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Create and maintain a budget by using tracking app reports. This is the easiest and most accurate way to do a budget.
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What is tracking, how to do it what do you need to track personal finances.
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Need help in saving money here are some tips to get started.
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https://bettermoneyhabits.bankofamerica.com/en/saving-budgeting/ways-to-save-moneySupport the show
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Have debt under control should be paid off soon. What to do next start building wealth and getting money to work for you is a great goal to have.
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What is a debt reduction plan compared to a debt management plan. First will give a debt reduction plan and what must be done to reduce or eliminate debt. Then once debt is gone will discuss a debt management plan to put into place.
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https://www.incharge.org/debt-relief/debt-management/debt-management-program-template-debt-relief/ By Tom JacksonSupport the show
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Setting up control center is easy once tracking has been complete for at least 30 days. Why 30 days to make sure almost all expenses are included. Will be going more into detail on how to set up categories and sub categories.
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https://consumer.gov/managing-your-money/making-budget#what-it-isSupport the show
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What is tracking for personal finance and how is it done to help with spending problems.
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https://bethebudget.com/reasons-to-track-your-expenses/ By Zach BuchenauSupport the show
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Wondering of paying off mortgage is the correct action to take. It depends on where in life a person is and reasons why to pay off mortgage.
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https://www.nerdwallet.com/article/mortgages/pay-off-mortgageSupport the show
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Why stop with paying off credit cards continue with other debt. Doing all the work to get to this point why stop just continue with other debt.
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What is debt and the different types, understanding debt will help to get all your debt under control. It important to know and understand what getting into before using credit or borrowing money.
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Ultimate Guide to Debt Reduction: Proven Strategies and Tactics - The Money Coach (askthemoneycoach.com)Support the show
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Using the control center to help reduce debt. Knowing the numbers and when bill are due will help in the debt reduction cause.
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https://www.experian.com/blogs/ask-experian/how-to-pay-off-more-debt-using-budget by Brianna McGurranSupport the show
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Simple budget how to get started and getting a budget setup. It not hard if completed tracking for at least one month.
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https://bettermoneyhabits.bankofamerica.com/en/saving-budgeting/creating-a-budgetSupport the show
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Tracking is financial lifeblood, it is a must to keep track of all the money going into and out of household. Before I get started going to talk about lifestyle change that should be made to get debt under control.
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https://bethebudget.com/reasons-to-track-your-expenses/By Zach BuchenauSupport the show
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Having a plan to reduce debt makes paying off debt much easier. Planing to reduce debt take commitment and determination to succeed.
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Having a debt problem not sure what to do to solve. It starts with identify what the cause then work to solve.
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https://www.oklahomacentral.creditunion/Ten-Common-Financial-ChallengesSupport the show
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How to reduce debt there are two things can do to achieve this goal. First to increase income second decrease spending so how to get these things done.
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https://www.lendingtree.com/student/how-to-save-money/ By Miranda MarquitSupport the show
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Perhaps don’t want to do a budget or maybe tried and failed. There is an alternative way to reduce spending or at least keep spending under control. Unfortunately tracking is a must to get a good number.
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What is a control center and how does it help reduce spending. How to use tracking information to create and update control center.
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5https://consumer.gov/managing-your-money/making-budgetSupport the show
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Tracking all income and expenses is a must for reducing debt. Knowing the ratios income to debt is helpful in know what debt is needed to be reduced.
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https://finance.yahoo.com/news/30-expenses-quietly-eat-away-180006082.html?fr=sycsrp_catchall By Andrew LisaSupport the show
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Perhaps living paycheck to paycheck but not sure what the cause maybe. Is it just inflation at the grocery store and gas station. This may be only a part of this problem but how to tell if debt is getting out of control.
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https://www.bankrate.com/personal-finance/debt/signs-you-have-too-much-debt/ By Heidi RiveraSupport the show
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