Pet peeves are things that are personally annoying and that you really dislike. We feature 6 beautiful women as they say some of their pet peeves.. Listen and get some tips on things you should try and stop doing, you'll thank me later. A special thanks to Mukami, Beryl, Lindah, Munachi, Angela and Joy for sharing their peeves. Relationship Magnets, the relationship haven. Love you guys, bye❤️
It's just as plain as that,sometimes a guy will just not like and he'll show you. Females tend to drag this and end up hurting themselves thinking that a guy will just like them eventually. The following signs will; help you get out a situationship if you're already in one, keep the guys you're with on their toes and keep you alert
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Everyone wants a blueprint of the signs that another is into then. Worry no more cause with these signs you can be more confident when asking a female out or even asking her to be your girl cause she'll already have displayed her interest. All the best on your connection with her. Make it possible guys. Love you ❤️
Tinder Tinder Tinder. I'm excited to give you 7 testimonials from different people on their tinder experiences. Would you connect with virtual strangers mainly based off their selfies? Are you a Tinder head or a Tinder virgin? I hope you get as much info from all these testimonials. I love you guys, make your relationship realities come true 🌟
On so many occasions, human beings struggle to let go of unhealthy and bad relationships cause of the time and effort they've put in the relationship especially if it's long term. Here are some valid reasons you should consider if you're planning on breaking up with your partner. Just be sure not to lose your soul mate in the process. I love you guys. Good luck on your journey
With the decision to either get into a relationship or have a connection comes the big question, where should I start? On today's episode we'll look at 4 ways you can get into the dating scene. The choice is yours, create your own playing field. Love you guys.
No one wants to bump into a relationship just like that. We need to be semi if not full-on ready. Below are 5 signs on whether you should be in a relationship or single based off introspection. You know yourself better, these guidelines are just directing you there. All the best if you decide to be in relationship or remain single. Love you guys.
Relationship magnets offers a safe space for relationship discussions and opinions. This is an introduction to a new found community on a journey full of informative and candid relationship talks. See you Wednesdays and Saturdays loves.