
  • In 2018, Billboard shook the music industry by re-weighting its chart calculations, giving significantly more power to streaming data. This shift, particularly the emphasis on paid and subscription-based streams, had a profound impact on holiday music, both positive and negative.Before 2018, holiday music sales, primarily physical and digital downloads, heavily influenced the charts. This favored established classics and artists with strong fanbases.The new formula changed the game. Streams, especially those on paid platforms like Spotify and Apple Music, became the dominant factor. This opened the door for new artists, niche genres, and even international holiday hits.The Good PartDiscovery and Diversity: The new system allowed for the discovery of lesser-known holiday songs and artists. Independent artists and diverse genres like Latin Christmas music gained visibility and chart presence.Global Reach: Streaming platforms have a global reach, allowing international holiday hits to break into the US market. This created a more diverse and culturally rich holiday music landscape.Longevity and Engagement: Streaming encourages repeat listens, potentially boosting the longevity of holiday songs on the charts. This can keep the festive spirit alive longer throughout the season.The Not-So-Good PartGaming the System: Some artists and labels have adopted strategies to manipulate streaming data, creating artificial popularity and chart dominance for certain songs.Chart Saturation: The focus on streaming can lead to a few songs dominating the charts, limiting space for other deserving holiday tunes.Genre-Bending: The emphasis on streaming might favor generic pop-infused holiday music that appeals to broader audiences, potentially marginalizing traditional and culturally specific holiday songs.While the 2018 change sparked controversy, it's unlikely to be reversed. Streaming is king, and holiday music needs to adapt.Artists and labels need to find creative ways to promote their music and engage listeners on streaming platforms, focusing on quality and genuine connection.Platforms like Billboard can fine-tune their algorithms to better balance discovery with established popularity and prevent manipulation.Ultimately, the new Billboard formula has created a complex and evolving landscape for holiday music. While it presents challenges, it also offers exciting possibilities for discovery, diversity, and global connection. The key lies in finding a balance between tradition, innovation, and genuine engagement with the spirit of the season. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. remember to like and Share wherever you get your podcasts.

  • Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree: A 65-Year Journey to Billboard Glory Breda Lee's "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" has become synonymous with holiday cheer. Released in 1958, the song's infectious energy and playful lyrics have endeared it to generations of listeners. But this year, something truly magical happened: the song, a whopping 65 years after its release, has miraculously climbed its way back to the Billboard Hot 100, a feat almost unheard of in the music industry.
    A Legacy of Popularity: While "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" never reached the top spot in its original release, it quickly became a holiday staple. Its cheerful melody and Lee's charming vocals resonated with audiences, securing its place on Christmas playlists and carpool singalongs for decades.Modern Day Resurgence: In recent years, the song gained renewed popularity thanks to social media and streaming services. Its playful lyrics and catchy tune made it a prime contender for meme-worthy moments and viral dance challenges.Strategic Campaign: Lee's label, Universal Music Group, recognized the song's growing relevance and launched a strategic campaign to push it back onto the charts. They partnered with TikTok influencers, hosted "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" dance contests, and even released a new music video featuring Lee and young dancers.This unexpected return to the top 40 isn't just a testament to the song's enduring charm. It signifies a cultural shift in how we listen to and celebrate Christmas music. Breda Lee's "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree" has shattered records and redefined the concept of a holiday classic. Its 65-year journey to the top of the charts is a testament to the power of nostalgia, the magic of music, and the enduring spirit of Christmas. It reminds us that sometimes, the greatest gifts come wrapped in familiarity and the joy of shared celebration. Yes, Breda Lee is still alive! As of December 5th, 2023, she is 79 years old and living in the United States. And yes, she is absolutely thrilled about the renewed success of "Rockin' Around the Christmas Tree"! In interviews, she's expressed her surprise and delight at the song's return to the charts, calling it "a real Christmas miracle." She's been actively engaging with fans on social media, participating in dance challenges, and even performing the song live at various events. Here are some specific ways she's enjoying this newfound success: Overall, Breda Lee is basking in the glow of this unexpected Christmas gift. It's a heartwarming reminder that the love for music and the magic of Christmas can transcend time and generations. Thanks for listening to Quiet Please. remember to like and Share wherever you get your podcasts.

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