A podcast/radio program from Australia about the environment, conservation, climate change and living sustainability in an earth of ever diminishing resources and more waste. The program is based in Byron Bay though the issues we cover affect all people and planet Earth. Your host Michelle Michels has updates, interviews and stories about climate change, conservation, indigenous perspectives on land management, ecology, energy and sustainability topics. Local, national and international topics are discussed. Local communities, academics, activists and anyone concerned about the environment speak about their concerns and projects.
Included is the project on Modern Slavery legislation in Australia, kindly funded by the Community Broadcasting Foundation. Written and produced by Michelle Michels in collaboration with Jodee Sydney (aired on Bay FM 'Eco Futures' from June 2020 - March 2021).
Weekly program broadcast on 11 am -12 pm Wednesdays available online -
Porque nada es tan fácil, la reconocida psicoanalista y escritora recorre los vericuetos de la vida cotidiana actual para encontrar una salida o al menos disfrutar el recorrido.
Great conversations at the intersection between science, society and policy. Brought to you by the world's leading network for science advice and science diplomacy practitioners, INGSA Horizons is a podcast of challenging topics of interest to everyone. COVID pulled back the curtain on the importance of good science informing smart policy - join us as we explore this critical, but often invisible, space between.
Un podcast para digerir sin prisa pero sin pausa los pasos de la Convención.
Jugo de Ciencia es un podcast de ciencia para todos y en español, conducido por los astrónomos, Elise Servajean y José Utreras. Si además de la astronomía te interesa la ciencia detrás del chocolate, o por qué necesitamos dormir, este podcast es para ti. En cada episodio nos juntamos para hablar de algún tema desde la perspectiva de la ciencia, te contamos un poco sobre la historia de las personas tras los hallazgos y algunos datos curiosos. Si eres fan de las trivias científicas de seguro te encantará Jugo de Ciencia.
La Ciencia Pop es un podcast semanal sobre historias de ciencia que está inspirado en el libro del mismo nombre, editado en Chile, España y República Checa. Si te gustó, puedes aportar en mi Patreon
Conversaciones metódicas que abarcan todos los temas relacionados a la Permacultura (sistema de diseño de ambientes humanos sustentables). Basados en el Pensamiento Natural, Markos Toscano desde Ecuador y Pablo Llambias desde Chile dialogan sobre las técnicas, herramientas y ámbitos clave, para un desarrollo humano sustentable.
Why do people self-injure? And what is the best way to respond when someone tells us they self-injure? Dr. Nicholas Westers, a clinical psychologist at Children's Health and Associate Professor at the University of Texas Southwestern Medical Center, collaborates with the International Society for the Study of Self-Injury (ISSS) to interview the leading experts in the field of self-injury and self-harm as well as individuals with lived experience of self-injury and parents and family members of those who have self-injured. This podcast is meant to be a resource for parents, professionals, and people with lived experience.
Podcast de la División de Anestesiología UC, donde trataremos temas relevantes para la especialidad.
En Elemental queremos poner la ciencia al servicio de la vida cotidiana, en este podcast aprovechamos las lecciones de la ciencia que nos ayudan a ser mejores en el trabajo y en la casa. Por eso, a lo largo de los episodios vamos a conversar con científicos de todas las áreas posibles, para encontrar las herramientas que todos los no-científicos podemos aplicar en el día a día. Un podcast de 3M producido por Naranja Media
#Ciencia #Tecnología #Mujeres #Curiosidad #Equidad
Este es un podcast de 3M en coproducción con Naranja Media -
Popular Science answers your most outlandish, mind-burning questions—from what the universe is made of to why not everyone can touch their toes. Join PopSci editors and producer Jess Boddy as they work through questions big and small. Support this podcast:
En este podcast hablamos sobre misterio crímenes y sobre la ciencia de la deducción analizamos los métodos utilizados por el personaje creado por Sir Arthur Conan Doyle
me voy a centrar en este ultimo por que es el que mas me gusta y el mas conocido -
The future - it's closer than you think. But what does it look like? And how do we get there? In this series Dr Hannah Fry meets the organisations who are building a greener, more resilient planet, today.
Planet Progress is part of the Impact Challenge on Climate. brings the best of Google to help solve some of humanity’s biggest challenges — combining funding, innovation, and technical expertise to support underserved communities and provide opportunity for everyone. To learn more visit -
Welcome to the Paws and Reward Podcast, where overwhelmed pet parents transform themselves to support their dogs. Join Marissa Martino, a certified dog behavior consultant (CDBC, CTC) and trained coach. On the show, we stop and reflect on behavior change strategies and share ways to support your relationship with your dog, yourself, and others.
The story of our environment may well be the most important story this century. We focus on issues facing people and the planet. Leading environmentalists, organizations, activists, and conservationists discuss meaningful ways to create a better and more sustainable future.
Participants include EARTHDAY.ORG, Greenpeace, UNESCO World Heritage Centre, PETA, European Environment Agency, Peter Singer,, UNESCO Mahatma Gandhi Institute of Education for Peace and Sustainable Development, Citizens’ Climate Lobby, Earth System Governance Project, Forest Stewardship Council, Global Witness, National Council for Climate Change, Sustainable Development and Public Leadership, Marine Stewardship Council, One Tree Planted, Polar Bears International, EarthLife Africa, Shimon Schwarzschild, and GAIA Centre, among others.
Interviews conducted by artist, activist, and educator Mia Funk with the participation of students and universities around the world. One Planet Podcast Is part of The Creative Process’ environmental initiative.
www.creativeprocess.infoINSTAGRAM @creativeprocesspodcast
Un podcast sobre la nueva era de la exploración espacial presentado por Javier Atapuerca y Matías S. Zavia.
¿Quién pisará antes Marte, Estados Unidos o China? ¿Podrá Blue Origin competir con SpaceX? ¿Qué están haciendo la NASA y la Agencia Espacial Europea para retirar la basura espacial? ¿Cuántos satélites son demasiados? ¿Podremos desviar un asteroide si se dirige a la Tierra?
Sal de dudas con esta distendida conversación semanal entre un ingeniero aeroespacial y un bloguero que sueña con ir al espacio.
Un paseo por las estrellas, un viaje por el espacio, un recorrido por planetas y galaxias muy… muuuy lejanas. Conoce los misterios del universo en el podcast de la astrónoma y divulgadora científica, Teresa Paneque.
A Climate Change with Matt Matern is a weekly show featuring influential guests from government, business, activism, academia, and culture. The show serves to inform its audience with a focus on environmental and climate issues. Join us as we commit to making "a climate change." Similar to these great podcasts: TED Climate, Reversing Climate Change, Climate One, My Climate Journey, Volts, America Adapts, & A Matter Of Degrees.
Un espacio para conversar de innovación, tecnología y la otra cara de la medicina y la academia. Temas controversiales, novedades, aplicaciones, startups e incluso algunas historias de la mezcla de todo. Un programa dirigido para todo público intentando tender puentes comunicacionales entre profesionales de la salud y el resto de la comunidad. Conducido por lo Dres. Gabriel Escalona y Pedro Monsalve cirujanos y con más de 10 años de experiencia en innovación y salud digital.
Mis participaciones en televisión y radio.