
  • Ah, the fates! The lines of the 30th Gate give a glimpse into how your profile (public role) deals with the fates you meet in life. First, if you have the 30th gate activated in your chart, you will want to look at that activation first, then you can dig into how you will meet the fates through your profile/public role. The 30th Gate The Clinging Fire; The Gate of Feelings The Blue Line in the Rave I' Ching says: Freedom recognized as an illusion and limitation accepted as a fate. Re-read this last sentence. Let it sink in. When Ra says, Freedom recognized as an illusion, he is indicating that the energy that is assigned to you and the body that is assigned to you is limited to you. You have a fate that is yours and yours only. And in a weird, reverse psychology way, there is a freedom to this! All Transformation first feels like a contraction (gate 41). The Root Center represents the adrenal glands. The duality of the Root Center is to fight, flight, freeze and fawn from pressure or to use the contraction fuel to decrease to One Feeling. This limitation of of one feeling maximizes the development of potential. The 41-30 is keynoted as fantasy, imagination and recognition. Imagination opens the aperture for the cognition to witness the future. The 41-30 can get very distracted by expectation. Once you shift that expectation into anticipation, the contraction of the feeling begins to fill up the cells with that feeling, as it expands in the full potential that is available. Here is where we want to learn surrender: 6. Enforcement: The discipline to maintain right action. You are very good at accepting your limitation and using your imagination and then demanding that the fates bring the experience to you 5. Irony: The recognition and dedication to transitory goals. Each new feeling brings back an old feeling before progress can take place. What the irony? You must deal with old feelings (hypnotherapy is an excellent mode to do this) so you can progress into the new experience. 4. Burnout: An unrealistic pace that begs misfortune. The highly energized feelings within you end up burning out the opposing forces in your network so progress can take place. Yes, you will need give yourself compassion that this is how you are designed to externalize. Allows rest periods and feel the highs and lows of what it is like to move into a new experience. 3. Resignation: The acceptance of what is. If the feeling is positive or negative, you lean into the acceptance of whatever is present. 2.Pragmatism: The balance between extremes. You become aware of the feelings that demand energy and those you are not to waste time on. 1. Composure: Balance in the face of disorder. Stability of feelings no matter what is happening and you may not be able to let them go. Can you notice yourself in these explanations on how you deal with the fates? I have the 30th gate as my Personality Earth, which is also in my profile. As a 1/3, I deal with the fates with composure and resignation. To know this about yourself, is to learn to surrender and through surrender, your experiences of the 36-35 (the crisis of the 36th gate and the progress of the 35th gate) can be transitory. The Solar Plexus is associated with the nervous system. And most people in the coaching, healing, therapy and spiritual realms know that the regulation of the nervous system will change everything about our life experiences. Now the possibility of change is available to you as the 36th gate of Crisis can be embraced and no longer destabilizes you or your emotions. Progress is not goal oriented, it is experience oriented. Step into the experience and feel all the feels. Imagine the outcome. Surrender to the outcome. Allow the Possibility of the outcome. Manifest the outcome. Emotional blocks, money blocks, manifestation blocks...live along the sensing circuit. Re-read this email and I invite you to join one of my communities' so you too, can surrender and trust the fates to bring you through the experiences that are designed for you!

  • You do not need to stay trapped in the not-self amplification. Transform the openness into abundance.

    The Law of Vacuum states that the universe abhors or loathes an empty space, and encourages us to let go of what we are holding in order to be surrounded by good everywhere. This law is also known as the Law of Prosperity, which encourages us to create space by getting rid of the old in order to make way for the new.

     Want more prosperity? Consciously participate with life. 

    Allow the flow to create growth vs. decadence. 

    Here are the ways to connect with me:

    {Free} 3 Steps to Align to Your Wealth Code https://bit.ly/3stepstoalignyourwealthcode Business and Career Chart https://bit.ly/businessbydesignchart PHS/Rave Psychology Advanced Chart https://www.powerofself.ca/advancedchart


    {Self-Study} Human Design Self Study - Includes: Basics, Health, Family and Business https://bit.ly/hdselfstudywithleann

    PHS/Rave Psychology Self Study - https://www.powerofself.ca/pl/2147637795

    _____________________________________________________________________________________ {Tools} Human Design Wealth Alignment Tool https://bit.ly/humandesignwealthalignment

    _____________________________________________________________________________________ [Coaching, Mentorship and Human Design Analysis Readings] https://bit.ly/workwithleannhumandesignbusiness




    ____________________________________________________________________________________ Subscribe for Human Design, Alignment, and Manifestation.

    Inspired by Jovian Archive, International Human Design School, and Ra Uru Hu.

    On my YouTube channel,@LeannWolff we will go through Human Design for Business, and Life. Stay tuned for the latest Mindset, Manifestation, and Coaching Videos.

    Click here to subscribe: https://bit.ly/leannwolffhumandesign

    Website: www.powerofself.ca




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  • Branding as a coach, consultant, author, speaker or solopreneur is easily found in the Human Design Bodygraph. In this video I break down the 3 key areas for your brand. Simplicity and honoring the self is the key to a great brand. 1. Who you serve 2. Why your serve them 3. Your story ___________________ Be supported. www.powerofself.ca/work-with-leann __________________ Get Your Advanced PHS or Business Charts here (free) https://www.powerofself.ca/advancedchart https://www.powerofself.ca/PDWFHumanDesignforbusiness __________________________ Learn Human Design at your Own Pace. Self Study Courses Now Available PHS\Rave Psychology - https://www.powerofself.ca/offers/tPjU59JP/checkout Human Design Self Study- This is an All-Inclusive Training! (This will blow Your Mind) https://www.powerofself.ca/offers/2zzvBPGW/checkout __________________ Student of Ra Uru Hu material

  • 95% of our behaviour is happening without us knowing it! These unconscious patterns are the ‘software’ downloads we receive from others. This is otherwise known as conditioning. How will you know you are still operating from this conditioning self? You have goals but are not hitting them even though you are working your a$$ off. You arrive at your goal but are unfulfilled. You have unrealistic expectations of others, yourself and your goals. You notice you can’t get past a certain set point when it comes to money, weight or relationships. We can usually know something is unconscious when: The pressure that is driving us shows us that we are attached to an agenda. This is where your well-being is attached to ‘having’ the outside thing. Ex. If I have a spouse, I can be loved; If I earn 100K this year I will be free to travel; If I lose weight, I can get the dream job. From this space of lack, which feels like bitterness, frustration, anger and disappointment, your decision making causes even more resistance in your life. This reactionary behaviour has you engaging with life as a marionette vs. an empowered, unique individual with autonomous decision making skills. It is time to upgrade the software programming in your adult life! The #humandesign system is excellent for providing a simple mechanical look ‘how’ you are designed to interact so you are empowered, supported and comfortable sharing. Add onto this, the benefit of coaching so you can actually move the unconscious patterns out of the subconscious mind and upgrade your software to it higher version. Stop chasing life…Stop running from the past fears…. Embody the magic that is you…. Leann

  • At the heart of your business, it is critical to know who are you being? Are you aligning to the energy of the design? Are you aligned with the life you desire? Have you set your mind on a mission to seek the goals you are wanting? And are you holding the faith that you can have it all? Share, like and comment... Talk soon Leann #youaremagic #humandesign __________________________________________ I help entrepreneurs align to their energetic signature so they can effortlessly magnetize their dreams. _________________________________ Grab your Business Chart here: https://bit.ly/businessbydesignchart 3 Steps to Wealth Alignment: FREE COURSE https://bit.ly/3stepstoalignyourwealthcode Work with Leann: https://bit.ly/workwithleannhumandesignbusiness _______________________________________________ Create your own reality with the mechanics of the #humandesignsystem Your Magic is just waiting for you. You are not lost. You are not less than. You are not the fear. You are not the confusion. You are the #essence. _____________________________________________________

  • How do you stand out from the crowd? There are thousands of #humandesignreaders, #tarotcardreaders, #fitnesstrainers, #nutritionalists, #therapists so how do you stand out? Create your own unique methodology. Your uniqueness is in the design, so how can we move that into the world so you can stand above the crowd? I help overwhelmed entrepreneurs shift to empowered entrepreneurs through awareness, internal shifts and aligned action so that they can work, play and live on purpose while being prosperous.

  • Business forces you to face yourself! Do you agree? 70% of all small businesses don't make it past the 10 year mark! 20% will fail in the first year and 50% by year 5. What separates successful entrepreneurs from those who don’t make it? Well many things but most specifically SELF-AWARENESS! Being able to self-reflect, self-correct and refine one’s actions is absolutely necessary when it comes to business success. This is where we are heading into the 2027 shift. Instead of taking things personally and getting defensive (all not-self behavior), allowing feedback and criticism will help you grow and refine your business. Looking back at all the growth that I have had since becoming an entrepreneur, I am thrilled with the person I have become and am becoming. "Success is not what you have but who you are” - Bo Bennett How has your business helped you face your own Sh&*t? Leann p.s. #youaremagic

  • How are you bringing awareness to your listeners, readers and clients to be? Are you able to shift their perspective so they are aware of the potential that is waiting for them??


    Creating awareness is the most profitable business model because it creates demand.



  • There is an invisible element that may be holding you back in your business. It is the beliefs and conditioning that happens in the environment around you. We adopt a belief and use them when it serves us to keep us safe!


    Question everything you say to yourself around why you can do something! Without the inquiry, the conditioning will keep you playing small and safe.

  • You are never going to change the world by fighting the things that you don’t like.


    If you want to change the world, build a new model….


    A model that works better than the old model and follow the new model ….


    Once you do that, the old model will become obsolete - Buckminster Fuller


    There is a shift in the Energy of our reality and you get to harness the magic of what is unfolding by using the Roadmap of Human Design. 

    Old structures are crumbling and it is ok. The new individual energy is creating a new integrated energy for us...

    Here is the Gregg Braden link for more information : 



  • The existential question for 90% of the population is, "Who am I?" I help you lean into this deeper by recognizing who you are not so you can begin to build a business with the purity of who you are first.

    #humandesign helps us discern what is us and what is not us and then the #enneagram allows us to go deeper into the conditioned mind. 

    Unlock the layers of 'false' identities and see the current labels as roles versus identities so that you can live in an empowered state vs. and overwhelmed state. 

