If you want to learn how you can become a better leader in politics and business with help of emotional intelligence - EQ for World Leaders Podcast is for you. Nina Andrijanic is dedicated to bring you top politicians and business leaders who have already implemented these EQ strategies and will show you how it is done in the real world of politics and business. If you want t learn more about how to make better decisions, impact your community and change the world then stick around, it's going to be a bumpy ride!! If you want to learn more about how to make better decisions in you leadership, then go to our website to get our FREE E-book called The EQ Smart Politics Toolkit - How to Quickly Learn How to Make Better Decisions, Impact your Community and Change the World
Welcome to Project Blue Book Value! There are so many (alien) conspiracies out there and very little time to spend on them all. Don't waste your time looking them all up, let us do it for you! We can give you the proper Project Blue Book Value on the conspiracy and let you know if it is worth looking it up while you are bored at work.
Weekday mornings, The Daily Punch brings you inside Capitol Hill, the White House and Washington for an unfiltered look at the key players and stakes of all major issues of the day. Power. People. Politics. Hosted by Punchbowl News founders, journalists and best-selling authors Anna Palmer and Jake Sherman.
One CA Podcast is here to inspire anyone interested in traveling to work with a partner nation’s people and leadership to forward U.S. foreign policy.
We bring in current or former military, diplomats, development officers, and field agents to discuss their experiences and give recommendations for working the ”last three feet” of foreign relations.
The show is sponsored by the Civil Affairs Association. -
The Santa Fe New Mexican is the home of Mary Charlotte's Radio Café, a twice-weekly show exploring life, politics, and news.
Eden Reforestation Projects recreates healthy forest systems that restore hope, alleviate suffering, empower people, and build local economies in impoverished communities.
A Látszótér Rádió műsorkészítőinek adásai közéletről, művészetről, közérzetről, minden hétköznap este 8-tól új epizódokkal.
A Látszótér Rádió Vakvezető című műsora
Our place to talk - an independent website for supporters of the Liberal Democrat party in the UK.
Utah's Morning News hosts Brian Martin and Amanda Dickson sit down with Susan Speirs, a CPA and board member of the Utah Association of Certified Public Accountants or UACPA, and Shane Stewart, a Certified Financial Planner with Deseret Mutual Benefit Administrators or DMBA, to find out what changes in tax law you need to know in 2018 before you file your 2017 IRS returns.
The Bodcast is Bustle's biweekly podcast about the experience of living in a body in 2017. Themes include abortion, immigration, gender identity, and more.
Host: Amanda Richards
Producers: Pierre Bienaimé & Anna Parsons
Garázsmenet - Hegyi Zsolt műsora 2010 óta. Ahogy egy meleg maci a világot látja.
Közéleti beszélgetések a magyar valóság különböző területeiről szakértők segítségével.
A Tükörcserepek közéleti beszélgetés-sorozat a 2015-ös magyar valóság összes fontos szeletét be szeretné mutatni - ennyi képből összeállhat az Egész, hazánk legújabbkori valósága. A legjobb szakemberek mondják el véleményüket arról a fejezetről, amelyhez leginkább értenek. Közéleti beszélgetések a Civil Rádióban minden pénteken 19 órakor - ismétlés hétfőnként 10 órakor.
A műsorfolyam a Civil Rádió közreműködésével készült. -
The observation post is meant to educate people about issues that affect disabled veterans. I will try to debunk the garbage the Canada tells us is Gospel!
This podcast is about animal testing and the inhumanity of it.
This is what truly efficient legal learning looks like. Samuel Partida, Jr. has a way of turning dry, criminal court decisions into understandable bits of valuable knowledge. The nuggets of information just plop out of the cases. Sam has a knack of focusing on the choices made by the people, the lawyers and the judges in the cases. Under this kind of learning regime, the lessons just naturally fall out of the discussion. Anyone with a desire to learn the criminal law in a fundamental way will find a home here. Staying current with the case law has never been this easy, nor this fun.
We must make the moral case for capitalism and the free market! We must go on offense and stop going on defense everytime someone argues about the "evils" of the free market and capitalism. This is the only way to fight back against these people who think they have the moral high ground! And we can! The truth and history is on our side. John D. Rockefeller and Henry Ford made life better for the average Amercian, not worse. We must be able to argue and pursuade people and show them that capitalism is the most moral system. When the rich get richer it doesn't hurt the poor, instead it makes the poor better off. To get rich in a captialist system means we must provide a good/service that people want and will make them better off. Henry Ford didn't get rich by selling cars only to the rich. He got rich when he made a car cheap enough that the average American could afford. And look at how the car revolutionized society and how much freedom it gave to the individual. We must fight for this! Listen to my podcast and together we can DEFEND THE FREE MARKET!!!
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