
  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders

    Welcome back to ADHD Powerful Possibilities!

    I'm your host, Katherine, certified advanced ADHD coach, and in this episode, we dive deep into why getting an ADHD diagnosis is crucial. Whether you're a parent hesitant to label your child or an adult who’s adapted to life without a diagnosis, this episode is for you. We'll explore the benefits of understanding and support that come with a diagnosis, backed by solid research. Tune in to discover how a diagnosis can transform your life or the life of your loved ones.

    Key Topics Covered:

    Introduction: Why understanding ADHD and getting a diagnosis matters.The Fear of Labels: Addressing common concerns about labeling children and the importance of early diagnosis.Adapted Adults: The personal cost of adapting life around undiagnosed ADHD and the benefits of recognizing it.Breaking the Stigma: How a diagnosis helps in understanding oneself and accessing necessary resources.Family Dynamics: The impact of ADHD on family relationships and the importance of a diagnosis for better communication.Long-Term Benefits: Research-backed benefits of a diagnosis, including improved job performance and mental health.

    Important Points:

    Early Diagnosis in Children: Studies show that early identification and intervention can significantly improve academic performance, enhance social skills, and reduce the risk of anxiety and depression.Adapted Adults: Research indicates that untreated ADHD in adults can lead to chronic stress, burnout, and higher risks of mental health issues.Stigma and Support: A diagnosis isn’t a label; it's a key to understanding and accessing support systems.Family Dynamics: Understanding ADHD can improve relationships and communication within families.Long-Term Benefits: A diagnosis can lead to better job performance, reduced risk of substance abuse

     If you found today’s discussion helpful, please share it with someone who might benefit. Remember, understanding yourself is the first step to living your best life. For more insights and support, follow us on social media or visit my website for resources and coaching options.

    Connect with Katherine here:









    Subcommittee on Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder, Steering Committee on Quality Improvement and Management; ADHD: Clinical Practice Guideline for the Diagnosis, Evaluation, and Treatment of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder in Children and Adolescents. Pediatrics November 2011; 128 (5): 1007–1022. 10.1542/peds.2011-2654

    Shaw, M., Hodgkins, P., Caci, H. et al. A systematic review and...

  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders

    In the world's shortest ADHD Podcast episode, I'm sharing the ONE THING that my teen said they wanted people to know about ADHD. It's not what I was expecting.

    I mentioned in the 'episode' some evidence of the power of our mind or thoughts on our body - and vice versa. Of course, I'm referring to the studies by Professor Ellen Langer, a leading psychologist at Harvard.

    Her famous 'Counter Clockwise' study showed that our physical environment not just affects our thoughts but can change our body. The team at Harvard are also working on the use of mindfulness (not THAT kind of mindfulness) on Multiple Sclerosis, Parkinsons, diabetes and more.

    Connect with Katherine here:








    My website - with links to the Launch Coaching & PEERS social skills group.

    My Procrastination 101 Guide.

    Demers, Marika & Pagnini, Francesco & Phillips, Deborah & Chang, Brianna & Winstein, Carolee & Langer, Ellen. (2021). Beta-Testing of an Online Mindfulness Program Designed for Stroke Survivors and Their Caregivers During a Pandemic. Archives of Physical Medicine and Rehabilitation. 102. e37. 10.1016/j.apmr.2021.07.569.

    Park, Chanmo & Pagnini, Francesco & Langer, Ellen. (2020). Glucose metabolism responds to perceived sugar intake more than actual sugar intake. Scientific reports. 10. 15633. 10.1038/s41598-020-72501-w.

    Pagnini, Francesco & Bosma, Colin & Phillips, Deborah & Langer, Ellen. (2014). Symptom changes in multiple sclerosis following psychological interventions: A systematic review. BMC neurology. 14. 222. 10.1186/s12883-014-0222-z.

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  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders

    Today's episode is different: what happens when our energy runs out?

    I wanted to share with you the how I responded to a day of zero energy and why I think it's important for ADHD Coaches - and coaches in general - to show up as real humans who have days where our personal growth shows up as love, compassion and permission instead of shiny routines, perky planners and catchy phrases in pep talks. (My clients will confirm I never use any of those...)

    There are a few research studies that are relevant, showing that ADHD adults are more likely to report fatigue and experience low energy but the questions for today are simple:

    What do I NEED? How can I meet that need? What people, resources, skills are available to me?How can I show myself compassion and adaptability?

    I hope you enjoy this different episode - I know I liked sharing something personal and more coach-like with you.

    Remember to let me know if you have questions - I'll be making a series of 5-10 minute episodes soon to answer them. The website form has had a makeover so head to the podcast page and send them through there.

    Connect with Katherine here:








    Podcast Question form: https://lightbulbadhd.com/podcast/

    Takanobu Yamamoto, The relationship between central fatigue and Attention Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder of the inattentive type, Neurochemical Research, 10.1007/s11064-022-03693-y, 47, 9, (2890-2898), (2022).

    Martin Oscarsson, Martina Nelson, Alexander Rozental, Ylva Ginsberg, Per Carlbring, Fredrik Jönsson, Stress and work-related mental illness among working adults with ADHD: a qualitative study, BMC Psychiatry, 10.1186/s12888-022-04409-w, 22, 1, (2022).

    Nufar Grinblat, Sara Rosenblum, Work participation, sensory processing and sleep quality in adults with attention-deficit hyperactive disorder, Work, 10.3233/WOR-211129, 73, 4, (1235-1244), (2022).

    Bert Lenaert, Rebecca Jansen, Caroline M. van Heugten, You make me tired: An experimental test of the role of interpersonal operant conditioning in fatigue, Behaviour Research and Therapy, 10.1016/j.brat.2018.01.006, 103, (12-17), (2018).

    Wajszilber D, Santiseban JA, Gruber R. Sleep disorders in patients with ADHD: impact and management challenges. Nat Sci Sleep. 2018 Dec 14;10:453-480. doi: 10.2147/NSS.S163074. PMID: 30588139; PMCID: PMC6299464.

  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders

    Wondering why the classic 'business advice' you've been following just turns your brain off? Let's go into the unique challenges and opportunities that ADHD entrepreneurs face.

    You'll learn the surprising priorities that can transform procrastination and overwhelm into productivity and success, all through the lens of the ADHD Rising program. Whether you're newly diagnosed or a seasoned entrepreneur, this episode offers valuable insights to help you thrive.

    Key Takeaways:

    Katherine’s Journey: Learn about Katherine's diverse career path and how her ADHD and autism diagnosis in her early forties transformed her approach to business.Common Challenges: Understand the typical struggles ADHD entrepreneurs face, such as procrastination, overwhelm, and lack of routine.Real-Life Success Stories: Hear inspiring stories of clients like 'Monica' and 'Phoebe', who transformed their businesses by understanding and leveraging their ADHD.ADHD Rising Framework: Explore the three-part framework—Foundations, Stretch and Grow, and Flourish—that Katherine uses to help entrepreneurs succeed.Practical Tips: Gain actionable advice on developing personalized strategies, creating achievable goals, and incorporating fun and creativity into your routine.Building a Supportive Environment: Discover the importance of community, coaching, and surrounding yourself with supportive people.


    "Understanding your unique ADHD profile is crucial for building a business that truly works for you.""With the right strategies and support, you can turn your ADHD challenges into strengths and thrive as an entrepreneur."

    Resources Mentioned:

    ADHD Rising Program: https://lightbulbadhd.com/group-coachingKatherine's Website: https://lightbulbadhd.comBook a Call with Katherine: Book Here

    Action Steps:

    Identify Your Priorities: Reflect on the priorities that resonate with your unique ADHD profile.Join the Community: Consider joining a supportive community of ADHD entrepreneurs.Schedule a Call: Book a call with Katherine to discuss how the ADHD Rising program can help you.
    Connect with Katherine: @adhd_coach_katherine on Instagram, Facebook & TiktokSubscribe: Don’t miss out on future episodes—subscribe to the podcast!Leave a Review: If you enjoyed this episode, please leave a review and share it with others.Join the Conversation: Share your thoughts and experiences in the comments or on social media using the hashtag #ADHDRising


    Connect with Katherine here:






  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders

    Hello and welcome back to another episode where we share how to make your life with ADHD as fulfilling and joy-filled as possible.

    We've explored how using executive functions, integrating self-compassion, and leveraging strengths-based approaches can create powerful tools for managing ADHD.

    Today, we're uncovering how celebrating our successes, engaging in force-free productivity, and using the transformative power of positive self-talk can transform our productivity and overall mood.

    You'll earn how these strategies can dramatically affect your well-being and effectiveness, and discover actionable tips to cultivate a more fulfilling and effective work life.

    Tune in to discover how celebrating small wins, aligning work with your strengths, and practicing positive self-talk can create a sustainable, joyful, and productive life

    Don't forget to sign up for my seminar on Monday 3rd June 2024 (live) at the link below.

    Connect with Katherine here:








    Register for 'Overwhelmed to Overflowing: how to confidently navigate your ADHD Challenges to become your own best boss' here.

    Bolier, L., Haverman, M., Westerhof, G.J. et al. Positive psychology interventions: a meta-analysis of randomized controlled studies. BMC Public Health 13, 119 (2013). https://doi.org/10.1186/1471-2458-13-119

    Lambez B, Harwood-Gross A, Golumbic EZ, Rassovsky Y. Non-pharmacological interventions for cognitive difficulties in ADHD: A systematic review and meta-analysis. J Psychiatr Res. 2020 Jan;120:40-55. doi: 10.1016/j.jpsychires.2019.10.007. Epub 2019 Oct 12. PMID: 31629998.

    Poissant H, Mendrek A, Talbot N, Khoury B, Nolan J. Behavioral and Cognitive Impacts of Mindfulness-Based Interventions on Adults with Attention-Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder: A Systematic Review. Behav Neurol. 2019 Apr 4;2019:5682050. doi: 10.1155/2019/5682050. PMID: 31093302; PMCID: PMC6476147.

    Chan ESM, Gaye F, Cole AM, Singh LJ, Kofler MJ. Central executive training for ADHD: Impact on organizational skills at home and school. A randomized controlled trial. Neuropsychology. 2023 Nov;37(8):859-871. doi: 10.1037/neu0000918. Epub 2023 Jul 13. PMID: 37439737; PMCID: PMC10615842.

    Greven CU, Buitelaar JK, Salum GA. From positive psychology to psychopathology: the continuum of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder. J Child Psychol Psychiatry. 2018 Mar;59(3):203-212. doi: 10.1111/jcpp.12786. Epub 2017 Jul 21. PMID: 28731214.

    Dupuis A, Mudiyanselage P, Burton CL, Arnold PD, Crosbie J, Schachar RJ. Hyperfocus or flow? Attentional strengths in autism spectrum disorder. Front Psychiatry. 2022 Sep 16;13:886692. doi: 10.3389/fpsyt.2022.886692. PMID: 36276327; PMCID: PMC9579965.

    Cremone A, Lugo-Candelas CI, Harvey EA, McDermott JM, Spencer RMC. Positive emotional attention bias in young children with...

  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders

    Join me to learn about focus, flow and how your brain function affects both as well as some unusual practical tips to enhance your workflow.

    This week we're looking at:

    1. Understanding Brain Structures

    2. What is Focus anyway?

    3. Recognizing and Increasing Flow States

    and strategies that you can use to improve your focus and experience flow.

    Understanding Brain Structures and Their Roles:

    Prefrontal Cortex (PFC): Executive functions and focus.

    Basal Ganglia: Motivation and task engagement.

    Habenula: Stress responses and motivation.

    Anterior Cingulate Cortex (ACC): Attention processing.

    Default Mode Network (DMN): Daydreaming and focus.

    Task Initiation Challenges

    Why it's Hard: Executive function impairments, dopamine dysregulation, anxiety, and perfectionism

    Flow States:

    What is Flow: Deep engagement and enjoyment in tasks.

    Difference from Focus: Effortless vs. deliberate concentration.

    Recognising Flow: Intense concentration, time distortion, intrinsic motivation.

    Increasing Flow: Clear goals, immediate feedback, balancing challenge and skill.

    Connect with Katherine:

    Instagram: @adhd_coach_katherine

    Tiktok: @adhd_coach_katherine

    Online: https://lightbulbadhd.com

    Let me know which one of these ideas you're going to try this week and share your experiences. Don't forget to register for the seminar before 3rd June 2024.

    Next week: Celebrating achievements and engaging in force-free productivity. Don’t miss it!

    This format provides a quick overview for those in a hurry and detailed information for those wanting to dive deeper, catering to a broad audience while enhancing SEO.

    Connect with Katherine here:








    Overwhelmed to Overflowing: how to navigate your ADHD Challenges and become your own best boss: https://lightbulbadhd.com/seminar-overflowing

    Focus Music:



    Arnold, L. E., Hodgkins, P., Kahle, J., Madhoo, M., & Kewley, G. (2020). Long-term outcomes of ADHD: Academic achievement and performance. _Journal of Attention Disorders, 24_(1), 73-85. (https://doi.org/10.1177/1087054714566076)

    Barkley, R. A. (1997). Behavioral inhibition, sustained attention, and executive functions: Constructing a unifying theory of ADHD. _Psychological Bulletin, 121_(1), 65-94. (https://doi.org/10.1037/0033-2909.121.1.65)

    Castellanos, F. X., & Proal,...

  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders

    Welcome back to the ADHD Powerful Possibilities podcast! In this episode, we use the 3 legged stool to show how executive functions, personal strengths, and self-compassion create a robust foundation for managing ADHD. Join me as we explore practical strategies to harness these elements for both personal and professional success.

    What You’ll Learn:The role of executive functions in daily life and common challenges faced by those with ADHD.How to identify and leverage your personal strengths to complement executive function struggles.The importance of self-compassion in managing ADHD and how it aids in emotional regulation and resilience.Strategies for integrating routines with meaning and external structure to enhance productivity.

    Connect with Katherine here:








    Live Seminar Sign-Up:

    Register for 'Overwhelmed to Overflowing: how to navigate ADHD challenges and become your own Best Boss' - Get your invitation here

    Brilliant Brains - Executive Function: waitlist (June 2024)

    You can register here for more information - Waitlist page
    Resources1. Executive Functions


    "Smart but Scattered" by Peg Dawson and Richard Guare: A practical guide to help children and adults with ADHD improve executive function skills."The Executive Functioning Workbook for Teens" by Sharon A. Hansen: Offers activities and strategies for teens to build their executive functioning skills.
    2. Leveraging Personal Strengths

    Online Assessments:

    VIA Character Strengths Survey: A free online assessment to identify your top character strengths. Link
    3. Self-Compassion


    "Self-Compassion: The Proven Power of Being Kind to Yourself" by Kristin Neff: Explores the concept of self-compassion and provides practical exercises."The Mindful Path to Self-Compassion" by Christopher Germer: Combines mindfulness and self-compassion practices to enhance emotional well-being.

    Online Tools:

    Mindful Self-Compassion (MSC): A structured program that combines mindfulness and self-compassion. LinkSelf-Compassion Exercises: Free exercises and guided meditations from Dr. Kristin Neff. Link
    4. ADHD...
  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders

    In this episode, Katherine, your ADHD coach, dives deep into the personal nuances of ADHD, discussing its complexity and the importance of understanding your own unique ADHD profile.

    Key Points Discussed:

    Understanding ADHD: A breakdown of ADHD's neurological underpinnings and how they affect behaviors and cognitive functions.The Misconceptions: Addressing the common misunderstandings about ADHD, such as the notion of a 'deficit' of attention and what hyperactivity might look like across different ages and activities.Personal ADHD Profile: The importance of recognizing your individual ADHD characteristics and how this self-awareness can improve your management strategies.Executive Functions and ADHD: How ADHD impacts executive functions like planning, organization, and emotional regulation, and why understanding this can change how you manage daily tasks and long-term goals.

    Episode Highlights:

    Personal Stories: Katherine shares insights from her experiences and observations, emphasizing the varied manifestations of ADHD.Scientific Insights: Discussion on brain structure differences in people with ADHD, focusing on dopamine levels and brain connectivity.

    Tools and Resources Mentioned:

    Self-Assessment Techniques: Suggestions for beginning to map your own ADHD traits, including journaling and using apps for behavioral tracking.Community Insights: Encouragement to engage with others’ experiences, fostering a deeper understanding of ADHD's diversity.

    Call to Action:

    Self-Observation Invitation: Katherine encourages listeners to use this week for self-observation. Notice how ADHD manifests in your daily life and consider how your unique traits affect your productivity and emotions.Connect with Katherine: Reach out via direct message on social media or leave a review on the podcast platform if you find this episode valuable.

    Next Episode Tease:

    Stay tuned for the next episode, where Katherine will explore how to manage and optimize executive functions, essential for anyone looking to harness their ADHD in the workplace, whether you're a solo entrepreneur or managing a team.

    Thank you for joining us in this enlightening journey into understanding ADHD and its impact on personal and professional life. We hope you find this episode not only informative but also empowering.

    Connect with Katherine here:








    Links to Tools and Further Reading:

    Link to ADHD Presentation Tool

  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders

    Welcome to this week’s episode of ADHD Powerful Possibilities, hosted by ADHD Coach Katherine. Today, we explore resilience, breaking down misconceptions and exploring how those with ADHD can harness their unique strengths to build true resilience.

    In This Episode:

    Understanding Resilience: What does resilience really mean for those with ADHD? clue: It’s not about ignoring your emotions or pushing through no matter what; it’s about adaptability and flexibility in the face of challenges.The Misconceptions of Resilience: Why has resilience gained a negative reputation and how these perceptions can be harmful, especially when they ignore systemic issues and individual mental health needs.Strategies for Building Resilience:SODAS Method: Situation, Options, Disadvantages, Advantages, Solution. A structured approach to problem-solving that can help when you're feeling overwhelmed.STOP Method: Stop, Take a breath, Observe, Proceed. A simple technique to manage emotional dysregulation and ensure thoughtful responses to stress.Mindfulness and Neuroplasticity: How practices like mindfulness can alter brain function, supported by insights from neuroscience, to enhance resilience in the ADHD brain.

    Key Quotes from the Episode:

    "Instead of thinking about resilience as never feeling down, ignoring our emotions, pushing on no matter what's happening around us—that isn't resilience.""Resilience is actually more about adaptability. Becoming flexible and changing with the circumstances and requirements that we find ourselves facing."

    Listener Interaction:

    Question of the Week: How do you define resilience? Has your perception changed after listening to today’s episode?Call to Action: Share your thoughts on resilience and any strategies you’ve found effective. Connect with me on @adhd_coach_katherine

    Upcoming Events:

    Webinar: Join Coach Katherine next month - more details coming soon.

    Thank you for tuning in!

    BIG NEWS - If you enjoy these episodes I would LOVE your vote at this year's Neurodiversity Awards - I'm in the Entrepreneurs category!


    If you enjoyed this episode, please consider subscribing and leaving us a review on your favourite Platform.

    Your feedback helps us grow and continue providing great content. Tune in next week for more insightful discussions!

    Connect with Katherine here:








    Dr Neff -

  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders

    Does building habits as someone with ADHD feel like you're herding cats?

    Join ADHD coach Katherine as she explores a playful, perfectly possible approach to "firing up" productive habits, inspired by the celebrated potter Josiah Wedgwood.

    You'll discover:

    Why habit formation is uniquely challenging for ADHD brainsThe power of celebrating small wins and allowing flexibilityUsing tools like AI assistants to design routines tailored for your neurodivergenceReconnecting to your deeper "why" when motivation wanes

    Katherine shares practical tips like starting tiny, using external cues, and finding meaningful rewards. Her key message?

    Embrace the journey - even Wedgwood's iconic glazes involved many "failed" experiments.

    Listen for an energising new perspective on habits and ways to make them stick while honouring your ADHD brain!

    Connect with Katherine here:








    Blog post: ADHD & Time 'Agnosia' (blindness): https://lightbulbadhd.com/blog/adhd-time-discounting-blindness

    Podcast episode on time: https://pod.fo/e/20b52a

    Learn more about Josiah Wedgwood and his experiments: https://collections.vam.ac.uk/item/O1715422/trial-tray/

    My favourite AI tools to play with: this Canva link opens a PDF which you can save and download.

    Barkley, R. A. (1997). Behavioral inhibition, sustained attention, and executive functions: Constructing a unifying theory of ADHD. Psychological Bulletin, 121(1), 65–94. LinkLangberg, J. M., & Becker, S. P. (2012). Does long-term medication use improve the academic outcomes of youth with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder? Clinical Child and Family Psychology Review, 15(3), 215–233. LinkSolanto, M. V. (2018). Cognitive-behavioral therapy for adult ADHD: Targeting executive dysfunction. The Psychiatric Clinics of North America, 41(2), 255–267. LinkToplak, M. E., Connors, L., Shuster, J., Knezevic, B., & Parks, S. (2008). Review of cognitive, cognitive-behavioral, and neural-based interventions for attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder (ADHD). Clinical Psychology Review, 28(5), 801–823.
  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders

    In this inspiring episode of "ADHD: Powerful Possibilities," your host Katherine explores the positive aspects of ADHD, especially in the context of entrepreneurship.

    From the scenic backdrop of spring in Edinburgh, Katherine explores how understanding and leveraging character strengths can significantly enhance personal and professional life for individuals with ADHD.

    This episode challenges the negative stereotypes often associated with ADHD and provides listeners with actionable tools and resources to help them identify and harness their unique strengths.

    Listen in for a deep dive into how these strengths can lead to exceptional entrepreneurial success and a sustainable fulfilling life, whatever the challenges ADHD might pose.

    💡Get on the waitlist for my book 'ADHD Entrepreneur's Procrastination Pivot' with an exclusive discount for waitlist only. Just Click Here ⏰

    Connect with Katherine here:








    VIA Character Strengths Assessment (free):

    Gallup Strengths (paid)

    Signup for the Possibilities Post here.

    You can try out Notion for free here (affiliate link).

    White, H.A., & Shah, P. (2011). Creative style and achievement in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Personality and Individual Differences, 50(5), 673-677. DOI: 10.1016/j.paid.2010.12.015

    Barkley, R.A. (2014). Attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder: A handbook for diagnosis and treatment (4th ed.). Guilford Press

    Seligman, M.E.P., & Csikszentmihalyi, M. (2000). Positive psychology: An introduction. American Psychologist, 55(1), 5-14.

    Davidson, D.J., & Kemp, A.I. (2012). The role of hyperfocus in entrepreneurial success: An ADHD phenomenon? Frontiers in Entrepreneurial Research.

    Williams, J., & Kumar, A. (2023). Mediating role of self-concept on character strengths and well-being among adolescents with specific learning disorder in India. Research in Developmental Disabilities, 132, 104372. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ridd.2022.104372

    Taylor, E. C., Livingston, L. A., Clutterbuck, R. A., Callan, M. J., & Shah, P. (2023). Psychological strengths and well-being: Strengths use predicts quality of life, well-being and mental health in autism. Autism. DOI: 10.1177/13623613221146440

    Nocon, A. S., Roestorf, A., & Menéndez, L. M. G. (2022). Positive psychology in neurodiversity: An investigation of character strengths in autistic adults in the United...

  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders

    ADHD and Procrastination - three kinds of procrastination, three causes and more than three ways for you to get long-term strategies in place.

    Warning: This podcast contains ADVANCED strategies for ADHD procrastination - but you'll love them when you understand how they get to the roots of your stickiness for good.

    In this episode of "ADHD Powerful Possibilities," Katherine, your friendly ADHD coach, explores the nuanced relationship between ADHD and procrastination, especially within the context of entrepreneurship. Understanding Procrastination - is it about laziness?

    The ADHD Brain and Procrastination: Dive into how the ADHD brain's wiring and executive function challenges intensify procrastination. Learn about impulsivity, the need for immediate rewards, and the difficulty in perceiving tasks as interesting unless they align with personal interests.

    Three types of Procrastination and three reasons ADHD can make them feel even worse?

    Strategies to Overcome Procrastination: From enhancing self-efficacy and task value to managing impulsivity, discover a variety of strategies tailored for the ADHD entrepreneur.

    Learn about micro-tasking, engagement shifting and a sneaky mention of my new book on Procrastination.

    Next episode:we discuss why focusing on strengths rather than deficits can significantly improve daily life and self-perception for those with ADHD.

    Connect with me on Instagram or by email for further discussions, insights, and personal stories related to ADHD and entrepreneurship.

    Remember, everything is possible. Stay tuned for more powerful possibilities with Katherine, your ADHD coach.

    Connect with Katherine here:








    Previous episode on Procrastination: https://pod.fo/e/20d8ca

    Hear about my new Procrastination Book soon: Click Here.

    Dopamine & Motivation in ADHD:Volkow, N. D., Wang, G.-J., Newcorn, J. H., Telang, F., Solanto, M. V., Fowler, J. S. & Swanson, J. M. (2007). Depressed dopamine activity in caudate and preliminary evidence of limbic involvement in adults with attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder. Archives of General Psychiatry, 64(8), 932-940.Prefrontal Cortex & ADHD:Arnsten, A. F. T. (2009). Toward a new understanding of attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder pathophysiology: an important role for prefrontal cortex dysfunction. CNS Drugs, 23(Suppl 1), 33-41.

    Segment 2: Emotional Drivers of Procrastination

    Emotional Dysregulation & Procrastination:Barkley, R. A. (2015). Emotional dysregulation is a core component of ADHD. In Handbook...
  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders Katherine Sanders, AACG

    In this special episode ADHD Coach Katherine invites Dr. Kathleen Nadeau, a luminary in the field of ADHD for adults, to share her experience & insights into the unique challenges and bright prospects for adults over 45 living with ADHD.

    From the necessity of diagnosis at ANY AGE, we cover the crucial role of community, gender dynamics in ADHD, and the value of acceptance and support.

    Featuring practical advice as well as wonderful stories, this episode shows that age is not a barrier to the boundless possibilities of life with ADHD.

    Join me for a real treat, hearing Dr. Nadeau's unparalleled expertise in the world of ADHD over 50 and for women.

    Dr Nadea's APSARD petition is shared below -

    Connect with Katherine here:








    APSARD petition -


    Dr Nadeau’s centre -


    Still Distracted After All these years (UK amazon link) -


  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders (AACG)

    Welcome back to "Powerful Possibilities: ADHD Through Every Stage," with your host and friend, Coach Katherine. This week, we're wrapping up our enlightening series on the journey of women with ADHD - from childhood through to the transformative stages of perimenopause and menopause.

    In this episode, we dive deep into the challenges and strategies for navigating ADHD during these significant life changes. Join us as we discuss the latest research on hormonal shifts, explore non-medication management strategies, and share personal insights into making this journey one of empowerment and growth.

    What You'll Learn:

    The direct link between estrogen, dopamine, and ADHD symptoms.Insights into hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and its complexities.Practical strategies beyond medication to manage perimenopause and menopause symptoms with ADHD.The importance of diet, exercise, sleep, and mindfulness in navigating these changes.The role of therapy and coaching in supporting women through this transition.

    If you're navigating the complex waters of ADHD and menopause, know that you're not alone. Join the conversation by sharing your experiences and strategies in the comments or on our social media pages. Don't forget to subscribe for more insights and support on your ADHD journey.

    For more resources and to connect with Coach Katherine, visit https://lightbulbadhd.com

    Next Week: We're shifting gears to explore ADHD's impact on executive functions in both personal and professional settings. Stay tuned for practical advice and expert insights to manage day-to-day life with ADHD.

    Thank you for tuning in to "Powerful Possibilities." Remember, with the right guidance, the possibilities truly are powerful and endless. Until next time, take care and embrace your journey with kindness and courage.

    Connect with Katherine here:








    Resources Mentioned:

    Dr Kathleen Nadeau: Still Distracted After all These Years https://amzn.eu/d/6KBTAr6

    ADHD and Menopause: surviving the hormonal apocalypse - Previous Episode

    Fitness Coaches:

    Elspeth Alexandra (@elspethalexa)Instagram · elspethalexa1.9K+ followers

    Carly | Strength & Wellness Coach...

  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders - ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders AACG

    In this episode, ADHD Coach Katherine explores the unique challenges and changes women with ADHD may face during pregnancy, childbirth, and early parenthood. She shares her personal journey, emphasizing the impact of hormonal changes on ADHD symptoms and mental health, such as increased sensitivity to estrogen and progesterone levels, which can affect mood and brain function. Katherine also addresses the inequalities in healthcare and maternity leave, particularly affecting women of color, and the additional strain these disparities place on mental health. Offering practical advice, she suggests strategies for managing ADHD symptoms postpartum, such as adapting household organization to suit ADHD needs. Importantly, Katherine encourages open communication about mental health, the benefits of structured routines, and the importance of self-care and exercise for new parents with ADHD. This episode aims to empower women with ADHD through their pregnancy and parenting journey by acknowledging the challenges they face and providing supportive strategies to navigate them.

    00:00 Welcome to the ADHD Journey: Pregnancy, Childbirth, and Beyond

    00:08 Understanding ADHD's Impact on Pregnancy and Childbirth

    02:50 Navigating Hormonal Changes and Their Effects

    06:47 Preparing for Birth: Mindfulness and Expectations

    09:19 The Postpartum Experience: Challenges and Support

    12:49 Breastfeeding, Sleep, and Adjusting to New Parenthood

    16:26 Navigating Motherhood with Neurodivergence

    16:55 Finding Your Tribe: ADHD-Friendly Support Groups

    17:36 Embracing Change and Seeking Support

    17:49 Therapeutic Activities and Art Therapy

    18:50 The Joy and Amazement of Parenthood

    19:33 Managing ADHD as a New Parent

    22:40 Household Organization and ADHD Strategies

    23:57 Flexible Parenting and Meeting Your Child's Needs

    25:28 Self-Care and Wellbeing for ADHD Parents

    29:34 Looking Ahead: Next Episode Teaser

    Connect with Katherine here:








    ADHD Babes - A peer led group for black women & non-binary people with ADHD - https://www.adhdbabes.com/

    Post-Partum Support International - includes group for ADHD parents as well as Black, BIPOC, Hispanic and minority women in a large number of groups throughout the week - https://www.postpartum.net/get-help/psi-online-support-meetings/

    - ADDISS (www.addiss.co.uk)

    - CHADD (Children and Adults with Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder) (www.chadd.org)

    - Attention Deficit Disorder Association (www.add.org)

    - ADHD Australia (www.adhdaustralia.org.au)

    - Centre for ADHD Awareness, Canada (www.caddac.ca)


  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders

    ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders AACC (plus guest throat problems)

    Welcome to another episode of "Powerful Possibilities," where we continue the unique journey of women and girls living with ADHD. In this episode, ADHD coach Katherine continues to celebrate International Women's Day by exploring the distinct challenges young ADHD women face from adolescence through early adulthood.

    Join us as we uncover:

    The underdiagnosis and misinterpretation of ADHD symptoms in young women.The pivotal transition from primary to secondary education and the executive function demands it brings.Navigating social dynamics, friendships, and early relationships through the lens of ADHD.Strategies for self-advocacy, effective organization, and fostering supportive networks in school and beyond.Preparing for life's next stages: university, the workforce, and building healthy, respectful relationships.

    Whether you're directly impacted by ADHD or seeking to understand the experiences of women and girls with ADHD, this episode offers valuable insights and practical tips for managing ADHD through critical life transitions.


    [00:00:00] Introduction and purpose of today's episode[00:01:12] Understanding ADHD in young women: prevalence, symptoms, and underdiagnosis[00:03:03] Challenges of transitioning to high school with ADHD[00:09:07] The impact of social pressures and developing independence[00:13:06] Exploring university life and entering the workforce with ADHD[00:23:18] Navigating friendships and early relationships[00:30:40] Practical tips and strategies for teens and parents[00:32:20] Preview of next week's episode on ADHD and parenthood

    Key Takeaways:

    The importance of early diagnosis and understanding the unique manifestation of ADHD in young women.Practical strategies for managing increased academic and social demands.The role of self-advocacy and personalized support in navigating educational and professional environments.Recognizing and fostering healthy relationships and social connections.Empowering young women with ADHD to embrace their journey with confidence and resilience.

    Contact Information:

    I welcome your thoughts and experiences. Connect with me via email or social media. Links are provided in the show notes.

    Special Notes:

    Apologies for my croaky voice due to illness but promises a content-rich episode.A heads-up on next week's episode: the impact of ADHD and the journey of parenthood.

    Remember, understanding and support can transform challenges into powerful possibilities. Share this episode with someone navigating the complex world of ADHD, and let's continue to learn and grow together. Until next week, take care of yourself and ponder on what's possible.

    Connect with Katherine here:







  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders ADHD Coach Katherine

    ADHD Powerful Possibilities podcast this week looks at the unique experiences of girls navigating ADHD through childhood and the complexities of puberty. With expert insights and the latest research, we uncover why ADHD in girls often goes undiagnosed, how symptoms can shift and intensify during puberty, and the critical strategies for parents and educators to offer meaningful support TODAY.

    In This Episode, discover -

    1. The Often-Missed Signs of ADHD in Girls: Understanding how ADHD presents differently in girls compared to boys, and why these signs are often overlooked.

    2. The Impact of Puberty on ADHD: Exploring how hormonal changes can exacerbate ADHD symptoms and the challenges that arise during this transformative period.

    3. Strategies for Support: Practical advice for creating a supportive environment that fosters self-confidence, empathy, and understanding for girls with ADHD.

    4. Navigating Social Challenges: Insights into the social landscape for girls with ADHD, including friendship dynamics, bullying, and the influence of social media.

    5. Empowering Girls with ADHD: How to empower girls with ADHD to recognize their strengths, develop resilience, and advocate for themselves.

    💡Connect with me:

    - Visit the website for additional resources and support: www.lightbulbadhd.com

    - Follow us on Instagram: @adhd_coach_katherine


    If you found value in today's episode, please subscribe to our podcast, leave us a review, and share it with someone who could benefit from our discussion. Your support helps us reach and empower more individuals navigating the complexities of ADHD.

    For episode feedback or to suggest future topics, email us at the show address below.

    Connect with Katherine here:











    Conners rating scale: this is NOT diagnostic on its own - it is a way for you to share observations with medical professionals.


    https://amzn.eu/d/7jGaD8b - Understanding girls with ADHD (Littman, Nadeau and...

  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders ADHD Coach Katherine

    Understanding your emotional regulation is one thing - how do you implement it?

    In this episode we are going to look at two powerful frameworks for our emotional wellbeing - Emotional Intelligence and MENDSS

    Let's pretend that all the shownotes I lovingly created weren't lost by the podcast hosting service and you can subscribe to get on the waiting list for the ADHD Emotional toolkit here - https://subscribepage.io/0kbm4L

    Connect with Katherine here:








    Roger de Witt - https://www.adhdcoachnyc.com/

    Previous episodes 

    ADHD, RSD and big feelings - emotions https://pod.fo/e/2181dd

    ADHD & Stress - https://pod.fo/e/21ae56

    ADHD Myths & their emotional impact - https://pod.fo/e/21d551

    ADHD & brain changing power of Positive Emotion - https://pod.fo/e/21f78f

    ADHD & Food; it’s not your willpower - https://pod.fo/e/205927

    ADHD & Food: Navigating Meal Planning with Executive Function Strategies - https://pod.fo/e/2074e1

    Dr Megan Anna Neff - Feelings Wheel - https://neurodivergentinsights.com/blog/the-feelings-wheel

    Daniel Goleman - Emotional Intelligence


    Pause resources - https://landing.mailerlite.com/webforms/landing/u4w8i6

    Dr Kathleen Nadeau - Still distracted after all these years https://uk.bookshop.org/p/books/still-distracted-after-all-these-years-help-and-support-for-older-adults-with-adhd-kathleen-nadeau/7059149?ean=9781472147882

    VIA Character Strengths assessment -

  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders

    S Katherine Sanders, AACG, certified ADHD coach.

    In this enlightening episode, ADHD Coach Katherine explains the power of positive emotions and their hidden role in managing ADHD.

    The penultimate episode in our monthly theme of emotional dysregulation, we turn to the brighter side, exploring how positive emotions can reshape our experiences with ADHD. From tackling the misconceptions surrounding positivity (no 'good vibes only' here!) to unveiling the neuroscience behind emotional regulation, this episode is a treasure trove of insights and practical advice.


    Understanding Emotional Dysregulation: We begin with a brief recap of emotional dysregulation in ADHD, emphasizing the need to balance our focus on both negative and positive emotions.The Science of Positivity: Look at neuroplasticity, dopamine pathways, and the impact of positive emotions on the ADHD brain, featuring insights from Dr. Nora Volkow's research.Strategies for Cultivating Positivity: From exercise to positive psychology and (yes) gratitude journaling, discover actionable strategies to foster positive emotions and build a more resilient mindset.The Role of Emotional Intelligence: Explore how enhancing emotional intelligence can lead to better stress management, improved relationships, and a deeper understanding of oneself.Introducing Emotional Acuity Resonance (EAR): A novel concept developed by Katherine, EAR represents an adaptable approach to understanding and leveraging the emotional strengths inherent in ADHD.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Study by Dr. Nora Volkow on dopamine reward pathwaysJournal of Neuroscience article on positive emotions and ADHDVIA Character Strengths AssessmentBarbara Fredrickson's Broaden and Build modelDaniel Goleman's work on Emotional Intelligence

    Next Week's Teaser: Stay tuned for an exclusive reveal of Katherine's toolkit for emotion regulation, designed to empower you to harness the full spectrum of your emotions in daily life.

    Connect with Us:

    Share your insights and takeaways by emailing us. Your feedback might shape our future episodes!If this episode resonated with you, consider sharing it with someone who could benefit from our conversation on ADHD and positive emotions.

    Connect with Katherine here:








    Video of Dr Volkow - ADHD: An Attention and Motivation Deficit Disorder (2011)

    VIA Character Strengths Assessment (free) - https://www.viacharacter.org/

    Broaden & Build (journal article) - Fredrickson BL. The role of positive emotions in positive psychology. The broaden-and-build theory of positive emotions. Am

  • ADHD Coach Katherine Sanders (ACCG) presents: Debunking common ADHD Myths

    Welcome back to "ADHD Powerful Possibilities," where your host, ADHD Coach Katherine, dives deep into the world of ADHD myths.

    This week, we're tackling the misinformation surrounding ADHD, how to spot reliable information, and why it's crucial to sift through the sea of myths.

    Join me to debunk some of the most common and offensive myths about ADHD, explore the impact of misinformation on emotional well-being, and equip you with tools to critically assess ADHD-related information.

    Timestamps & Highlights:

    [00:00:00] Introduction to the episode: The prevalence of ADHD myths and the importance of accurate information.[00:00:57] A shocking example from a council meeting in England, sparking the need for this episode.[00:01:42] The double-edged sword of social media platforms like TikTok and Instagram in spreading ADHD awareness and misinformation.[00:03:32] Deep dive into a popular myth: Can a ketogenic diet cure ADHD?[00:05:42] The dangers of promoting restrictive diets as cures for ADHD, especially among vulnerable groups.[00:07:06] The real impact of diet on ADHD and the importance of a balanced approach.[00:09:39] Debunking the myth that modern diets and schooling create ADHD.[00:10:32] Why ADHD myths persist and the role of impulsivity in their popularity.[00:12:46] Countdown of the top 10 myths about ADHD, providing clarity and debunking misinformation.[00:21:01] Five critical questions to help you evaluate the reliability of ADHD information.[00:25:17] Managing impulsivity in information consumption and the benefits of community support.[00:28:04] Preview of the upcoming episode on building an emotional regulation toolkit for ADHD.

    Key Takeaways:

    ADHD myths often contain a grain of truth but are largely misleading and harmful.Critical thinking and skepticism are essential when encountering new ADHD information.Consulting reputable sources and healthcare professionals is crucial for accurate understanding.Emotional well-being can be significantly impacted by misinformation about ADHD.

    Resources Mentioned:

    Notion template for tracking energy, focus, and creating personal ADHD management strategies - coming February 28th 2024.

    Call to Action:

    Share this episode with someone who might benefit from debunking ADHD myths.Leave a review and let us know the most outrageous ADHD myth you've encountered.Stay tuned for our next episode on creating your own emotional regulation toolkit.

    Closing Thoughts:

    Misinformation about ADHD is rampant, but armed with the right tools and a critical mindset, we can navigate through the myths to find the truths that empower us. Remember, understanding and managing ADHD is a journey, and you're not alone. Join us next time for more powerful possibilities in the world of ADHD.

    Contact Information:

    For questions, feedback, or to share your ADHD myth experiences, contact us at [email protected] or @adhd_coach_katherine on instagram

    Thank you for tuning in, and see you in the next episode of "ADHD Powerful Possibilities."

    Connect with Katherine here:


