
  • In this 66th episode of the Paul Zimnisky Diamond Analytics Podcast, now-retired, long-time De Beers executive Charles Stanley joins the show. The episode begins with Charles recounting his earlier days at De Beers in the 1990’s, especially as it pertains to the marketing side of the business and the “A Diamond Is Forever” campaign. Next, Paul shares his view on De Beers’ execution of the company’s Lightbox lab-grown diamond strategy. The two then share thoughts on the impact that LGDs have had on the natural diamond business while envisioning what the future could look like. Finally, Paul asks Charles what his natural diamond strategy would be today if the original De Beers marketing team were still together and the two discuss future geographic regions of growth for the diamond industry.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: Charles Stanley

    Guest plug: Charles’s LinkedIn page

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

  • U.S.-based “master diamond cutter” Maarten de Witte joins Paul to discuss an array of industry topics. The episode begins with Maarten explaining what it’s like being an independent diamond manufacturer in American given that the large majority of this work is now done in India and China. Next, the two discuss the process of creating a proprietary diamond cut and Maarten tells the story of Hearts on Fire’s success. They then analyze the state of the lab-grown diamond market and share thoughts on how the larger diamond industry should approach marketing and branding. Finally, Maarten talks a little bit about living in Boise, Idaho, and his bonsai tree hobby.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: Maarten de Witte

    Guest plug: www.americandiamondcutter.com

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

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  • In this 64th episode of the Paul Zimnisky Diamond Analytics Podcast, Andrew Rickard from RDI Diamonds, a large diamond and jewelry wholesaler in Upstate New York, joins the show. The episode begins with Paul and Andrew talking about Oak Hill Country Club of which Andrew is a member. Next, the two analyze the state of diamond inventory in the supply chain and how currently volatile diamond prices are impacting the trade. Then they share their intermediate and longer-term views on lab-grown diamonds and the impact on natural diamonds. Next, they discuss falling consumer engagement ring budgets, diamond grading from the standpoint of a wholesaler, and if retailers will pivot back to prioritizing the selling of natural diamonds (over LGD). Finally, the two discuss how Western sanctions on Russian diamonds could impact what is already a fragile diamond market.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: Andrew Rickard

    Guest plug: www.rdidiamonds.com

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

  • In this episode of the Paul Zimnisky Diamond Analytics Podcast, Anthony Tsang, CEO of The Future Rocks, returns. The conversation begins with Anthony giving an update on the company and the two discuss Chinese consumers’ acceptance of lab-grown diamonds. Paul and Anthony then discuss the background of the company’s proprietary “The Ring II,” a lab-grown diamond solitaire ring with a created sapphire shank. Then, the two talk about how falling LGD prices are impacting the retail business and what the downstream can do to maintain margins. Finally, Paul and Anthony discuss the macroeconomic situation in China and how imminent a recovery could be.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: Anthony Tsang

    Guest plug: www.thefuturerocks.com

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

  • In this 62nd episode of the Paul Zimnisky Diamond Analytics Podcast, good friend of the show Amish Shah returns. The conversation begins with Paul and Amish analyzing the current “tornado” of factors impacting the global diamond industry: supply hangover, Russian sanctions, LGDs and a possible sale of De Beers. Next, Amish explains the sentiment of diamond manufactures in India and whether they will “give up” on natural diamonds. The two then discuss the future of the lab-diamond business and the macroeconomic effect of China and India on diamond demand. The recent Lightbox price cut and LGD profit margins are also discussed before the episode ends with a primer by Amish on Indian mangos.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: Amish Shah

    Guest plug: www.altr.nyc, www.jevar.co

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

  • Mystery novelist and JCK News Director Rob Bates returns to the show for a seventh time. The show begins with Paul analyzing whether the current diamond market softness is more cyclical or secular in nature. Next, Paul and Rob talk about how the retail segment of the trade is currently viewing lab-grown diamonds and whether a “pivot” back to natural diamonds is in the cards. The two then discuss what they got right and wrong about the evolution of LGD jewelry over the last decade. Next, Paul and Rob dissect a ruling by the U.K.’s Advertising Standards Agency pertaining to LGD producer Skydiamond and they share thoughts on news of for-profit gem-lab IGI reportedly considering a public offering. Finally, the two opine on the watch market and whether they would personally buy a Rolex.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: Rob Bates

    Guest plug: www.robbatesauthor.com

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

  • David Kellie, the CEO of the Natural Diamond Council (NDC), returns to the show for a third time. The conversation begins with David discussing the NDC’s recent marketing shoot in Canada’s Northwest Territories with actress Lily James. David then shares his cold-water plunge experience in minus 30-degree temperatures. Paul and David then go on to talk about the NDC’s process for selecting celebrity representatives. The two then discuss De Beers’ seeming return to a more generic focused diamond marketing strategy. Next, Paul shares his views on the pitfalls of price discounting of natural diamonds and why natural diamonds can’t compete with lab-grown diamonds (LGD) on price. Finally, the two discuss how the diamond trade is chasing the more attractive profit margins of LGDs to the detriment of natural diamonds –and what the natural diamond industry can do about it.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: David Kellie

    Guest plug: www.naturaldiamonds.com

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

  • In this episode of the Paul Zimnisky Diamond Analytics Podcast, economic and financial market strategist Amelia Bourdeau joins the show to discuss an array of macro fundamental factors likely to impact the diamond trade. The conversation begins with Paul and Amelia discussing the Federal Reserve's impact on the U.S. economy and what this means for consumers. The discussion then moves to how de-globalization and technology, specifically the advent of AI, will impact the trajectory of inflation. The two then talk about how natural diamonds could provide allure in an increasing digital world. Finally, Paul and Amelia discuss the state of the Chinese economy and whether the U.S. dollar will remain the world’s reserve currency.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: Amelia Bourdeau

    Guest plug: www.intro.co/AmeliaBourdeau

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    A special thanks to this episode’s sponsor Nivoda. To book a demo of Nivoda’s innovative online diamond marketplace and sales solution please visit: www.nivoda.com/pzpodcast

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

  • In this episode of the Paul Zimnisky Diamond Analytics Podcast, Canadian polished diamond wholesaler Mel Moss returns. Paul and Mel begin by discussing whether the current market downturn is more cyclical or secular in nature. The two then talk about the latest developments in man-made diamonds and Mel shares why he thinks LGDs will end up being sold out of gumball machines. The conversation then switches to the pending G7 (Western) sanctions on Russian diamonds and what it means for the larger industry. Paul and Mel then discuss expectations for the 2023 holiday shopping season, and finally, Mel candidly shares his views on De Beers being the industry’s steward.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: Mel Moss

    Guest plug: www.regalimportsltd.com

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

  • In this episode of the Paul Zimnisky Diamond Analytics Podcast, world-renowned gemologist Guy Borenstein joins the show. The episode kicks off with Paul and Guy talking about how many undisclosed lab-diamonds are making their way through the natural diamond supply chain. The conversation then transitions to a discussion on future consumer demand for lab-diamonds relative to natural and how retailers will adapt their businesses. The two then discuss the nuances between HPHT and CVD lab-diamond production and the geographic source of most goods. Finally, Paul and Guy discuss the pending G7 sanctions on Russian diamonds and possible solutions for effectively tracing stones through the supply chain.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: Guy Borenstein

    Guest plug: www.stuller.com

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

  • In this episode of the Paul Zimnisky Diamond Analytics Podcast, Amish Shah of ALTR Created Diamonds and J’evar returns to the show. The conversation begins with Amish explaining how he is marketing and distributing his new lab-diamond jewelry brand. Next, Paul and Amish discuss U.S. jewelers’ relative hesitancy to stock inventory for the upcoming holiday season. Then the two discuss what declining lab-diamond prices, and thus margins, could mean for the downstream segment of the trade longer-term. Paul and Amish then have a more quantitative discussion on the economics of the mid-stream segment of the industry. Finally, Amish explains why Indian jewelry is different from what you typically find in North America.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: Amish Shah

    Guest plug: www.altr.nyc, www.jevar.co

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

  • Paul welcomes Rob Bates back to the show to discuss the release of his third book in the Diamond District Mystery Series, "Slay it With a Diamond." The conversation begins with Paul asking Rob if he gets a “serotonin boost” upon the completion of a book. Next, the two delve into the question of whether there will be a specific cataclysmic moment that changes the trajectory of the lab-diamond industry as supply feverishly grows and prices fall. Next, Paul and Rob explain why they think natural diamonds will persevere in the midst of current challenges and Paul shares why he thinks Paris-based Fred Joaillier’s approach to lab-diamonds will be successful. The two then discuss what percentage of lab-diamond consumers want people to think it’s a natural and Rob’s talks about expressing emotion with a Cracker Jack ring. Finally, Paul and Rob analyze De Beers' strategy towards lab-diamonds and the resale of natural diamonds.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: Rob Bates

    Guest plug: Amazon link to buy Rob’s third book

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

  • In this episode of the Paul Zimnisky Diamond Analytics Podcast, Hans Merket joins from Antwerp, Belgium. The conversation begins Paul and Hans discussing the Russian mercenary group Wagner and its link to diamond production, notably in the Central African Republic (CAR). The conversation then moves to the Democratic Republic of Congo (DRC) and the two talk about the work that Hans has done monitoring humans rights related to gold mining in the country. Paul and Hans then discuss Marange diamonds and Zimbabwe’s position as Kimberly Process Chair. Finally, the two talk about the recent agreement between the government of Botswana and De Beers and they analyze if other diamond mining countries can use it as a framework.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: Hans Merket

    Guest plug: www.ipisresearch.be

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

  • In this episode of the Paul Zimnisky Diamond Analytics Podcast, De Beers’ Sightholder Molefi Letsiki joins from Johannesburg. The conversation begins with Molefi briefly sharing his story of being a second generation diamantaire in South Africa. Paul and Molefi then discuss the current state of the rough and polished diamond market and speculate on how the remainder of the year will play out. The two then delve a little bit deeper and discuss price performance of rough diamonds by size category. They then discuss the various impacts of the move towards more supply chain transparency in the industry and Molefi provides anecdotes of client demand for South African-origin goods. Finally, Paul and Molefi share their thoughts on man-made diamonds and the recent news of Lightbox offering engagement rings for the first time.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: Molefi Letsiki

    Guest plug: www.mldiamonds.com

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

  • In this more technical episode of the Paul Zimnisky Diamond Analytics Podcast, globally respected gemologist Branko Deljanin joins the show to discuss the detection of lab-diamonds and the chemical traceability of natural diamonds. The conversation begins with Branko telling the story of the first time he saw a gem-quality CVD lab-diamond. Paul and Branko then discuss whether man-made diamond producers will ever get good enough that labs will not be able to distinguish them from natural diamonds. Next, the two discuss the technical ability to trace a diamond back to its source based on the chemical makeup. Finally, Branko shares his thoughts on the notion of using a lab-based approach to screen sanctioned Russian diamonds.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: Branko Deljanin

    Guest plug: www.brankogems.com

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

  • In this 51st episode of the Paul Zimnisky Diamond Analytics Podcast, Rob Bates, a favorite guest of the show, returns. The episode begins with Paul explaining why he is bullish on the Mexican economy. The conversation then moves to the rapid advancement of artificial intelligence as Paul and Rob share thoughts on what AI means for the diamond and jewelry industry –and on a more existential level. The two then discuss how the technological progression of humanity could be supportive of natural diamond demand. Next, Rob passionately shares his view on greenwashing by some participants in the lab-diamond industry. The episode closes out with Paul and Rob discussing the positioning of Signet Jewelers’ banners, the turn-around story at Pandora and the latest on the sanctioning of Russian diamonds.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: Rob Bates

    Guest plug: Amazon link to pre-order Rob’s third book

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

  • Israeli-Belgian diamond industry consultant Erez Rivlin joins Paul to candidly discuss an array of topics including sanctions on Russian diamonds, rough diamond prices and the impact that lab-diamonds will have on the natural diamond industry. The episode begins will Erez giving his first-hand account of the evolution of the rough diamond trade over the last three-plus decades including what it was like in Russia before and during the dissolution of the Soviet Union in the 1990’s. Next, Erez tells a story of when he was in a sorting room with 500,000 carats of exceptional Russian stones worth over $3 billion. Paul and Erez then discuss the current Western (and pending further) sanctions on Russian diamonds and what it means for the larger industry and rough diamond prices. Finally, Erez predicts the future of the man-made diamond market and what it means for natural diamonds.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: Erez Rivlin

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

  • In this episode of the Paul Zimnisky Diamond Analytics Podcast, Paul welcomes Chinese diamond influencer and consultant Michael Zhu, aka “Diamond Spectator,” to the show. The two begin by discussing the history of diamonds in China and Michael explains why a diamond engagement ring remains a “solid need” for a marriage in China. Paul and Michael then talk about the emergence of lab-grown diamonds in China and what it means for natural diamond demand. They then discuss China’s contribution to global man-made diamond supply and speculate as to whether China will remain the world’s production leader. Next, they talk about the rapid growth of the corporate jewelers in China and whether the momentum will continue –especially as the industry emerges from the pandemic. Lastly, as the Western world presses sanctions on Russian diamonds, the two discuss whether Chinese consumers care about the source of a diamond.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: Michael Zhu

    Guest plug: www.diamondspectator.com

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

  • In this episode, Paul welcomes back David Kellie, the CEO of the Natural Diamond Council (NDC). The conversation starts out with a discussion about the secondhand, or recycled, diamond market and how that could portray value retention for natural diamonds. Next, Paul and David talk about the NDC’s recent “mystery shopper” program and how that work has shed light on consumers’ as well as jewelers’ understanding of lab versus natural diamonds. The two then talk about how lab-diamonds are covered by the media and how jewelers in Asia clearly segregate the way that they sell lab and natural diamonds. Finally, the two discuss the impact of having Ana de Armas as an ambassador for the NDC and whether a Super Bowl ad for natural diamonds is in the cards.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: David Kellie

    Guest plug: www.naturaldiamonds.com

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.

  • In this episode of the Paul Zimnisky Diamond Analytics Podcast, well-respected London-based Gemologist Eric Emms joins the show. The conversation begins with Eric explaining why he does not think there will ever be a point in time when the industry cannot distinguish between man-made and natural diamonds. Next, Paul and Eric discuss how the gem-grading industry has evolved over the years. Then, the two theorize why the diamond industry has been so resilient for so long and Eric recounts memories of some of the famous diamonds that he has personally inspected, including the Cullinan Diamond and the Koh-i-Noor. Finally, Eric explains why Demantoid Garnet is his favorite colored gemstone and the two discuss the impact that U.S. sanctions are having on the supply of Russian diamonds.

    Hosted by: Paul Zimnisky

    Guest: Eric Emms

    Guest plug: www.ericemms.co.uk

    More information on PZDA’s State of the Diamond Market report: www.paulzimnisky.com/products

    Show contact: paul@paulzimnisky.com or visit www.paulzimnisky.com.

    Please note that the contents of this podcast includes anecdotes, observations and opinions. The information should not be considered investment or financial advice. Consult your investment professional before making any investment decisions. Please read full disclosure at: www.paulzimnisky.com.