
  • Hey friend! This is episode #53, and I decided I would share the replay from the Regulate Your Emotions Workshop I did on August 27th! This is part 1, and next week we will have part 2 of the workshop!

    I shared a bunch of stuff in this workshop, and after there's always this feeling that there's so much more to cover! But that's the beauty of sharing on a podcast: there's always another week to offer more insights and strategies, which I just love!

    So, if you want to learn more about cycle tracking so you can keep better tabs on your cycle, implement habits daily, weekly & monthly that you know will keep you grounded and prioritize your time so you know where your Truth is coming from, come have a listen to this episode!

    I had a great time sharing this content on the workshop! I'll definitely do another one in the future, so come join in the fun!

    Also, I'd love to hear from you! Have some feedback about the show or about what you'd like to learn more about? Just fill out this form and I'll chat about it! I LOVE hearing from all of you listening to the show, and I really, really want to tailor this to YOU, the listener, so that what I'm sharing on the podcast is relevant to your journey!

    Thanks so much! After a month of having this form up, I'll do some draws for $5 Starbucks for everyone who filled it out!

    Enjoy the replay!

    Blessings, Lauren


    Do you have a few minutes to fill out my Google Form? I'd love to hear your feedback and know exactly what you would like to learn on this podcast. There are only 4 questions :) Click here to fill it out! Thanks in advance!

    Work with Me- Book a 1:1 private coaching session with me, where together we take a holistic, deep dive into your lifestyle habits to see how it is affecting your mood, thoughts & emotions during your premenstrual phase. We then create a personalized wellness plan specific to your needs so that you can start feeling more emotionally regulated and able to stick to the things that help you feel better throughout your entire menstrual cycle.

    Join the FREE Facebook Community- Join PMS Made Peaceful For Christian Women to connect and continue the conversation! You'll find physical, emotional & spiritual (yes, we're Jesus lovin' over here!) support for navigating PMS/ PMDD symptoms, from what foods to eat & avoid, what movement to do in each phase, emotional regulation strategies, habit building tools and so much more!

    Become a PMS Made Peaceful Insider- Sign up to receive a weekly email about the latest episodes, workshops, special offers for coaching and all other updates about PMS Made Peaceful!

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast (full disclaimer here: www.herbodysings.com/terms)

  • Hey friends! This week I'm so excited to introduce to you my guest on the show, Danika Vanderpyl! Danika is Certified in Holistic Nutrition, and shares all the goodness she knows about what foods, minerals and vitamins your body needs in every every phase of your menstrual cycle.

    As women, we're not linear, robotic creatures that require one thing to fuel us all month long. Throughout each of the phases, our bodies need different things- different movement, self/ soul-care, socializing, nutrition. And this is exactly what Danika and I chat about in this episode.

    The best part of it? In our conversation, she breaks it all down into more simple and bite-size strategies so you're not feeling extra overwhelmed. Because, really friend, you don't need more overwhelm than what you're already experiencing!

    I'd highly encourage you to grab a notebook and pen and take notes! Also, don't forget to come into my Facebook group to grab the notes and snack recipes Danika shares in this episode!

    Danika Vanderpyl is Certified in Holistic Nutrition with a passion for helping women making eating simple, energizing, and healthy. After facing her own digestive challenges, Danika transformed her favorite recipes into nutrient dense, low-sugar alternatives to heal her body. Now a food blogger she share these wholesome recipes at besidethemoutain.com. As a mom of two boys, Danika is passionate about helping women and mothers thrive in holistic living—from eating to heal the body to hiking to recharge and thrive.

    Connect with Danika:

    Instagram: @besidethemountain

    Website: www.besidethemountain.com


    Work with Me- Book a 1:1 private coaching session with me, where together we take a holistic, deep dive into your lifestyle habits to see how it is affecting your mood, thoughts & emotions during your premenstrual phase. We then create a personalized wellness plan specific to your needs so that you can start feeling more emotionally regulated and able to stick to the things that help you feel better throughout your entire menstrual cycle.

    Join the FREE Facebook Community- Join PMS Made Peaceful For Christian Women to connect and continue the conversation! You'll find physical, emotional & spiritual (yes, we're Jesus lovin' over here!) support for navigating PMS/ PMDD symptoms, from what foods to eat & avoid, what movement to do in each phase, emotional regulation strategies, habit building tools and so much more!

    Join the group to participate in the Phase & Food Challenge this month! Based on the notes that Danika provided for this episode, choose a food specific to the phase you are in this week & share with the group how you're incorporating it into your meals!

    Become a PMS Made Peaceful Insider- Sign up to receive a weekly email about the latest episodes, workshops, special offers for coaching and all other updates about PMS Made Peaceful!

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast (full disclaimer here: www.herbodysings.com/terms)

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  • Hey friend! We're getting back into the contemplative, "be still" kind of episodes I had offered when I first started this podcast. Originally they had been every other Thursday, but now they will be on the first Monday of every month. Keep your eyes out for "Take a Moment Monday"!

    I brought them back a) because I wasn't doing them in my Facebook group, which was the whole reason for taking them off of the podcast and b) because actually practicing calming my mind and my thoughts and slowing down has been so helpful for me in the last number of weeks.

    When it comes to finding solutions for working through PMS and PMDD symptoms, we really need to come at it from that holistic point of view. The movement is important, eating the right foods is key, finding the right coping tools to regulate our emotions is vital AND coming to our Creator and letting Him speak over us is absolutely necessary.

    So, grab a journal and pen and find a quiet space you can be in for 15 minutes.

    I pray this blesses you.



    Join my FREE community

    Become a PMS Made Peaceful Insider

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast (full disclaimer here: www.herbodysings.com/terms)

  • Hello friends! This is the 50th episode of PMS Made Peaceful! This is wild and I'm so glad you're joining me for the journey! Thanks for everyone who has listened right from the beginning, or maybe you're just tuning in! So grateful for you!


    As a way to celebrate, I'm doing a giveaway! Just leave me a review, screenshot it and message it to me on my Instagram account: @herbodysings

    and you'll be entered to win either an Amazon OR Starbucks card (you get to decide!)!

    Head over to Apple Podcasts, scroll down to "write a review" and write it out! BEFORE hitting submit, take a screenshot and send it to me!

    EPISODE #50

    This week, I'm diving into some pretty theologically-charged content about the idea of struggling with guilt, shame and feelings of condemnation when it comes to PMS or PMDD as a Christian.

    We're talking about questions like:

    - should I be struggling with PMS/ PMDD as a Christian?

    - aren't I supposed to be the one who "has it together" as a Christian?

    - I feel so shameful, embarrassed, guilty for how I treated my husband or kids. What do I do from here?

    And I'm sure there's more. Join me in this episode was we unpack these topics from a GOSPEL-CENTERED perspective. I hope it really blesses you!


    Save Your Seat for the REGULATE YOUR EMOTIONS LIVE WORKSHOP! Can't make it live? Join anyway, and I'll send you the replay!

    Join my FREE community

    Become a PMS Made Peaceful Insider

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast (full disclaimer here: www.herbodysings.com/terms)

  • Does it feel like your PMS or PMDD symptoms are a bit (or a lot!) worse this time around?

    Are you thinking what did I do or not do to make it this bad?!

    Are you feeling extra irritable, anxious or self-critical

    If this is you right now, have a listen to this week's episode. There are a bunch of reasons why this could be happening, but I've narrowed it down to four! I have found these to be some of my biggest predictors for worse premenstrual symptoms. And when I'm able to put 2 & 2 together (to equal these four, of course :D), then it gives me more awareness and insight into what I can be doing differently next time around.

    Have a listen!





    Next Steps:

    Save Your Seat for the REGULATE YOUR EMOTIONS LIVE WORKSHOP! Can't make it live? Join anyway, and I'll send you the replay!

    Join my FREE community

    Become a PMS Made Peaceful Insider

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast (full disclaimer here: www.herbodysings.com/terms)

  • PMS Made Peaceful with Lauren Collins

    48. "I Just Don't Feel Like Myself" | What You Need to Know About Your Mood and Premenstrual Phase

    Have you found yourself saying that before: "I just don't feel like myself"? Or maybe it's "I feel crazy" or "why can't I just feel normal"!

    All these statements are so common when it comes to dealing with premenstrual anxiety or irritability or rage. It can feel like you're a completely different person, and all you want it just some peace and quiet up in your mind.

    In this episode, I'm sharing 4 things you need to be aware of when it comes to your mood and premenstrual phase. These points will help reign you in when it feels like PMS or PMDD is winning and you're feeling like you're at a loss.

    Have a listen & enjoy!

    Next Steps!

    And if you haven't signed up yet for the REGULATE YOUR EMOTIONS WORKSHOP, let's get you in! The link is here! If you're not able to make the live, there is a replay too! Save your seat here!

    *Join my FREE community

    *Become a PMS Made Peaceful Insider

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast (full disclaimer here: www.herbodysings.com/terms)

  • PMS Made Peaceful with Lauren Collins

    47. 5 Reasons Why You Need to Track Your Cycle so You Can Manage Your Emotions

    Cycle tracking! What comes to mind when you hear this? Trying to get pregnant? Maybe!

    The truth is, if you are dealing with debilitating premenstrual anxiety, depression, overthinking, self-criticism- anything that is impacting your work, your marriage, your relationship with your kids or or with friends- tracking your cycle is the best place to start to start managing it.

    In this episode I'm sharing the 5 reasons WHY tracking your cycle is so vital to experiencing more of that emotional regulation, stability, consistency and "normal" you're looking for in your month.

    Have a listen!


    Next Steps:

    *Come to my live REGULATE YOUR EMOTIONS WORKSHOP on August 27th! Save your seat here!

    *Join my FREE community

    *Become a PMS Made Peaceful Insider

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast (full disclaimer here: www.herbodysings.com/terms)

  • PMS Made Peaceful with Lauren Collins

    46. Remember This ONE Truth to Help You Get Through the Month

    Hey friend! Does it feel like your value and worth are completely dictated by how you feel? One minute you're doing great, feeling great and sticking to your healthy routines. And then the next minute you're overcome with anxiety, fear, self-doubt, self-criticism, which makes you feel like you just can't do life well.

    When it comes to dealing with PMS and PMDD symptoms, this experience is so common. It's like we're a little boat just getting smashed and tossed around by the waves.

    What are we to do? Throughout the WHOLE month, we need some deep truth to hold on to, or our worth will either become inflated from thinking we got this, or it'll tank when we're feeling overwhelmed and controlled by our thoughts.

    Listen to today's episode to remember this ONE truth to help you get through the month!

    I pray it blesses you!



    1 John 4:10

    Ephesians 2

    You're Not Enough (And That's Okay): Escaping the Toxic Culture of Self-Love

    Next Steps:

    Work With Me: https://calendly.com/herbodysings/coaching-call-booking

    Join The FREE Community: www.facebook.com/groups/pmsmadepeaceful/

    Become An Insider: https://pmsmadepeaceful.getresponsesite.com/

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast (full disclaimer here: www.herbodysings.com/terms)

  • 45. Use This 9-Step Plan to Move From Out of Control to Emotionally Balanced

    Hey friend! Have you ever found yourself in the middle of the emotional spiral, and the next thought of what you need to do to get out feels utterly paralyzing? The decision fatigue, the decision overwhelm, wondering how you'll do it, what will help... it can feel like way too much to think about when you're in the heat of feeling emotionally dysregulated.

    In this episode, I'm sharing my SIMPLE 9 step plan for helping you MOVE out of that space and into one where you're feeling calm, confident and more in control of your thoughts and emotions. These solutions have helped me heaps over the last year and a bit!

    I hope it helps you too!

    Next Steps:

    Work With Me: https://calendly.com/herbodysings/coaching-call-booking

    Join The FREE Community: www.facebook.com/groups/pmsmadepeaceful/

    Become An Insider: https://pmsmadepeaceful.getresponsesite.com/

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast (full disclaimer here: www.herbodysings.com/terms)

  • 44. 3 Things to Consider When You're Thinking of Going on Medications

    Hey Friend! Are you at a point on your premenstrual mental health journey where you're considering starting on medications? Maybe you're struggling with intense anxiety, severe PMS, PMDD or unmanageable emotions, and you're wondering if medications are the next step.

    I've been there, and in this episode I want to share 3 things to consider if you're hesitant, scared or wondering what the process could or should look like. There's obviously so much more to consider and talk about when it comes to medications, but these 3 factors are a great place to start.

    Please remember: I'm not a doctor or your primary care provider. Before making any changes, always consult with a primary care provider you can trust, and never hesitate to ask questions.

    Have questions or want to carry on this conversation (there's so much more to it and I'd love to chat with you!)? Come join my FREE Facebook Community!

    Next Steps:

    Work With Me: https://calendly.com/herbodysings/coaching-call-booking

    Join The FREE Community: www.facebook.com/groups/pmsmadepeaceful/

    Become An Insider: https://pmsmadepeaceful.getresponsesite.com/

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast (full disclaimer here: www.herbodysings.com/terms)

  • Hey friend! Have you been here before? You've traveled way too far down the self-criticism train, and now you are the worst person ever, everyone hates you and you're a failure. Suddenly all you can do is lay on the floor in a puddle of tears, or you're in fetal position on the shower floor.

    Oof, yup, been there.

    In this episode, I'm sharing 3 questions you need to be asking yourself when it comes to the all-consuming nature of self-criticism and self-hatred. It can be so easy for our thoughts to take over and for us to just get pulled along with our thoughts. But this is not what God wants for us, nor what he speaks over us.

    Have a listen & I pray the next time self-criticism starts rearing it's ugly head, you can ask yourself these 3 questions.

    Next Steps:

    Work With Me: www.herbodysings.com/coaching

    Join The FREE Community: www.facebook.com/groups/pmsmadepeaceful/

    Become An Insider: https://pmsmadepeaceful.getresponsesite.com/

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast (full disclaimer here: www.herbodysings.com/terms).

  • Hey friend! This week on the podcast I have another guest, Melanie Bourbeau! We talked about the link between gut health and our mood and just how this can be exacerbating premenstrual symptoms. Also, wish I could take credit for the great pun in the title, but AI wins again... :D

    Melanie offers some really solid, practical and bite-size tools around diet, movement and habits for how to improve your gut health so that you can see the changes you want to see in your mood.

    Melanie is a wife, mom to young adults, and daughter of the King. She has been coaching people over last few years to overcome depression and anxiety naturally and loves to see all the good results.

    Listen to Melanie's podcast here

    Join Melanie's Free Community here

    Next Steps:

    Join The FREE Community: www.facebook.com/groups/pmsmadepeaceful/

    Become An Insider: https://pmsmadepeaceful.getresponsesite.com/

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast.

  • Wow, friends! We're at the end of the PMS Symptom Series! It's been a hoot & I have LOVED learning and sharing with you about the 4 main PMS symptoms as researched by Dr. Guy Abraham! They are anxiety, cravings, depression & water retention!

    This last episode brings it all together. So if you're struggling with nervous tension, irritability, fatigue, cravings, bloating, headaches, brain fog, forgetfulness, disinterest in the things you used to love doing... have a listen to this episode to get 4 solutions helping to manage your PMS or PMDD symptoms.

    Also, if you want more of a detailed treatment plan for each symptom, listen to the previous 4 episodes! Each one gives great content!

    I hope you feel blessed by this episode!


    Next Steps:

    Join The FREE Community: www.facebook.com/groups/pmsmadepeaceful/

    Become An Insider: https://pmsmadepeaceful.getresponsesite.com/

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast.

  • Tell me if you can relate. Your fingers suddenly look like sausages. The pants that fit perfect last week are feeling real tight. You wonder why you look 5 months pregnant.

    Friend, I've been there! And truth be told, it's not always comfortable or pleasant.

    This week on PMS Made Peaceful, we're chatting about water retention, weight gain, swelling & bloating.

    This is the fourth episode and symptom in the PMS Symptom Series!

    The first week we talked about anxiety, irritability, mood swings & nervous tension.

    The second was cravings, increased appetite, headaches & fatigue.

    The third was depression, feelings of hopelessness, decreased interest and low energy.

    I dig into what is causing these symptoms during your premenstrual phase. I think you might just be a bit surprised at what the reasons are! Who knows?! Maybe it'll be the little tidbit of information you need to start making some changes in your life and cycle to start ditching these symptoms!

    Grab a notebook, a pen and let's jump into this last symptom in the PMS Symptom Series!




    Next Steps:

    Join The Community: www.facebook.com/groups/pmsmadepeaceful/

    Become An Insider: https://pmsmadepeaceful.getresponsesite.com/

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast.

  • Feeling hopeless. Asking what's the point of me even being here? Feeling alone & wondering if anyone loves you. No energy or desire to do anything.

    Can you relate to any of these premenstrual symptoms? They all fall under the category of depression. This week on PMS Made Peaceful, we're talking about what is going on in our bodies biologically and on a hormonal level when it comes to symptoms of depression.

    But just like anxiety and cravings, the biological often leads to psychological symptoms. Listen in this week and get some insights of where and how to start when it comes to working through these specific symptoms. It's truly not just a physical battle, but also a spiritual one! So, this episode is coming from a very holistic perspective!

    Have a listen & I really pray it blesses you!


    Episode #31- Try These 3 Natural Solutions TODAY To Help Reduce Premenstrual Symptoms

    Episode #32- Find Your Anchor In This Verse When The Intrusive Thoughts Start Pouring In

    Next Steps:

    Join The Community: www.facebook.com/groups/pmsmadepeaceful/

    Become An Insider: https://pmsmadepeaceful.getresponsesite.com/

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast.

  • We're moving right along with our PMS Symptom Series, and this week on the show we're talking cravings!

    It's a big one that a lot of women struggle with when it comes to their premenstrual phase & during menstruation.

    There's tons of biology behind it, but also a lot of PSYCHOLOGY, especially from a women's health & wellness perspective. I'm sharing the causes, but also what we can do about it. Also getting raaaaw about where I'm at with the good ol' cravings! :D

    Grab a notebook, pen & have a listen!


    Next Steps:

    Join The Community: www.facebook.com/groups/pmsmadepeaceful/

    Become An Insider: https://pmsmadepeaceful.getresponsesite.com/

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast.

  • The specific PMS symptoms you are experiencing each month are telling you a story about what is going on in your body!

    Join me for the next 5 weeks as we do a deep dive into FOUR different PMS symptoms you might be struggling with each month. We'll talk about possible causes & what we can be doing about it.

    Today's episode is all about ANXIETY (aka... irritability, rage, overwhelm, nervous tension, mood swings... sound familiar??!)

    Grab a notebook, a pen, your fave drink & learn all the things from today's episode!


    Next Steps:

    Let's keep this conversation going!

    Join The Community: www.facebook.com/groups/pmsmadepeaceful/

    Become An Insider: https://pmsmadepeaceful.getresponsesite.com/

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast.

  • You're at that point of feeling so overwhelmed, so caught up in your head, and it feels like you have no idea how you’re going to make it through the next hour, let alone the next week or two. It feels like nothing is certain in this moment; you forget what supports you have in your life, what you’re good at, who loves you. Your thoughts, feelings, emotions feel out of control, like someone has just hijacked your body, your brain. You’re in survival mode.

    After struggling for years with anxiety and intrusive thoughts during my premenstrual phase, these grounding techniques were some of the initial tools I used to get out of the mental tornado.

    What I really want for you is to feel more grounded and centered, and not be rocked around by the wind and waves of premenstrual anxiety. These 5 practices will help ground you to the present moment, and help move you past the internal chaos and confusion.

    I hope they bless you!



    Next Steps:

    Join The Community & Get Access To The Guide: www.facebook.com/groups/pmsmadepeaceful/

    Become An Insider: https://pmsmadepeaceful.getresponsesite.com/

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast.

  • Hey friend! I have another guest interview this week, and it's with Shan Wright: Daughter of the King, mom to 4, wife of 13 years, RN and wellness coach!

    She's digging deep into her story of when she first started struggling with her premenstrual phase and how the struggle bus continued when she got married, had kids... all those things that stretch us even more!

    She also shares what helped her with the irritability, mood swings and like her skin was CRAWLING!

    If any of these symptoms sound familiar, you're going to want to have a listen to today's show! Shan's story is empowering and full of faith-filled wisdom. I know it will really bless you!


    Learn More About Shan:

    Wellness Accountability Coaching: www.bit.ly/shanwright

    Instagram: @theshanshow

    FB group: www.bit.ly/holistichacks

    Learn More About Ova

    Next Steps:

    Come join my FREE community: www.facebook.com/groups/pmsmadepeaceful/

    Become A PMS Made Peaceful Insider: https://pmsmadepeaceful.getresponsesite.com/

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast.

  • You know that getting your hormones balanced will help with the premenstrual symptoms, but does it feel really intimidating and illusive, and you're asking where do I even start?

    I hear ya! There have been moments when I have asked the same question! Where do I even start?! What should I eat, what shouldn't I eat, do I need to take something for it? Even with being a nurse and knowing biology and loving to geek over it all, sometimes it still feels daunting. In this episode, I break down the concept of hormones and where we need to begin if we're wanting to get them hormones more balanced! This is really just step 1 in laying a foundation for the concept of hormones that will help bridge into the nitty gritty later!

    Has this process felt intimidating and daunting to you?! Have a listen & let me know your thoughts!


    Next Steps:

    Come join my FREE community: www.facebook.com/groups/pmsmadepeaceful/

    Become A PMS Made Peaceful Insider: https://pmsmadepeaceful.getresponsesite.com/

    Disclaimer: This podcast (PMS Made Peaceful) is not meant to take the place of professional medical help. It is for educational purposes only. Please always consult with your primary health care provider before implementing any of the solutions & topics discussed in this podcast.