Everyone has a conscience: a sense of right and wrong. But ever since the Garden of Eden, we experience shame, hiding, and blaming. In this message from Genesis 3, Pastor Lutzer shows how everyone has a conscience, both conditioned by our surroundings and powerfully influential. Can we be free from a troubled conscience?
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When we lose what we love, we feel our true hunger—one that only God can satisfy. King David was a man who knew his only hope was in his God. In this message, Pastor Lutzer delves into the extraordinary measures God takes to remove any obstacles that hinder our pursuit of Him. Are we God-focused or self-focused?
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Estão a faltar episódios?
Too often, we follow our sinful desires, mentally justifying our lusts. King David’s enemies drove him to thirst after God, rather than his own desires. In this message, Pastor Lutzer notes three ways David was driven to be closer to the Lord. What brings us to the point of saying, “Only God can meet my ultimate needs?”
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We all need a solid foundation to base our lives on. When life is hopeless, how do we benefit from God’s blessing? In this message from Psalm 40, Pastor Lutzer locates two conditions for receiving God’s blessings in a difficult situation. Let’s learn how to wait on God when we’re deep in a pit.
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Many of us have felt hopeless, like we were “in the pits.” When King David was at rock bottom in despair, he cried out to God. In this message from Psalm 40, Pastor Lutzer delineates five blessings David experienced in the pit. Because God has not abandoned us, we too can find a firm place to stand.
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In the Garden of Eden, the serpent beguiled Eve. Likewise, satanic substitutes for God often look very good. In this message, Pastor Lutzer identifies four false doctrines of demons: a wrong view of God, humanity, death, and redemption. As believers, it’s vital for us to understand what the Bible calls “sound doctrine,” overcoming lies with the truth.
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Our culture is into occult phenomena like never before. The devil’s goal is to draw us away from God, to worship and serve Satan and self. In this message from 1 Timothy 4, Pastor Lutzer categorized four kinds of occultic aspiration. Let’s learn what this pervasive occult influence should mean to the committed Christian.
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Even good things become idols when they take us away from God. Moses had the choice of the world’s pleasures, but he chose a better pleasure. In this message from Hebrews 11, Pastor Lutzer provides two guidelines for wisely choosing a better pleasure. Do we really want to go after the world where it’s leading?
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The world is full of pleasures. But as Christians, we don’t live for the pleasures of this passing age. In this message from 1 John 2, Pastor Lutzer offers two reasons why we must avoid the snare of worldly pleasures: because of what the world is and what it does. God is squeezed out of our lives when we chase worldly desires.
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Sexual freedom is a poisoned oasis. We must confront the allure of sexual affairs, which corrupts our souls and undermines our ability to make commitments. In this message from 1 Corinthians 6, Pastor Lutzer provides three action steps to overcoming sexual infidelity. How can we be healed from an unfaithful heart?
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God designed sex for a covenant marriage relationship. But extramarital relationships and sex ruins life for all concerned. In this message from 1 Corinthians 6, Pastor Lutzer defines a sexual bond that is not sanctioned by God. We can’t ignore God’s commands and expect to avoid God’s consequences.
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To be free from sexual sin is a painful and thorough process, but it’s worth it. Jesus wasn’t only concerned with outward actions but our hearts. In this message, Pastor Lutzer gives practical advice as to how we can come to the light, have a clear conscience, and battle temptation. How do we get out from under the shadows of sexual sin?
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Our sexuality reflects our identity as God's image-bearers. But the devil tempts us to fulfill our sexual desires outside God's will. In this message from Matthew 5, Pastor Lutzer discusses Jesus’ call to three commitments: in our marriages, our thought-life, and our associations. Are we ready to confront sexual temptation?
To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/172/29 -
Alcoholism has a strong grip, even when we think we can manage it. We all encounter barriers to freedom such as guilt, shame, and the need for something to fill the void. In this message from Psalm 40, Pastor Lutzer explains two aspects of deliverance: through God and His people. Can alcoholics get out of the pit to true freedom?
To support this ministry financially, visit: https://www.oneplace.com/donate/172/29