Positively Conflicted - The Audiobook
Espanha · Sam Ardery
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Many of us have a messy relationship with conflict. Listen to Sam Ardery read his book Positively Conflicted and learn to fear conflict less and do it better.
When confronted with conflict, our fight or flight response kicks in and we either rush into battle or back away. By defaulting into one of these options, however, we risk damaging ties to people we care about, opening ourselves up to future retaliation or allowing resentments to fester.
Positively Conflicted invites us to re-examine our instinctive and often destructive reactions to conflict. With decades of experience in mediation Sam Ardery doesn't offer advice on how to win every fight, nor does he promise a one-size-fits-all solution to complex issues. Instead, he presents a different perspective - one that enables us to engage with conflict in novel and courageous ways.
Here Sam reads his book Positively Conflicted, each chapter an episode.