

    Hey CEO-

    It’s easy to get caught up with all-the-things in a busy season like summer, but when it’s all said and done, what will you regret more- not taking the time to send one more email, engage on one more post, hit one more milestone, do one more load of laundry…

    Or not making the time to invest in the relationships that matter most…aka your FAMILY. 

    I don’t know about you, but I find it easier to create consistent habits around things like my faith-walk, my business, my wellness, my dwelling…and sometimes leave important relationships to fill the cracks in between. 

    But the truth is, the TIME you invest now is laying a foundation for the future….and you’ll never regret building into those relationships!

    My guest today, Tonya Wirfs, Host of 5 Minute Habits for Mom Podcast, is a Habits Coach, an Ambassador for Birth It Forward and The Single Mom KC and mother of 5 plus 5 bonus kids. (Talk about a lot of family relationships to build into!)  

    How does she do it ALL? You know what allows her to balance Family + Business, to develop consistent habits, and to avoid burnout or stalling out?  

    She partners WITH-God in everything she does in her family and business!

    You’re gonna love Tonya’s simple ideas to create 5 min habits that will help you value your family relationships this summer, no matter who’s under your roof, and never make those you love most feel like you don’t have time for them. 

    Now let’s dive into this conversation about 5 min habits to be intentional with those God has entrusted to us! 

    Listen + Follow Tonya’s 5 Min Habits for Moms Podcast here 

    We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    XO- Lissa + Tonya

    P.S. Watch the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the simple question to shift how you approach time in both life + biz…so there’s always enough!

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community


    Hey CEO-

    Wish you could hear more clearly from God, especially when life + biz feels busy  or you’re out of routines, like in summer?  

    The good news is, God has spoken to us through His Word…if we’ll regularly turn off the noise of the world around us (and the voice inside us) and take time to listen. 

    Maybe you’ve already got an intentional habit of daily reading the word, maybe it’s been hit and miss lately or maybe it’s still just a great intention you keep meaning to get around to…

    No matter where you find yourself, a consistent habit of bible study will keep you from drifting away, especially in a busy season like summer. 

    But what do you do when you only have a few minutes to get in the Word?

    I’m so glad you asked.

    My guest today, Rosa Alejandro (aka Rosie) is a Certified Master Mindset Coach, Educator, and Spiritual Growth Mentor. She teaches Christian women how to hear God’s voice daily and grow closer to Him. She is the creator and host of the Her Intentional Bible Study podcast, a top 1.5 % global podcast.

    Rosie believes that to find true inner peace and grow in our faith, we must connect with God daily through His Word. She learned this lesson through her spiritual walk when in 2008, she drifted from her faith because she started believing the enemy’s lies and slowly allowed the world's worries to choke her faith and her motivation to be in God’s word. By God’s grace, her faith was restored in 2012 and since then she has developed effective Bible study habits that help her stay in close connection with God.

    She believes it is possible to hear from God every day, even when time is limited. She loves helping women get focused, confident, motivated, and connected to Jesus!

    You’re gonna love Rosie’s simple ideas to no longer let time be your excuse to not get in the word and instead use the time you have to create or maintain a bible study habit, even with all that summer holds. 

    Speaking of which, if you’re feeling short on time (and like you should do a better job at managing it), I wanna invite you to join me this week, JUNE 11th or 12th for the live masterclass I’m hosting, Manage your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock…I’m gonna show you that trying to manage your time in your life + biz is not the solution, it’s actually what’s keeping you spinning in circles, feeling like there’s never enough. Get ready to shift everything about how you approach time with 1 simple question. 

    Grab your spot + all the details and replay access at redeemhertime.com/masterclass

    Now let’s get to work building a habit of intentional bible study this summer, especially when you don’t feel like you have much time…

    Grab Rosie’s Bible Study Habit Starter Pack: Free Workbooks with a Bonus 30 Days of Proverbial Affirmations & Guided Prayer

    We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    XO- Lissa + Rosie

    P.S. Register for the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the pivotal question to ask as a busy Christian Solopreneur juggling all-the-things in Midlife + Biz

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

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    Hey Busy CEO- 

    We all know spending daily time with God makes all the difference in every area of our lives, but do you sometimes struggle to make time to connect with Him in a way that’s meaningful…especially in a BUSY season like SUMMER that’s full of distractions?  

    We spend so much of our time chasing CHRONOS minutes that we often miss the KAIROS moments. 

    What’s KAIROS?  

    KAIROS is the Greek word for time that’s not focused on what’s measured by clocks and calendars, but on the suitable time for something to occur or to be accomplished.  KAIROS moments are opportunities in which God makes it possible for someone (like you) to do or experience something of lasting importance and significance. 

    I don’t know about you, but I’d rather embrace THAT kind of time more often.

    Today I’ve invited my friend Jordan Jones to join me for a conversation about how to use the Daily Kairos Journal as a tool to capture more KAIROS time and draw closer to God. 

    Jordan Jones is a mama-preneur with a passion for all things marketing, minimalism, and making Jesus known. Jordan and her husband Pete created the Christian e-commerce brand, Daily Kairos to help busy Christians spend more time with God and in His Word. She also runs her own coaching business where she helps faith-filled mamas build simple + scalable businesses so they can steward their time and talents, serve others well, and scale their income - all without sacrificing time with the ones who matter most. Jordan is a firm believer that all of our work - both at home and in our businesses - can be done for the glory of God and the good of others, and she hosts the Work and Worship Podcast where she dives deep into the intersection of our work and faith with other Christian entrepreneurs. 

    I’ve been using the Daily Kairos Journal now for the past several months and have loved it so much…


    Just leave a review of the REDEEM Her Time Podcast on Apple Podcasts by midnight on June 6th to be entered (or if you already left one, share the show or an episode with a friend, screenshot it and post it inside the REDEEM Her Time Community)

    Let’s not let any more time get away and jump into how to create a habit of daily meeting with God and draw closer to Him by embracing DAILY KAIROS. 

    Check out the DAILY KAIROS JOURNAL here 

    Be sure to use CODE: REDEEM15 to get 10% OFF

    We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    xo- Lissa + Jordan

    P.S. Register for the Manage Your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass…and discover the pivotal question to ask as a busy Christian Solopreneur juggling all-the-things in Midlife + Biz

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

  • Hey CEO-

    Can you believe it’s June 1st? 

    Not only does that mean it’s time to turn the page on the calendar to start a new month, it’s also a time when we find ourselves asking, “WHERE DID THE TIME GO?”

    Then often resign ourselves to living in what feels like an OUT-OF-MY-CONTROL TIME-WARP... cuz most days our attempts at slowing the pace is fruitless. 

    They say in summertime, the living is easy, but for most of us, it’s anything but easy cuz no matter how much we try to MANAGE it, time seems to KEEP GETTING AWAY.

    That’s why I’m popping in on this short bonus episode to share 2 exciting resources with you…

    BIRTHDAY GIVEAWAY: DAILY KAIROS JOURNAL. Leave a REVIEW on Apple Podcasts between June 1-6th sharing how this podcast has made a difference in your heart + calendar (or share the podcast with a friend + why you thought of them and post a screenshot inside the REDEEM Her Time Community). Then pop in the community on June 7th to see if you're the winner!

    MANAGE YOUR TIME WITHOUT CHASING THE CLOCK. Join me June 11th or 12th for a free live Masterclass to get to the root of why your attempts at Time Management haven't worked (or at least worked for very long) and the way to shift everything about how you approach time that will make all the difference as a busy Christian Woman Solo or Entrepreneur. Register here to grab a spot + LIVE/REPLAY access

    I pray these bless, challenge and move you to action!

    xo- Lissa

    Register for the Manage your Time WITHOUT Chasing the Clock Masterclass …and discover the true key to time management to REDEEM your Time WITH-God in both Life + Biz

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

  • Hey CEO, 

    Be honest, when was the last time sheer willpower was enough to make your great intention into a habit that lasts? 

    Probably never.

    The problem with willpower is NOT that it’s bad, it’s just that it doesn’t work very well- or for very long, especially on our own.

    Left to ourselves, it’s easy to cut corners, let ourselves off the hook, quietly quit…or never even start.  And then we wonder why we’re not growing,

    But when we combine the process of habit formation along with the power of His Spirit, we’ll reap a harvest beyond what we thought possible. 

    So today as we wind up our 5-part series on HABIT FORMATION, let’s look at how we can partner WITH-God through the 4 Steps of IMPLEMENTATION to become who He is calling us to be.

    Together let’s turn those great intentions into lasting habits with intentional IMPLEMENTATION.

    Grab the 2 +3 Timeblocking Guide here


    I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to (consistent) action!

    L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


    P.S. Schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

    Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video

  • Hey C.E.O.-

    Figured out YOUR habit motivation style yet?


    Knowing your HABIT MOTIVATION STYLE will help keep you from that endless cycle of starting to implement a new habit with great intentions… only to find it fell by the wayside along with all the others.  

    The problem with HABIT FORMATION is that most of us try to approach habits the “right” way, the way we see others doing it-then wonder why it doesn’t work for us… and assume we’re just not good at habits. 

    BUT when you understand how God uniquely made YOU- what keeps you going- HABIT FORMATION becomes much more natural… and enjoyable. 

    Soon you’ll find those new habits stick around long enough to actually stick!

    Today is HABIT FORMATION IRL (aka in real life). 

    You’re gonna hear 4 different women with 4 different habit motivation styles talk about how knowing themselves is helping them figure out how to approach habits in a way that works for them…and what doesn’t work!

    If you haven’t listened to Ep 241 yet, no worries, stick around to hear how it’s put into action…then go back for a deeper dive into each of the 4 styles and access the HABIT MOTIVATION STYLE QUIZ inside the REDEEM Her Time Community.

    Lean in cuz you just might hear yourself in one of these ladies to help identify which habit motivation style YOU are…and finally make YOUR habits stick!

    And afterwards, be sure to come hang out with us inside the REDEEM Her Time Community where we’ll talk more about how knowing your Habit Motivation Style leads to successful habit formation!

    We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)

    Lissa, DeeAnn, Ashli Anna, Michelle

    P.S. Schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

    Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video

  • Hey CEO-

    You up for a quick QUIZ that will make all the difference in helping you not just start, but finally be consistent with HABIT FORMATION that moves you in the right direction?  

    Let’s start with this question- 

    How do you feel about making NEW YEAR’S RESOLUTIONS? 

    I know, we’re nearly halfway through the year, but statistically 72% of us lost sight of those great intentions just a few weeks in, meaning most habits didn’t make it very far.

    Based on your answer, you might be a RESPONDER, a CHALLENGER, an INVESTIGATOR or a DOER…

    Just 1 question isn’t enough to determine which motivation style YOU are, so on today’s episode, I’ll go into more depth about each of the 4 MOTIVATION STYLES and how knowing yourself can help you with HABIT FORMATION…

    That could be HABIT-FORMING (pun intended)

    Listen in and let’s discover your HABIT MOTIVATION STYLE so you can make it start working FOR you…not against you.

    Take the full HABIT MOTIVATION QUIZ inside the REDEEM Her Time Community by clicking here

    I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


    P.S. Schedule a CEO TIME AUDIT…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

    Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video

  • Hey C.E.O.-

    How does your day typically go? 

    Most people wake up and let life happen- unconsciously running from one thing to the next, mindlessly reacting to the next thing that comes their way, unintentionally giving time and attention to what they desire in the moment, with little to no thought to who they are becoming over time. 


    Because what we do repeatedly forms... or mis-forms us.

    If you’re honest, you may have way more UNINTENTIONAL habits forming you than INTENTIONAL ones. Either way, the question is- who are you BECOMING?

    Instead of waking up and living by default- letting newsfeeds, netflix and the next new thing get your time + attention, CONFORMING you to this world…choose to get up and live with intention to be TRANSFORMED to look more like who He is calling you to become.

    Once you’ve paid ATTENTION, it’s time to take the next step to creating habits that will form you in the right direction…INTENTION. 

    And today we’re gonna take it beyond just good intentions…

    I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


    P.S. Schedule a 20 min CEO TIME AUDIT…and discover the key to start living beyond getting through another day…and REDEEM your Time in both Life + Biz

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

    Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video

  • Hey C.E.O.

    Ever stop to ask the question- What’s FORMING you?  Answer: Your HABITS. 

    It’s really not a question of whether or not you have habits, cuz everyone does, even if they’re unintentional- it’s really about the effect your habits have on you…

    Habits either FORM or MISFORM your heart...and that affects everything in your Life + Biz.

    Whether you’re super intentional + consistent, pretty hit-and-miss or gave up long ago cuz habits never seemed to stick, this is for you because we all need to answer 2 questions-

    What are YOUR HABITS… and more importantly how are they SHAPING YOU?

    Today we’re gonna build some HABIT AWARENESS as the first step in forming the kind of habits that lead to fruitful growth in your WITH-God Life + Biz.

    You ready to let HIM shine the light on YOUR habits?  

    Let’s start by being AWARE.

    I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


    P.S. Schedule a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

    Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video

  • Hey C.E.O.

    Feeling a little off or a lot out of balance?

    Just wanna say it can happen to the best of us.  

    In fact, it happened to ME in the last few weeks and I’m a time management coach who helps women build work-life balance….but I WASN'T.

    You see, after a few months of being in head-down, blinders-on, get-er-done mode, I wasn’t paying attention to what needed my attention until I crashed…

    I got TOO focused on the next thing in front of me to do and got OUT-of-BALANCE.

    It affected every area of my life- my faith-walk, my marriage, my friendships, my business, my stewardship, my wellness, my passions, my dwelling…and ultimately my joy. 

    Let me just say, I wasn’t very present to God, to others or myself…and it showed (just ask my hubby)

    But unlike back-in-the-day when I’d just ignore feeling off and push on, this time I decided to listen to what I knew God was telling me to do-

    Pay attention to what I’ve called you to be present to.

    Pausing to practice what I preach has made all the difference in what I’m believing, how I’m feeling and where I’m going as I step into this new week…WITH-God.

    Although feeling this OFF and OUT of BALANCE is no longer my norm, I know it is for so many of you who are juggling all the things in midlife + biz…and I want you to know I know how it feels.

    But it DOESN’T have to stay that way.

    So this let’s-push-pause episode is for me (and for YOU)-

    the woman who’s a little off or a lot out of balance…and finally ready to admit she’s feeling it and do something about it!

    Together let’s follow His direction to REST, REFLECT & RESET our attention.

    I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


    Take the REDEEM Her Time Survey here to get your name in the drawing for a 1 hour Coaching Session with me…and imperfectly imperfect Time Management Coach who knows how it feel when time gets away from you!

    P.S. Schedule your BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

    Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video

  • Hey C.E.O.-

    Ever had a WAKEUP CALL in life that made you RETHINK your time…where it went and the return (or lack thereof) on how you spent it? As busy Christian women, constantly pulled in a million directions, time feels like it flies…

    And it’s easy to look back and feel REGRET. 

    As a result of a big life change in midlife, Chesney of Health, Hope & Heaven Coaching, found herself facing a lot of regret around where her time went and what she had missed out on….and she constantly felt the GUILT TUG-of-WAR. 

    GUILT when she was with her family that she wasn’t working on her business…and GUILT when working on her business that she wasn’t with her family. 

    Meanwhile Chesney had been told by the voices around her to fit her biz into all the nooks and crannies of her day, but realized having NO WHITE SPACE was catapulting her towards BURNOUT and missing out on connecting with those she loved… and even MORE REGRET when she wasn’t seeing success in her business.

    She started to believe the lie I AM NOT ENOUGH.

    But when Chesney joined the REDEEMED Midlife CEO, things started shifting from the inside out.  She laid down the lies of the enemy that were keeping her stuck and started to listen to the one voice that mattered most…HIS. 

    Her PEOPLE-PLEASING actions were replaced by KINGDOM-ALIGNED intentions. 

    And when unexpected changes happened in her previous business, she had the REDEEMED Midlife CEO biblical mindset, time management and biz growth strategies to say, “Ok God…What are we doing next?” 

    He not only RECREATED her heart, but also how she was called to serve with her business. 

    You’re gonna love Chesney’s story of how admitting she had holes in her boat, and connecting with the right system + support to plug them and point her in the right direction has her moving where God is leading in this next season of life + biz.

    Why am I sharing Chesney’s story with you today? 

    Because you may be cramming every minute of the day chasing success, but only finding that you’re not measuring up to what you or others said you should be….and be on the fast-track to burnout.

    But when you seek to hear “well done” from the RIGHT VOICE, He shows you that He can do big things in and through you.

    So if YOU don’t want to wait for a WAKEUP CALL to leave you feeling regret around where your time is invested and what it’s producing, I invite you to plant a seed of faith like Chesney and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO Program.  

    And when you do that by tomorrow, April 19th, you’ll not only save $497 but get to jump in with committed CEOs like Chesney (and me) where we’ll walk through the challenges we face around our time in life + biz together…and even better, WITH God.

    We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)

    Lissa + Chesney

    If you’re a midlife mama who wants to see God do a renovation in your Heart + Health…Start by grabbing Chesney’s Busy Moms Meal Plan here

    P.S. Learn more about the REDEEMED Midlife CEO…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH-God.

  • Hey C.E.O.-

    Feel like you're constantly on the hamster wheel, going in circles, carrying the responsibility of running a BIZ on top of ALL the other roles you fill...but NOT feeling successful at ANY of them? 

    You’re not alone. 

    Out of desperation for something to change, Danielle Foxx of 4F Accounting Associates, tried it ALL- the planners, the programs, the I-just-need-to-get-more-organized plans...but NOTHING seemed to work. 

    It all just felt like ONE MORE TO-DO and all depended on HER doing more. 

    That is until she found REDEEM Her Time and started to center everything she did in Life + Biz around her faith... and stopped doing it all on her own.

    She desperately wanted to join the REDEEMED Midlife CEO program, but as a numbers girl, couldn’t see how it was financially possible with her current level of business income. 

    So Danielle decided to set aside time to pray and trust Him to provide. And wouldn’t you know... He answered with more than she expected, sooner than she expected!

    Not only did He give her a bigger vision for her business to bring her faith into her accounting services for solopreneurs, He also brought more clients than she was praying for, which made investing in her growth possible.  

    Now as part of the REDEEMED Midlife CEO, Danielle is first growing her mindset + belief with timeless BIBLICAL TRUTHS, then implementing the practical TIME MANAGEMENT TOOLS + BIZ GROWTH STRATEGIES inside the program to help her focus time on her growth.   

    And best of all she’s building a life + biz WITH-God... and finally experiencing REST.  

    You’re gonna love Danielle’s story of how a rightly ordered HEART leads to a rightly ordered LIFE + BIZ that's no longer defined by random busyness, but producing faithful fruitfulness. 

    Why am I sharing Danielle’s story with you today? 

    Because YOU might be on that hamster wheel too, searching for a solution that will finally shift things in both YOUR heart + calendar.  And right now YOU may think there’s NO WAY you can make it work to invest in your growth too …

    But when you trust HIS leading and plant seeds of faith, you get to see how HE shows up even bigger than you had imagined!

    If you want to stop spinning your wheels on your own I invite you to take your next step of faith and submit your application to the REDEEMED Midlife CEO Program. 

    When you apply by 4/19 you’ll not only SAVE $497, but even better get to learn and grow alongside amazing CEOs like Danielle who are committed to growing a WITH-God Life + Biz too. Can't wait for YOU to join us.

    We pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)

    Lissa + Danielle

    If you're a solopreneur wanting to go beyond a plan for profitability to a plan for generosity…. Grab Danielle's free G.I.V.E. Guide here 

    P.S. Learn more about the REDEEMED Midlife CEO…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH-God.


    Hey C.E.O.-

    Welcome to the BONUS SESSION of the CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DO’s Workshop Series where we’re asking the question... WHAT NOW?

    But that’s where we run into a problem…often we leave a workshop like this filled up with CONFIDENCE, CLARITY & CONSISTENCY… 

    but over time we start hearing all the noise again…

    and it’s easy for our attention + intention to fade and soon find we’ve DRIFTED back to listening to all those voices and adding SHOULD-DO’s back on our list.

    When you’re on your own, it’s easy to get DISTRACTED.

    And when we get distracted we start going in circles of indecision again leading to Untrue Belief #4…I DON’T KNOW ENOUGH.  I DON’T KNOW WHICH WAY TO TURN.

    Do you see how that naturally flows from I AM NOT ENOUGH, I’M NOT DOING ENOUGH, I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH? When you focus on the not enough, you’re always searching for a way to fill the gap…often in all the wrong places

    But what if you had a voice behind you saying, “this is the way, walk in it”?

    Someone directing where you SHOULD GO to build your business?

    Today we’re gonna stop LOOKING, LISTENING, TRUSTING and FOLLOWING all the other voices and return to Him to find all that we need in life + biz.

    And we’re NOT gonna do it alone…cuz CEOs Don’t do it ALONE.

    Grab your workbook at redeemhertime.com/declutter so you can listen to the right voices and never again stand at a crossroads and say, I DON’T KNOW ENOUGH.

    And come join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community where committed C.E.O.s implement by taking action on what they learn (and grab SURPRISE BONSES)!

    I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


    P.S. Wanna stay CONNECTED to the System + Support you need as a committed C.E.O. to REDEEM Your Time to build a WITH-God Life and Biz?  Learn more about working with me and submit your application for the REDEEMED Midlife CEO Coaching Program

  • DAY 3: CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DOs Workshop Series

    Hey C.E.O.-

    Welcome to DAY 3 of the CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DO series where now that we’ve shifted our belief around WHO we are and WHAT we’re called to in Biz…it’s time to start DOING. 

    But that’s where we run into a problem…

    we often know WHAT we should do, but do we do it with FOCUS + CONSISTENCY?

    Or do we spend most of our time chasing all the SHOULD-DOs that keep popping up and demanding or distracting our time? 

    Speaking of which, what are you thinking about your TIME lately…

    Is it something like…

    I have all the time I need for everything I’m called to.

    Or is it more like…

    If I had time

    When I have time

    Who has time

    There’s never leftover time

    I can’t seem to find the time…

    If you’re like most busy Christian women juggling all the should-do’s in Midlife + Biz, you probably feel like there’s never enough…then spend your days chasing the clock (or SHOULD-DO list) hoping to get it all in….but you never do, dropping in bed once again frustrated and exhausted, right? 

    Our tendency to try to control it comes from Untrue Belief #3…I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME.

    Do you see how that naturally flows from I AM NOT ENOUGH and I’M NOT DOING ENOUGH? When you focus on the lack, nothing will ever be enough, including your time.

    But each day God graciously + generously lays 24 hours in front of you…. do you trust He knows what you need? It is our DAILY BREAD.

    Today we’re gonna stop CHASING TIME as a limited resource to control for our own purposes (and complaining about how much we don’t have) and start RECEIVING TIME as an abundant gift to steward for His eternal purpose (and give thanks for what He’s given)

    Grab your workbook at redeemhertime.com/declutter so you can put your time where it matters and never again say, I DON’T HAVE ENOUGH TIME.

    And come join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community where committed C.E.O.s implement by taking action on what they learn (and grab SURPRISE BONSES)!

    I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


    P.S. REDEEM your TIME by grabbing a CEO FIND-the-TIME Audit to look back at where your time is really going…and where you want it to go moving forward.

  • DAY 2: CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DOs Workshop Series

    Hey C.E.O.-

    Welcome back to DAY 2 of the series where instead of adding (or allowing) more SHOULD-DOs to clutter up our calendars & to-do lists, we’re taking time to honestly look at what tasks are filling our time and discerning what we SHOULD DO as a C.E.O…and what we shouldn’t!

    CLARITY around WHAT to do starts with CONFIDENCE in WHO you are and what you’re called to.

    So how do you feel about WHAT has been getting your TIME lately? 

    Is it something like…

    I'm crystal clear on what tasks get my YES to produce fruit in my life + biz and have no problem saying NO to what will distract or detour my time.

    Or is it more like…

    I know I say yes to too many things.

    I dread saying yes, but powerless to say no.

    I’m a little overcommitted and a lot overwhelmed.

    I’m drowning in the regret of too many commitments.

    I hope there’s more to life than my to-do list.

    If you’re like most busy Christian women juggling all the should-do’s in Midlife + Biz, you’re probably saying YES to too many things…and then realizing how much time, energy and resources they’re actually costing you, right?

    Our tendency to say YES to too much stems from the untrue belief…I’M NOT DOING ENOUGH. 

    Do you see how that naturally flows from the untrue belief from DAY 1…I AM NOT ENOUGH? As if by saying yes (again) I will finally find fulfillment, satisfaction or success?

    But God has NOT called us to do it all…only what HE has called us to.

    Let’s push pause on all your DOING- and start deleting, delegating and delaying (with intention) so you can give more time to what’s delighting.

    Grab your workbook at redeemhertime.com/declutter so you can put your time where it matters and never again say, I’M NOT DOING ENOUGH.

    And come join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community where committed C.E.O.s implement by taking action on what they learn!  

    I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


    P.S. REDEEM your TIME by grabbing a CEO FIND-the-TIME Audit to look back at where your time is really going…and where you want it to go moving forward.

  • DAY 1 : CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DOs Workshop Series…

    Hey C.E.O.-

    You’re in luck cuz whether you joined us LIVE or are now catching the replay, this is for YOU if you are wanting to invest your time where it matters to go from random Busyness to Faithful FRUITFULNESS in your life + biz…

    and stop wasting it chasing your SHOULD-DO list. 

    And contrary to popular belief (pun intended) it DOESN’T start with what you’re DOING as a C.E.O…but with what you’re BELIEVING.

    Speaking of which, what thought comes to mind when you hear the title C.E.O. applied to YOU? 

    Is it…

    I am completely confident that I am the best CEO for this business + have everything I need to be wildly successful?

    Or is it more like…

    I don’t know what I’m doing.

    I don’t have what it takes.

    I’m not getting anywhere

    Why would someone listen to me?

    Others are more successful than me.

    I’m just wasting time and money.

    I’ll never get everything done that I should.

    Maybe this isn’t for me…I should go get a real job. 

    If you’re like most busy Christian women juggling all the should-do’s in Midlife + Biz, it’s probably more the latter, right?

    Essentially those are all versions of…I AM NOT ENOUGH. 

    If that’s you too, it’s NOT all your fault- cuz there are a LOT of voices out there telling us if we don’t check off all those SHOULD-DOs that’s true…

    the WORLD, the ENEMY, even “well-meaning” family + friends…and OURSELVES! 

    But that’s NOT what God says…and HIS VOICE of truth is the one that matters. 

    So together let’s push pause on the noise- turn off all those other voices (aka distractions), grab your workbook at redeemhertime.com/declutter and let’s dive into how CEO’s (I’ve got a new definition for you of what that means) DECLUTTER SHOULD-DOs for good… so you can put your time where it matters and never again say, I AM NOT ENOUGH.

    You ready to show up as the C.E.O. you’re called to be? 

    Let's dive into DAY 1: Confidence in WHO you are as a C.E.O.

    And YOU are invited to join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community where committed C.E.O.s implement by taking action on what they learn!  

    I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


    P.S. REDEEM your TIME by grabbing a CEO FIND-the-TIME Audit to look back at where your time is really going…and where you want it to go moving forward.

  • Hey C.E.O.-

    Feeling a little (or a lot) burdened by all the things on your SHOULD-DO List?  

    You know… ALL the platforms, the programs, the people, the posts, the plans, the podcasts, the protocols you feel like you SHOULD be using to grow a successful biz…

    Plus ALL the Bible studies, the family time, the coffee dates, the investments, the workouts, the food prep, the hobbies, the adventures you SHOULD be doing to create a balanced life…

    Not to mention ALL the dirty dishes, the dirty laundry, the dirty floors you SHOULD keep up with to just maintain your sanity…

    ALL the things that leave you feeling burdened or guilty…

    Cuz either they take up TOO MUCH of your time, pushing other things out OR you NEVER FIND-the-TIME to get around to them.

    Either way, SHOULD-DOs never produce much results, aka fruit.

    They just lead to a lot of BUSYNESS…or a desire to run away from it all. 

    The gurus tell you you just need to “GET ORGANIZED” in your calendar, your to-do list, your systems- and then life + biz will be more productive…

    Or so they say.

    But I’m here to tell you that’s BAD ADVICE. cuz it doesn’t get to the ROOT of the problem…and things put in order eventually go back to disorder.

    So today I’m gonna tell you to NOT GET ORGANIZED when it comes to your biz…and do this 1 thing instead- 


    Then, and only then, you will experience the SHOULD-DO FREEDOM you didn’t know you were missing. 

    This episode has the potential to change EVERYTHING about how you spend your TIME when it comes to your Life + Biz….you ready for that kind of shift? 

    I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


    P.S. REDEEM your FREE Ticket (& Time) by registering for the CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DO’s Workshop Series April 9-11….and get access to the EARLY BIRD Bonus Guide 3 CEO Foundational Decisions for a Well-Built Business WITH-God + a FIND-the-TIME Audit

    P.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

    Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video

  • Hey C.E.O.- 

    Do you truly believe you’re a C.E.O.- a Christ Empowered Operator of your WITH-God Life + Biz?  

    If you were hiring a CEO of a Fortune 500 Company, wouldn’t it make sense that you’d be looking for someone who BELIEVES she’s the right girl for the job?  Of course it would.

    She would put together a resume with references showing her proven track record of training, talents and tactical results to demonstrate that she is not only qualified, but CONFIDENT in her ability to take the company to the next level of growth…Cuz WITHOUT that level of BELIEF, that girl WOULDN’T get the job. 

    Do YOU have that level of CEO belief?  

    Or do you get caught in the trap of comparison or achievement trying to prove it to yourself, to others and to Him? 

    Guess what, as a Christian woman Solopreneur, you ALREADY have everything you need to be the C.E.O. of your Life + Biz…

    Cuz God already put it in you. 

    Whether you need to build it from the ground up, or wanna strengthen the belief you’ve already built, today we’re gonna use my 5 P’s Method to build your CEO belief resume…

    So that way you’ll NEVER again ask the question-

    WHY ME?  

    And NOT have a solid answer.

    You ready to start showing up as the C.E.O. He says you are? 

    I hope so…and I’m here to help you.

    I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


    P.S. REDEEM your FREE Ticket (& Time) by registering for the CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DO’s Workshop Series April 9-11….and get access to the EARLYBIRD Bonus Guide 3 CEO Foundational Decisions for a Well-Built Business WITH-God

    P.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

    Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video


    Hey Friend- 

    Over the past 13 episodes in this ABOVE ALL ELSE Lent series, we’ve addressed a number of potential idols to let go of that many of us struggle with in both our lives + businesses…

    Our Busyness.  Our Comfort + Control. Our Self-sufficiency. Our People-pleasing. Our Success + Work. Our Security + Wealth. Our Stuff + Dwelling. Our Body Image + Appearance. Our Relationship Expectations. Our Passions + Pleasure. Our Perfectionism. 

    Have you noticed a common thread that ties them all together as things that can easily blur the line between a good thing and god-thing? 

    I’ll give you a HINT, it has something to do with where you LOOK. 

    In this last episode of the series, we’re NOT gonna add one more idol to the list, cuz undoubtedly there will be MANY MORE ways you will be tempted to MISDIRECT your WORSHIP toward something other than God…

    Instead we’re going to look at the 3 TOOLS God already gave us as His daughters to not only dethrone our current idols, but also to keep an UNDIVIDED HEART that loves Him ABOVE ALL ELSE for the rest of our lives. 

    You ready to pick up these TOOLS with me today?  

    Good, cuz you and me both got some idols to GET OFF (and keep off) the thrones of our hearts.

    I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


    P.S. REDEEM your FREE Ticket (& Time) by registering for the CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DO’s Workshop Series April 9-11….and get access to the EARLYBIRD Bonus Guide 3 CEO Foundational Decisions for a Well-Built Business WITH-God

    P.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

    Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video


    Hey Friend, 

    What comes up inside when you hear the phrase, 

    “Done is better than perfect”?  

    Great, I don't care anyway. Perfection is overrated, and honestly, I've got better things to do than fuss over every little detail. Let's just get it done and move on.Good, I'm tired of trying. I'm exhausted from striving for perfection and done is definitely better than perfect at this point. I just need a break from trying so much.No way, I can't NOT do it “right”. I struggle believing anything less than perfect is acceptable. I always aim for excellence, even if it means sacrificing my time.

    No matter your response, there’s a little bit of PERFECTIONISM in all of us.

    That’s because we’re made in the image of a PERFECT God, but we have IMPERFECT hearts living in an IMPERFECT world, and we’ll never reach PERFECTION this side of heaven.

    So instead of WASTING TIME bowing to the idol of PERFECTION, let’s admit we are NOT good enough, but He IS with the 3 steps to let go of this lesser thing that likely is getting too much of your time, attention + affection

    And embrace PROGRESS, NOT PERFECTION as instead of looking to yourself to be perfect, you look to Him to perfect you.

    I pray this blesses, challenges and moves you to action!

    L.Y.L.A.S. (Love Ya Like A Sis)


    P.S. REDEEM your FREE Ticket (& Time) by registering for the CEOs DECLUTTER SHOULD-DO’s Workshop Series April 9-11….and get access to the EARLYBIRD Bonus Guide 3 CEO Foundational Decisions for a Well-Built Business WITH-God

    P.P.S. Take your next best step and submit your application to a BUSYNESS BREAKTHROUGH CALL…and discover the key to stop chasing the clock and start REDEEMING your Time in both Life + Biz WITH God.

    Visit the REDEEM Her Time Website https://redeemhertime.com

    Join the conversation inside the REDEEM Her Time Community

    Grab the free FILL YOUR CUP FIRST Guide + Coaching Video