En podcast der udelukkende handler om løb - for alle løbere. Om du løber hurtigt eller langsomt, 5K, halvmaraton, maraton eller ultraløb, på trails i skoven eller tæsker asfalt på landevejen. Runcast er for dig, der interesserer dig for løbets DNA og alt omkring det. Kort sagt - om løb for løbere!
Mountaibike podcasten nørder mountainbike til alle niveauer – fra begynderen til verdensmesteren. I podcasten dykker vi ned i alt fra teknik, udstyr, træning – både den fysiske og den mentale, Vi taler med danske og udenlandske mountainbikere, og tager fat i trends og andre MTB relaterede emner. Dine værter er Mads Weidemann, tidligere professionel downhill rytter og stifter af MTB akademiet, og Solveig Høgh, der er forholdsvis ny på MTB og har udgivet en mountainbike bog
Bikeradio er et podcast om indendørs cykling med bikeinstruktørerne Maria Nissen og Niels Philbert
This show is for the 35+ woman that has been trying to figure out this running thing on her own or doesn't know where to start! Every episode we take the guesswork out of how to train smarter, faster, and run for life without nagging injuries. Let's make running or walking into our 40s, 50s and beyond your best yet!
Dr Latisha, physical therapist, certified run and nutrition coach has been helping women for many years now tackle aches, pains, build strength and break mental barriers to living their best life on and off of the pavement! -
MindPump exposes the RAW TRUTH about health, fitness, nutrition and more... Hosts Sal Di Stefano, Adam Schafer & Justin Andrews pull back the curtain on the mythology, snake oil and pseudo-science that pervades the fitness industry and present science-backed solutions that result in increased muscular development and performance while simultaneously emphasizing health. No fitness institution or fitness "truth" is safe from their quick wit and over 40 years of combined experience in the fitness industry. Produced by Doug Egge. Find Mind Pump and the Mind Pump hosts on Instragram @mindpumpmedia, @mindpumpsal, @mindpumpadam, @mindpumpjustin & @mindpumpdoug and at Get expertly programmed Mind Pump training protocols at
This podcast is dedicated to discussions and interviews with the fitness community's best science-based coaches, researchers and elite level athletes.
Mike "Silent Mike" Farr and Jim McDonald are entrepreneurs (lifestyle apparel company and a barbell gym) and veteran podcasters. In every episode, they try to answer a single question. Any question is fair game, but most involve health, fitness, nutrition, mental health, culture…even sex. They examine common misconceptions and then try to get to the correct answer -- often with the help of subject matter experts. They walk away with a better sense of the facts…and so do you. Full episodes every Wednesday. Shorter episodes every Friday, dedicated to answering a question from listeners.
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The Strength Coach Podcast is one of the longest running (since 2007) Strength & Conditioning and Fitness podcasts. Episodes alternate between Coach Michael Boyle and top industry Strength Coaches and Trainers to get an insight into real world strength training. This is the best place to stay informed about the most cutting edge training techniques.
The Work for Change Podcast by brothers Jean and John Glaude. Sharing Stories and Strategies to Make a Positive Impact in Your Life.
Kristian Manietta and Charlotte Paul cover all things training for endurance. More than just about racing. We show you that THE EVENT IS LIFE and that by having a long term development focus on health and being strong and fit allows you to seize opportunities that come on by. Fall in love with the process of getting the most from life and happiness is a pretty good by-product.
New episode every Wednesday! Join the Barbell Shrugged crew in conversations about fitness, training, and frequent interviews w/ CrossFit Games athletes!
Stærk & Smertefri er podcasten for dig, som vil lære mere om styrketræning, smerte, kost og sundhed på en nuanceret måde uden magiske løfter. Jacob Beermann fra er din vært og guider dig igennem junglen af misinformation på en letforståelig måde, når han giver dig konkrete tips, overblik over videnskaben og overvejelser om hvorfor vi gør som vi gør.
Welcome to the Garage Gym Athlete podcast, where we explore the world of functional fitness and performance training in the home gym. Join us as we talk to coaches, athletes, and experts about their experiences in building strength, endurance, and athleticism outside the traditional gym setting. In addition to sharing practical tips and strategies, we'll also delve into the latest scientific research on topics like exercise physiology, nutrition, and recovery to help you optimize your training and achieve your best results. Whether you're a seasoned garage gym veteran or just getting started on your fitness journey, this podcast is for you. So if you're ready to unleash your inner athlete and take control of your training, tune in to the Garage Gym Athlete podcast.
They say that you are the average of the friends and company you keep, so I want us to improve our average together. Think about it... the stronger we are as individuals, the more we can serve those around us. I Have Cool Friends is a podcast that sparks inspirational conversations with experts about business, wellness, and personal development. I’ll be interviewing friends that are experts in their field and I invite you to join in on the conversation.
The George Benson Podcast. We look at a little bit of everything here. Primarily football based, but also delving into the world of personal development, and self help.
"Tilløb” er en podcast der handler om løb og dets betydning i samfundet både sundhedsmæssigt og socialt. Da jeg selv ikke har en løbemæssig faglig indsigt, vil jeg igennem interview med forskellige eksperter, udøvere og ildsjæle forsøge at give svar på nogle af de ting, det "almindelige" menneske ikke ved omkring løb og derigennem forhåbentlig motivere flere til at snøre skoene.
Gyldendal Podcast er både til dig der spiser bøger til morgenmad, og til dig der måske ikke læser så meget. Du vil høre nogen af landets mest litteraturbegejstrede og belæste bog-entusiaster fortælle om det vigtigste, det smukkeste, det mest inspirerende, sindsoprivende, grusomme eller geniale, de har læst – og om hvorfor netop dén bog har sat et særligt aftryk på dem og på verden. Og vi vil invitere dig med ind i forfatterværkstedet til en snak om både skriveprocesser, skriveglæde og skriveblokader hos nogen af landets største, bedste og mest elskede forfattere. Dine værter er Silke Fensman og Sigurd Hartkorn Plaetner. Velkommen til!
En podcast for dig, som gerne vil blive klogere på nuancerne i et vægttab, og bevæge dig væk fra en enten/eller tankegang.
Learn the right way to workout and get better results in less time! Master Trainer Kira Langolf shows the most effective exercises for weight loss and body sculpting. Workout dvd previews for All In One Workout DVDs for resistance band exercise, stability ball exercise, pregnancy fitness, weight loss and body tone.
Nogle mennesker kan noget særligt. Enten kan de være inspirerende, have en unik holdning, eller have udviklet en særlig forretning.
De mennesker vil jeg gerne snakke med i min podcast - og håbet er, at du som lytter kan blive inspireret af deres historier og tage dig selv op til en version 2.0 af dig selv.
Lad os tage skyklapperne af, og lære af andre - og lad os inspirere andre.