Favole per tutti, adulti e bambini
Klasické rozprávky (nielen) zo Zlatého fondu denníka SME, ktoré číta člen činohry Slovenského národného divadla Robert Roth. Ku klasickým textom od Pavla Dobšinského a Hansa Christiana Andersena v dobovom jazyku neskôr pribudnú aj nové slovenské autorské rozprávky.
Twelve year old foodie interviews culinary experts to learn more about his favorite thing on earth - FOOD!
@hudithefoodie -
Reading to Evanna as we get ready for bed. We read children’s stories...sometimes excerpts from Dave Ramsay, Godfather.
.کتابها و داستانهای کودک که دستچین می کنم، خودم ترجمه میکنم و برای بچهها روایت میکنم.
برای دیدن تصویرصفحات کتاب و همزمان شنیدن اونها و دسترسی به کتابهای بیشتر به کانال یوتیوب من سربزنید -
Should school dress codes be enforced?
Sleep is extremely important for babies because it aids in their growth and development. Babies' brains are actively processing and organising new information while sleeping, which aids in the development of their cognitive, emotional, and motor skills. Adequate sleep also helps the immune system, so it can help prevent illness. Furthermore, sleep regulates the release of hormones such as growth hormone, which is required for babies to grow and develop normally. A good sleep pattern also helps babies become more independent by regulating their feeding, elimination patterns, and overall mood. Sleep deprivation in babies can cause feeding difficulties, irritability, and growth and development issues.
We have provided a range of tools to help assist your baby to sleep.
Do you wish someone could just tell a bedtime story? Without it being too scary, too boring, or too meditative? Just a good old fashioned bedtime story? Yeah. Me too. That’s why we’re doing this.... For my daughters A&S
Can't Stop Won't Stop's family-friendly brand of hip hop has been heard all over the world in countless viral videos, television ads and even the Dreamworks' animated film "The Bad Guys".
Now, as a father of two, I'm putting those skills to new use: Rapping and reading children's books. Follow along for new episodes every Monday, Wednesday and Friday.
Feel free to check out Can't Stop Won't Stop anywhere you stream music, and follow me on any of my socials with the handle @cswsmusic.
Have fun! -
Alles was mich interessiert:)
Rozprávky, ktoré vznikajú live improvizáciou na rôzne témy. Sú zaujímavé, veselé a poučné. Rozprávky rozpráva (naživo vymýšľa) herec, moderátor a stand-up komik Peťo Gecík. Tú ďaľšiu možno Peťo vymyslí aj podľa tvojho námetu. Ak máš tip, pošli ho na Určite to bude opäť riadna zábava:)
Ak sa Vám "Parádne rozprávky" páčia a máte chuť podporiť ich vznik, staňte sa predplatiteľmi. Zaplatením predplatného (cena jedného kapučína) získate na najbližších 30 dní prednostný prístup ku všetkým rozprávkam! Ďakujem, vďaka Vašej podpore môžem ďalej vymýšľať Parádne rozprávky. -
Najkrajšie slovenské rozprávky a príbehy pred spaním pre malých a veľkých.
Učebnice a pracovné zošity podľa iŠVP, beletria pre deti a dospelých.
Vydavateľ bestsellerov Škriatok v pyžamku či Víla zo šatôčky :) -
A discussion about the short story Funeral by Ralph Fletcher
Dont be scrub listen to the hub
A young man named Jimmy Pierce, who is obsessed with detective novels of the 30s and 40s, suddenly finds himself in the middle of a mystery of his own.
Hosted on Acast. See for more information.
i read stories that kids might like.
This is a story podcast and every week a episode will come out. Hope you enjoy 😉