It’s time to have faith and engage in a reappraisal of your life and your preparation, and that is precisely what our host helps you do in this week’s inspiring episode.

    McKay discusses the preparedness of the scientists whose research proved efficient in the face of the pandemic. Their preparation ahead of the pandemic allowed the vaccines to become a reality in a short time. He then goes on to share further stories and insights regarding preparedness and the value it holds for us. Throughout today's episode, McKay challenges you to believe in your experience, build your confidence, have strong faith, and remember that 'the truth is you are prepared, and, when you are prepared, you can work miracles.'

    The Finer Details of This Episode:

    The preparedness that was needed for the COVID-19 vaccine to become a reality Having a prepared view What influences our perception? Building your confidence The rule of reappraisal You are prepared for miracles to come


    “Sometimes in life, we tend to bring too little too late to the party.”

    “Perception is strongly affected by what we've experienced in the past, and our expectations of what we might experience in the future.”

    “The great thing about a prepared view is that it removes doubt.”

    “Don't ever doubt that things have been ordered and prepared for you.”

    “Now I believe if we could see things as they really are, we would see that we have more going for us than we usually think. We have help and preparation and ability and support. Don't doubt your preparation.”

    “When you feel discouraged and doubt, don't focus on what you have ahead of you. Instead, look back on what you've already accomplished.”

    “When we're grateful for what we have for our preparation, it helps us focus on keeping our confidence and keeping our positivity about us.”

    Show Links:

    Open Your Eyes with McKay Christensen

  • This week, McKay shares some more sage advice for all listeners: no matter what life throws at you, when you choose to 'live above the line', nothing can keep you from becoming who you were meant to be. On so many occasions we are faced with tough times where we have to refuse to be mediocre and take charge – we need to cross above the line with faith and strength – and today McKay provides examples and guidance that demonstrate how to achieve just that.

    He starts this important discussion with the story of Debbie who rescued her friend despite the danger they were faced with. He then goes on to answer the defining question of what you need to live above the line, highlighting that, when you believe in yourself and believe in what you speak, it becomes easy to understand exactly what you want and can achieve. You become empowered to move from below that line which is filled with excuse making, fear and negative emotions and become who you were meant to be. As you listen in today, your eyes will be opened to the power of seeking to be great and how life will reward you accordingly in response.

    The Finer Details of This Episode:

    Debbie's story Wendy Wallace’s courageous decision to live above the line What it means to live above the line What do you need to live above the line? The story of Jake Olson Speaking boldly about what you know There is more above the line How Althea Gibson lived above the line The Hedgehog concept


    “We face many lions in life - times when we must stand up and fight, times in which we have to be tough, times in which you stand, draw a line in the sand, and say, ‘I will live on this side of the line.’ ”

    “You never know how strong you are until being strong is the only choice you have.”

    “Strength of any kind, faith of any kind, courage of any kind matters. I call this living above the line.”

    “Below the line is excuse making, fear, lack of clarity, doubt, an attitude of helplessness. Below the line is where life presses upon you and this depression can be a heavy burden.”

    “Above the line, we're strong, we believe, we have faith that our goals, our hopes, our dreams can and will happen.”

    “When people or teams find themselves thinking and living below the line, you hear lots of blaming, you see a lot of procrastination, and experience lots of mental and emotional fatigue as people go about living their life.”

    “There is a line drawn in the way we choose to live our life. ”

    “When you live above the line, I don't know why, but you feel good about yourself.”

    “There are only two ways to live your life. One is as though nothing is a miracle. The other is as though everything is a miracle.”

    “You will become who you really want to become.”

    Show Links:

    Open Your Eyes with McKay Christensen

  • This week, as we journey together through this exciting time of year, filled with the positivity that goals and aspirations can provide, McKay proclaims his optimism for 2022. He also delves into the concept of the big rocks in your life – how to find them and what to do once they are found. It’s so important to put these big rocks first in our lives, and today, our host tells us all exactly how to do that.


    McKay starts the episode by sharing an interesting story about asteroids, and then linking the concept of big rocks to our lives. He discusses the Big Rocks concept as popularized by Stephen Covey and the impact of finding the big rocks in our lives. He explains how we can find those big rocks by following the 80-20 rule and focusing on the one thing that makes everything else easier or unnecessary. When you find those big rocks, McKay tells you to deal with them right away, overcome distraction, stop overanalyzing and overthinking, and then watch as your life becomes filled with success and clarity.


    The Finer Details of This Episode:


    -   An insight into asteroids

    -   Are you focusing on the tiny rocks of life?

    -   The big rocks concept

    -   The difficult task of finding the big rocks

    -   How Steve Young’s life was impacted after he found his big rocks

    -   The 80-20 rule

    -   Do that one thing right away

    -   Overcoming distraction

    -   Why overthinking and overanalyzing can rob you of your focus




    “We often approach our life, our business, and our goals without focusing on the big rocks, without focusing on the most important and leveraged activities.”


    “If you look at people who reach their goals or build a prospering business, you find most of those people have become skilled at concentrating on the big rocks.”


    “We only have so much emotional and mental capacity, we only have so much time in our day, and we can only fit so many things in our life.”


    “If you've set a bunch of New Year's goals and not decided on your one thing, you'll likely struggle.”


    “Most of our progress comes from only a few key things. Success does not necessarily come from doing more things.”


    “Things which matter most must not be at the mercy of things which matter least.”


    “What one thing can you do that, by doing it excellently, everything else will be easier or unnecessary.”


    “Life is not about finding yourself or unearthing some hidden talent, as much as it is creating yourself. And the way you create yourself is finding the big rocks in your life.”


    “Things we just automatically do without thinking or effort free up our minds and confidence and other things needed for the day.”


    “Distraction robs you of your maximum performance, your inspiration and being at your very best.”


    “If you've identified the one thing you need to do to reach your goals, don't wait. Be fully energized by your focus.”


    Show Links:


    Open Your Eyes with McKay Christensen

  • As we find ourselves facing a new year in 2025, we are once again given the gift of a new day where we can leave the past behind and reimagine ourselves and our lives for the better. We are so blessed with all the possibilities that this new year holds for us, and sometimes it can help at these times to zoom out and gain a broader or different view of our place in the world. Today, McKay shares some proven strategies for life and enlightens us on how to create some that can propel us into becoming the best version of ourselves in the new year and beyond.


    He begins the conversation by discussing the importance of having a clear destination in life and why you should create strategies that work by setting yourself apart and starting something new using the Blue Ocean Strategy. Our host then goes on to discuss why you need to form strategic alliances that can help build you and also to do everything with purpose and have a clear understanding of yourself and your talents. Listen in to McKay’s wise words today, learn to forge a strategy for your life, and watch yourself grow into the success you’re destined to be.


    The Finer Details of This Episode:


    -   Walking in circles

    -   The importance of having a clear destination

    -   Change your perspective - lessons from Southwest Airlines and Netflix

    -   Innovative strategies you can employ

    -   Where do innovative strategies come from?

    -   The Blue Ocean Strategy

    -   The power of strategic alliances

    -   Doing things on purpose

    -   Why do you need a clear self-understanding?




    “Often in life, it feels like we're in the desert or dense forest of life's overgrowth - job, kids, bills, needs, and a host of other objects sometimes block our view of where we need to go.”


    “Will you do the things the way they've always been done? Or will you use an innovative strategy for success?”


    “Innovative strategies are game-changing strategies.”


    “What blue ocean is waiting for you in your life?”


    “Successful strategies often involve strategic alliances.”


    “Don't let your lack of skills or tools or courage keep you from your aspirations.”


    “Activity or goals without purpose is simply a drain on your energy in life.”


    “In your strategy for life, think about how you might connect and learn from the people closest to you.”


    “We must win the private victory before we can win the public victory.”


    “Each year, we go about setting resolutions to change behavior, without really getting to know ourselves, and as a result, we end up changing very little.”


    Show Links:


    Your Eyes with McKay Christensen

  • What do successful presidential candidates, businesspeople, and military generals all have in common? The answer is that none of them go into a campaign without a strategy, without understanding their ultimate goals and the internal and external factors that influence their chances of success. In this week’s episode, McKay discusses how having a fully developed and articulated strategy is key in finding success in all areas of your life, and offers sage advice on how to design your own strategy. 

    First up is a discussion of political strategy and how Biden and Trump utilized it in their 2020 presidential campaigns. McKay points out that while Biden’s strategy worked better, the point is that, just as no presidential candidate would ever enter a campaign without a strategy, we can’t win at life without one either. Instead, using a series of examples including IKEA, the Disney Corporation, and Frank Sinatra, he demonstrates how having a fully developed, properly articulated strategy is key to achieving success. He also introduces SWOT analysis as a tool for examining your personal strengths and weaknesses to reveal your strategic focus. Finally, McKay encourages everybody to approach 2022 in a strategic manner, which will bring new energy and new success as we head into a new year.

    The Finer Details of This Episode:

    -        The core of every political campaign.

    -   Winning at life.

    -   Comparing goals and tactics with strategies.

    -   The stories of IKEA, Frank Sinatra, Walt Disney, and Tata Motors.

    -   The steps in creating a life strategy.

    -   The SWOT (Strengths, Weaknesses, Opportunities, and Threats) analysis.




    “Our perspective directs our actions, and my hope is that after listening to this podcast, you have a new perspective of yourself, the possibilities in your life, and how you can find your way forward.”


    “I’ve spoken to groups about having a strategy for life dozens of times, and each time I asked the question, ‘Do you have a written strategy for life?’ I usually get about 10% of the audience who raises their hand.”


    “A strategy is a dynamic collection of interwoven tactics that enable you to reach and sustain advantage in life.”


    “You too can create huge advantages in your life if you’re living based on a strategy, versus just letting life come to you however it comes to you.”


    “In business, people buy you long before they buy your product. So what strategy have you put in place to make you more attractive? A strategy to improve you would make all the difference.”


    “When you look at the external conditions in your life, you may have to make some modifications to your strategy. Perhaps your chosen career isn’t working, your daily schedule doesn’t allow you to do what matters, or you don’t like the group of friends you’ve inherited, and so forth. It will require some changes. And that’s the value of an external analysis.”


    “One of the interesting things about COVID-19 has been watching how the changing external conditions in our life have caused so many people to adopt new strategies for life. People have reevaluated where they live, they’ve changed careers or started their own business. In short, external factors matter.”


    “Once you’ve considered a few of these factors and completed your analysis, next, you need to start trying on a few strategies. Just like clothes shopping at the department store, you try something on and see how it looks and feels and evaluate it before buying into it.”


    Show Links:


    Open Your Eyes with McKay Christensen

  • ​​It's almost the holiday season, a season of joy and giving.  And during this giving season it’s easy to get caught up in the day-to-day of things and get weary in the difficulties that life seems to send our way.  We may want to be a giver but raising kids, building a business, providing a living and all other demands on our life, can rob us of the ability to give. And while it may seem counterintuitive, the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you. If you are emotionally unhealthy, you can’t give your time and inspiration to others.  If you are mentally unhealthy, it’s almost impossible to have the strength to persevere, lead and give. If you’re spiritually unhealthy, you can’t inspire, uplift or be the example you want to be.

    In this episode, McKay tells the story of Philip Stern, a photographer and book editor. Stern gifted the US servicemen and women in World War II by editing, compiling, and resizing hundreds of popular books to fit into the pockets of military uniforms.  During this inspired time of Stern’s life, he would write the famous story of The Greatest Gift.  It would eventually become the award-winning film It’s A Wonderful Life. Taking Philip Stern's example, McKay elaborates on how we impact the world in unique ways with our choices, and asserts that one gift, our lives, and the choices we make, can bless others for years to come. He shows how selfishness and the pursuit of bringing more to ourselves halt this impact, and draws lessons from the 1987 Jessica Morales rescue story.  McKay then asserts that the greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you, and shares a life experience when his renewed Mustang got stolen from his garage and relates it to the choice to be healthy. Listen in today as McKay shares lessons learned from both fiction and real life that open our eyes to the ways in which doing good and making healthy choices can lead to a healthier and happier life.

    The Finer Details of This Episode:

    Philip Stern’s gift to US World War II servicemen and womenA lesson to be grateful for lifeThe award-winning film It's a Wonderful LifeHow one gift and your life can bless others for years to comeThe effect of selfishness and the pursuit of bringing more to ourselvesThe Morales Family storyThe greatest gift you could give yourself – a healthy youThe reintroduction of the Mustang of the 1960sHow you begin to make choices that lead to a healthier youThe 2003 movie Freaky Friday, starring Jamie Lee Curtis and Lindsay LohanHow our frame of reference determines our healthGym owner and workout Coach Marc Zalmanoff Lessons from the movie GladiatorLessons from the story of Theodor Geisel, aka Dr. Seuss


    "Our life is a gift. It is both the greatest gift we've been given and the greatest gift we have to give."

    "Raising kids and building a business and providing a living and all the other demands on our life can rob you of any ability or desire to give."

    "The greatest gift you can give your family and the world is a healthy you."

    "When we're always looking for the right person or the next job or more money or whatever we think is going to bring us happiness, we lose sight of what is right in front of us."

    "Good choices are not perfect choices."

    "We often just say ‘no’ to good things because we don't have the time or resources to do everything."

    "Choose what makes you healthier, not what's easier."

    "If you're striving for a happier, healthier life, you may have to walk away from the habits and behaviors causing discontent."

    "We get to choose our frame of reference."

    "What we do in life echoes in eternity."

    "If choices...

  • We all have gaps. Gaps in our awareness of others’ feelings, in how we communicate or don’t communicate, or in the many ways we don’t measure up particularly in dealing with people. Our emotional intelligence allows us to navigate through life and difficult times and, as such, the topic of emotional intelligence is one of great importance. McKay enlightens us on the subject today and how we can bridge the gaps many of us tend to have in our emotional lives.


    McKay starts with the story of the Golden Gate Bridge which was built despite the many apparent impossibilities and how this bridge has become a great landmark in the city of San Francisco. He likens us to this bridge - when we decide to improve our emotional intelligence, we bridge gaps that we have in our lives. Our host also discusses the impact of negative emotions and avoiding the ‘me-monster’ that neglects the views of others, and identifies some ways to strengthen our emotional quotient - bridge gaps by seeing the views of others, and show genuine interest in things that interest them. McKay finishes up by sharing his message for us all to harness the power of time, use the NIB rule - Notice, Importance, and Belonging, and watch how strength comes into our lives as a result.


    The Finer Details of This Episode:


    -   Creating landmark moments in your life; lessons from the Golden Gate bridge

    -   Recognize that you have a gap

    -   Why does your emotional quotient matter?

    -   The impact of negative emotions

    -   How do you avoid difficult emotions?

    -   Ways to strengthen your EQ and bridge your gaps

    -   Walk in the shoes of others

    -   Harness the power of time

    -   The NIB rule




    “There's something about us or what we're doing that needs to be overcome, and this isn't easy.”


    “It's our shortfalls that are at the heart of our gaps in life. And here's the thing, bridging the gaps in our life is possible.”


    “It is critical to remember that we all have gaps, we all fall short, and sometimes we need to step up and do what we think isn't possible.”


    “When we overcome and become more of who we can and should be, we find landmark moments in our life.”


    “A ‘me-monster’ is someone so self-absorbed that no one else matters. Someone who thinks and makes decisions out of their mood or need or perspective.”


    “It's easy in life to get so focused on ourselves, that we don't see the major things going on around us, and this makes us blind to the gaps that exist in our life and with people.”


    “EQ is the ability to perceive, control, and evaluate emotions. It is the ability to understand things from the view of other people, empathize with others, and overcome challenges in dealing with people and defuse conflict.”


    “Success in school is 75% IQ, and 25% EQ. In life, it's exactly the opposite.”


    “Every time we strengthen our emotional intelligence, we bridge a little more of the gap.”


    “When you can step into another person's view with ease, and empathize with their way of thinking, and do that with a variety of people, you don't get stressed or upset or thrown off course in life because you understand others.”


    “As we learn to catch our emotional reactions before we act them out, we become more...

  • The force of hope is a potent one that has the power to brighten our lives and bring happiness. No matter how isolated or stuck in your business or life you may feel, it is so very important to hold on to hope and allow it to influence the decisions you make. It is a key ingredient in helping you to live the life you want to live, and in this week’s episode, McKay explores the propensity to hope, demonstrating just how powerful it can be even in the bleakest of situations.


    Trapped in a sinking cave for two weeks, 12 young boys and their coach held onto the hope that they would survive without food and sufficient air. This moving story acts as our opener in this episode as McKay correlates it to situations we face in life. The propensity to hope is having a behavior or pattern that results in a habit of holding on to hope. Today, Mckay discusses what hope encompasses and how it can be defined, and also delves into how to find hope when all seems lost. The episode comes to a close with McKay encouraging us to always choose hope because when we let hope make our decisions, we discover a better and happier way of living.


    The Finer Details of This Episode:


    -   Having hope in a bleak situation- the story of the Wild Boars of Thailand

    -   Understanding what propensity means

    -   Hope in Pandora’s box

    -   What does hope encompass?

    -   How to stop thinking about the ‘nevers’

    -   How do you find hope when you are down and discouraged?

    -   A story of hope told in a painting

    -   The choice of hope

    -   The benefits of holding on to hope

    -   Ways to acquire the trait of being hopeful

    -   Hope as a force multiplier




    “We all get buried, stuck from time to time, whether by our own poor judgment or by factors completely beyond our control.”


    “We had each other and we had hope.”


    “We all face storms and darkness and are lost in isolation from time to time. Sometimes we lose, fail, regress and it's in those times that we're unsure whether we can, in fact, do what we're being asked to do.”


    “Hope is a passion for what is possible. When things around you say give up, hope always remains.”


    “The definition of propensity is an established pattern, behavior, or an attraction to a thing.”


    “Are you a person of hope? What's your propensity?”


    “When we have hope, we have more than we think.”


    “Don't give in to your depravations, live up to your expectations.”


    “You weren't placed here to peek into your future, but to open the door wide and walk through with confidence.”


    “Hope is the belief that circumstances will get better. It's not a wish for things to get better, it's the actual belief, the knowledge that it will happen.”


    “Remember, you can't make someone else's choices, and you shouldn't let them make yours.”


    Show Links:


    Open Your Eyes with McKay Christensen

  • Too often, we seek to get by doing the least we can do. And, after a while, the least we can do becomes a way of life for many of us.  The problem is that we then work and live well below our ability and level of performance possible.  And this habit or way of living begins to take over our life. Imagine an Olympic athlete whose attitude is to do the least they can do in their training as they prepare for the Olympics. It would be foolish to assume you could excel with that mindset.  World class athletes instead do the most they can do to reach their goals.

    For example, many people dream of becoming wealthy without having to put forth any effort. Today’s episode begins with a discussion of why playing the lottery seems tempting but is an unwise investment. McKay points out that the real lottery winners are the IRS and state governments, which take in almost half of the winnings, while those who buy the tickets lose week after week and would be better off putting that money into savings instead. He argues that we’ve developed a habit of wanting to do the least possible to earn money but that this attitude will catch up to us eventually, like a bank robber who makes one mistake and loses the money and their freedom. Instead, McKay encourages a change in attitude, leaving behind “the least possible” and instead developing a culture of excellence in ourselves, our families, and our work environments. Using examples of big-name companies, including Procter & Gamble and Disney, he demonstrates how the pursuit of excellence can have huge benefits, both in business and in our personal lives.

    The Finer Details of This Episode:

    -   Why do so many people play the lottery despite the odds being stacked against them?

    -   Federal and state governments are the big lottery winners

    -   The story of Alan Pace, who tried to get rich by doing the least possible (by robbing a bank) but wound up in jail after one simple mistake

    -   How to encourage your children to strive for excellence (featuring the story of creating spelling bee champs by encouraging teamwork)

    -   Scarcity mentality vs. abundance mentality in the workspace

    -   The pursuit of excellence as a business strategy

    -   Disney’s development of The Lion King as an example of the pursuit of excellence in action




    “Let’s say I put $100 million inside a house somewhere in North America, somewhere in Canada, the United States, Mexico, Guatemala, etc. And then I gave you a key, and you had to pick the right house, you had one chance to pick the right house. Those are better odds than your winning the Mega Millions lottery.”


    “I also think people enjoy the fantasy of it, they dream of what it would be like to have all of that money, right? And that’s a little exciting and brings excitement to their day. But most of all, I think they get in the habit of chasing the least they can do to be wealthy.”


    “If I were to ask you if you’d rather win the lottery or not, of course, you’d rather win the lottery, right? But here’s a proven fact. When you have to work to build wealth, you build yourself, you build your life, you build your capabilities.”


    “The least we can do becomes a way of life for many of us.”


    “When you begin, even in small ways to invite excellence into your life, you will feel a spirit of self-worth and peace enter into your life. And that spirit will invite you to rise, to do things with the best part of you, instead of the least part of you.”


    “Excellence is not an act but a habit.”

    “When you stop doing the least you can do and do your best, it brings you back to who you can and should be.  It restores you, your hope and your future.  Excellence...

  • How do you find your true worth? Our self worth is determined not by how much we get, but how much we give.  When you see your noble responsibility to use your gifts for good, you find your worth. In this week’s episode, McKay delves into the subject of noblesse oblige, explaining the noble responsibility we have of helping others by giving, and getting inspired to live happy lives along the way.


    He starts off with the story of Chhiring Dorje who, in spite of being in danger himself, carried out the most daring rescue on the deadly K2 mountain. McKay also talks about finding inspiration by giving, explains the law of giving, and encourages us to practice the Five-Minute Favor to incorporate a lifestyle of giving into our lives. He finishes off by advising us to accept the noble responsibility of sharing our strengths and gifts with others - not to get something in return, but to live fulfilled and enriched lives.


    The Finer Details of This Episode:


    -   The most daring rescue in climbing history- Chhiring Dorje Sherpa’s story

    -   Finding inspiration by giving

    -   Stories of those who gave

    -   The law of giving

    -   Conditioning yourself to a lifestyle of giving

    -   The Five Minute Favor

    -   The gift of La Liberté éclairant

    -   Getting from giving

    -   How to become a genuine giver

    -   The noblesse oblige concept




    “When we turn from getting to giving, we find strength and inspiration we didn't know we had before.”


    “But when we forget ourselves and focus on helping others in their climb or goals or efforts, we get inspired. We also find our true capability.”


    “Perhaps there should be a different kind of Forbes list— a list of people who give.”


    “In giving, you find your worth.”


    “The law of giving is a law or principle with a promise that if you become a person who focuses primarily on giving, you will find a greater return than might otherwise be possible.”


    “Every time you find five minutes, think about how and to whom you can give. It's amazing how rich your life will become if you take all the extra five minutes in your day to give.”


    “Self-worth is perfectly correlated with two important outcomes —happiness and freedom from stress.”


    “Giving creates reciprocity. Giving creates influence.”


    “Your Maker and life and circumstances have given to you certain endowments, and the purpose of these gifts is to be an ongoing blessing to those around you.”


    “We have all been given gifts, and some are different than others, but we all have them. And they don't need to be something magnificent - just often a simple talent.”


    “Your talents are embedded in the nucleus of who you are. You are more gifted than you know, and these gifts were given to you because you have the unique characteristics and talent to, in turn, give these gifts to the world.”


    Show Links:


    Open Your Eyes with McKay Christensen