
  • In this episode, Mia explores how tapping into your deepest desires can simplify goal setting and help you create a life that feels aligned. Discover the difference between want and desire, and how connecting with your future self can reveal what truly matters. Ready to transform how you approach your goals? Press play to learn more.

  • In this episode of the Plan Simple Podcast, I’m diving into why creating a 90-day seasonal plan is a game-changer for balancing all the pieces of your life—work, wellness, family, and more. I’ll walk you through the exact process, starting with centering yourself, getting clear on your vision, and defining what success really looks like (beyond just checking boxes). We’ll also talk about identifying those sneaky obstacles that can trip you up and how to take actions that truly align with what you want.

    And, of course, I’ll share how FLOW365 can help you follow through with ease—because life isn’t meant to be about the hustle, but about living fully and on purpose.

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  • Ever feel like the different parts of your life are siloed?

    It wasn't until I really integrated all the parts of my life that I really understood that I needed to think about all the parts of my life if I really wanted to get stuff done.

    That’s why I created FLOW365 — to bring together all the parts in a supportive circle, because I also learned we aren’t meant to do any of this alone.

    I’m so excited to have four FLOW365 members here to talk about the impact of FLOW on their business and the rest of their lives.

    Here are some of the things they had to say: 

    “FLOW is not just about business, but it is a core piece of my building a business.”

    —Jennifer Zwiebel

    I moved through my life differently because of FLOW. Coming into FLOW actually set me up to move through life with so much more ease and grace and focus and joy — as a human and a spouse, partner, a friend, as a community member, and specifically as a business owner.

    —Roxanne Lowery

    FLOW creates a sacred container that really allows me to flourish in all the ways.

    —Kelley Grimes

    Coming into Flow, I was like, my goodness, every person I meet, there's like this connection, a soul level connection that I learned something from every single person. And it's just very magical. It's such a magical place. 

    —Heather Hester


    Our guests today are all FLOW365ers. You can find more about each of them and connect with what they do here:

    Jennifer Zweibel, Founder of Vision Craft Coaching, works with highly intuitive entrepreneurs to help them get very clear on what they actually want and build out strategies that make sense for their lives and then create an incredible space of collaboration and digging into what they authentically are here to create and bringing that to life.


    Roxanne Lowery, founder of Infinite Flow, is a therapeutic sound practitioner based in Atlanta. Roxanne uses sound and other modalities to to help people who are ready for transformation change and deepen in their life and on their spiritual path.


    Kelley Grimes, founder of Cultivating Peace and Joy, is an empowering counselor and workshop facilitator and the author of The Art of Self -Nurturing, A Field Guide to Living with More Peace, Joy and Meaning.  


    Heather Hester, founder of Chrysalis Mama, provides support and education and empowerment to LGBTQ people and their families. Heather is also the founder and host of the podcast, Breathe Parenting Your LGBTQ Teen, as well as the author of the book, Parenting with Pride.

    https://chrysalismama.com/  Just Breathe: Parenting Your LGBTQ Teen
  • “It's hard to succeed as a woman if we leave parts of ourselves out of our vision…. We need inclusive plans to show up to our full life.”

    You are not your business.

    When we untangle ourselves from our businesses, when we make quarterly business goals that are separate from but aligned with our seasonal goals, we thrive in business and life.

    I explain:

    The difference between seasonal and quarterly goalsWhy you might have more than four seasons and how to define your seasonsHow to think about both kinds of goals and the actions you’ll takeWhy our actions sometimes don’t look the way we think they willHow you can move forward without hustling An amazing way to get support in creating and implementing both your seasonal and quarterly goals




    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is where change happens.

    Even though we want big change, it’s really little things done over and over that make the difference. So pick a doable thing. Put it in your calendar. Weave it through your days for a week and then move on to the next one. It will have a snowball effect.

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    IDENTIFY YOUR SEASONS. Seasons and quarters don’t always align, and often we have multiple seasons of different lengths. For example, the holiday season might feel different from winter. You might have three weeks of back to school transition between summer and fall or maybe you think vacation, back to school, back to business … Identify the season you are in now and what is coming next.THINK ABOUT QUARTERLY GOALS. I give some questions in the podcast to help you identify your quarterly goals. Take some time to journal on those questions. What’s one goal for the next quarter?WHAT ARE THE OBSTACLES? Sometimes our actions seem a little out of place with our goals, but in addressing our obstacles they move us forward. For example, maybe before you can do the creative work you need on your book, you need to get more sleep. Or maybe you need to do mindset work on visibility before you can reach your marketing goals. Note the obstacles in the way of your goals. Identify actions you could take to move past them.
  • “Learning gets me excited about something new. And so I'm using that energy to really step into the fall and see how I'm wanting to meet these things that are already on the calendar.”

    —Mia Moran

    Learning new things doesn’t have to derail plans you already set. Learning can get you refocused and re-energized about what you are doing.

    We’ve started Back to Business week, and there are so many ahas happening. It’s not too late to join — and even if you aren’t an entrepreneur, you’ll get a lot out of days 4 and 5.

    Each day offers several 5-minute videos that are with so much greatness, and if you are overwhelmed by the idea of listening to 55 talks (which you can do in an hour a day for one week), I wanted to show you how I am weaving them in.

    Let’s set up your fall and get you into learning and applying what you learn to the things you already plan to do.




    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Change comes from action. 

    Doable changes are things that you can add into your life, one at a time to make micro shifts and really create a ripple effect that will create a big change over time. Choose one that really piques your interest and roll with it. 

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    CHOOSE YOUR FOCUS. You can’t do all the things at once. What do you really want to focus on this fall? Choose four for business and three for the rest of your life. Then get more specific. If one of your focus areas is marketing, where are you focusing within that? See the Back to Business week workbook 1 for a worksheet on this Doable Change.SET UP YOUR WEEKLY FLOW. We need to put the things we are going to do into time, and we do that with a weekly plan, but it helps to start with a weekly flow. So when will you work with clients? When will you spend time on the focus areas you chose? Block that out so you can see it visually.CREATE YOUR MORNING/CLOSING PRACTICES. How we start and end the day matters. A new season is a great time to reset your daily practices. What is the first thing you want to do each day? Think about a practice that will support your throughout the day or set you up with a strong start. What is the first thing you want to do when you start work? And finally, how will you signal to yourself that you are done working and close in a way that sets you up for the next day? Pick ONE of these routines to set up now. Once you are in practice with it, add one of the others.
  • “We come here with a soul blueprint and we know exactly what we came here to deliver, to learn and to give and who to give it to.”

    –Gosia Gorna

    In 5 minutes, Gosia Gorna taught me the idea of the expansion game and being able to expand yourself to be open to so many more possibilities than I think we often let ourselves be open to. I can’t wait for you to meet her.

    The voices that try to protect us are voices of fear, and so often they keep us from expanding and doing what we were meant to do. Those times you procrastinate or don’t send out the email or make the call are your response to that fear. But the biggest fears are actually showing us where to go.

    A loving community or coach can help you spread your wings and fly. Ready to expand?

    We talk about: 

    Playing with your fearsHolding both sides of thingsWhat shifts when you approach things as a spiritual quest instead of a series of to dosWhy “what do I need to do?” shouldn’t be the first question you ask yourself in the morningBreath and the courage to meet yourselfThe power of taking the time to just be


    Gosia Gorna is an award-winning coach, best-selling author, and international speaker. As the creator of the powerful fear release method 'The Expansion Game' and a business intuition trainer, she helps purpose-driven entrepreneurs and luminaries enhance their clarity, confidence, and visibility. With over 20 years of experience, Gosia supports impactful success by focusing on sharpening vision, fostering outstanding decision-making, and integrating business intuition as an essential business tool. Her mission is to turn fears into impactful successes, supporting change-makers in sharing their groundbreaking ideas, writing best-selling books, commanding the stage, and influencing globally. She is dedicated to helping clients achieve extraordinary outcomes in their fields.


    Website: www.gosiagorna.comFB: https://www.facebook.com/gosia.gorna.1?locale=en_GBYoutube: https://www.youtube.com/@GosiaGornaThe Expansion Game book: https://www.gosiagorna.com/the-expansion-game


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is how change happens.

    Often we feel like our actions have to be huge to match the bigness of our desires, but we have seen over and over and over again that the little things add up. By stacking up a series of Doable Changes, you will create that big change that you crave. Choose the one that really resonates with you this week and really make it part of your life. 

    Here are Three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    SET THE INTENTION. Set an intention for what you want and see it done. Really see it done. Focus on being with it, being here. See if it shifts the feeling of the to dos.SET SURRENDER ALARMS. We need reminders to pause. Because these pauses are often 5–10 minutes, they can feel awkward to calendar. Try setting an alarm called Pause or Surrender or Just Be throughout your day. Use a pleasant sound, like a gong or bell. When it goes off, pause and just be for a few minutes.ASK EXPANSIVE QUESTIONS. To get the most from your intuition or angels, think about the kinds of questions you...
  • “We all know that when we write copy, we have to talk to the ideal person, but I find it's really easy to introduce bias and start talking about what you want or what you think they want and not what they actually want.”

    –Mimi Zhou

    Are you talking about the right things? Sometimes our copywriting misses the mark because we talk about what our potential clients or customers need … instead of what they actually want. I’m really excited to talk with conversion copywriter Mimi Zhou about how we really drive action with our writing.

    You can be really good at what you do without being really good at talking about it. It can be hard to get out of our own heads and what we know. We need to use the language our clients or customers use. How do we do that?

    We talk about: 

    How to gather the data that drives the writingHow to get a better response on questions on social mediaThe kinds of numbers you need for the data to be relevantSelling one thingTrigger events in marketing Creating a timeline for that shows the before, the buy, and the steps in between


    As a conversion copywriter, Dr. Mimi Zhou revels in customer research--because when you understand what your audience wants, you don't need to guess what they'll pay you for.

    Her copywriting projects are built on a thorough research foundation where she studies info your audience provides through reviews, surveys, interviews, and more. Her ability to parse data into numerical information and read between the lines to hear what customers say beneath the surface helps her understand what customers want even when they don't tell you directly.

    A fun fact about Mimi: Her path to becoming a professional researcher began at UC Berkeley and culminated in her PhD at New York University. Later, her belief that knowledge is power led her to seek copywriting training from the original conversion copywriter, Joanna Wiebe (founder, Copyhackers). So Mimi literally got a professional research degree and then studied copywriting with the original conversion copywriter herself!



    Mimi is also one of the amazing teachers for Back to Business Week. To learn how to write headlines that hook in your ideal reader (and so much more in over 50 5-minute teachings), get your free ticket to this event that will help you land in the new season:  https://plansimple.com/backtobusiness


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Change comes from action. 

    Doable changes are things that you can add into your life, one at a time to make micro shifts and really create a ripple effect that will create a big change over time. Choose one that really piques your interest and roll with it. 

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    SURVEY YOUR READERS. Create an 8–10 question survey about what they need and where they are. Your goal is to stop guessing about what people want and be able to talk to them about what they want. Have you heard the advice to sell people what they want and give them what they need? To do that you need to hit what they really want, not what you think they need.ASK A MULTIPLE CHOICE...
  • “The more dialed in your messages, the more you're going to attract the right people.”

    –Tiffany Neuman

    You can be multi-passionate AND dialed in. If nicheing hasn’t worked for you or your brand is all over the place, check out this conversation with branding strategist Tiffany Neuman, who helps women find their message and step into their power as thought leaders.

    Tiffany says defining your niche can be limiting and lead to a place where you get bored or want to blow up your business. Instead find the golden thread that ties all your offers together.

    Getting your messaging dialed in makes it easier to talk about what you do and attract the right people.

    We talk about: 

    Cyclical habits on social media instead of a spray and pray approachChoosing spaces where you have funWhat it looks like to dial in your message when you are multi-passionateWhat people think your brand is … and what it’s really aboutCreating a brand operating systemWhat it really means to be a thought leader


    Tiffany Neuman is a visionary branding strategist who helps driven women entrepreneurs make their message a movement. After 15 years in the corporate world, working with brands like Adidas, Stoli Vodka and Burt’s Bees, she left to establish a revolutionary branding business that stays one step ahead of trends. Tiffany now works with clients across the globe to help them 10x their sales and shine even brighter as thought leaders. She is a contributor for Entrepreneur and has been featured in Forbes multiple times as a branding expert.


    https://yourlegacybrand.com/https://www.instagram.com/tiffanyneumancreative/https://www.linkedin.com/in/tiffanyneumanMake Your Message a Movement — starts September 9

    Tiffany is also one of our dynamic teachers for Back to Business Week. Want to hear more from her? https://plansimple.com/backtobusiness


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is where change happens.

    Even though we want big change, it’s really little things done over and over that make the difference. So pick a doable thing. Put it in your calendar. Weave it through your days for a week and then move on to the next one. It will have a snowball effect.

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    DECIDE WHERE YOU WANT TO BE. You don’t have to be on all the platforms or show up every day. Decide where you have fun engaging with people on social. Decide how much showing up feels good. That might change by season or depending on what you have going on.FIND YOUR GOLDEN THREAD. What is the golden thread that ties all the things you do together? Listen to the examples in the podcast to help you think about what that looks like. Start listing all the things you do. Look for what runs through them all. Sometimes it helps to get outside ideas on this. Hearing what other people think you do for them can help you find that thread.EXPLORE THOUGHT LEADERSHIP. How do you feel about being a thought leader? A lot of women assume it’s not them. What’s...
  • “You are the value, not the tips and tricks, not the service, the product, you are the value.”

    –Jude Charles

    It’s not enough to share the lesson. You need to share the journey … and that’s where the story comes in. I loved talking with Jude Charles, about using story in our businesses.

    When you tell a story — whatever the medium — the story becomes like a movie theater in people’s minds. The story sticks with them and triggers a reaction. They might forget the details of the tip or information you shared, but they will remember the story and make meaning from it.

    To have that power, story should be specific. The details give it life. Jude demonstrates the level of detail that engages without overwhelming us.

    We talk about: 

    Noticing which stories are conversation startersWhy we should stop devaluing our own storiesFocusing on what’s there for you right now to get out of your own wayPutting in the reps: Practicing telling the stories, even as an introvert, until you get more comfortableA 5-minute practice to find your own stories and testing those storiesHow to quickly prepare to speak and include stories


    For over 18 years, Jude Charles has been producing documentaries for entrepreneurs. He has produced stories for Google, Steve Harvey, and dozens of visionary CEOs. Jude teaches you how to dig deep to find compelling stories that no one else knows, and then leverage those stories to grow your business. Jude’s mission is to lead and empower entrepreneurs to have relentless, unwavering courage.



    Jude is also one of our amazing teachers for Back to Business Week. To check out his story and learn about changing the story in your head, get your free ticket to this event that will help you land in the new season:  https://plansimple.com/backtobusiness


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is where change happens.

    Even though we want big change, it’s really little things done over and over that make the difference. So pick a doable thing. Put it in your calendar. Weave it through your days for a week and then move on to the next one. It will have a snowball effect.

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    GATHER A STORY. Take 5 minutes at the end of your day to record a story. Think back about what happened. Pick something memorable. Then: Create a title. Tell what happened. Identify the lesson.DO THE REPS. Practice telling your story. One technique is to record it on your phone and then listen to it to get really familiar with your story and get comfortable with your own delivery.FIND THE STORY BEHIND THE LESSON. Do you have a tip or practice or other teaching you share often? What’s the story behind it? Can you reverse engineer to find the story that leads to the lesson? Because the story is what makes gives the lesson heart and is most likely to be what sticks with people or even moves them (even if they take a different lesson from it).
  • Now that kids are back to school, let's get revitalized and refocused on business. It’s hard to end the year strong when you’re struggling with feeling like the year itself is slipping away, not knowing what to prioritize, and juggling a new routine. What if it was as simple as creating a landing pad?

  • “Intuition lives in the pause, in the quiet … intuition is going to feel calm. It's going to feel like you're in flow.”

    –Wendy Sterling

    Are you overthinking things? Listening to fear? Let’s change that. Let’s listen to your intuition and get you in flow with this conversation with intuitive business coach Wendy Sterling.

    Wendy reminds us that Intuition lives in your body, not your mind. We talk about how to tune into your body and be present with yourself more.

    It seems counterintuitive when you are rushing around trying to do all the things, but taking a minute to breathe, center, and check in with yourself and listen to the whisper of your intuition makes a huge difference.

    We talk about: 

    How Mia listened to her intuition and brought more ease to a processTrusting your intuition and that you’ll come out okay on the other sideStaying open to how you get business and how abundance comes to youThe power in the pause — and why pausing isn’t doing nothingRecognizing the learning and growth in the obstacles we face and our failures or mistakesThe power of collaboration and connections


    Wendy Paige Sterling is a Transformation Coach who empowers female business owners to disrupt their industries by harnessing the power of their intuitive "I Can" voice to create impactful and fulfilling businesses. Using her proprietary Chrysalis-Effect methodology, she helps clients reconnect with their soul's wisdom, transforming trauma into a source of power and aligning business practices with personal passions and core values. A sought-after speaker and two-time international best-selling author featured on NBC, Good Day LA, and Daily Blast Live, Wendy is known for her no-nonsense coaching style, guiding ambitious disruptors to navigate significant life transitions, embrace challenges, and achieve profound personal and professional transformations. As the host of "The Power In The Pause" podcast and creator of the “I Can” movement, Wendy continues to inspire a global audience to embrace their intuitive capabilities and reconnect with their soul's purpose and mission.


    https://wendypaigesterling.com/Wendy is also one of our amazing teachers for Back to Business Week. Want to hear more from her? https://plansimple.com/backtobusiness


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Change comes from action. 

    Doable changes are things that you can add into your life, one at a time to make micro shifts and really create a ripple effect that will create a big change over time. Choose one that really piques your interest and roll with it. 

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    TAP INTO YOUR BODY. Start paying attention to where you feel things. Where does fear show up in your body? What does it feel like? Where does intuition show up? What does that feel like? Check in with your body when you are reacting to things or making a decision and start to learn where and how you feel things.PAUSE, BREATHE, LISTEN. There is power in the pause. Try pausing and taking a deep, diaphragmatic breath. Get grounded and settled. Then listen to the wisdom available to you. It will be a whisper. This can take 5 minutes. Try it throughout your day.RETHINK AN OBSTACLE. One piece of mindset work is looking at obstacles as opportunities. What can you learn from an obstacle, setback, or mistake? How can you change or do something
  • In this episode, I’m taking you behind the scenes to show you how I think about change — transitioning from summer to fall, kids heading off to college, my body being in a new phase, and all the changes that happen as an entrepreneur growing a business. If you want to join me to Get Back to Business this September — in other words navigate the transition from your summer rhythm to your Q4 rhythm with me — join us for BACK TO BUSINESS WEEK https://plansimple.com/backtobusiness

    If you have a kids who’s off to college or beyond and you’re noticing, it’s hard to concentrate, join me in RELEASE https://plansimple.com/release

  • “There's just nothing better than being able to say that you have some recurring revenue happening in the background of your life.”

    –Melissa Lanz

    Dream of having a business you can take time off from and still make money? I’m talking about recurring revenue with Melissa Lanz, founder of Fresh 20 and expert in subscription services and memberships.

    Melissa’s subscription business has allowed her to buy a home, set up a pension fund, put her kids through private school, travel the world with her family and care for sick parents. She advocates for starting subscription and membership programs rather than high ticket businesses.

    A goal of a 6-figure business won’t drive you forward. Your business can be huge, but you need to start with a real why, a real reason you want to make the money.

    We talk about: 

    Starting with limited resources and a personal list of 400Amplifying your own messageBeing really clear about what you want to do with the money you makeLaunch mindset and learning from your members/subscribersInteresting ideas for subscriptionsThe magic of automating your processes


    Melissa Lanz is a former internet marketing executive who quit her day job to promote good eating habits in the midst of a national health crisis. As founder of The Fresh 20, Melissa strives to bring fresh food back to the household table and reduce the amount of processed ingredients being used. During the fall of 2009, Melissa dedicated her efforts to creating this tool for busy families and singles stuck in a takeout rut. To further her goal to be a part of The Food Revolution, she wrote The Fresh 20 Cookbook (Harper Collins 2013) and also promotes education in nutrition and healthy cooking through speaking, locally in Southern California and throughout the country.


    The Fresh 20


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is how change happens.

    Often we feel like our actions have to be huge to match the bigness of our desires, but we have seen over and over and over again that the little things add up. By stacking up a series of Doable Changes, you will create that big change that you crave. Choose the one that really resonates with you this week and really make it part of your life. 

    Here are Three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    DEFINE YOUR WHY. What do you want from your business? Do you want to buy a house? Travel? Retire a spouse? Send your kids to college without loans? Be really clear about what you want instead of an amount you target. If you are just getting started your initial why might be smaller — like keeping your babysitter.TALK ABOUT WHAT YOU DO. You need to amplify your own message. What your most excited about right now about what you are doing? Why are you so passionate? Practice talking about it. If you aren’t talking at all, set a goal to talk to five people this week. Once you are warmed up, bring it up everywhere.AUTOMATE ONE PROCESS. Automation is essential for passive income and to buy yourself some time away from your business. To automate a process, start by documenting it. When you see the steps and who does what, you can see where you can delegate or outsource more (and have the information somebody else needs to do the job). You can also see where you can use technology to set ahead or automate.
  • “I keep hearing you can't make friends as an adult, and I push back on that because I have. Every time that comes up, I think about who I have in my life, how I met them, and how we expanded things.”

    –Sara Barry

    You can’t make friends as an adult … or can you? Friendship comes up every season as a goal for people in FLOW365. The issue amped up during the pandemic, but continues to be a challenge. I’m excited to talk with Sara Barry about making and maintaining friendships.

    Let’s be real. It IS hard to make friends or even keep up with the friends we have at this stage of life. It takes time and intention.

    We look at questions like: How do we make friends when we move to the suburbs or country? How do we maintain friendships when we are busy with business and kids? How do you move beyond seeing somebody at yoga class or meeting them in a mastermind to connecting beyond that?

    We talk about:

    Shifts in friendship over time and as your life changesIntentionally making time for friendship and ways to connectBeing the one who always initiates and not taking no personallyGetting clear on what you want from friendship — do you need a 2 am friend, a friend you talk to daily, somebody to talk about work with, somebody to go places with … Creating ways of connecting that sustain themselves — accountability check ins, weekly walk, annual traditionsReaching out to friends you’ve been out of touch with


    Sara Barry is a content advisor and copywriter for coaches and other heart-centered entrepreneurs. As a content advisor, she helps clients decide which content to create, say what they really want to say, and make the most of the content they create. As a copywriter, she helps people build connection through content, streamline processes, and turn short content into books. Clients call listening her superpower and regularly end calls saying they feel so much  calmer with clarity and a plan to get their content done.




    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is where change happens.

    Even though we want big change, it’s really little things done over and over that make the difference. So pick a doable thing. Put it in your calendar. Weave it through your days for a week and then move on to the next one. It will have a snowball effect.

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    ASSESS YOUR FRIENDSHIPS. Make a list of friends you have. How did you meet them? How do they fit into your life right now? What are you missing in your friendships? Do you need 2am friends? Do you miss having people you talk to or hang out with every day? Use this assessment to think about what you really want from friendships and what you already know about making friends.PLAN TO CONNECT. Make a list of people you want to connect with in the next month. Include people you see regularly and people you haven’t talked to in a while. Schedule time to reach out — write a letter, send a text, schedule a call, walk, coffee date, or other outing. Make time in your schedule to actually do the thing with your friend.EXTEND A NEW FRIENDSHIP. Sometimes we meet people in one context and don’t know how to go beyond that. Practice taking the next step. Ask that person in your mastermind to be an accountability partner. Suggest coffee or a walk with the person in your yoga class. DM the person in a group that always says things that resonate.
  • “When you make a choice with your masculine oriented foot, you walk in action and you must do that. But then with your more feminine energy foot, you notice what has begun showing up and unfolding synchronistically.”

    –Kim DeYoung

    Do you ever look back to see how you got where you are? What a difference one choice can make? What if you could use choice making more intentionally? I’m talking with Kim DeYoung, coach and author of The Book of Choice  about making meaningful choices.

    When you are making change, it starts with a choice. I always say planning is choosing in advance. You have to act on the choice, but you start with the choice itself. Kim and I differ in language, but follow similar approaches. If you’re not a planner, her words may resonate.

    What unfolds when you make the choice and act? What synchronicities can you start to see? What can you learn from the choices you’ve already made? And in case you need to hear this: there's no wrong choice. There's always a lesson.

    We talk about: 

    The magic of acting upon synchronicities, like reaching out to a person because their name came repeatedly in a weekChoosing to explore something as a juice entry pointChoosing against the grainMapping choices and a self-Q&A processDifferent kinds of choice makers and how that can work for you or get in your wayWhat happens when the need to choose becomes a bottleneck in our lives


    Kim DeYoung is a seasoned choice coach, facilitator, speaker and author of The Book of Choice. With over two decades of experience coaching creative, visionary entrepreneurs, Kim has helped countless individuals make meaningful choices to bring their ideas to fruition. She’s happiest when she’s engaging in interesting conversations about meaningful choices.


    http://kimdeyoung.comGuide: 5 Questions to Ask Before Making a Meaningful Choice - http://ChoiceQuestions.com http://YourChoiceBook.com https://www.instagram.com/kim__deyounghttps://www.linkedin.com/in/kimdeyoung/https://www.facebook.com/choicecoachkim


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Action is how change happens.

    Often we feel like our actions have to be huge to match the bigness of our desires, but we have seen over and over and over again that the little things add up. By stacking up a series of Doable Changes, you will create that big change that you crave. Choose the one that really resonates with you this week and really make it part of your life. 

    Here are Three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    CHOOSE TO EXPLORE. I love this reframe. If you know you want to change but aren’t quite sure where you are heading or feel stuck getting started, choose to explore. For example, I choose to explore eating better or I choose to explore where I go next in my work.MAP A CHOICE. Think about a choice you made at some point in the past. Map where that choice has taken you — opportunities that came about, people you have met, doors that opened.ACT ON...
  • “If you're drawn to pull a card, just do it.”

    –Crecia Cipriano

    I’m infatuated with oracle cards. They’re such a cool entry to start trusting your intuition more that I’ve woven them throughout the new FLOW Planner. I’m excited to talk with Crecia Cipriano, an intuition-driven decisionmaking coach who uses cards in her coaching practice.

    Cards can give guidance, validation of something happening, new perspectives, and new connections. And there are all kinds of cards, so everyone can find a deck (or several) that fit their vibe.

    You can do year or quarter ahead spreads. You can do daily pulls. There are so many different ways to use oracle cards to tap into your intuition (and use that for planning). Are oracle cards part of your toolbox?

    We talk about: 

    What exactly a pull and a spread areYear or quarter ahead spreads, daily card pulls, and pulling a card when you felt drawn to or need guidanceReminders of claiming statements or affirmations from your pullsComing into new relationship with the cards we pull for a year or seasonHow to interpret cardsWhy to use or not use the guidebook information


    Crecia Cipriano is an intuition-driven decisionmaking coach who helps passion-powered coaches, course creators + other small biz visionaries access all the calm, confidence + clarity they need to make the moves that matter most in their business + claim joy like it’s their job (because it is!)

    With her signature card coaching method, Crecia helps you tune in to your own inner wisdom, tune out the noise of what everyone else wants, thinks + believes, turn up the volume on your unique message + magic and sing it out in service of your most positively thriving life + business.

    Crecia is trained in Transformative Coaching through The Graduate Institute for Holistic Studies and Wild Soul Movement philosophy + methodology with Elizabeth DiAlto.

    Her unique coaching style has been molded by a lifetime of self reflection + deep inner learning, enriched by a personal tarot + oracle card practice of over 30 years, and is grounded in a 17-year career in education + ed leadership and 5+ years in the online business space as an affiliate program strategy + messaging coach, asset creator + guide.

    Crecia thinks you are magic in motion, and that it’s time you started acting like it ;) 


    https://www.instagram.com/thriveandbloom/https://linkedin.com/in/crecia-cipriano-6899b6101/Oracle Cards with Mia MoranMore on oracle cards in our Soulful Summer activity book


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Change comes from action. 

    Doable changes are things that you can add into your life, one at a time to make micro shifts and really create a ripple effect that will create a big change over time. Choose one that really piques your interest and roll with it. 

    Here are three Doable Changes from this conversation:

    CHOOSE AN ORACLE DECK. There are so many different kinds of oracle cards. They come with quotes or various kinds of artwork. They have different themes and styles. Find a deck that resonates with you. Can’t decide? Choose more than one …...
  • “Our journals are a place to really be curious, to actually discover things we don't already know, to ask powerful questions.”

    –Lynda Monk

    Can journaling help with burnout? Social worker and life coach Lynda Monk found that reflective practices help avoid burnout. Fortunately, she was a lifelong journaler and journaling is a reflective practice.

    You don’t have to be a long-time journaler to get benefits. It took me a long time to develop my own practice, and I’m excited to get you some tools to develop yours. It’s not for everybody, but if you’re interested it can be a powerful self-care tool.

    Instead of just recording what you did, try making a list of questions about your life or some aspect of your life. Then use each of these questions as a journaling prompt. Think of your journal as a means of exploration and discovery. You can also include  affirmations, intentions, gratitude, stream of consciousness writing.

    We talk about: 

    What to write about — questions we have, the things that keep going around and around in our mindsGetting clear on your why of journal because that can shape the form of your practice and your reason can motivate youPicking a time that feels easy — it might not be first thing in the morning — and recognize how much you can pack into a short timeLetting go of perfectionism in our journal and in our practiceNoticing patterns in what we write and what we can learn from that and using it as a mindfulness practiceHow to use ideas if your journal becomes a catch all


    Lynda Monk, MSW, RSW, CPCC, Director of The International Association of Journal Writing (IAJW.org), an inspiring membership community for journal writers worldwide, is known for her profound insights into the therapeutic and life-changing power of journaling. Through her dynamic speaking engagements and educational sessions, she inspires individuals to harness the power of writing to heal and transform their lives. Lynda is the co-editor and co-author of several books including Affirmations for Self-Love – a guided journal, The Great Book of Journaling; Transformation Journaling for Coaches, Therapists and Clients; Writing Alone Together, and she is the author of Life Source Writing™️. Lynda is Registered Social Worker and Certified Professional Life Coach, with 30+ years’ experience teaching, speaking, and coaching in the areas of burnout prevention, self-care, wellness and writing to heal. She lives with her family on Salt Spring Island, British Columbia, on the West Coast of Canada, where she tries her best to write every day.


    https://IAJW.org / https://lyndamonk.com Journaling Gift: https://iajw.org/journalwriting/Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iajw__/Twitter: https://twitter.com/lifewritercoachLinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/lyndamonk/Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/IAJW.org


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take...

  • “If we're gonna be creative, there needs to be space in our life.”

    –Parrish Wilson

    You don’t have to write or journal every day to have a regular practice, but having a practice can be extremely powerful and even healing. Writing therapist Parrish Wilson agrees with me that an every day isn’t required.

    Parrish uses therapeutic writing, which is any writing that supports our mental well being. That could be many things — autobiography, memoir, poetry — but the most common form many of us are aware of is journaling.

    How do we use journaling if we don’t do it every day? What does a journaling practice look like? Is there a difference between journaling on your own and journaling with a therapist? We dig into these questions.

    We talk about: 

    Reasons to journal in different moods Getting to know your own rhythm and flow in creating a practice and allowing writing to happen without being tied to an outcome or planExpressive writing as a combination of facts and our thoughts and feelings about themThe heal and release cycle and why you might feel worse, temporarily, after writingWays to do more embodied writingThat it’s the writing, not the therapist that does the work in writing therapy


    As a Writing Therapist, Parrish Wilson brings together over twenty years of experience working and writing in the field of mental health. She holds an Masters in Counselling and Spirituality, and a Graduate Certificate in Creative Writing. Her studies have focused on therapeutic writing as a tool for processing trauma and emotional distress. In her work with individuals and groups, Parrish crafts transformational writing experiences leading to deep personal transformation. Writing therapy takes many forms and Parrish can support you however you are pulled to write: journaling, memoir, poetry, essay or short story. In her non-work life, she’s a mama to two neurodivergent boys and a big fan of restorative yoga, high quality tea and messy (aka loved in) houses.


    parrishwilson.comInstagram: @parrishwilsonFacebook: Parrish Wilson CreativeFacebook group: Writing VibesLinkedIn: Parrish Wilson


    At the end of every episode, we share three doable changes, so you can take what you've heard and put it into action. Change comes from action. 

    Sometimes action gets a bad rap. You can be kind to yourself. You can practice being AND doing, but for change to happen you have to take steps. The way we take care of ourselves is making the steps doable and focusing on one thing at a time. We take time to integrate the change and then move on to the next one. Pick a Doable Change that resonates with you the most to start from. 

    Here are three Doable changes that we chose from this conversation. 

    FIND YOUR WRITING FLOW. Writing first thing in the morning or writing every day might not be your thing. Experiment with when you feel in flow writing. Try creating a writing block of time each day, but realizing it might look different. Some days might be words on the page, others might be research or brainstorming or reading.WRITE WITHOUT...
  • “The assignment is alignment. How do you come into that place of alignment for what's true for you?”

    –Karen Kenney

    Curiosity over check marks — spiritual mentor Karen Kenney talks about how rote activities and putting spirituality on our to do lists doesn’t work.

    There’s a difference between a habit and a ritual. Karen talks about the 5 Ds of a daily spiritual practice (DSP): daily, dedication, determination, discipline, and devotion. If you’ve ever had your meditation practice turn into another to do, it’s the devotion piece you want to look at — whatever the actual practice.

    There’s no one size fits all when it comes to a spiritual practice. You need to get curious about your purpose and the what and when and how that will work for you — and why.

    We talk about: 

    Creating your DSP and getting curious about what works for you Bookending your day with love They why behind spiritual practices first thing in the morning and right before bedNot using spiritual practices to beat yourself upGrowing into a practice and getting over resistanceThe effect on your nervous system


    Karen Kenney is a certified Spiritual Mentor, Writer, Hypnotist, Integrative Change Worker and Coach. She’s known for her dynamic storytelling, her sense of humor, her Boston accent and her no-bullshit approach to Spirituality and transformational work.

    She’s been a yoga teacher for 25 years, is a Certified Gateless Writing Instructor, and is also an author, speaker, retreat leader and the host of The Karen Kenney Show podcast.

    A curious human being, life-long learner and an entrepreneur for 20+ years, KK brings a down-to-earth perspective to the spiritual principles and practical tools that create powerful shifts in people’s lives, relationships and businesses.

    She works with people individually in her 1:1 program THE QUEST - and in her group program THE NEST.

    Her approach brings together tools that coach both the conscious and unconscious mind. She combines Brain Science, Subconscious Reprogramming, Integrative Hypnosis, and Spiritual Mentorship to help clients regulate their nervous systems, remove blocks, rewrite stories, rewire beliefs, and reimagine what’s possible!

    Karen wants her clients to have their own lived experience with spirituality and to not just “take her word for it”. She encourages them to discover and deepen their own personal connection to Self, Source and Spirit in tangible and actionable ways.

    Her “Your Story To Your Glory” process helps people to shift their minds from an old thought system of fear to one of Love - using compassion, empirical evidence and humor, her work is effective, efficient, and wicked fun!

    KK’s been a student of A Course in Miracles for 30 years, has been vegan for 20+ years, and believes that a little kindness can make a big difference.


    https://www.karenkenney.com/Build Your Spiritual Team freebie: https://www.karenkenney.com/freebieThe Karen Kenney Show Podcast: https://www.karenkenney.com/podcastFacebook:
  • “The more I got into it, the more I saw how the cycles of the moon are this beautiful, loving, unconditional container for us to be human.”

    –Keri-Anne Livingstone

    Let’s do a moon deep dive, because getting into more natural rhythms is so freeing and fascinating. I’m really excited to talk with Keri-Anne Livingstone, a clarity coach who taps into the cycles of the moon.

    We focus on four cycles of the moon: the new, the waxing, the full and the waning. Keri-Anne explains the significance of each and how to make the best use of each phase. We can use each phase something different: anchoring, action, full expression, and assessing and learning.

    The moon has you even if your body doesn’t cycle. So you can map your energy to the moon as a guide. And no matter where you are, you belong in whatever phase you’re in within the moon’s beautiful, cyclical, supportive container.

    We talk about: 

    Slowing down and intention setting with the new moon Feminine stages: maiden, mother, crone, and the often overlooked hagFinding full expression and connecting during the full moonUsing the elements of earth, air, fire, and water to your benefit during different parts of the cycleThe difference between new moon and dark moon and how to approach eachWhen you are off cycle with the moon


    Keri-Anne Livingstone is a certified Clarity Coach and emotional regulation specialist, guiding women through life's biggest challenges to have more peace, power, and presence through private coaching sessions, her online programs and Radical Acceptance Retreats held around the world. 

    With over a decade of experience and a lifetime of learning, Keri-Anne is known for delivering potent insights and perspective, drawing from her deep understanding of the human experience to help clients connect to their truest selves with clarity and confidence.

    Her unique and intuitive approach transcends surface-level solutions, diving deep into root causes to create lasting change. Through her expertise in somatic experiencing, compassionate inquiry, and internal family systems, Keri-Anne provides safe, brave space for fundamental shifts, healing and growth.

    Clients who work with Keri-Anne experience transformative outcomes, including a significant increase in confidence and self-awareness, a regulated nervous system, reconciliation of toxic patterns and relationships, healing from trauma, and experiencing a profound sense of trust and peace within themselves. 

    Her commitment to creating a safe, sovereign, and supportive process to explore and grow, ensures women feel empowered to reclaim their power, rewrite their story, speak their truth and live life on their own terms, unapologetically.

    Whether it's anchoring yourself to weather a storm, rewriting your story, or daring to disrupt the status quo, Keri-Anne is here to see and celebrate you every step of the way.


    www.keriannelivingstone.comDownload Align with your Mojo with the Moon Cheat SheetTikTok: https://www.tiktok.com/@keriannelivingstoneFacebook: https://www.facebook.com/daringtosuckInstagram: