
  • In this episode I sit down with a friend of mine, Becky Bryan. At the time of recording this episode (in August 2022) she was in her third trimester of her first pregnancy. She birthed her beautiful baby girl in October 2022 and so - although this episode is being released much later than originally anticipated - it is in perfect timing as it marks one year after the birth of her baby.⁣

    Tune into this episode if you would like to receive some nourishing medicine on how we can honor our bodies and unique journeys - whether it is through physical pregnancy or the gestation of a creative project. We share about the innate wisdom of the female body, how we can live with our cyclical nature to support our overall wellbeing, and how to care for ourselves through changes that happen in our lives - such as the major transition of pregnancy and into motherhood.⁣

    Becky shares her personal experiences through her pregnancy, what energetic shifts she experienced as a highly sensitive intuitive, and how to tune into your own inner knowing when there may be a lot of noise or external opinions - especially when it comes to pregnancy and birth!⁣

    Becky is a Reiki Master and currently offers in-person and online reiki sessions. (I have had sessions with her and they are nothing short of AMAZING and magical!) If you are interested in learning more about her and the work she offers, visit www.reikiwithbecky.com.⁣

    If you are pregnant, desiring to become pregnant or gestating a creative project within your womb and would like a guide to walk alongside you, offering support, resources and guidance in your journey, then let’s connect. I offer 1:1 womb sessions as well as 4 and 6 month womb mentorship containers, personalized to you.⁣

    Connect with me, Liz, at www.reclaimyourwomb.com or Instagram @reclaimyourwomb

  • The topics of Feminine energy, femininity and feminine embodiment can sometimes feel very black and white. Sheridan, one of my dear friends, and I dive into a conversation that reveals just how much nuance there is around this topic, and how you can feel empowered to reclaim what Feminine and Masculine energy mean to you within the context of your own life.⁣⁣

    Sheridan lost all her hair at a very young age, which prompted an early exploration of “what does it REALLY mean to be feminine” and "how can I express my femininity when I don’t fit into societal standards of what a feminine woman looks like". For many years, she struggled in feeling disconnected from her body and inner wisdom and felt like she was searching for answers. Eventually, she began to make her way through those challenges and into empowerment using yoga, meditation, and other mind-body practices. Now, she is a nervous system expert — supporting women to navigate hair loss and body confidence with ease, embrace all the ups and downs of life, and improve their relationships and grow their businesses through nervous system healing. Sheridan has a certificate in Yoga Therapy & Yoga Psychology, and Meditation as Lifestyle Medicine and Integrative Somatic Trauma Therapy.⁣⁣

    In this episode, we bring through a variety of perspectives, including yogic tradition, depth psychology, Jungian archetypes, and Tantric philosophy to not only offer a wider perspective of how you may come to understand… but how you can actually begin to embody this energy in your day-to-day.⁣⁣


    Some things we cover:⁣⁣

    The dangers of following someone else’s definition of “feminine” or how to embody The Feminine⁣⁣ How embracing the Feminine allows you to give yourself permission as a woman to be the FULL you⁣⁣ How Sheridan’s experience living with hair loss led her to question standards of femininity early on in her life⁣⁣ The purpose of the Feminine is to FEEL⁣⁣ How to begin a practice of drop into your body, getting in contact with what’s inside of you and starting to build your connection with your inner knowing⁣⁣ Why connecting with and embodying more of the feminine is a revolutionary act living in a patriarchal society⁣⁣ Embodying the Feminine as a pathway to your own journey of personal liberation  Sheridan guides us through a brief polarity practice to feel Masculine and Feminine energy in the body⁣⁣ The origin story of the Universe through the union of Masculine and Feminine energy, according to Tantric cosmology⁣⁣ Why deepening our relationship with the Feminine asks us to build our inner Masculine’s capacity to hold this experience⁣⁣ Sheridan’s go-to practice to come into contact with different flavors of Feminine within self⁣⁣


    ⁣⁣We want to hear your thoughts after listening. Reach out to us with the links below and leave a review and a 5 star rating so others can find this show too! <3⁣⁣


    Work with Sheridan ⁣

    Instagram: @_sheridanruth_⁣

    Website: www.sheridanruth.com⁣

    ⁣Sign up for a Free 30-min. Expansion Call with her here. ⁣

    Work with Elizabeth⁣

    Instagram: @reclaimyourwomb⁣

    Website: www.reclaimyourwomb.com⁣

    Has this podcast and the topics we cover supported you on your journey?⁣

    Consider buying me a coffee here to show your appreciation here!⁣

    In love + gratitude ~

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  • Sanctuary for the Feminine Soul is back after a 10 month cocooning! ⁣⁣⁣

    ⁣⁣It is only fitting that in this episode we dive into the theme of personal cycles of Death and Rebirth - Elizabeth shares how to move through transition in a way deeply connected to the Feminine, your inner knowing and all of life around you. She also gives you tips for cultivating trust and safety within yourself, especially during those times of Death/letting go and all the uncertainty that change brings. ⁣⁣⁣

    ⁣⁣At the end you can find a guided inner reflection practice with specific questions and considerations to help you move through wherever you are within the Death/Rebirth cycle within your own life.⁣⁣⁣


    ⁣⁣Are you going through a moment of personal Death and Rebirth?⁣⁣⁣

    Elizabeth offers private Womb Healing & Embodiment sessions, uniquely personalized to you to help you release what is no longer serving you and step into the fullest, most alive version of yourself.⁣⁣⁣

    Learn more by connecting on Instagram @reclaimyourwomb or her website www.reclaimyourwomb.com


    6:49 What it means to be in the creative process for anything you are birthing/manifesting, as well as new versions of yourself you are consciously creating⁣⁣

    ⁣7:58 How we can apply the contractions & expansion that happen during physical birth to creating/birthing things and rebirthing ourselves⁣⁣

    ⁣9:25 The emotional and energetic shifts we can experience when expanding into a new version of self or a new phase, and how to care for ourselves in that⁣⁣

    ⁣12:04 Elizabeth’s recent personal and professional experiences of death and rebirth and what she has learned⁣⁣

    ⁣14:57 How to give ourselves more permission in those moments when we are being called to slow down, get still and turn within⁣⁣

    ⁣16:05 Why giving ourselves more loving permission to be in the phase of Death (inner reflection, things falling away, stripping down) is the secret to expanding further, wider, bigger into our truest selves⁣⁣

    ⁣17:11 Why we can feel so much resistance to letting ourselves BE in the phase of Death, unknown and uncertainty⁣⁣

    ⁣19:00 What is the Liminal Space and how can you work with it⁣⁣

    ⁣22:00 How to connect with the Womb of the Universe and the infinite possibilities that lie there so you can create exactly what you desire⁣⁣

    ⁣23:59 Why learning to sit with emptiness is the answer to creating what you really want and being open to be guided by the Universe in the process⁣⁣

    ⁣25:14 The key to opening yourself to receiving what you want⁣⁣

    ⁣27:23 How to create your life from an empowered place of agency rather than always living in reaction to what life presents you⁣⁣

    ⁣29:02 The missing Feminine piece in the process of manifestation - when we bring this in it becomes CREATION⁣⁣

    ⁣32:30 Guided inner reflection practice that includes specific questions you can use to help you through these three parts of the Death/Rebirth process: the death/letting go, being with the liminal space, and the emergence of the new⁣⁣

    37:45 Why you are ALWAYS on time⁣⁣

  • The Feminine and femininity are two complete different things.⁣

    In this episode, Elizabeth guides us through these two concepts and the associations that are connected with them. She invites us to reflect on our own personal definitions of these words, how they may shape our identity, and how to make these concepts our own to feel truly empowered in how we show up in our lives.⁣


    Interested in exploring Womb Healing & Embodiment with Elizabeth?⁣

    Connect with her here -⁣

    Website: www.elizabethembodied.com⁣⁣⁣⁣

    Instagram: @elizabethembodied

  • This episode is for anyone who wants to work with their inner Feminine and Masculine energies in a more conscious and empowered way.⁣

    The Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine are energies that exist within each of us as well as everything that is around us.⁣

    Each of these energies has unique qualities, which are gifts that we all get to tap into, cultivate, and embody in our lives, in order to manifest our dreams and feel more aligned and fulfilled.⁣

    Elizabeth dives into the specific gifts that the Divine Feminine and Divine Masculine can bring to you in your life and identifies ways to cultivate these qualities so that you can harmonize the energies and feel deep, nourishing support from both of them.⁣

    She gives concrete examples of how she has worked with these energies in her life and shares how it is particularly potent to work with these energies in a conscious way when going through big life transitions.⁣

    ~Want to connect with the Feminine energy within you and your body?

    Divine Feminine Activation was created to support you with exactly that. Download it here.

    ~About your host:⁣

    Elizabeth identifies as a Doula for the Soul. She teaches feminine embodiment and facilitates womb healing for women who are ready to live and create from their true essence. It lights her up to witness more and more women awakening to the creative Feminine power within them and expanding into more pleasure, peace, and joy.⁣

    To book an embodiment session or apply to work 1:1 with Elizabeth, visit www.elizabethembodied.com⁣⁣⁣

    You can find Elizabeth on Instagram @elizabethembodied⁣

  • Each one of us is here to walk a unique path in life. The beauty in this is that embracing our own path allows us to tap into our unique magic and gives us the freedom to shine our true light. The other side to this, though, is that it can sometimes feel lonely or overwhelming, especially if our path looks different than those around us.⁣⁣

    This episode is meant for you.⁣⁣

    In this episode, Elizabeth brings forward insights, encouragement, and deep heart-centered support for all of us who are choosing to blaze our own trails - in our lives, businesses, and creations. We will explore what it means to live authentically and in alignment, how to trust in and act on your inner guidance, and how to root deeply into your truth so that you can feel confidently rooted no matter what comes your way.⁣⁣

    If you identify as a creative, business owner, teacher, guide, coach, facilitator, or as a leader who is creating things for their community - this episode is especially for you!⁣

    ⁣Elizabeth talks about how to create from a place that feels true and aligned, and how to feel flow and freedom in your unique creative process. She shares an inside look into her creative process behind this podcast, and covers common snags in the creative process and how you can move through them. ⁣⁣

    About your host:

    Elizabeth is a transformation facilitator, embodiment teacher, and intuitive guide who is deeply committed to supporting women to awaken their potent Feminine energy, access their creative power, and live aligned with their most expansive, empowered self.⁣⁣

    To book an embodiment session or energy blueprint reading with Elizabeth, visit www.elizabethembodied.com⁣⁣

    You can find Elizabeth on Instagram @elizabethembodied⁣

  • Welcome! In this first episode of Sanctuary for the Feminine Soul, your host, Elizabeth Tracy, introduces the soul of and intention for the podcast, as well as how it can support you in your unique life journey.

    Elizabeth is a Doula for the Soul, an intuitive guide, and a teacher who is deeply committed about supporting women to reconnect with their inner wisdom, embody their potent Feminine energy, and discover the truth deep within them so they can allow their most expansive, empowered self to shine and truly embody who they came to this world to be.

    In this episode, Elizabeth covers the significance behind the title, what you can expect from the energy of this space, how her style of teaching and transmitting wisdom is unique, and why community and sacred connection are so necessary right now. She also lays the foundation for our understanding of the Feminine and how it can support each of us on our path to truth, liberation, and deep soul alignment.

    *Want to deepen your connection with the Feminine energy within you?*

    Download Divine Feminine Activation here and receive a FREE meditation and workbook to melt into presence and sacred connection right here and now.

    *Connect with Elizabeth*

    IG: @elizabethembodied

    Website: elizabethembodied.com