Mejora tu inglés y tu conocimiento del mundo angloparlante gracias a fascinantes historias de la vida real, narradas en un inglés fácil de entender y con comentarios en español para ayudarte con el contexto. Creado por Duolingo, la mejor manera de aprender un idioma. Presentado por Diana Gameros en colaboración con Adonde Media.
Du suchst einen Podcast, in dem authentisches Deutsch gesprochen wird? Mit „Deutsches Geplapper“ hast du ihn gefunden! Ich bin Flemming von „Natural. Fluent. German“ - Deutsch-Coach. Mein Ziel: Deutschlernenden dabei zu helfen, fließend Deutsch sprechen zu lernen. „Deutsches Geplapper“ richtet sich an fortgeschrittene Deutschlernende, die Lust auf authentische Dialoge zwischen Muttersprachlern haben. Ich spreche mit vielen interessanten Gästen über diverse Themen - Alltag, Arbeit, Politik, Umwelt, Ernährung, Geschichte und vieles mehr. Jeden zweiten Mittwoch gibt's mein Geplapper auf Spotify, iTunes und überall wo es Podcasts gibt. Transkripte:
Coffee Break English is a podcast which will help you learn English in regular 15-minute episodes, perfect for your coffee break! Find out more about Coffee Break English at .
Coffee Break English can help you improve your English with short lessons - the perfect time to enjoy a cup of coffee while learning. The course is presented in slow English which is easy to understand. Don’t worry if you don’t understand every word, it’s more important to get the general meaning. Season one is at A2 level. This course is for you if you learnt some English at school or if you want to review the basics. Coffee Break English can help you improve your accuracy and understanding of English, to prepare you for many situations like using English at work, visiting an English-speaking country, taking exams, or talking with English-speaking friends. In each episode of the audio lessons, one of our colleagues from an English-speaking country tells us about an aspect of life or culture in their country. In season one, we hear from our friends in the UK, the USA, Canada, and Australia, helping you understand lots of different accents and varieties of English.
Mark and Josie guide you through the text, explaining the language and helping you understand it better. Each text focuses on a specific language point, including tenses, prepositions, phrasal verbs, and much more.
In addition to the main audio lesson, the course contains lesson notes, which explain the language in the lesson in more detail and provide a transcript of the text; practice exercises; a video version of the lesson; bonus audio episodes; and vocabulary lists in many different languages. Find out more at
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
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Radek Budnicki zaprasza do życia "Lepiej Teraz".
Odkrywa, jak żyć mądrze i twórczo w cyfrowym świecie.
Od filozofii stoickiej po AI, od slow life po pisanie, nagrywanie i zarabianie online.
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Inspirujące lekcje i historie, które pomagają wyjść ze schematów.Racjonalne podejście do życia i biznesu.Porady gości, których zaprasza do opowiedzenia o pomysłach i projektach biznesowych, które dały im wolność.Biografie wielkich postaci historii.Filozofię praktyczną.Najnowsze trendy w rozwoju osobistym. Inspirację i motywację do rozpoczęcia lepszego życia.Już teraz. Lepiej Teraz !
Podobają Ci się podcasty Lepiej Teraz i pragniesz otrzymać dostęp do specjalnych odcinków PREMIUM?
Zostań Patronem lub Patronką podcastu na -
Welcome to BEING HER with Margarita Nazarenko, where we talk about womanhood, self development and the journey to BECOMING the best version of HER.
Pick Me Up is a podcast about Lyft drivers who are chasing big dreams both on and off the road. Each episode, we’ll meet one of them to find out where they’re coming from. And then, we’ll give them a little — pick me up — to help them get to where they’re going. Pick Me Up is a production of Lyft and Gimlet Creative, hosted by Mariah Smith.
Chalk Radio is an MIT OpenCourseWare podcast about inspired teaching at MIT. We take you behind the scenes of some of the most interesting courses on campus to talk with the professors who make those courses possible.
Our guests open up to us about the passions that drive their cutting-edge research and innovative teaching, sharing stories that are candid, funny, serious, personal, and full of insights. Listening in on these conversations is like being right here with us in person under the MIT dome, talking with your favorite professors.
And because each of our guests shares teaching materials on OCW, it's easy to take a deeper dive into the topics that inspire you. If you're an educator, you can make these teaching materials your own because they're all openly-licensed.
Hosted by Dr. Sarah Hansen from MIT Open Learning.
Chalk Radio episodes are offered under a CC BY-NC-SA license ( -
Gadamy o filozofii i jej okolicach. Rzeczowo, ale nie zawsze w akademickim tonie. Serio, ale nie bardzo poważnie. W duchu pogawędki, niekoniecznie konwersatorium.
Pogawędnik redagują pracownicy Instytutu Filozofii UMK: Marcin T. Zdrenka i Adam Grzeliński przy współpracy Piotra Domerackiego,
wspierani przez wspólnotę osób zaprzyjaźnionych z toruńską filozofią.
Główny motyw graficzny podkastu - Nikodem Pręgowski.
Główny temat muzyczny - Waldemar Bata. -
Take your Italian from learner to local with Matteo and Raffaele. Immerse yourself in authentic Italian as we share the ups and downs of daily life, interesting stories, and things that will surprise you about Italy. Plus, as a member, you’ll get interactive transcripts with a translation of your choice; bonus content; early access; and our magical vocabulary helper that shows you minute-by-minute translations while you listen. Com'è facile!
Learn Portuguese with teacher Rafael and his student Ava. Each lesson is like going for a coffee with your friend who happens to speak Portuguese and is helping you learn in a relaxed, enjoyable way.
Coffee Break Portuguese does not focus on European or Brazilian Portuguese specifically: instead you'll be learning to use Portuguese in a way you'll be understood throughout the Portuguese-speaking world. Rafael, our main teacher, is from Brazil, but you'll also get to know Catarina from Portugal in our episodes.
Coffee Break Portuguese is not a simple series of "listen and repeat" audio programmes: in each lesson Rafael explains how the language works, helping Ava - and you - to manipulate the language and use it in practical situations. As a learner Ava asks questions, and makes mistakes, so through Rafael's explanations, corrections and pronunciation tips you'll build your confidence and begin to understand and speak the language.
You'll also build your cultural knowledge with the help of our cultural correspondent Catarina who shares information on cultural and linguistic points from around the Portuguese-speaking world.
In the same time it takes you to sit down and enjoy a coffee in your favourite coffee shop, you can make progress with your Portuguese. Our 20 minute lessons are perfect to keep you focused and let you develop your confidence in regular sessions.
You can find support materials for Coffee Break Portuguese in the online course by clicking here here.
Would you like a free Portuguese lesson and language learning tips in your inbox every week? Sign up for the Coffee Break Portuguese newsletter.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Podcast o ogrodach: naturalnych, ekologicznych, pożytecznych, wiejskich, miejskich i… angielskich. Usłyszycie tu praktyczne porady i rozmowy o tym: jak założyć swój pierwszy warzywnik, dlaczego podwyższone rabaty stają coraz bardziej popularne, czy da się stworzyć ogród bezobsługowy, oraz czy w pojemnikach można uprawiać prawie wszystko. Będzie też mowa o najnowszych trendach w ogrodnictwie, o zieleni miejskiej i uprawie „no dig”, a wszystko w zgodzie z naturą, bez chemii, w sposób przyjazny dla pszczół i ptaków. Od czasu do czasu odwiedzą nas goście.
Podcast prowadzą Katarzyna Bellingham oraz Jacek Naliwajek.
Katarzyna Bellingham - ogrodniczka z pasji i wykształcenia, od wielu lat pielęgnuje i projektuje ogrody, autorka popularnego bloga ogrodniczego, właścicielka otwartego dla gości ogrodu w sercu Kaszubskiego Parku Krajobrazowego, na co dzień zgłębia tajniki ogrodnictwa w Anglii.
Jacek Naliwajek - pasjonat ogrodnictwa, dziennikarz radiowy z ponad 25-letnim doświadczeniem, właściciel wiejskiego ogrodu podmiejskiego, który to ogród przechodzi nieustanną metamorfozę, zwolennik ściółkowania, kompostowania i przyjaznej pszczołom zieleni miejskiej. -
Oficjalny Podcast Kampanii Reset!
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For practicing acupuncturists, each episode in this weekly podcast explores needling technique, indications, and clinical applications for a set of five individual acupuncture points. Over 300 points are discussed in detail.
The conversation is based on the personal experiences of two seasoned practitioners, each with over 30 years of clinical practice. For acupuncture continuing education credits, view these classes online at
Dr. Daoshing Ni is the co-founder of Yo San University of Traditional Chinese Medicine, and chair of the Doctoral program in Women’s Health and Reproductive Medicine. Dr. James Skoien is an international lecturer on the topic of Chinese Medicine with over 33 years of teaching experience. -
Podcast dla kobiet o ich życiu, dążeniu do szczęścia, odkrywaniu potencjału i życiowej misji, spełnianiu marzeń, wywieraniu dobrego wpływ na swoje otoczenie. Dowiesz się jakie zmiany w życiu wprowadzić, by przejść z miejsca frustracji do skutecznego działania na swojej osobistej drodze do szczęścia. Prowadzi Monika Sacewicz - Chrześcijański Coach i Mentor dla kobiet - Mówca Edukacji Finansowej Crown.Podcast powered by Spreaker. Go to
Renée Potvin - creative director at Wild Sage Events - hosts a wedding planning podcast to provide community, resources and advice to engaged couples. Each week, she'll be sitting down with industry professionals and sharing tips and tricks to help you plan every step of your wedding day!
55 Länder. 55 Folgen. 55 Wochen. Der Afrika für Almans Podcast widmet sich sukzessive jedem afrikanischen Staat. Jeden Freitag jeweils ein Land, von A wie Ägypten bis Z wie Zentralafrikanische Republik. Die Folgen drehen sich um Themen wie Geografie, Geschichte, Politik, Wirtschaft etc. und werden bereichert durch fachkundige Gäste.
Research, news and views from the School of Philosophy, Psychology & Language Sciences. The School brings together research in philosophy, psychology and linguistics at the University of Edinburgh to find out what makes people tick by studying their thoughts, words and behaviours.
GALLUP® Called to Coach is a webcast resource for those who want to help others discover and use their strengths. We have Gallup experts and independent strengths coaches share tactics, insights and strategies to help coaches maximize the talent of individuals, teams and organizations around the world.
Being your best self means playing to your strengths at work and everywhere else. Discover your strengths and learn how to use them to thrive with CliftonStrengths® 34. Visit today!