Uyanık, özenli, dikkatli, hafif, rahat, sevgi dolu ve şefkatli bir zihne EVET.
Astrolojiyi günlük yaşamda nasıl kullanabileceğin, astroloji hakkında doğru bilinen yanlış kavramlar gibi pek çok konuyu kanalın sunucusu Efsane yalın ve eğlenceli bir dille ele alıyor. Bu podcasti dinleyerek sende yıldızları kendine rehber alabilirsin.
Bubble Works Media orijinal içeriğidir. -
Levh-i Mahfuz ve GÜNE☀️EŞ DİL kitaplarının yazarı buRAK özDEMİR/in Resmi Podcast Kanalı.
Derin konular hakkında kısa kısa bilgiler ....
Welcome to Manifest Daily — The Next Chapter.
This isn’t just a podcast; it’s a journey of evolution, self-discovery, and reinvention. This is a safe space for us to explore the many layers of personal growth, touching on various spiritual elements, astrology for everyday life, and grounded life advice to help you navigate life’s transitions.
Whether you’re embracing a new phase, finding your balance between work and creativity, or learning to meet yourself where you are, this space is for you.
Together, we’ll dive into themes like career growth, navigating change, creative self-expression, and finding clarity in uncertainty.
So, grab your caramel latte or hibiscus tea, settle in, and let’s walk this path of evolution together.
It’s okay not to have all the answers.
This is about embracing who you are and who you’re becoming.
Don’t forget to share with a friend; after all, every journey is better with company.
Willkommen in der Kosmischen Familie. In diesem Podcast erweitern wir unseren Horizont und unser Bewusstsein. Wir betrachten die Dinge mit den Augen der Engel, d.h. wir schauen auf aktuelle Geschehnisse mit Weisheit und Liebe. Zudem Fokussieren wir uns auf die positiven Dinge, ohne den Gegenpol auszublenden oder zu verdrängen. Alles dient der Erkenntnis. Zudem gehen wir gemeinsam auf meditative Astralreisen und lernen die geistige Welt ebenso kennen wie die Sternengeschwister innerhalb und ausserhalb dieser Welt kennen.
Welcome to Fire and Soul, a top 1% podcast to support your unique awakening experience and return you back to your divine power. Join me, Michelle Sorro, Austin-based spiritual business mentor, for deeply impactful conversations as I awaken out loud, right alongside you.
Who am I? No really, why am I here? WTF's goin on. These are the questions we explore through heart centered conversations with the world's most self-actualized leaders in guiding us inward for the answers we seek.
Topics include spiritual awakening, sharing your gifts in service to all, speaking truth, liberty & freedom, energy healing, sacred plant medicine, multidimensional self-awareness, common law + trust law and all things sovereignty, and highly conscious entrepreneurship.
Prepare to leave each episode feeling even more empowered to live a consciously connected, miracle minded, and divinely guided life.
New episodes drop every Tuesday. Let’s journey!
👉 Sign up for our weekly love letter + pod drops:
Guest Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this podcast are those of the guests and are for entertainment purposes only. They do not necessarily reflect the views or positions of, Michelle Sorro, subsidiaries, or any corporate entities they represent.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
Join NYC-based comedians and novice witches, Emily and Kate, as they learn about everything related to the occult, witchcraft, paganism, esoteric spirituality and more – all through an accessible and comedic lens. Each episode goes in-depth on a different topic or story, and special guests join the team to provide further insight and expertise. Then they pull a tarot or oracle card for the message of the week and discuss its meanings. Follow on instagram @witchcastpodcast for photos, interactive virtual readings and more info. Hex yeah!
*Witchcast Podcast is a podcast for entertainment purposes only. The views, thoughts, and opinions expressed in on this website and in the podcast belong solely to those voicing them. Much of the information discussed on the Witchcast Podcast is researched (and not necessarily well) from 3rd party sources that may or may not have been vetted (we try our best!) We do not make any warranties about the completeness, reliability, and accuracy of any information from the podcast or its guests. Any action you take upon the information on this podcast and website is strictly at your own risk! -
A series of conversations about modern spirituality.
Hayatı hayretle ve Aşk'la karşılamak, ağırlamak,
Yaşadığımız her anı anlamlı ve kıymetli kılmak,
hakikat yolunda şefkat ve cesaretle yol almak için
hikayeler, şiirler, sohbetler, sorular, ilhamlar... -
A YouTube channel and Podcast sharing the Christian pov on wellness, mental health & self-care. Support this podcast:
İletişim için INSTAGRAM @zeyneplekisielgelisim
İlişki koçluğu, ikiz alev, ruh eşi, çekim yasası, kuantum, kişisel gelişim, ezoterik bilgiler, tekamül ve spiritüel yaşam üzerine dünyada ne fikirler üretiliyor, nasıl yöntemler izleniyor merak ediyor musunuz? Kanal, yaygın olarak Türk karasularına henüz girmemiş bilgileri paylaşırken, yaşadığımız coğrafyanın kültür inanç ve belleği ile yoğrulmuş algıları düşünce ve yöntem çeşitliliği ile besliyor.
Kişisel algını en hızlı şekilde iyileştirmek ve yaşamını dönüştürmek için kendi gücüne inan.
Başka türlü bir astroloji mümkün! Geleceği yaratan! Kalple başlatan. Kalbi ve ruhu odağa koyan!
Biraz astroloji, biraz Jung, biraz Ram Dass, biraz Yogananda! bize yeni bir yol sunan, yeni bir gözle kendimize bakmamızı sağlayan!
İnsani bir butun olarak kabul eden yerden evrimsel astroloji, psikoloji sohbetleri edip, meditasyon yapalım! Işığımız ve bilgimiz birlikte artsın, sevgimiz evrende ihtiyacı olan her cana şifa olsun. Birlikte öğrenelim, birlikte büyüyelim, birlikte şifalanalım! -
The Mind of the Prophet Meditation Hour is the best metaphysical podcast in all of Creation.What do you do when you feel like The Law of Attraction has not worked for you?Get metaphysical!My podcast goes under the hood of Creation and explains the mechanics. Give us a listen.The teachings explained are based upon sound principles taught by Florence Scovel Shinn, Neville Goddard, and others, with a modern explanation of how to apply them.Listen. Enjoy. Be amazing! Support this podcast:
Ben Serdar Prem. Bu podcast serisinde ilişkiler, tantra, kadim bilgelikler, yoga ve meditasyon üzerine konuşuyorum.
Instagram: @serdarprem
Youtube: Serdar Prem -
This Morning Walk podcast invites you to experience the transformative power of a simple walk, now part of Blind Nil Audio from Executive Producers Chip and Joanna Gaines.
Join hosts Alex Elle and Libby DeLana as they share the lessons they’ve learned on their walking paths, both individually and together.
Alex - A New York Times BestSelling Author and writing coach living in DC with her husband and daughters - and Libby - a Creative Director based on both coasts with grown children - started This Morning Walk Podcast to reflect on the ways a daily walk keeps them grounded in their day-to-day lives. As Alex likes to say - “It’s deeper than walking. It’s about slowing down, looking up, and finding clarity in your daily life.”
It’s a practice. A mindset. A way forward. And ultimately, it’s a new path.
Please direct business inquiries to: [email protected] -
Farkındalık alanına hoş geldin.
Derya İçre Sohbetler
Bu güzide ismi nereden buldun diyorsanız Hayali bir şiirinde” ol mahiler ki derya içredir deryayı bilmezler” yani o baliklar ki denizin içindedir, denizi bilmezler"der. O yüzden ben de kendime uzaktan bakmaya çalışırken keşfettiklerimi sizin yolculuğunuzda faydası olur niyetiyle paylaşıyorum.
İnanıyorum ki anlattıkça hem ben hem de siz birlikte şifalanıyoruz.
Aşk Yolunda "yapma ve olma" dengesini arayan, Gestalt Psikolojisi, Tasavvuf, Koçluk ve Spiritüel Şifa kesişiminde kalpten sohbetler.
Bana Instagram'dan ( ulaşabilirsiniz. -
Heart Soothing Qur'anic recitations