
  • ~About Marne and R.C.

    1. We're both young. Marne is 26 and R.C. is 24

    2. We met each other in the workplace. We talked a little for quite some time and we later got to know each other better after a few months. We can say it was God's work that brought us together.

    3. We're partners in ministry, business, and each other.

    4. And as for ministry, we want to break cultural barriers and become the bridge to bringing people of different nationalities together in coming to know Christ.

    I really enjoyed having them on Proverbial Woman 31 DEVOPOD, #ASK segment New Year Episode! It was so much fun talking to them. I am sure they have encouraged so many ladies and that includes me. I gained a lot of insights about valuing God in the year 2021. They also taught us to be strong and to embrace pains and suffering, and through Jesus, it redeems us. We get closer to God every time we tell the world about His love. For their advice and tips they have shared - Filling our time for the Lord, Be courageous, and don't get discouraged when trials come, Go to the world and make disciples and be bold to talk about your faith, and memorize and read a verse a day.

    Connect with Rico and Marne:

    (FB Page) https://www.facebook.com/mrcaibo (Youtube) https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCZ8cl-CVVomiGosPRRsMogA

    Connect with Proverbial Woman 31:

    Website: https://pw31club.com FB/INSTA/Tumblr: @pw31.club Email: [email protected] Links to all the shows: https://linktr.ee/pw31.club

    If you enjoyed this episode and it blessed you, please let me know. Hit the subscribe button and leave me a rating and review/comment, so I can reach you. Also, please share the episode with your friends who are not sure how to face another year. I am sure she needs this encouragement today.


    Teacher Cel www.pw31.club

  • Ms. Gye Godio is a Toastmaster. She graduated with her Bachelor's Degree specializing in English in Samar. She got a job as an executive assistant in Cebu City after she graduated. But after a few months of contemplation, she went back to Samar to work as College Lecturer at the University of Eastern Philippines. She is teaching Literature, Language, and Professional Education courses. She can sing, act, and dance. She served the youth in cooking ministry. And she loves to read literature and to learn Bisaya language. Finally, she will never ever trade teaching for another profession because imparting knowledge to others is where she found her inner peace and joy.Quotes from Episode:"When I was in college, I saw God is starting to move in my life because I also accepted him in my life.""When I accepted him in life, that was the moment when a lot of things are opening up to me, and a lot of wisdom is coming up to me.""How other people evaluate you is not the same evaluation that God will give you. That is not the final evaluation that you are going to have because there is more and more time to develop yourself. I just continue pushing myself.""Growth mindset means whenever I do not know a thing, I develop myself more and the talent because I believe that is God's gift to me.""When I was back to teaching, I can tell you I have peace because God is the prince of peace. You know you actually doing your passion when it feels so right, more productive, more fruitful and you can influence other people."

    " Have that kind of humility that God wants us to be."

    "Be grateful. Be loving to other people and always be encouraging to yourself.. "

    Verses mentioned:

    2 Corinthians 5:17, KJV: "Therefore if any man be in Christ, he is a new creature: old things are passed away; behold, all things are become new."

    Matthew 6:33, NIV, "33 But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well.

    Connect with Ms. Gye:https://www.facebook.com/gyegyegyegodioConnect with Proverbial Woman 31:Website: https://pw31club.comFB/INSTA/Tumblr: @pw31.clubEmail: [email protected] to all the shows: https://linktr.ee/pw31.clubIf you enjoyed this episode and it blessed you, please let me know. Hit the subscribe button and leave me a rating and review/comment, so I can reach you. Also, please share the episode with your friends who are not sure about their passion and still searching for their passions in life. I am sure she needs this encouragement today.Love,Teacher Celwww.pw31.club

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  • I take our reading for today from Matthew 6:33New International Version33 "But seek first his kingdom and his righteousness, and all these things will be given to you as well."Reflecting on this verse, I want to go deeper on the phrase Seek First His Kingdom.

    This is actually a command for us not to live in worry about how to get the basic needs of our life. But we should trust Him, the Father, to provide what we need. These keywords Seeking God's first is a mantra for me that shifts my mindset or perspective focus on pursuing righteousness and living a fruitful life by putting God's first in every decision I make or activities that I do instead of worrying, and being afraid.According to Romans 12:1, it urges us to offer our body as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God. Have I lived a life that is pleasing and holy?

    12 Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters, in view of God’s mercy, to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice, holy and pleasing to God—this is your true and proper worship. (Romans 12:1 NIV)Holiness is an ongoing process in life. No one can measure holiness, but only God can say if I passed it or not. It is very hard for me not to worry and be anxious about the Christmas season. Instead of looking like an exciting thing from a child's point of view, but for moms like me, it is the stressful year of my life. There are a lot of things I need to do like shopping, preparing food, especially we are hosting a Christmas lunch. I always think of perfection. Thinking about if the guests would love what I prepare. A lot of things running in my head. I have to prepare for the kid's holidays, trip and travel here and there. All these things worry me and pressure. I even forget that I am doing these hosting lunch, organizing parties, wrapping gifts, and setting up Christmas decorations for God's Kingdom. What God pleases is if I do these things out of love and not a Christmas obligation. I believe that whatever pressures I felt right now are testing my character and stretching my patience if I could keep holiness and faith under pressure, especially with my children not to let my steam off with anger. What good thing is I become more aware that there is something going on and there is a Spiritual battle for that I needed to give it to God. This made me realize that there are a lot of things Jesus and I have some work to do together.

    At the Home of Martha and Mary (LUKE 10:38-42 NIV)

    38 As Jesus and his disciples were on their way, he came to a village where a woman named Martha opened her home to him. 39 She had a sister called Mary, who sat at the Lord’s feet listening to what he said. 40 But Martha was distracted by all the preparations that had to be made. She came to him and asked, “Lord, don’t you care that my sister has left me to do the work by myself? Tell her to help me!”

    41 “Martha, Martha,” the Lord answered, “you are worried and upset about many things, 42 but few things are needed—or indeed only one.[a] Mary has chosen what is better, and it will not be taken away from her.”

    Source: https://www.biblegateway.com/

    Connect with Proverbial Woman 31:Website: https://pw31club.com

    FB/INSTA/Tumblr: @pw31.clubEmail: [email protected]

    Links to all the shows: https://linktr.ee/pw31.club

    If you enjoyed this episode and it blessed you, please let me know. Hit the subscribe button and leave me a rating and review/comment, so I can reach you. Also, please share the episode with your friends who are so stressed and anxious this Christmas season because of too many things to do. I am sure she needs this encouragement today.


    Teacher Cel


  • In the previous episode, we tackled and defined the contrasting concept of worldly freedom culture and God's freedom culture. In world culture, we do things that satisfy ourselves. We don't even care if it hurts us. What we are after is it gives us temporary pleasure.But we indulge too much of it is not good for us in the long term. We ended up getting sick or we suffer from consequences like illnesses, accidents, or even death.This is the reason God wants us to limit feeding our pleasures, for our good, so you may extend your life or live in meaningful and joyful days amid suffering on earth and of course to be a righteous and deserving citizen in Heaven.Today, we are going to reflect on how we are going to be free from the bondage of sin. Our reading is from Matthew 16:24. It says Then Jesus told His disciples, " If anyone would come after me, let him deny himself and take up his cross and follow me."

    In summary, do you want to choose to follow Jesus? Then, we have to adapt to God's Kingdom culture and not the culture of this world to please God. But it won't be easy, our old sin nature and temptation are dragging us back down. But there is hope, if we change our mindset to a warrior mindset by embracing suffering, enduring pains, and not be afraid of persecution or trials. Second, continue walking with Jesus and embracing your relationship with him and be like Him in the way, feel, and act. Be critical in our choices - is this pleasing to God or what would Jesus do? Finally, having the desire to be filled with the Holy Spirit and continuously walk with Spirit by reading the Bible, Prayers, Fellowship, and Discipleship/Evangelism.

    Galatians 5:16-23 ERVSo I tell you, live the way the Spirit leads you. Then you will not do the evil things your sinful self wants. The sinful self wants what is against the Spirit, and the Spirit wants what is against the sinful self. They are always fighting against each other so that you don’t do what you really want to do. But if you let the Spirit lead you, you are not under the law. The wrong things the sinful self does are clear: committing sexual sin, being morally bad, doing all kinds of shameful things, worshiping false gods, taking part in witchcraft, hating people, causing trouble, being jealous, angry, or selfish, causing people to argue and divide into separate groups, being filled with envy, getting drunk, having wild parties, and doing other things like this. I warn you now as I warned you before: The people who do these things will not have a part in God’s kingdom. But the fruit that the Spirit produces in a person’s life is love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control. There is no law against these kinds of things.

    If you have additional tips that work for you, message me or leave a comment.

    Read more: Grant Edwards / Specificity Foundations, Conversations, Discipling 2 Love Jesus. Illinois, 2019.

    Connect with Proverbial Woman 31:Website: https://pw31club.comFB/INSTA/Tumblr: @pw31.clubEmail: [email protected] to all the shows: https://linktr.ee/pw31.club

    If you enjoyed this episode and it blessed you, please let me know. Hit the subscribe button and leave me a rating and review/comment, so I can reach you. Also, please share the episode with your friends who are struggling with sin. I am sure she needs this encouragement today.Love,Teacher Cel


  • Arlene Samilin is a mom of three. Even though she got married earlier, she determined to complete her degree in Psychology at 34. She believes education is the best gift she can give to herself. While studying, she was juggling her clothesline business and looking after her family.She started selling her personal pre-loved items in 2014 to her co-workers as her first customers. Until she continued doing it selling on Facebook and Shopee.ph because of pandemic lockdown. Finally, what keeps her on track while wearing many hats being a mom, student, entrepreneur, and facilitator in the Christ Encounter Online community is her faith in God. She believes she can do all things as long as you put God first.Her favorite life verse is: (Ecclesiastes 7:14) When times are good, be happy;but when times are bad, consider this:God has made the oneas well as the other.Therefore, no one can discoveranything about their future.Quotes From Episode" Education is a treasure that no one can still it from you.""It is important to have faith in God to guide me in whatever I do."" Don't quit. First, do your passion. Continue learning. Think outside the square."" Be sensitive to others. Make sure your plans are not about yourself, but also for others around you. Consult everything you do to God."Don’t miss her advice on staying on track while wearing so many roles at home and at the workplace. Connect with Arlene:https://shopee.ph/parvulus_style

    Connect with Proverbial Woman 31:Website: https://pw31club.comFB/INSTA/Tumblr: @pw31.clubEmail: [email protected] to all the shows: https://linktr.ee/pw31.club

    If you enjoyed this episode and it blessed you, please let me know. Hit the subscribe button and leave me a rating and review/comment, so I can reach you. Also, please share the episode with your friends who are feeling giving up because of too many roles they have to play. I am sure she needs this encouragement today.Love,Teacher Celwww.pw31.club

  • Reading:

    Romans 13:14: "But put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify its desires." (ESV)Freedom never felt so good. So, here is my question for you ladies: have you made bad choices lately because of freedom? I am very traditional. I follow rules by the book. My greatest weaknesses are in passion and pleasure. Titus 3:3 states clearly "For we were once foolish, disobedient, led astray, slaves to various passions and pleasures, passing our days in malice and envy, hated by others and hating one another."I realize that my concept of freedom (for example, to hate other people, to envy them, to do everything I want) is wrong. I am being slaved by sin.Romans 13:14, ESV: reminds me to put on the Lord Jesus Christ, and make no provision for the flesh, to gratify my desires. Reflecting on this verse brings me back to my younger self when I just got saved. There was a strong struggle of your old sinful nature and the human spirit.

    Bible verses used in the story:

    Don't be unequally yoked together with an unbeliever. (2 Corinthians 6:14A)

    The unbelieving [spouse] is made holy in the [believing spouse]; otherwise, your children are unclean, but now they are holy. (1Corinthians 7:14)

    Connect with Proverbial Woman 31:

    Website: https://pw31club.com

    FB/INSTA/Tumblr: @pw31.clubEmail: [email protected]

    Links to all the shows: https://linktr.ee/pw31.club

    If you enjoyed this episode and it blessed you, please let me know. Hit the subscribe button and leave me a rating and review/comment, so I can reach you. Also, please share the episode with your friends who are at some point in their life who made bad choices because of freedom. Tell them that God loves them and He is willing to embrace them and forgive them again. I am sure they need this encouragement today.


    Teacher Cel


  • Reading:

    “Now faith is confidence in what we hope for and assurance about what we do not see.” (Hebrews 11:1)

    My point is Christians are susceptible to depression as we are also susceptible to any illness like Covid. Even how big our faith is, sometimes in our lives we go through doubts especially when we stop reading His Word, we stop to pray, and when we stop to fellowship with other believers. Whenever you feel that you are uncertain about Jesus, just repent. Confess your sins and hold to your community. Finally, seek help. According to Conversations Discipler another to love Jesus, If there are things you can trust God, you can trust that you confess a sin, God will forgive it. If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. (1 John 1:9) You can trust your salvation, which is on scripture, not your feelings.

    Connect with Proverbial Woman 31:

    Website: https://pw31club.com

    FB/INSTA/Tumblr: @pw31.clubEmail: [email protected]

    Links to all the shows: https://linktr.ee/pw31.clubIf you enjoyed this episode and it blessed you, please let me know. Hit the subscribe button and leave me a rating and review/comment, so I can reach you. Also, please share the episode with your friends who are losing their faith and bring them back to God. Tell them that God loves them no matter what they are feeling. I am sure they need this encouragement today. Love, Teacher Celwww.pw31.club

  • 27 Peace I leave with you, my peace I give unto you: not as the world gave, give I unto you. Let not your heart be troubled, neither let it be afraid. (John 14:27)

    In this verse that says 'Peace, I give to you', means God gave us assurance that even the world forsakes us, but He will never leave us.

    Have you hurt by someone you trust? Will you still trust him again?It has been difficult for me to trust anyone after I experienced betrayal in friendship and even in any relationship? It pains when the person you trust does this to you. If were to trust a person, he wouldn’t hurt me.

    But he still hurt me.

    In 2015, I came home from work and couldn’t find him. I looked for him as if he was home. But I couldn’t find him in the apartment. Quietness in the house worried me. I went up to the bedroom hurriedly to check his closet. There couldn't find his clothes and stuff.

    He just left me.

    "But what is important you trust God’s promise that He will give you peace because whether you like or not, they will hurt over and over again given that they are not perfect but...God is."

    Connect with Proverbial Woman 31:

    Website: https://pw31club.com

    FB/INSTA/Tumblr: @pw31.clubEmail: [email protected]

    Links to all the shows: https://linktr.ee/pw31.clubIf you enjoyed this episode and it blessed you, please let me know. Hit the subscribe button and leave me a rating and review/comment, so I can reach you. Also, please share the episode with your friends who were abandoned by their loved ones. Tell them they are not alone. I am sure she needs this encouragement today. Love, Teacher Celwww.pw31.club

  • Evelyn Racaza is a mom of two boys. She works from home as a furniture sales specialist for a U.S. account. She is also an Amway Direct Seller at the same time. She grew up in Cebu and moved to Manila for good last June 2010 and continues her journey to life here in Manila. She loves to cook; She loves music; She wants to travel to different places and be with nature. She loves to inspire and gives people encouragement.Quotes From Episode"You don't have to wait to hear well done if you do it right. You can know every day God is smiling at you and saying that's my girl.""I don't want everyone's validation as long as I know that have a strong personal relationship with God.""You just keep pushing and stay positive. Know your value, know your purpose in life. Have a self-direction. If you experience tough times, know that you have goals you need to achieve. Believe you can make it. "Don’t miss her advice on how to manage working from home and mothering at the same time. Connect with Evelyn:https://www.facebook.com/eracaza/Connect with Proverbial Woman 31:

    Website: https://pw31club.com

    FB/INSTA/Tubmlr: @pw31.clubEmail: [email protected]

    Links to all the shows: https://linktr.ee/pw31.clubIf you enjoyed this episode and it blessed you, please let me know. Hit the subscribe button and leave me a rating and review/comment, so I can reach to you. Also, please share the episode with your friends who are breadwinner mothers who are juggling work and mothering. I am sure she needs this encouragement today. Love, Teacher Celwww.pw31.club

  • “Submit yourselves for the Lord’s sake to every human institution.” 1 Peter 2:13John 20: 26-29 doubtsMy heart is not willing.I know I need to trust God and our confidence in Him, but... My will to control the situation was so strong and doubting Him he was going to do some miracles over my current situation.I was like a child I was asking my dad for help but still; I am doing it my way. My son had a broken car and wanted his dad to fix it. But he still continued tinkering with the car and trying to fix it and dad asked. “Do you want me to fix it or not?" He can only fix it when my son surrendered it to Him."This analogy is very true in my life in how I learned the lesson the hardest way because God taught me about myself that I underestimated Him and I doubted His ways.Last year I just gave birth to my youngest daughter. She came to be not on the day we planned. Worries and anxieties came to me. What should I do? We don’t have a family here. “How will I survive?” Who is going to look after my other two kids when I give birth?What about cleaning? Chores? Cooking?Thinking about how would I solve the problem wasn’t really helping. In fact, it got worse. My worries killed my courage. My anxiety gave me sleepless nights preparing and planning for my childbirth.


    If you are blessed in this episode, I would appreciate it if you could subscribe to iTunes or Spotify or to your favorite podcast players.

    You can reach me at www.pw31.club , www.pw31club.com , pw31.club in all social media handles.

    Thank you.


    Teacher Cel

  • What truly matters to me?16 For God so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in him shall not perish but have eternal life. 17 For God did not send his Son into the world to condemn the world, but to save the world through him. (John 3:16-17)This verse reminds me of my remarkable journey of knowing God and how he wanted me back to Him through Christian music and friendship. I was 17; I moved to Bohol from Cebu, Philippines to start a degree at a State College. Every lunchtime I hanged around together with my girlfriends in their boarding house. I noticed their pleasant outlook in life - just singing and playing the guitar. What took me notice was the song of Jaci Velasquez - On my knees playing...“What this song was so good.” I really love the lyrics. I felt that God spoke to me about surrendering my heart to Him because He wanted to change me.From then on, I started joining them, playing and singing with their music. I felt ecstatic and there was a joy in my heart as I listened to Christian music. But it wasn’t a joyful ride, I had all trials that led to drift my faith away, but what was consistent it was God who pursued me. He always brought beautiful people in my life who brought me closer to Him.

    Kathleen, Analie, and Loida thank you for being part of my Spiritual Journey.

    If you feel bless and pray the salvation prayer, send me a message on our social media, so we can keep in touch with you on what’s next.





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  • 1 Thessalonians 5:23 (NIV) 23 May God himself, the God of peace, sanctify you through and through. May your whole spirit, soul, and body be kept blameless at the coming of our Lord Jesus Christ.

    According to Pastor Jerome Racaza-Yap that we could communicate to God through the Holy Spirit and we were created in God's image that is called the Soul. The container of the soul and spirit is called the body.

    To know more about the five characteristics of Soul in human, please listen to the whole episode. If you feel blessed on this, please share, subscribe, and leave us your positive rating on iTunes, Spotify, or on your favorite podcasting player sites.

    You can connect him on this page: https://www.facebook.com/gracedoctrinal7

    You can also message us through the Proverbial Woman 31 on the following sites and social media platforms:




  • For I know the plans I have for you declares the Lord, plans to prosper you and not to harm you, plans to give you hope and a future. (Jeremiah 29:11) This verse spoke to me amid my depression that God promises good plans for my life and that is to help more women restore their spirit and soul and renew through the blood of Jesus. #Subscribe @pw31club on FB, INSTA, WordPress.

  • Are you sad? Tired? Feeling lonely? or Just tired about life? Don't worry. Don't lose hope. I am here.Tune into Proverbial Woman 31 featuring Restoring her Spirit. A weekly dose of encouragement and inspiration for all women and mothers.I am Teacher Cel, your host who will help you restore your spirit.