Welcome to your favorite Parks and Recreation / Twilight Book Club! We watch TIME CAPSULE and (after a spirited debate) put all of our favorite Pawnee Public Radio guests into this audio time pod-capsule. SPOILER: the pod-capsule definitely includes raffle winner & expert segment extraordinaire…Steph Fallon! We chat fun facts, made up facts & the fact that we all had an absolute blast.
Town Hall: http://speakpipe.com/pawneepublicradio
Twitter: @radiopawnee
Email: TownHall@pawneepublicradio.com
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Please give a warm PPR welcome to Hannah’s fellow Deal or No Deal contestant, Zeke Smith (@zekerchief) joining us for this week’s rewatch of the crowd favorite ep, FLU SEASON! We chug some NyQuil, play a lighting round of Hot-Tub-Would-You-Rather, and desperately try to STOP…POOPING. Plus, for perhaps the first time in PPR History, Sport’s Guy Dad gets a really great Sports Guy answer.
Town Hall: http://speakpipe.com/pawneepublicradio
Twitter: @radiopawnee
Email: TownHall@pawneepublicradio.com
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Estão a faltar episódios?
Smell that? It’s a fresh season and two black hats just melodramatically voice-over-ed into podcast-town. GO BIG OR GO HOME packs an A story that roots for our scrappy Parks department and a B-Ball-B-story that has us fans on the edge of our sport seats. Want love AND basketball? We get a Bachelor Nation-esque date and the hopeful pining of a young shoe shine. Love is in the air(ball). <3
Town Hall: http://speakpipe.com/pawneepublicradio
Twitter: @radiopawnee
Email: TownHall@pawneepublicradio.com
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Pasta your earbuds to a pal and listen up to our Season Two Finale, FREDDY SPAGHETTI! We noodle around with special guest Alex Lewis (Lewberger) and talk child appropriate musical comedy, MARKing the end of an era, and so much more. Oh, and if you have to use the bathroom, feel free to use Ann's house! We giggle a lot this one cause we cannelloni laugh at our mistakes.
Town Hall: http://speakpipe.com/pawneepublicradio
Twitter: @radiopawnee @i8athumbtack
Email: TownHall@pawneepublicradio.com
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The Metaphorical Dessert has finally arrived & we LITERALLY can not contain our excitement! So, grab the nearest framed photo of pod-favorite Jack London & watch MASTER PLAN with us. We re-enact the unaired Mark/Anne breakup, chat nerds letting loose & then painstakingly analyze every single line that made us say WE LOVE THIS EPISODE out loud. Also, did we give you a bottle cap? No? Uh-oh…
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Like many episodes of PPR, TELETHON is best enjoyed after a double-all-nighter! We chat perfect puppy openings, Hannah’s dream of officiating weddings, and Mr. Schrempf's career accomplishments. Kick off your virtual shoes in our virtual living room, have a few laughs, do outrageous things for friendship, and please never leave. Oh, and if you haven’t left a 5-star review yet, do that too!
Town Hall: http://speakpipe.com/pawneepublicradio
Twitter: @radiopawnee
Email: TownHall@pawneepublicradio
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Gazoinksbo! That’s the sound of a brand new episode of Pawnee Public Radio! We give you an interactive tour of 94 MEETINGS (including the original hardwood floors and tastefully pixelated portraits). We chat dramatic quit stories, getting passionate about the little things, & why life is actually kind of like a gazebo…think about it. Oh! And did we mention we’ve got a RAFFLE WINNER?!
Town Hall: http://speakpipe.com/pawneepublicradio
Twitter: @radiopawnee
Email: TownHall@pawneepublicradio.com
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Please give a warm PPR welcome to our guest, Mari Takahashi (who is basically a real-life Hannah Montana if Hannah Montana also did stunts)! We’re having a sound picnic, so grab a blanket, throw some smoked salmon on the roof, and listen up! We watch SUMMER CATALOG and chat small town magazine subscriptions, falling in love, falling out of love, and being in love with this episode.
Town Hall: http://speakpipe.com/pawneepublicradio
Mari's Twitter: @atomicmari
Email: TownHall@pawneepublicradio.com
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It’s PARK SAFETY, the final episode of 2020! We talk about old babies, the JOYS OF SHOUTING, and the pros and cons of bullying your co-worker to the point of them dropping their burrito. And if you want thoughts on Andy, April, AND Anne? We’ve got thoughts. Speaking of hummingbird raffles, it’s the final week to submit your 5-star review for the raffle, so send that email TODAY!
Town Hall: http://speakpipe.com/pawneepublicradio
Twitter: @radiopawnee
Email: TownHall@pawneepublicradio.com
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Quick look over here, there's either blood or ketchup all over my arm! It’s S2E18, THE POSSUM, where we talk Ms. Frizzle, critter control, and the actual episode of TV we just watched. This ep is fully compliant with City Code and to prove it there's now a GIANT CANOE behind you. And remember, you only have a few more days to enter the raffle - just send us a screenshot of your review!
Town Hall: http://speakpipe.com/pawneepublicradio
Twitter: @radiopawnee
Email: TownHall@pawneepublicradio.com
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It’s the Woman of the Year episode, and your name is on the plaque! We talk the art of a love-tease, wearing pants on a Sunday (!), and meeting a brand new character: The Snakehole Lounge. We also chat about the sounds of our life, celebrate our second-places, and hear an un-censored Town Hall from an old friend. Do you wanna be ON the pod? Send us a screenshot of your review for a chance to join @radiopawnee in a special segment!
Email: TownHall@pawneepublicradio.com
Twitter: @radiopawnee
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Galentine’s Day comes early this year! Tune in as we discuss love, oldies, but goodies, and how NOT to end your green card marriage. We also tackle life’s big unanswered questions like “Which came first, Coca-Cola Santa or Christmas?” Like what you hear? Give the gift of a podcast this season & tell your long lost love about it! (Don’t forget to send us a screenshot of your podcast review for a chance to join us on the POD!)
Twitter: @radiopawnee
Email: TownHall@pawneepublicradio.com
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Rob Cesternino joins the pod to talk about SWEETUMS (which we recorded using 0 grams of fat & only 1000 grams of sugary tangents). We talk false advertising, true moving (horror) stories, & the heart-stopping potential of a Sweetums/Paunch Burger sponsored Survivor merge feast. If you’ve made it this far, take a moment now to honor the memory of DJ Roomba and then send us your 5-star review to enter the #Raffle for a chance to join us on the pod! http://speakpipe.com/pawneepublicradio @radiopawnee
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Roll up your sleeves, study India’s Wikipedia page, and set your face on invisible fire, because today we’re talking about LESLIE’S HOUSE! We discuss hoarding, shoeshine-butt, and Leslie getting herself into a reeeal pickle. PLUS, we introduce a new way for you to join the bustling community of a Pawnee Public Radio… Spoiler Alert: It’s a RAFFLE and the winner will join us for an expert segment! Learn more by checking out @radiopawnee on Twitter. <3 Town Hall: http://speakpipe.com/pawneepublicr
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TV Writer Shantira Jackson (BUSY PHILLIPS TONIGHT! SAVED BY THE BELL!) joins the pod, Hannah ties the room together with a rug, & Will calls in from the depths of a comfy cave! We talk writers’ rooms, the continued evolution of Mike Schur shows, and the best techniques for shimmying out of bad dates. THE SETUP is a set up for another fun episode, so put down your Fire In A Can and tune in! Town Hall: http://speakpipe.com/pawneepublicradio Twitter: @radiopawnee @tira_tira_tira
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We’re just two podcast hosts standing near each other which can only mean one thing...a new ep has dropped! This week is the very timely Christmas Scandal, an episode as funny as Mayor Gunderson’s dog Rufus. Hannah & Will celebrate the various communities listening to the podcast while chatting about the Leslie Knope power factor, love stories and the surprising symptoms of the Turtle Flu. Town Hall: http://speakpipe.com/pawneepublicradio Twitter: @radiopawnee Email: TownHall@pawneepublicradio.com
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Have you voted? You don’t even have to go to the fourth floor to do it! This episode we talk civic duties, dinosaurs, splitting bills, & love triangles while simultaneously helping you fill out that ballot. Plus, here’s the deal: if WE win this game of podcast-pool, you rate us 5 stars and we’ll read your review on the pod but if we LOSE wait what’s podcast-pool? VOTING INFO: iwillvote.com Town Hall: http://speakpipe.com/pawneepublicradio Twitter: @radiopawnee Email: TownHall@pawneepublicradi
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Boolahboolahboolah! This episode pairs nicely with the great outdoors, gun safety, and VOTING. (The election is a week from today, so think like Leslie and make a plan!) In this episode, we chat about the three H’s (Hunting, Hickies, and How-Did-Ron-Get-Shot-In-The-Back-Of-The-Head), explore our favorite “B Story” to date, and meet a brand new character: Donna’s Benz. Town Hall: http://speakpipe.com/pawneepublicradio Twitter: @radiopawnee Email: TownHall@pawneepublicradio.com
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We’re thrilled to have TV Writer Rachel Axler (Parks & Recreation, VEEP, The Daily Show, How I Met Your Mother, New Girl) on the pod to talk about THE CAMEL, an episode she wrote! We talk murinals, writers rooms, Ron’s moan, and how TV gets made as Rachel takes us behind-the-scenes of Parks & Rec and reveals what this hilarious episode looked like as a first draft. Town Hall: http://speakpipe.com/pawneepublicradio Twitter: @radiopawnee @rachelaxler Email: TownHall@pawneepublicradio.com
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Shhh… this one takes place in a library and we DON’T want to cross any librarians. SIKE!!! You can listen as loud as you want. (We already recorded the pod, so it’s mostly safe now.) Pull up a chair to your favorite shoeshine spot and catch an earful as we talk ex-es, carrier pigeons, odd jobs, idealistic breakfasts, the joy of libraries, Joy the Librarian, and, as usual, baseball. Town Hall: http://speakpipe.com/pawneepublicradio Twitter: @radiopawnee Email: TownHall@pawneepublicradio.com
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