
  • Feeling Overwhelmed by Networking?

    Have you ever walked into a room full of strangers and felt your heart race, wondering how on earth you’re supposed to connect with anyone? You’re not alone. Networking can feel daunting, but it doesn’t have to be. What if I told you that building authentic relationships is simpler than you think?

    Turning Fear into Connection

    Mica shares her personal journey, filled with relatable anecdotes and practical tips. From the nerves of attending events to the magic of having a wing person, she breaks down how to make networking work for you. Mica’s advice is straightforward: bring a trusted friend, follow up promptly, and celebrate others’ successes. Her stories, like bringing her friend Ana to events, show how a little support can turn a nerve-wracking experience into a fruitful one.

    Your Turn to Connect

    So, how can you transform your networking approach? Start by preparing ahead of time and bringing someone who makes you feel at ease. Don’t forget to follow up within 48 hours and genuinely celebrate the achievements of those you meet.

    Networking is more than just a professional obligation; it’s about creating meaningful connections that enrich both your career and personal life. Ready to take your networking to the next level? Tune into our episode for Mica’s full insights and start building those authentic relationships today. Let’s turn those daunting networking events into opportunities for genuine connection.

    💬 Join the Conversation

    Savory Shot Shownote: https://austinfoodguide.com/2024/04/15/evansung

    Website: www.austinfoodguide.com/podcast

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Fill out the guest form, and we'll be in touch soon.

    Special Thanks

    And before we wrap up, a huge shoutout to our sponsor, Flodesk, for supporting this episode. Don't forget to check out their email design services tailored for food photographers, and enjoy an exclusive discount just for our listeners!

    So, are you ready to turn your limitations into your greatest strengths? Tune in now, and let's embark on this creative journey together. After all, the best masterpieces often come from the most unexpected places! 🚀✨Get 50% off your first year by using the code: SAVORYSHOT50Visit Flodesk now

  • Celebrating 50 Episodes: A Journey of Heart and Soul

    Have you ever started something with a dream but wondered if you'd have the stamina to see it through? Today, we're diving into a milestone that celebrates perseverance, community, and love—the 50th episode of The Savory Shot podcast.

    The Heart of the Journey

    What does it take to reach 50 episodes of a podcast? For Mica McCook, it's been a rollercoaster ride filled with doubt, joy, and a deep commitment to authenticity. When Mica started this journey, she didn’t know if she’d make it past 30 episodes, fearing burnout and the pressure of perfection. Yet here she is, celebrating a significant milestone with her listeners.

    Building a Community of Authenticity

    From the very beginning, Mica wanted to create a space for real, unfiltered conversations about the art and soul of food photography. She wasn't interested in the glossy, perfect stories often shared in interviews. Instead, she wanted to delve into the gritty, real-life experiences that offer valuable lessons and inspire growth. Through laughter, tears, and honest disagreements, The Savory Shot has become a beloved space for learning and connection.

    Episode Highlights

    In this special 50th episode, Mica reflects on the journey so far. She shares how running a podcast has taught her the importance of preparation, the value of authenticity, and the power of storytelling. The episode is a heartfelt thank you to the listeners who've supported her from day one, sticking with her through the ups and downs.

    Join the Celebration

    If you've ever felt alone in your creative journey or doubted your ability to keep going, this episode is for you. Join the celebration by tuning in to The Savory Shot and becoming part of a community that values real, honest conversations.

    Looking Ahead

    As Mica looks forward to many more episodes, she remains committed to bringing you the best content possible, inspiring you, and celebrating the wonderful world of food photography. Here's to the journey, the lessons learned, and the community we've built together. Thank you for being part of this incredible adventure.

    Tune in to the latest episode and join the conversation. Let's celebrate the art and soul of food photography, one episode at a time.

    💬 Join the Conversation

    Savory Shot Shownote: https://austinfoodguide.com/2024/06/12/50-episodes/

    Website: www.austinfoodguide.com/podcast

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Fill out the guest form, and we'll be in touch soon.

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  • Have you ever felt awkward talking about your own successes?

    Many of us have been there – the uneasy feeling when sharing our accomplishments as if we're bragging. But what if self-promotion didn't have to feel so cringy?

    In the latest episode of The Savory Shot podcast, host Mica McCook tackles this exact topic. Mica offers a refreshing perspective on why self-promotion is essential for success.

    Embracing Self-Promotion: From Discomfort to Confidence

    Mica dives deep into the discomfort many of us feel about self-promotion and how to overcome it. She shares her journey of transitioning from feeling gross about self-promotion to recognizing it as a necessity. Mica emphasizes that if you don't promote your work, no one else will. She offers practical tips like "safe bragging" – starting with sharing your wins in a comfortable setting like with family or close friends. This helps build confidence without the pressure of a professional setting. Mica also highlights the importance of being genuine and sharing not just the highs, but also the struggles.

    Transforming Your Approach to Self-Promotion

    Ready to change your mindset about self-promotion? Start by acknowledging your wins, big or small. Share your latest accomplishment with a friend or post about a recent project on social media. Remember, celebrating your achievements can inspire others to do the same.

    Thank you for joining us on this journey of self-discovery and growth. Remember, you are your biggest cheerleader. Promote yourself, celebrate your wins, and watch how your confidence grows. We’d love to hear your thoughts and experiences with self-promotion. Share them in the comments or on social media. Let’s celebrate together!

    Keep shining and promoting your beautiful work!

    💬 Join the Conversation

    Savory Shot Shownote: https://austinfoodguide.com/2024/06/01/art-of-self-promotion

    Website: www.austinfoodguide.com/podcast

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Fill out the guest form, and we'll be in touch soon.

    Special Thanks

    And before we wrap up, a huge shoutout to our sponsor, Flodesk, for supporting this episode. Don't forget to check out their email design services tailored for food photographers, and enjoy an exclusive discount just for our listeners!

    So, are you ready to turn your limitations into your greatest strengths? Tune in now, and let's embark on this creative journey together. After all, the best masterpieces often come from the most unexpected places! 🚀✨Get 50% off your first year by using the code: SAVORYSHOT50Visit Flodesk now

  • Ever found yourself wondering how to get your photography business noticed amidst the flood of visuals online? You're not alone! Every photographer grapples with the challenge of standing out and effectively reaching potential clients. Today, let's explore some game-changing tips that can turn your love for photography into a successful career.

    Introducing Expert Insight: Julie Skarwecki

    Joining us is Julie Skarwecki, a photo consultant who has helped countless photographers elevate their careers. Julie started as a studio assistant and worked her way up to become a respected consultant. Her journey gives her a unique understanding of the industry. With her expertise in strategic marketing and career development, she's an invaluable resource for photographers looking to enhance their professional image and reach more clients.

    Unpacking Marketing Mysteries

    In this episode, we’re diving deep into the world of marketing just for photographers. Julie shares why it’s so important to match your marketing strategies with your creative vision and business goals. She gives super practical tips on how to handle different markets, whether you’re into commercial work or fine art, and the special details that come with each. With Julie’s help, photographers will learn how to shape their portfolios to attract their dream clients and make the most of tools like social media and SEO.

    Ready to Revamp Your Marketing?

    Inspired to reshape your marketing strategies and make your mark in the photography world? Julie Skarwecki is here to help you fine-tune your approach, so your work gets the attention it deserves.

    💬 Join the Conversation

    Savory Shot Shownote: https://austinfoodguide.com/2024/04/15/evansung

    Website: www.austinfoodguide.com/podcast

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Fill out the guest form, and we'll be in touch soon.

    Special Thanks

    And before we wrap up, a huge shoutout to our sponsor, Flodesk, for supporting this episode. Don't forget to check out their email design services tailored for food photographers, and enjoy an exclusive discount just for our listeners!

    So, are you ready to turn your limitations into your greatest strengths? Tune in now, and let's embark on this creative journey together. After all, the best masterpieces often come from the most unexpected places! 🚀✨Get 50% off your first year by using the code: SAVORYSHOT50Visit Flodesk now

  • Is your passion for creativity consuming your peace?

    Today, let's dive deep into a conversation that's close to many of our hearts but often neglected—self-care in the creative industry. Joining us is Michael Hilgers, a licensed therapist who specializes in helping creatives navigate the emotional rollercoaster of their professions.

    Meet Michael Hilgers: Therapist to the Creatives

    Michael brings a unique perspective to the table, blending his expertise in therapy with an understanding of the creative mind. His experience with entrepreneurs and artists allows him to address the specific challenges faced by those in creative fields, making him the perfect guest for this discussion.

    Exploring the Struggle with Self-Care

    In this episode, we uncover why creatives often find it hard to prioritize their mental health. Michael explains how the continuous demand to produce and innovate can lead to neglecting one's well-being. We delve into the common feelings of being overwhelmed and the importance of integrating mental wellness into our daily routines.

    Embrace Wellness

    I encourage you to think about your own self-care routines. Are they sufficient? Are they consistent? If not, consider this a gentle nudge to start taking your mental health as seriously as your art. Remember, nourishing your mind is as crucial as nurturing your creativity.

    Why Balancing Act is Key to Flourishing Creatively

    As we wrap up, remember that finding balance isn't just beneficial; it's necessary for sustainable creativity. Take the steps needed to ensure you're not just surviving in your creative pursuits but thriving. With Michael's insights, let's commit to making our mental health a priority.

    Let's continue this vital conversation and support each other in our journeys. Remember, in the realm of creativity, caring for your mind is not a luxury—it's a fundamental part of the process.

    💬 Join the Conversation

    Savory Shot Shownote: https://austinfoodguide.com/2024/04/15/evansung

    Website: www.austinfoodguide.com/podcast

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Fill out the guest form, and we'll be in touch soon.

    Special Thanks

    And before we wrap up, a huge shoutout to our sponsor, Flodesk, for supporting this episode. Don't forget to check out their email design services tailored for food photographers, and enjoy an exclusive discount just for our listeners!

    So, are you ready to turn your limitations into your greatest strengths? Tune in now, and let's embark on this creative journey together. After all, the best masterpieces often come from the most unexpected places! 🚀✨Get 50% off your first year by using the code: SAVORYSHOT50Visit Flodesk now

  • Have you ever wondered if you're really on the right career path?

    Imagine the courage it takes to step off a predictable path and plunge into the unknown. That's the story of Evan Sung, a former literature student who walked away from the planned road for something different.

    Meet Evan Sung: A Portrait of Change

    Evan Sung wasn't always destined to be a food photographer. His initial academic journey in literature seemed set, but deep down, Evan felt a disconnect. His real passion lay elsewhere—in the world of photography. From a Craigslist ad that led to his first photography job to capturing over 40 cookbooks, Evan's story is a testament to following your heart.

    In today's episode, we explore how Evan Sung made the leap from academia to the dynamic field of food photography. His experiences range from high-pressure kitchen shoots to serene moments capturing the artistry on a plate.

    If Evan’s journey resonates with you, maybe it’s time to listen to those whispers of change. Whether it’s a hobby that’s calling you or a dream you've shelved for too long, consider what your first step could be towards a career that fills you with excitement every morning.

    💬 Join the Conversation

    Savory Shot Shownote: https://austinfoodguide.com/2024/04/15/evansung

    Website: www.austinfoodguide.com/podcast

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Fill out the guest form, and we'll be in touch soon.

    Special Thanks

    And before we wrap up, a huge shoutout to our sponsor, Flodesk, for supporting this episode. Don't forget to check out their email design services tailored for food photographers, and enjoy an exclusive discount just for our listeners!

    So, are you ready to turn your limitations into your greatest strengths? Tune in now, and let's embark on this creative journey together. After all, the best masterpieces often come from the most unexpected places! 🚀✨Get 50% off your first year by using the code: SAVORYSHOT50Visit Flodesk now

  • Ready to Unleash Your Creativity?

    Hey there, creative souls! Have you ever found yourself staring at a blank canvas or a daunting project, wishing you had all the resources in the world to make something magical? Well, what if I told you that magic isn't about having it all—it's about making the most of what you've got? Intrigued? Let's dive into the latest episode of "The Savory Shot" to uncover the secrets of creativity from constraints!

    Discover the Power of Less

    In this solo episode, Mica McCook takes us on a journey through the enchanting world of creativity under limitations. From her humble beginnings to the unexpected breakthroughs she's experienced along the way, Mica reveals how constraints have been the catalysts for her most innovative work yet.

    Get ready to unlock a treasure trove of insights! Mica shares practical strategies and mindset shifts to help you transform your creative limitations into opportunities for growth and innovation. From reframing constraints as creative challenges to embracing resourcefulness, this episode is packed with actionable advice to fuel your artistic journey.

    💬 Join the Conversation

    Savory Shot Shownote: https://austinfoodguide.com/2024/04/04/045-creativity-from-constraints/

    Website: www.austinfoodguide.com/podcast

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Fill out the guest form, and we'll be in touch soon.

    Special Thanks

    And before we wrap up, a huge shoutout to our sponsor, Flodesk, for supporting this episode. Don't forget to check out their email design services tailored for food photographers, and enjoy an exclusive discount just for our listeners!

    So, are you ready to turn your limitations into your greatest strengths? Tune in now, and let's embark on this creative journey together. After all, the best masterpieces often come from the most unexpected places! 🚀✨Get 50% off your first year by using the code: SAVORYSHOT50Visit Flodesk now

  • Welcome back to another episode that’s going to sprinkle your day with creativity and inspire your journey, no matter what field you're in! Today, we're chatting with the incredibly talented Emilie Fosnocht, a food and prop stylist who's turning everyday meals into art. Emilie's journey from Philadelphia to the bustling streets of London and back has filled her with insights and experiences that she's here to share with us. So, buckle up as we dive into the world of food styling, prop designing, and the power of pursuing your passions.

    About Our Guest

    Meet Emilie Fosnocht, a dynamic food and prop stylist whose roots near Philadelphia's rich culture paved the way for her artistic journey. Her adventure took an exciting turn when she moved to London for college at Goldsmiths, significantly shaping her creative sensibilities. With a mission to transform the ordinary into the extraordinary, Emilie aims to inspire with her behind-the-scenes magic in food styling and prop designing, proving that creativity knows no bounds.

    Episode Highlights:

    The Influence of PhillyQ: How did Philadelphia shape your aesthetic?A: The diversity and richness of Philly's food scene deeply influenced Emilie's creative outlook.The London LeapQ: What prompted your move to London for college?A: A desire for alignment with her creative spirit led Emilie to Goldsmiths, London.Textile Design to Food StylingQ: How did you transition from textile design to food and prop styling?A: Emilie's journey was fueled by her quest for a career that resonated with her creative soul, leading her to food styling.The Art of Food StylingQ: What misconceptions did you have about food styling?A: Emilie discusses the learning curve in food styling and the unique techniques involved.

    Key Takeaways:

    The importance of following your passion, even if it leads you across the globe.How diverse experiences enrich your creative skills.The underestimated art and technique behind food styling.

    Follow Emilie on Instagram at @EmilyFoz and dive into her visually stunning world of food and prop styling.

    If Emilie's journey inspired you, share this episode with a friend who’s looking for a creative spark.

    Today's chat with Emilie Fosnocht reminds us that the path to finding what we love is rarely straight but always worth it. Her journey from Philadelphia to London and into the realms of food styling shows us the beauty of embracing change and pursuing passion. Remember, creativity is not just in the art we make, but in the lives, we lead. Stay inspired, and until next time, keep creating, dreaming, and being uniquely you.

    Savory Shot Shownote: https://austinfoodguide.com/2024/03/19/emilie-fosnocht

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Email us at [email protected] for more information.

  • Ever felt like you're just not cut out for photography because you don't have the high-end gear? Oh, friend, I've been there, thinking my dreams were bigger than my budget. But guess what? It's not about the gear; it's about your vision. This episode peels back the curtain on starting small in food photography, showcasing my (your host) journey from using basic tools to creating mouthwatering masterpieces. We dive into why embracing limitations can actually be your biggest creative advantage. Join us to discover how to turn what you have into more than enough to capture the beauty on your plate. Let's get ready to elevate your food photography game, one small step at a time.

    Savory Shot Shownote: www.austinfoodguide.com/2024/03/06/startingsmall/

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Email us at [email protected] for more information.

  • Dive into today's episode, where Aran shares her journey from switching a career in business and economics to becoming a renowned food stylist, author, and photographer in Seattle. Overcoming personal challenges and embracing authenticity, she discusses the art of test shooting, the impact of ChatGPT, and maintaining a personal voice in the industry. Aran also explores the future of food photography amidst evolving technology. Join us to be inspired by Aran's story, blending tradition with innovation in the culinary world.

    Website: https://austinfoodguide.com/podcast

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Email us at [email protected] for more information.

  • Alright, picture this: You're in an elevator, that dream client beside you, and bam! You've got seconds to wow. This episode's your guide to making those seconds count. We dive into the heart of your photography, finding that gold nugget of an elevator pitch that makes you unforgettable. It's about passion, vision, and a dash of strategy, all rolled into one. We're mixing real talk with real advice, aiming for that emotional tug. So grab your notepad, and let's craft your pitch to open doors and keep the conversation flowing. Ready to turn that pitch into your magic key? Let's make it happen.

    Dive into today's episode, where Aran shares her journey from switching a career in business and economics to becoming a renowned food stylist, author, and photographer in Seattle. Overcoming personal challenges and embracing authenticity, she discusses the art of test shooting, the impact of ChatGPT, and maintaining a personal voice in the industry. Aran also explores the future of food photography amidst evolving technology. Join us to be inspired by Aran's story, blending tradition with innovation in the culinary world.

    Website: https://austinfoodguide.com/podcast

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Email us at [email protected] for more information.

  • In this eye-opening episode, we sit down with Christina Peters, an esteemed food photographer whose journey is as flavorful as her work. Christina shares her inspiring story, from challenging family norms to establishing her path in photography to her evolution from traditional darkroom techniques to mastering the digital age. She delves into the artistry behind capturing culinary stories, offering insights that blend technical skill with creative flair. This episode is a look behind the lens and a masterclass in turning a burning passion into a thriving career, making it a must-listen for anyone aspiring to meld art with their entrepreneurial spirit.

    Dive into today's episode, where Aran shares her journey from switching a career in business and economics to becoming a renowned food stylist, author, and photographer in Seattle. Overcoming personal challenges and embracing authenticity, she discusses the art of test shooting, the impact of ChatGPT, and maintaining a personal voice in the industry. Aran also explores the future of food photography amidst evolving technology. Join us to be inspired by Aran's story, blending tradition with innovation in the culinary world.

    Website: https://austinfoodguide.com/podcast

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Email us at [email protected] for more information.

  • As the first rays of 2024 light up our studios, this episode opens the door to a world where your creativity and business acumen coexist. Imagine yourself at this crossroads, camera in hand, ambition in heart, ready to redefine your approach to food photography.

    But here's the twist: the path ahead is lined with challenges. How do you harmonize the demands of a bustling photography business with the whispers of self-compassion? This episode dives deep into this conundrum, peeling back layers of doubt and uncertainty. We explore the highs and lows of creative life, the struggles of balancing a sharp business mind with a tender artist's heart.

    In the end, we find our harmony. This journey brings us to a place of understanding and equilibrium. We learn to set goals that resonate with our inner values, to embrace our creative blocks as stepping stones, and to run our businesses with a blend of passion and practicality. So, let's raise a toast to a year of transformative growth, where every shot we take not only captures a moment but also tells the story of our newfound balance.

    Website: www.austinfoodguide.com/podcast

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Email us at [email protected] for more information.

  • In this engaging episode of The Savory Shot Podcast, we sit down with Francesco Sapienza, a former engineer turned acclaimed food photographer. Francesco takes us through his transformative journey from a technical career to mastering the art of food photography in the bustling city of New York. He delves into the nuances of lighting, composition, and the emotional connection in photography while emphasizing the significance of passion and adaptability in the creative industry. His story not only provides valuable insights for aspiring photographers but also inspires listeners to follow their passions and make choices that align with their personal fulfillment.

    Website: www.austinfoodguide.com/podcast

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Email us at [email protected] for more information.

  • Get ready for a treat in today's episode. We're chatting with the amazing Lisa Homa, a food styling genius with 25 years of experience under her belt. Lisa's here to spill the beans on what it takes to make food look irresistibly delicious. She's going to give us the inside scoop on breaking into food styling, and trust me, it's an art form that's way deeper than just making dishes look pretty. Snag your go-to munchie and come along as we plunge into the tantalizing, and sometimes unexpected, realm of food styling and photography. Join us as we demystify the trade, immerse ourselves in the artistry, and discover the thrill of transforming ordinary meals into extraordinary visual feasts!

    Website: www.austinfoodguide.com/podcast

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Email us at [email protected] for more information.

  • Welcome to episode 36 of "The Power of R.E.S.T.," where your host, Mica, delves into the transformative art of resting. Kicking things off with a heartfelt shoutout to our tribe of listeners, Mica unravels a tale of caution from a tarot reader: slow down or burn out. Today's chat is all about reimagining rest, not as wasted time, but as a rich, essential pause. Mica decodes R.E.S.T: Recharge, Embrace, Set, Tune, and shares strategies for making each one a pillar in our daily lives. Join the movement on Facebook or Patreon, and let's reshape our R.E.S.T together.

    Website: www.austinfoodguide.com/podcast

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Email us at [email protected] for more information.

  • In this interview with Simi Jois, a food photographer, she discusses her journey into the world of culinary optics and the importance of capturing the essence of a brand through photography. Simi emphasizes the need for asking questions and understanding the brand's values to create impactful and aligned imagery. She also shares insights on creative blocks, the beauty of innocence in photography, and the importance of taking breaks to allow creativity to ferment and percolate.

    Website: www.austinfoodguide.com/podcast

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Email us at [email protected] for more information.

  • In this episode of "The Savory Shot," host Mica dives into the importance of personal projects for creators. She shares personal stories and insights, emphasizing how personal projects ignite creativity, fuel growth, and differentiate photographers in the industry. Through practical advice and relatable experiences, Mica inspires listeners to embrace personal projects as a means of self-expression, professional development, and client attraction.

    Website: www.austinfoodguide.com/podcast

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Email us at [email protected] for more information.

  • In today's episode, we sit down with the exceptional Andrew Scrivani. We dive into the world of his early photography days and trace his evolution to becoming a sought-after coach in the field. We also talked about the transformative power of self-reinvention. Prepare for an enlightening conversation filled with genuine insights and actionable takeaways.

    Website: www.austinfoodguide.com/podcast

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Email us at [email protected] for more information.

  • Pull up a chair, and let's dive deep into the kaleidoscopic world of prop styling with the enchanting Gerri Williams! Ever felt that magnetic pull toward a beautifully staged photo and wondered about the magic behind it? Gerri is here to unravel that mystery, sharing her whirlwind adventures with powerhouse photographers, foodie visionaries, and clients who've pushed her creativity to soaring heights. Dive into her treasure trove of wisdom on sniffing out those oh-so-perfect props, marrying diverse creative imaginations, and weaving a tapestry of collaboration.

    It's a journey into the soul as she delves into the sanctity of privacy, the emotional dance with cherished keepsakes, and the silent battles our beloved small businesses are navigating in these unprecedented times. Are you ready for this heartful, insightful ride? Let's dive in!

    Website: www.austinfoodguide.com/podcast

    Instagram: www.instragram.com/mica.mccook

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/thesavoryshotpodcast

    Would you like to be a guest on the show? Email us at [email protected] for more information.