Exploring the mysteries of soil in search of answers that you can use in your garden or on your farm. Each week features scientists and experts sharing insights into topics like soil science, composting, cover cropping, biochar, no-till, and fungi, among other things! In Search of Soil is hosted and produced by Diego Footer.
Tune in to The EASY Organic Gardener with Sheri Frey for expert advice on organic gardening and natural pest control!
Since 1979 Sheri has been co-owner and vice president of ARBICO Organics. ARBICO Organics produces and markets organic and natural products for home, business, garden, lawn, farm and pets. Products include beneficial insects and organisms, fertilizers and soil amendments, weed and disease controls, composting supplies, insecticides, critter controls, horse care, traps, lures, pheromones, botanicals and more.
ARBICO Organics specializes in Low Input Sustainable Agricultural Techniques emphasizing organic farming inputs, bio-intensive pest controls, pro-environmental fertilizers and plant foods, composting, weed and disease control, as well as preventive management. When the proper nutrients and minerals are made available to the soil, it will provide the food that gives life to the plant and ultimately to us.
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Cowboys: Samuel Camargo, Veronica Ospina, Maria Jose Vasques
Философские поиски, размышления о мироздании, аналитика.
Канал для тех, кто не разучился думать. -
Where mysticism meets science on Clubhouse and brought to you HERE to enjoy.
Accessibility isn't only about access to plant medicines, more people need access to SUPPORT and community.
Sometimes the best person for the job is the one who is there AND...
let's get you some more education so that you are clear in what ways you CAN help and what to do if you are ever in over your head.
It's no secret it's the wild wild west out there (in many ways) as many facilitators come back from a month of ayauasca in the jungle and feel ready to do groups and guide folx with ZERO idea how traumas, dramas show up in the body.
That is why sharing stories from all over the WORLD is critical.
Each lineage and person has unique skills that are powerful teachers.
From the actual psychedelic experience to integration, THE most important part as it relates to lasting transformation is what comes before AND after.
We are committed to YOUR personal process with a team of people here to assist you AND the people you choose to serve. -
"Родина слонов" - финалист премии "За верность науке" 2017 и 2018 гг. в номинации "Лучшая радиопрограмма о науке". "Родина слонов" - это авторская программа Михаила Родина, выходящая на радио "Говорит Москва" каждую субботу и воскресенье в 13:00. Вместе с гостями мы развенчиваем исторические мифы, рассказываем о фактах, давно очевидных для учёных, но по разным причинам неизвестных обывателю.
Мы уже забыли, что история - это не только интересная, но ещё и достаточно строгая наука, дело больших профессионалов. Это наука, подкреплённая физическими, химическими и математическими методами, а не шуточками и измышлениями профанов. Причём, многие недавние открытия историков поражают воображение. Но, как и в любой серьёзной науке, они не разрушают картину мира, а дополняют её.
В нашей студии профессионалы расскажут именно о таких исследованиях. О тех удивительных знаниях, которые учёные получили в последние годы, месяцы и даже дни.
Поддержите "Родину слонов":
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Brought to you by the American Society of Human Genetics, featuring those who work in human genetics and genomics research and more.
Историки идей Тимур Атнашев и Михаил Велижев говорят с гостями о новых ярких книгах — и обо всём, что лежит вокруг их сюжетов
Философ Александр Пятигорский однажды заметил, что обсуждение книг, может быть, даже важнее, чем их чтение. Именно разговор создает школу мысли, рождает споры, заставляет оттачивать аргументы, искать новые способы понимания. Разговор о книгах — удовольствие и отдельный вид искусства, главная практика европейской культуры, но, помимо этого, еще и терапия — способ сказать и услышать важное о себе и обществе, откликнуться на понимание другого. В этом подкасте редакторы серии «Интеллектуальная история» Тимур Атнашев и Михаил Велижев, а также их гости — исследователи, авторы и увлеченные читатели — занимаются именно этим: обсуждают книги и рассказывают, как формируются идеи, овладевающие умами людей.
Ведущие подкаста — PhD, историки и редакторы серии «Интеллектуальная история» издательства «НЛО» Тимур Атнашев и Михаил Велижев. -
Original audio drama with spectacular soundscapes, based on the Greco-Roman myths behind the constellations. Written and directed by Bibi Jacob, these moving and sometimes humorous tales, brim with tragedy, injustice, and violence.
Bienvenidxs a hablemos de medio ambiente, el podcast de avión de papel, un espacio de aprendizaje sobre temas relacionados sobre cómo llevar una vida más sostenible. Aquí aprendemos a partir de la experiencia pero sobre todo a partir de los errores y de un acitivismo imperfecto pero lleno de ganas.
Hello everyone,my name is Armin Alic.I am a bassist, born in Sarajevo, Yugoslavia, in 1980, and based in Germany since the war in Bosnia and Herzegovina started in 1992.Welcome to my “Talking Spirits Podcast”, where you will be able to listen to talking spirits, meaning that I will be hosting many different people from all over the world and we will talk life in general and all of its wonders in particular.While it is in the nature of things that many of my guests will be musicians or people who are working in the music business, in fact the only mandatory thing in order to become a talking spirit is having one or many stories to tell and being willing to share them with me and the world, so basically anyone can be a guest. Due to the story of my life so far and me being a traveling musician I am a multi-lingual guy, so the “Talking Spirits Podcast” is as well multi-lingual one, as there will be episodes in English and in German.A huge THANK YOU goes out to my dear friends Mem Nahadr, Hanno Busch, Roman Babik and Leon Mucke for grooving with me on the “Talking Spirits” jingles you can hear in every episode, to my dear friend Andreas Herr from the Heyday Studio in Wuppertal, Germany, for making the whole broadcast sound right, and to my dear friend Vladislav Filipovic for the amazing artwork and support with the web page. For further infos and latest updates please
Welcome to the Library of Life! A show dedicated to chronicling the flora and fauna of the natural world. Join us each episode as we put a spotlight on the wonderfully diverse wildlife of Planet Earth!
Welcome to TheSugarScience Podcast where our mission is to highlight and connect researchers in the type 1 diabetes space.
The(sugar)science is an interactive digital platform founded to curate the scientific conversation among type 1 diabetes (T1D) researchers. Our goal is to expedite a cure for T1D by promoting collaboration across diverse research disciplines. -
Yara Latvija podkāsts agronomiem, lauksaimniekiem un pārējiem interesentiem. Yara agronomi Agnese Pinka un Ernests Čakāns reizi mēnesī dalīsies ar savām zināšanām un apskatīs agronomijas tēmai veltītus jautājumus, lai mūsu klausītāji spētu saimniekot vēl gudrāk un efektīvāk.
Raidījumā “Zeme 2050: Ilgtspējīga nākotne” kopā ar jauniem speciālistiem, sociāli aktīviem un aizrautīgiem cilvēkiem diskutēsim par Zemi, ko atstāsim nākamajām paaudzēm. Sarunas ne tikai par dabu, bet arī ekonomiskajām, sociālajām un kultūras mijiedarbībām. Spriedīsim par to, kā Zeme izskatīsies pēc trīsdesmit gadiem, un par to, cik būtiskas ir arī individuālās rīcības ikdienā. Raidījumā analizēsim jautājumus, kas saistīti ar ilgtspējas attīstību dažādās sfērās gan Latvijā, gan pasaulē. Sniegsim arī praktiskus padomus par to, kā pieņemt sociāli atbildīgus lēmumus, lai ikdienā dzīvotu, domājot par nākamajām paaudzēm.
AXRP (pronounced axe-urp) is the AI X-risk Research Podcast where I, Daniel Filan, have conversations with researchers about their papers. We discuss the paper, and hopefully get a sense of why it's been written and how it might reduce the risk of AI causing an existential catastrophe: that is, permanently and drastically curtailing humanity's future potential. You can visit the website and read transcripts at
Psychosomatic Medicine, founded in 1939, is the official organ of the American Psychosomatic Society. It publishes experimental and clinical studies dealing with various aspects of the relationships among social, psychological, and behavioral factors and bodily processes in humans and animals. It is an international, interdisciplinary journal devoted to experimental and clinical investigation in behavioral biology, psychiatry, psychology, physiology, anthropology, and clinical medicine. The Journal is published nine times a year; supplementary issues may contain reports of conferences at which original research was presented in areas relevant to the Society or may consist of monographs.
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The New York State Water Resources Institute presents this podcast that explores water from different perspectives.
Just two Zoologists who love rambling about animals, conservation, the injustices of the world and everything in between!
You can follow more of our weird and wonderful wildlife adventures on instagram: @emma_hodson_wildlife