
  • From the headlines, it’s clear that diversity programs aren’t increasing diversity within organizations. After working with Fortune 500 companies like Walmart and Verizon on their inclusion and diversity efforts over the past decade, Jennifer Brown says that it’s because many of us want be more inclusive but aren’t sure where to start. In her new book​ she demystifies the process of creating inclusive workspaces into clear steps that anyone can take no matter their role.

    In this interview you will:

    Learn ​​how to respectfully use inclusive language - gender pronouns, diverse family formations, etc. ​Discover ​​how to recognize bias and know if you’re unwittingly participating in it. ​​Learn ​​how to identify your unique “diversity story” that will help you better relate to underrepresented and marginalized employees. Find ​out how leading the charge with diversity initiatives can help you stand out as a leader.


    Jennifer Brown is a leading diversity and inclusion expert, dynamic keynote speaker, best-selling author, award-winning entrepreneur and host of The Will To Change podcast, which uncovers true stories of diversity and inclusion. As the founder, president and CEO of Jennifer Brown Consulting, Jennifer’s workplace strategies have been employed by some of the world’s top Fortune 500 companies and nonprofits—including Walmart, Microsoft, Starbucks, Toyota Financial Services, T-Mobile, and many others— to help employees bring their full selves to work and feel Welcomed, Valued, Respected and Heard℠.

  • The clearest path to high achievement is building your capacity, incrementally, in four areas: Spiritual Capacity, Intellectual Capacity, Physical Capacity and Emotional Capacity. Each of these areas is separate but connected.

    ​Robert's framework came out of his weekly Friday Forward newsletter – which began as a simple email designed to inspire and motivate ​his team of 40 people at the time. Today, Friday Forward reaches over 100,000 people each week across 60+ countries and led to his book, Elevate. Additional learning notes:

    Learn why it’s important to focus on all four elements of capacity building simultaneously. Discover what you can do, and what habits you can add to your life that compound over time. Learn what type of people tend to be the highest achievers. Find the value of a morning routine and reading positive stories.


    Robert Glazer is the founder and CEO of Acceleration Partners, a global performance marketing agency and the recipient of numerous industry and company culture awards, including Glassdoor’s Employees’ Choice Awards two years in a row. He is the author of the inspirational newsletter Friday Forward, which reaches 100,000 leaders around the world each year. Robert is author of the international bestselling book, Performance Partnerships, and his new book Elevate: Push Beyond Your Limits and Unlock Success in Yourself and Others. He is a sought-after speaker by companies and organizations around the world. Find out more about Robert here.

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  • Diane Mulcahy writes and speaks about the Gig Economy, which is made up of anyone who does not work as a full-time employee in a full-time job. (It's not just Uber drivers!). Visit dianemulcahy.com to learn more.

    In this episode, you'll will learn to:

    Create a thoughtful exit strategy from your current job Understand how you can participate and succeed in the Gig Economy Identify the best type of gig work that works for you Find Better balance in your professional and personal life

    Bio: Diane is the author of The Gig Economy: The Complete Guide to Getting Better Work, Taking More Time Off, and Financing the Life You Want. She works with companies and individuals who want to succeed in the Gig Economy She is also a Forbes Contributor and writes frequently for Harvard Business Review about the Gig Economy and future of work. Diane is an Adjunct Lecturer at Babson College in Boston, where she created and teaches the first university course in the country on the Gig Economy.

  • Most people want to do great work, but they simply don’t know how. The result? Uninspired effort, unremarkable output, and unhealthy communication. We owe our teammates—and ourselves—something better. In his new book, Do Better Work, Lessonly CEO and co-founder Max Yoder shares 8 practical but profound ideas for transforming team culture and performance. No matter your rank or role, if you want to see more understanding, accountability, and progress on your team, Max’s stories and examples are for you. Because when we do better work—we live better lives.

    In this episode, you'll learn:

    Why clarity and camaraderie are so essential to team performance How vulnerability transforms teams and workplaces How to communicate more clearly with your team How to foster better work in a hostile workplace


    Max Yoder is the CEO and co-founder of Lessonly, the powerfully simple training software that helps millions of people learn and practice. He is the author of Do Better Work, a book about finding clarity, camaraderie, and progress in work and life. Max lives in Indianapolis with his wife, Jess.

    Learn about or buy Do Better Work at https://dobetter.work/

    Learn more about Lessonly's training software at lessonly.com/learn-more

  • It wasn’t too long ago that having a business coach was like having a scarlet letter on your professional suit. Today, having a coach has been elevated in status. In this interview series we will dig into this significant and necessary paradigm shift. We'll talk about how to:

    Learn why the central role of today's leader is that of a coach. Discover simple truths of human behavior that are both timely and timeless. Learn how to balance an understanding of business with an understanding of people. Deepen your awareness of your thoughts, your purpose, your values and your emotions.


    Lee J. Colan, Ph.D. has been serving leaders for over 20 years. His firm equips and inspires leaders at every level. Lee’s practical models resonate with leaders working in an information-rich, time-poor world. He is an adviser to America’s leading companies and serves on the Board for Pacific Seafood, the largest seafood company in North
    America. He has authored 15 leadership books that have been translated into 10 languages. Get The Power of Positive Coaching book.

    Julie Davis-Colan is an innovative business adviser and peak performance coach with experience in sales and marketing to Fortune 500 companies. Julie has co-authored six popular books. She earned her Master's degree in Preventive Medicine from Ohio State University's College of Medicine after earning her Bachelor's degree in Psychology and Biology, with honors, from Florida State University. Julie is one of only 1,000 certified Positive Psychology practitioners. Tools to Elevate Leadership

  • The business world is changing fast. From new and emerging technologies to the rise of the gig economy and contingent workforce the way we live and work is being disrupted. Each year 20 million people in the US lose their job and that number will just increase as technological change both creates and destroys jobs and companies. What can you do to understand the changes, risks and opportunities the Fourth Industrial Revolution will bring? ​

    We'll talk about how to:

    Understanding how emerging technologies will transform how business is done. The risks and opportunities to both jobs and entire companies. How to compete in the Automation Age, where machines are taking on more and more job tasks. How understanding what is special about you will become critical to positioning yourself for long term success.


    Larry Boyer is the author of The Robot In the Next Cubicle: What You Need to Know to Adapt and Succeed In the Automation Age. He is a Certified Business Economist™, ICF certified coach and Reach Personal Branding Strategist. He is on the Advisory Boards of the Rutgers Big Data program and TECH Pakistan and is a member of the Forbes Coaches Council. He founded Success Rockets LLC in the wake of the Great Recession after seeing how many people’s lives were completely changed, many literally overnight, as company after company failed. Larry helps individuals and businesses navigate the disruptions of the Fourth Industrial Revolution by understanding the evolving technology and business climates and developing strategies to grow, evolve and disrupt themselves for lasting success.

  • The Inner Critic is the main source of our biggest blocks to perform at our best. Our inner critic is the force behind our fears of being judged and criticized, highly critical self-talk, feeling like our ideas aren't good enough, and committing “ideacide.” Fortunately, we possess three mental power tools that, in combination, help stop the inner critic in its tracks. Making a commitment to silencing your inner critic will help you to get unstuck, do your best work, and channel your creativity as a force for positive change in the world as a contributor, collaborator, and leader. We'll talk about how to:

    Identify voice of self-sabotage in your head and learn where it comes from. Employ the 3 mental power tools that will enable you to silence your inner critic. Free yourself from comparisons, fear of being judged, high self-criticism, feeling like you're not enough, and release the habits of believing you're not creative and second-guessing and killing your ideas. Transform your self-talk into a tool for success. Start embracing your expertise and share your brilliance with the world.

    Denise Jacobs is a Speaker + Author who speaks at conferences and consults with companies worldwide. As the Founder + CEO of The Creative Dose, keynote speaker, and trainer, she helps individuals in companies unleash their creativity through banishing their inner critic and hacking their creative brains. Denise’s keynotes and trainings give A Creative Dose™ – an injection of inspiration and immediately applicable tools to help people do their best work. Through working with Denise, people become engaged contributors, synergistic collaborators, and authentic leaders. Denise is the author of Banish Your Inner Critic, the premier handbook on silencing fears to unleash creativity. A web and tech industry veteran, Denise is also the author of The CSS Detective Guide and co-author of the Smashing Book #3 1/3 and Interact with Web Standards. She is also the founder of Rawk The Web and the Head Instigator of The Creativity (R)Evolution. Visit DeniseJacobs.com for more information.

  • Are you stuck in an unsatisfying job or an industry that just isn't a fit? Get unstuck! Land a new career—one you’re genuinely passionate about.

    This month’s interview is with career coach and licensed psychologist Dr. Dawn Graham, author of "Switchers: How Smart Professionals Change Careers and Seize Success." Dawn will discuss proven strategies that will help you land your career change. Career switchers face unique challenges that demand fresh approaches. To succeed, you have to go beyond the basics, using tactics tailor-made to ensure your candidacy stands out.

    This session will help you to:

    Understand the concerns of hiring managers—and think like they do. Learn psychology principles that give you a competitive advantage. Rebrand aligning professional identity with new aspirations. Reach decision-makers by recruiting "ambassadors" from within one's network. Convince skeptical employers to take a chance on someone as a switcher.

    Dr. Dawn Graham is the Career Director for The MBA Program for Executives at The Wharton School at The University of Pennsylvania, where she partners in setting strategy and supporting the EMBA students in achieving their career objectives through extensive programming and individual coaching. She also hosts a national call-in radio show on Sirius XM (Channel 132) “Career Talk,” writes regularly for Forbes.com under their leadership channel, and teaches Persuasive Communication to Wharton undergrads under the Management Department. Dawn’s new book “Switchers: How Smart Professionals Change Careers and Seize Success” (HarperCollins Leadership/AMACOM 2018) engages her background as a career expert, licensed psychologist and former corporate recruiter to provide a roadmap for career switchers to get beyond the hiring bias and land the job they want. Visit DrDawnonCareers.com to download a free chapter of the book, "Switchers"

  • Every organization is a collection of individual S – or learning curves. You build an A-team by optimizing these individual curves. By managing people all along the S-curve and knowing what to do when they reach the top of the curve. As employees are allowed, even required, to surf their individual S-curve waves, disrupting themselves, you will be less vulnerable to disruption and get the gold star -- be a boss people want to work for.

    You will learn:

    Why it's important to hire for potential rather than proficiency How to manage your team as a collection of S-curves How to examine your own mindset as it relates to disruption and looking at your employees as the true resources they are to your organization. How to manage, utilize and engage employees at all levels


    Whitney Johnson is one of the 50 leading business thinkers in the world (Thinkers50), an expert on disruptive innovation and personal disruption, a framework codified in the critically-acclaimed book Disrupt Yourself as well as Whitney’s new book published by Harvard Business Press in May 2018 - Build an 'A'-Team: Play To Their Strengths and Lead Them Up the Learning Curve; proprietary framework and diagnostics developed after co-founding the Disruptive Innovation Fund with Harvard Business School’s Clayton Christensen; former award-winning stock analyst on Wall Street; WBECS faculty; original cohort of Marshall Goldsmith's #100 Coaches; Coach for Harvard Business School's Executive Education, Harvard Business Review Contributor; LinkedInfluencer. Download a free chapter of Build an A Team.

  • In the book, the authors argue as the future of work changes, critical skills and expertise—not the number of degrees you have—will be imperative for companies and their employees to succeed, and the most successful companies are already thinking about how this will apply in a world where people are living—and working—longer. Gone are the days when a four-year degree guarantees job security and the skills to stay relevant for an entire career. With the latest scientific research on how people really learn and interviews from key leaders at Google, LinkedIn, Airbnb, and MasterCard and thought leaders in business, learning and education like Sal Khan, Clay Christensen, Daniel Pink, and Whitney Johnson, the authors challenge the business communities to let go of outdated and traditional ways of closing the skills gap and embrace the urgency of re-skilling and upskilling the workforce of the future now.

    Discover how to make learning a competitive advantage Understand the power of peers Learn how to combat content overload

    BIO: Kelly is on a mission to change the way the world learns. A well-known thought leader on learning, business, and career development, she is currently on the executive team of Degreed and was formerly the chief learning officer of LinkedIn. Prior to LinkedIn, Kelly was vice president of learning at Yahoo! and held executive positions in learning, M&A, and product development at Sun Microsystems. She is the author of The Expertise Economy: How the Smartest Companies Use Learning to Engage, Compete, and Succeed with David Blake, and speaks regularly at companies and business conferences around the world. She has been featured in the Financial Times, Fast Company, Forbes, Entrepreneur, Inc., Chief Learning Officer (CLO), and on Bloomberg radio. Kelly has a bachelor of arts in English communications and a master of science in adult learning and education technology and is joining us today from Sacramento. For more information visit https://degreed.com/kellypalmer#/overview:

  • Sitting around pointing fingers and waiting for change to appear on the horizon—has it ever worked for you? Do you feel imbalance between who you are and who you think you should be? Do you see fulfillment, better relationships, and stronger teamwork as something to work for, but not possible now?

    In her breakthrough message, author and speaker Jessica Pettitt reveals the truth about how we can be the best versions of ourselves now! By being our authentic selves, we can immediately improve our companies, relationships, and communities.

    Good Enough Now is an innovative and practical guide to ridding yourself of self-doubt, self-limiting beliefs, and habitual excuses.

    Discover how to build better teams Rid yourself of self-doubt, self-limiting beliefs, and habitual excuses Discover that you already have what is necessary to begin shifting the paradigm

    Bio: Jessica Pettitt, M.Ed., CSP

    Referred to as the “Margaret Cho” of Diversity Trainers, Jessica blends politics, humor, identity, and local flair with big city passion and energy through direct, individualized, and interactive conversations. Her workshops, seminars, and keynotes don’t just leave participants invigorated but inspired and motivated to follow through with action to create change. Having traveled and lived in a variety of communities and environments all over the world, while also engaging with education as student, teacher, administrator, and active community member, Jessica uses her take on life to lead participants through a safe but confrontational process of examination, self reflection, and open dialog that is as challenging as it is rewarding.

    Graduating from the University of South Carolina with an M.Ed in Higher Education Administration with an emphasis in Crisis Management, Jessica pulls together lessons from teaching History and English in the classroom as well as those from the stand up comedy stages of New York City to bring real and actionable results to meeting rooms and board tables. She is well published, including multiple DVD and online training courses, curriculum guides, and a book that makes the abstract actionable. For more information visit goodenoughnow.com

    Download the Handout

  • Focusing on your strengths can make you happier and help you fulfill your greatest potential. Professionally, playing to your strengths will allow you to do a better job for your employer and become a sought-after leader and team member. Learn how to define your strengths as well as how focusing on your strengths can help you lead a more fulfilling life and become an indispensable, high-value leader and employee.

    Define strengths and why you should work to your strengths Discuss how to identify your strengths and leverage them regularly Discover different ways to maximize the alignment of your job to your strengths

    Bio: Halelly Azulay is an author, speaker, facilitator, and leadership development strategist and an expert in leadership, communication skills, and emotional intelligence. She is the author of two books, Employee Development on a Shoestring (ATD Press) and Strength to Strength: How Working from Your Strengths Can Help You Lead a More Fulfilling Life. Her books, workshops and retreats build on her 20+ years of professional experience in communication and leadership development in corporate, government, nonprofit and academic organizations.

    Halelly is the president of TalentGrow LLC, a consulting company she founded in 2006 to develop leaders and teams, especially for enterprises experiencing explosive growth or expansion. TalentGrow specializes in people leadership skills, which include communication skills, teambuilding, coaching, and emotional intelligence. TalentGrow works with all organizational levels, including C-level leaders, frontline managers, and individual contributors.

    Halelly is a sought after speaker at conferences and meetings and is a contributing author to numerous books, articles and blogs. She was described as a “Leadership Development Guru” by TD Magazine. Halelly publishes a blog and a weekly leadership podcast called The TalentGrow Show – geared toward developing leaders that people want to follow. Visit TalentGrow.com for more information.

    Download the handout

  • Stanford University’s Dr. Leah Weiss knows a thing or two about how to find your purpose at work - in fact, she just wrote a book about it (“How We Work: Live Your Purpose, Reclaim Your Sanity, and Embrace the Daily Grind”). Not only is finding your purpose an effective strategy for loving the work that you do, it’s also the best way to increase your productivity, produce excellent results, and spend the 90,000 hours of your life that you do spend working knowing that your work is important. Dr. Weiss will provide useful and effective tips that you can use today to make your work-life better today.

    Learn useful tips to make your work-life better today Discover why finding your purpose is an effective strategy for loving the work that you do Hear practical advice on finding greater satisfaction and success at work Learn how reflection helps us learn and grow

    Bio: Leah Weiss, Ph.D. is a researcher, lecturer, consultant, and author. She teaches Compassionate Leadership at the Stanford Graduate School of Business, where she created the perennially-waitlisted course "Leading with Mindfulness and Compassion." She is a principal teacher and a founding faculty member of Stanford's “Compassion Cultivation Program,” conceived by the Dalai Lama.

    Her first book, “How We Work: Live Your Purpose, Reclaim Your Sanity, and Embrace the Daily Grind” (HarperWave) focuses on developing compassionate and soft skill-based leadership while also offering research-backed actionable steps towards finding purpose at work. Find out more at https://leahweissphd.com/

  • Learn the most common relationship pitfalls which affect careers and results at work, highlighting four of the 15 proven practices from FranklinCovey’s world-class solutions that will help anyone to master the skills of effective relationships:

    Wear Glasses That Work — How you see yourself and others impacts your relationships Behave Your Way to Credibility — Both character and competence are required to create credibility Play Your Roles Well — Evaluate your key roles and the contribution you want to make in each, ensuring they remain a top priority See the Tree, Not Just the Seedling — Learn skills to help you see and grow the talent around you


    Todd Davis is the author of FranklinCovey’s newest book, Get Better: 15 Proven Practices to Build Effective Relationships at Work, which sold over 30,000 copies in under 100 days and debuted at #4 on the Wall Street Journal Bestseller List. Davis has over 30 years of experience in human resources, talent development, executive recruiting, sales, and marketing. With FranklinCovey for over 20 years, he currently serves as chief people officer and executive vice president, responsible for global talent development in over 40 offices reaching 160 countries.

    Davis has delivered numerous keynote addresses and speeches at leading business, industry, & association conferences, such as the World Business Forum (WOBI), ATD, SUCCESS Live, & for Fortune® 100 and 500 clients. Topics include leadership, personal and interpersonal effectiveness, employee engagement, talent management, change management, and building winning cultures. For more information visit http://getbetterbook.com/

  • While we may think we need to follow some kind of prescription to get results, the most amazing leaders are those who dare to be their true selves, powerfully. People want to give their best. But in a business world that's so competitive and uncertain how do you connect with others more authentically to tap into their illusive want?

    Kimberly Davis is on a quest to make these powerful conversations more accessible. Kimberly is a professional actress-turned-leadership educator. An expert on authentic leadership, she shares her inspirational message of personal power, responsibility, and impact with organizations across the country and teaches leadership programs world-wide; most notably, her program “OnStage Leadership” which runs in NYC and Dallas, TX. Additionally, Kimberly teaches Authentic Influence and Executive Presence for Southern Methodist University’s (SMU) Cox School of Business' Executive Education Program; for the Bush Institute's Women's Initiative Fellowship program (empowering female leaders from North Africa and the Middle East) and for the National Hispanic Corporate Council. Kimberly is a TEDx speaker and her new book, Brave Leadership: Unleash Your Most Confident, Authentic, and Powerful Self to Get the Results You Need, which has been named as the number one book to read in Inc. Magazine’s “The 12 Most Impactful Books to Read in 2018,” with a cover-endorsement by best-selling author Daniel Pink, was release January 2018 and is available on Amazon, at Barnes and Nobel and all brick and mortar bookstores.Escape overwhelm and frustration and learn to manage stress and anxiety

    Set the direction of your career Feel more confident, courageous, satisfied, and purposeful Uncover your barriers to brave Tap into the want of the people you lead to get the results you need

    Find out more at braveleadershipbook.com/author-bio/ and onstageleadership.com

  • Words have the power to change decisions, fates and fortunes, yet
    few people purposely wield them. In this practical, digestible
    book, bestselling author and international speaker Phil Jones
    shares how simple language techniques can transform the success of conversations.

    Developed over years of successful (and unsuccessful) sales negotiations and training more than two million sales staff across the globe, Jones offers 22 powerful phrases that can easily be interwoven in one’s everyday exchanges. Each chapter explores the psychology behind the effectiveness of a simple set of words before providing examples of how to utilize them in varying situations.

    Discover precise business success language to empower immediate positive action Create instant confidence to introduce your products and services more effectively Receive the “Magic Words” from Phil’s best-selling book applied to your specific business critical situations Build trust and camaraderie by using comparisons Help others make time to reach important decisions


    Phil M. Jones has made it his life’s work to demystify the sales process, reframe what it means to “sell” and help his audiences to learn new skills that empower confidence, overcome fears and instantaneously impact bottom line results.

    Author of five international best-selling books, and the youngest ever winner of the coveted “British Excellence in Sales and Marketing Award”, Phil is currently one of the most in-demand assets to companies worldwide and is highly regarded as the world’s leading sales trainer.

    His best selling books include Exactly How to Sell and Exactly What to Say, ToolBox, Magic Words, and PHILosophies. Find out more at philmjones.com

  • In Creating Signature Stories, branding guru David Aaker applies the power of intriguing, authentic, involving stories for firms to use to communicate strategic messaging internally and externally and for individuals to use to understand themselves and their direction and purpose in their professional (and personal) life. Stories are many times more powerful than facts at getting attention, generating brand energy, creating involvement, persuading, arousing emotion, inspiring and more. They can provide clarity and inspiration. The challenge is to find, evaluate, refine and leverage great stories.

    In this interview you will learn: How stories persuade more than facts How higher-purpose signature stories inspire individuals in their professional and personal life Why a story with intriguing, involving, characters and plot can be an energy source How signature stories add visibility and energy to you or your brand. Learn the three questions to ask in your personal signature story to help you better understand yourself

    BIO: David Aaker, the Vice-Chairman of Prophet and Professor Emeritus of Marketing Strategy at the Berkeley-Haas School of Business, is the winner of four career awards for contributions to the practice and science of marketing. Most recently Doctor Aaker was named to the NYAMA Marketing Hall of Fame. He has published over 100 articles and 17 books that have sold well over one million copies and include Strategic Market Management, Building Strong Brands, Brand Leadership (co-authored) Brand Portfolio Strategy, From Fargo to the World of Brands, Spanning Silos, Brand Relevance, Aaker on Branding and his latest book Creating Signature Stories. Aaker has won awards for the best article in the California Management Review and (twice) in the Journal of Marketing. A recognized authority on brand strategy, he has been an active consultant and speaker throughout the world. A columnist for AMA’s Marketing News, he regularly blogs at davidaaker.com and Linkedin.

  • Dorie Clark’s new book is “Entrepreneurial You: Monetize Your Expertise, Create Multiple Income Streams, and Thrive” (Harvard Business Review Press). We’ll talk about how to create new revenue-generating areas of your business without pulling you in too many directions, and become recognized as an expert in your field who can command premium prices. We’ll go in depth on the topics. You can download and print a worksheet at http://360rea.ch/2nevwzg

    In this interview you will learn:

    How to launch a paid speaking business The first steps to take in creating multiple income streams How to build your email list and your following How to leverage your expertise online (without being spammy or scammy)

    BIOGRAPHY: Dorie Clark is an adjunct professor at Duke University’s Fuqua School of Business and a professional speaker. She is the author of the forthcoming Entrepreneurial You (Harvard Business Review Press). Her previous books include Reinventing You and Stand Out, which was named the #1 Leadership Book of 2015 by Inc. magazine, one of the Top 10 Business Books of the Year by Forbes, and was a Washington Post bestseller. The New York Times has described her as an “expert at self-reinvention and helping others make changes in their lives.”

    A former presidential campaign spokeswoman, she is a frequent contributor to the Harvard Business Review, and is a consultant and speaker for clients such as Google, Yale University, and the World Bank. She is also a producer of a multiple Grammy-winning jazz album. You can download her free Entrepreneurial You self-assessment workbook and learn more at DorieClark.com

  • If you create meaningful relationships in your professional life with customers, partners, and industry influencers and in your personal life with family and friends, you can position yourself to stay top of mind with all of them. And staying top of mind with those who matter to you will help you not only create more opportunities, but also become a better, happier person.

    Consumers’ needs and expectations have changed and in his book, Top of Mind, John Hall explains what this shift means for those interested in building a long-lasting, trustworthy, and influential brand. From building strong, transparent relationships by helping others to amplifying your message through content, John discusses what it truly takes to build trust, earn space at the top of your audience’s minds, and create opportunity for your company.

    In this podcast you will learn:

    How to build influence and deepen relationships The various trust “touch points” needed to effectively build trust with your audience How to implement effective content marketing that helps scale the lasting relationships you’re building How to become top of mind with your audience so you’re the person they think of when opportunities arise

    BIO: John Hall is co-founder and CEO of Influence & Co., a content marketing agency that helps companies and individuals extract and leverage their expertise to create, publish, and distribute content to their key audiences. He is also the author of the best-selling business book, “Top of Mind.”

    In five years, John has grown Influence & Co. into one of the largest providers of high-quality expert content to more than 1,000 of the world’s top publications. Under John’s leadership, Influence & Co. was ranked No. 72 on Forbes’ “Most Promising Companies in America” list in 2014 and was named Empact’s “Best Marketing and Advertising Company of 2014” at the United Nations. Influence & Co. was also recently mentioned in Inc. as the No. 1 company dominating content marketing.

    John has weekly columns for Forbes and Inc. and has contributed to more than 50 publications, including Harvard Business Review, Fast Company, The Washington Post, and Mashable. John was recently recognized as a “must-see” and one of the most authentic speakers in Forbes. His talks have inspired thousands of leaders, marketers, salespeople, entrepreneurs, and others to improve their performance. For more information visit Influenceandco website.

    Download the handout: http://360rea.ch/2tOzaCF
  • Most professionals are overloaded and don’t have enough hours in the day to finish everything they need to complete. All the prioritizing in the world won’t fix that problem. The only viable option is to push things off their plates! That’s where mobile technology comes into play!

    In this interview you will: Discover how to use technology to land your next career opportunity Learn to leverage social media and apps to build better business connections Discover how to use apps to improve/organize your home life and spend more time with family and friends

    Crystal Washington works with organizations that want to leverage technology to increase profits and productivity. She is known as the “technology translator.” Infusing humor, she shares only the practical applications of social media, apps, and the Web.

    Crystal’s clients comprise Fortune 500 companies including Google, Microsoft, and GE. As a sought-after keynote speaker, she has educated and entertained audiences across North America, Africa, and Europe. She regularly appears on major television networks and in business publications for her expertise.

    Crystal is the author of the books One Tech Action and The Social Media Why.Outside of technology, Crystal considers herself to be a travel fanatic and afro-puff aficionado. Find out more at CrystalWashington.com

    Download the handout for this podcast:http://360rea.ch/2pHIUJ8

    Thank you to our Sponsor: The International Coach Federation invites you to join the global coaching community at the intersection of coaching and potential for ICF Converge 2017. Join ICF August 24 – 26 in Washington, DC, USA for this dynamic, first-of-its-kind global event. Learn more at ICF.Converge