
  • There are problems that affect so many and yet so few talk about them. Which is why R. Efrem Goldberg and Moshe Yachnes bring you OUT OF THE SHADOWS: A Jewish Approach to Mental Health. Rabbi Goldberg and Moshe speak to leaders in the field and discuss contemporary challenges to help us better understand mental health and those who are struggling with it.

    This month’s topic: Psychedelic Assisted Therapy.

    On this episode we are joined by: Jacob L. Freedman, MD (https://drjacoblfreedman.com), a board-certified psychiatrist practicing medicine in both The Commonwealth of Massachusetts and The State of Israel where he maintains a private practice in Jerusalem

    And Ari D, a humble individual who shares his story of significant traumas, the consequences of those traumas that he lived with, and his ongoing journey of healing and self discovery. Throughout his journey Ari has experienced many different modalities of therapy and psychedelic therapy and its tools has positively impacted his mental health. There are sensitive parts to his story and if anyone is interested to learn more, Ari is available to share with those who are seeking healing of their own. We hope you find this episode meaningful and helpful. And be sure to check out the show notes for further resources.

    Devora Shabtai,LCSW PhD-C. VP of Clinical Programming @ Onward Living and clinical content architect.


    Onward Living




    516-371-3250 x106

    00:00 - Intro
    4:28 - Dr Jacob Freedman
    36:56 - Ari
    1:14:20 - Outro

  • Let's Talk About Our Mental Health

    In an era filled with increasing anxiety and hopelessness, what can we do as a community to support ourselves and our families? Join Rabbi Efrem Goldberg and Dr. Norman Blumenthal for a captivating program as a rabbi and a therapist share insights and pathways toward a healthier life. Moderated by Rabbi Ya'akov Trump.

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  • There are problems that affect so many and yet so few talk about them, which is why R. Efrem Goldberg and Moshe Yachnes bring you OUT OF THE SHADOWS: A Jewish Approach to Mental Health, hosted by the Boca Raton Synagogue and Onward Living's Adopt Initiative. Rabbi Goldberg and Moshe speak to leaders in the field and discuss contemporary challenges to help us better understand mental health and those who are struggling with it.

    This week, we are focusing on OCD.

    On this episode we are joined by:

    Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Schwartz (Clinical Director for the Center of Anxiety Relief), a practicing psychologist and rabbi of Congregation Adath Israel in Elizabeth, New JerseyMordy Gottlieb, a clinical social worker based in Scottsdale, Arizona who describes his struggles with OCDRebecca Klempner, an inspiring writer who discusses her experiences and how she has managed her OC.

    We hope you find this episode meaningful and helpful. And be sure to check out the show notes for further resources.

    If you have any thoughts, ideas, or guest suggestions, reach out to us at info@outoftheshadowspodcast.com.


    Onward Living (www.onwardliving.org)Relief Resources (https://www.reliefhelp.org/) is an international nonprofit organization that provides mental health guidance, education, and treatment recommendations for individualsAmudim (https://amudim.org/) exists to support every individual in need, so that their entire world can benefit, change, and grow.

    Contact Dr. Yachnes at myachnes@onwardliving.org and check out www.onwardliving.org.

    Reach out to us at info@outoftheshadowspodcast.com.

    00:00 - Intro
    5:03 - Rabbi Dr. Jonathan Schwartz
    47:36 - Mordy Gottlieb
    1:19:50 - Rebecca Klempner
    1:45:46 - Outro

  • The conversation with Rabbi Dr. Dovid Fox discusses the tragic death of a child in the community, and how to cope with the emotional trauma associated with it.

    The conversation begins with an acknowledgement of the grief, questions, doubts, and uncertainty that the community is experiencing.

    Thanks to Chai Lifeline, a support service that provides support, love, wisdom, and direction for families dealing with trauma.

    The conversation discusses the role of self-awareness and self-expression in dealing with grief and trauma, emphasizing the importance of taking time to observe one's reactions, physical changes, and emotions, and then expressing them to someone who cares and can listen supportively.

    The conversation ends with a focus on helping children cope with trauma and providing tools for self-care.

  • There are problems that affect so many and yet so few talk about them, which is why R. Efrem Goldberg and Moshe Yachnes bring you OUT OF THE SHADOWS: A Jewish Approach to Mental Health, hosted by the Boca Raton Synagogue and Onward Living's Adopt Initiative. Rabbi Goldberg and Moshe speak to leaders in the field and discuss contemporary challenges to help us better understand mental health and those who are struggling with it.

    This week, we are focusing on trauma.

    On this episode we are joined by: - Dr. Akiva Perlman, Clinical Director at ODA Wellness Institute and Professor at the Wurzweiler Graduate School of Social Work.

    - Zeldy, an individual who bravely shares her experiences with trauma.

    Next month, we will focus focus on OCD.

    If you have any thoughts, ideas, or guest suggestions, reach out to us at info@outoftheshadowspodcast.com.


    Relief Resources (https://www.reliefhelp.org/) is an international nonprofit organization that provides mental health guidance, education, and treatment recommendations for individuals.Amudim (https://amudim.org/) exists to support every individual in need, so that their entire world can benefit, change, and grow.

    Contact Dr. Yachnes at myachnes@onwardliving.org and check out www.onwardliving.org.

    00:00 - Intro
    6:20 - Dr. Akiva Perman
    40:16 - Zeldy
    1:08:52 - Outro

  • If you are interested in any of CCSA’s services - prevention education in schools, family support group, community awareness events - reach out to Lianne Forman at lianne.forman@jewishccsa.org or go to www.jewishccsa.org for more information.

  • There are problems that affect so many and yet so few talk about them, which is why R. Efrem Goldberg and Moshe Yachnes bring you OUT OF THE SHADOWS: A Jewish Approach to Mental Health, hosted by the Boca Raton Synagogue and Onward Living's Adopt Initiative. Rabbi Goldberg and Moshe speak to leaders in the field and discuss contemporary challenges to help us better understand mental health and those who are struggling with it.

    On this episode we are joined by:

    Etan and Jessica, individuals sharing their stories about managing anxiety.David H. Rosmarin, PhD, is the director of the Spirituality and Mental Health Program at McLean Hospital and an associate professor of psychology in the Department of Psychiatry at Harvard Medical School. He received his PhD in clinical psychology from Bowling Green State University under the mentorship of Kenneth I. Pargament, PhD, and he completed a pre-doctoral internship and post-doctoral fellowship at Harvard Medical School and McLean Hospital. Dr. Rosmarin studies the relevance of spirituality to mental health, and he innovates methods for clinicians to address this area of life. He has published over 100 manuscripts, editorials, and chapters, and served as co-editor of the Handbook of Spirituality, Religion and Mental Health. Dr. Rosmarin’s work is regularly featured by the media and has appeared in CNN, NPR, Scientific American, the Boston Globe, the Wall Street Journal, and the New York Times. Dr. Rosmarin founded Center for Anxiety in 2011 to fill a void that was lacking in the collective New York City mental health ecosystem: To build a group practice providing affordable and exceptional evidenced-based mental healthcare, with custom-tailored treatments for each patients’ unique needs.


    Relief Resources (https://www.reliefhelp.org/) is an international nonprofit organization that provides mental health guidance, education, and treatment recommendations for individuals.Amudim (https://amudim.org/) exists to support every individual in need, so that their entire world can benefit, change, and grow.
  • There are problems that affect so many and yet so few talk about them, which is why R. Efrem Goldberg and Moshe Yachnes bring you OUT OF THE SHADOWS: A Jewish Approach to Mental Health, hosted by the Boca Raton Synagogue and Onward Living's Adopt Initiative. Rabbi Goldberg and Moshe speak to leaders in the field and discuss contemporary challenges to help us better understand mental health and those who are struggling with it.

    On this inaugural episode we are joined by:

    Dr. Norman Blumenthal: Director of Trauma, Bereavement and Crisis Intervention at OHEL Children's Home and Family ServicesRachel Tuchman: Licensed Mental Health Counselor (LMHC)Dr. David Pelcovitz: world-renowned expert and the Gwendolyn and Joseph Straus Chair in Psychology and Jewish Education at the Azrieli Graduate School of Jewish EducationElisheva Liss: licensed marriage and family therapist in the New York area, specializing in helping individuals and couples improve their quality of life and relationships


    Relief Resources (https://www.reliefhelp.org/) is an international nonprofit organization that provides mental health guidance, education, and treatment recommendations for individuals.Amudim (https://amudim.org/) exists to support every individual in need, so that their entire world can benefit, change, and grow.