
  • Imagine a world where sales calls don't feel pushy or uncomfortable but instead flow naturally and leave both parties feeling positive.

    Sounds like a dream, right?

    That's exactly what we're exploring in this episode!

    If you've ever felt uneasy about sales calls, this is your go-to guide for making them simple, enjoyable, and successful.

    Today we dig into the secrets of aligning your sales strategy with your personal and business values.

    Whether you’re tired of feeling like you’re forcing sales or simply want to connect better with potential clients, this conversation is loaded with actionable tips and heartfelt advice.

    Esther Gretton is a sales coaching expert focused on helping service business owners sell with ease and integrity. She's here to share her wisdom on how aligning your sales process with your own temperament and values can lead to authentic connections and successful outcomes.

    Here’s what we cover in this episode:

    - Why aligning your sales calls with the right clients helps you avoid burnout and dissatisfaction.

    - What a four-step framework for authentic, strategy-driven sales looks like.

    - The importance of confidence in your offering and understanding your customer’s challenges for effective sales.

    - How to prepare, manage anxiety, and communicate with integrity during sales calls.

    Tune in to discover how to transform your sales calls from nerve-racking to effortless and filled with integrity.

    This episode is your ticket to building the business of your dreams filled with clients who are the perfect fit!


    About our guest:

    Esther Gretton is a dedicated sales coach and consultant with a mission to empower entrepreneurs to create thriving businesses that offer financial freedom and flexibility. Her goal is to help business owners build the lifestyle they desire, allowing them to spend more time with the people who matter most.

    With extensive experience in the industry, Esther has mastered the art of authentic, human-to-human selling. She believes in a non-salesy approach that connects with customers on a personal level, clearly demonstrating how her clients can overcome obstacles and achieve their goals.

    Since 2017, Esther has been instrumental in helping entrepreneurs reach their business objectives while staying true to their values. Her strategies not only support business growth but also promote a joyful balance between work and life.

    Join us in this episode as Esther shares her insights and strategies, aiming to inspire and equip you with the tools to achieve success and harmony in your business and personal life.

    Connect with Esther:

    Website: www.esthergretton.com

    Instagram: @esther_gretton

    Book a FREE 1:1 Sales Strategy Call with Esther Gretton where you'll delve into your specific challenges and goals. Outline a personalised roadmap to transform your sales approach, leveraging your own stories, strengths, and values to create a selling experience that feels authentic, engaging, and, most importantly, effective. 


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    Download the Ultimate Ideal Customer Worksheet!

    Take your marketing copy from ignorable to impactful simply by knowing exactly what to say to your ideal customer so you’re connecting with their desires on a deeper level, AND hitting their action-triggers!

    Download the free worksheet NOW to create your ideal customer profile that goes so deep it’s like you’re reading their mind!




  • Ever wondered how a complete beginner in podcasting can climb the ranks to a top 5% global podcast - without doing all the things a professional podcaster does?

    It happened by accident... but was it really an accident?

    Or is there more to Curious about the core principles behind such success, which can also be applied to your business marketing?

    This episode of She's The Business Podcast is tailor-made for you!

    Join me as I unravel the five key principles that have not only made this podcast a hit but can help streamline your marketing strategies too.

    Whether you’re into podcasting or not, today’s insights promise to add immense value to your entrepreneurial journey.

    In today’s episode, I'm thrilled to introduce you to these simple yet powerful principles, sharing my own journey and experiences along the way.

    With a background in building multi-billion dollar brands and running my own businesses from home with little ones around, I know firsthand the trials and triumphs.

    These are not just concepts—they're actionable steps that have fueled our three-year run and can benefit any business owner.

    Episode Highlights:

    - Why collaboration is essential for achieving podcast and business success.

    - What consistency can do for building momentum and reaching goals.

    - The importance of saying no to stay aligned with your vision.

    - How processes streamline your efforts and ease the workload.

    Hit play and let’s dive in! Whether you're a seasoned entrepreneur or just starting, there’s something in here for you.

    And don't forget to subscribe to catch our future episodes, including our special upcoming 200th episode celebration!

    Stay inspired and keep soaring, ladies! 🚀


    Loving the podcast? Please rate us 5-stars so that others can find us too! And we'd really appreciate you leaving a few words as a review! You may be chosen as the review of the month and featured on an upcoming episode!



    Free Training for Coaches and Online Professionals who want to earn more while working less!

    Spend just an hour with me in this free training session and you'll walk away with the 5 keys to magnetically attract Premium Paying clients - so you can have a 6+ figure business in less than 20 hours a week!

    Register here > The Magnetic Formula: 5 Keys To Premium Paying Clients



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  • Imagine hosting a retreat where transformation isn't just a buzzword -

    it's a genuine experience felt by your guests...

    they contact you afterwards sharing the significant change in their lives since attending your retreat.

    Your fulfilment cup would be overflowing!

    While you might love the idea of travel and being paid to do it...

    you probably also know that there's a lot of planning that goes into creating an exceptional experience that's fun and memorable for you and your guests.

    Where do you start?

    Some questions you might have:

    What makes a retreat successful in that it leaves a lasting impact?How do you integrate retreats into your business model to help you connect with clients in a different way?Can you run a business with retreats as the main offering?

    My incredible guest, Emma Lovell, is here to spill all the secrets!

    Emma is a seasoned retreat organizer and a master at blending business with self-care and travel. She's been an entrepreneur since 2009, with a wealth of experience ranging from PR services to coaching business owners on travel.

    Her unique approach to live experiences has led her to host transformative retreats all over the world, including India and Sri Lanka.

    In this episode, we cover:

    - Why it's vital to balance relaxation and activities in retreat planning.

    - What makes a retreat truly transformational?

    - The importance of setting clear intentions and not overloading the schedule.

    - Why retreats are the perfect way to incorporate travel into your life!

    Don’t just wish someone would create the perfect retreat for you — create it!

    Ready to rethink retreats?

    Tune in to this episode for insights, tips, and a fresh perspective on making your next retreat a transformative experience.


    About our guest:

    Emma Lovell is on a mission to live a life she loves and to support others to do the same. As a coach, speaker and writer, Emma inspires her clients and audiences to focus on what they truly want and go after it wholeheartedly. As entrepreneurs, we don't start businesses to just give ourselves a job - we are here to create a life! Emma shares how she has run a business for 14 years while travelling the world, having a family and making time for herself. She believes you can combine business, travel and self care to live a life you love ... NOW!

    Emma's also a speaker and MC, regularly taking to the physical and virtual stages to inspire, motivate and encourage audiences. She's also the host of not one, not two but three podcasts - Lovelly Travels, Live & Love Your Brand and her latest, The Emma Lovell Show.

    Emma lives on the Gold Coast with her Aquaman husband Mathew, her toddler Finn and their furbaby cat, T'challa.


    Connect with Emma:

    Website: www.emmalovell.au

    Sri Lanka Retreat: www.emmalovell.au/srilankaretreat

    Facebook business page www.facebook.com/EmmaLovellAU

    Instagram www.instagram.com/emmalovell.au

    Linkedin profile page www.linkedin.com/in/emmalovelly

    Awaken your senses and join me for 5 inspiring nights in sensational Sri Lanka for the Rest & Receive Retreat, 2- 7 November 2024. Disconnect from the day to day and immerse in this exotic culture while reconnecting with yourself. Share this luxurious experience with 12 amazing people from around the world who you'll form amazing connections with, making memories to last a lifetime. SSIGN UP HERE: Sri Lanka Retreat: www.emmalovell.au/srilankaretreat



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    Free Training for Coaches and Online Professionals who want to earn more while working less!

    Spend just an hour with me in this free training session and you'll walk away with the 5 keys to magnetically attract Premium Paying clients - so you can have a 6+ figure business in less than 20 hours a week!

    Register here > The Magnetic Formula: 5 Keys To Premium Paying Clients



  • Wishing it was easier to make your business stand out and attract clients effortlessly?

    Most online coaches, consultants and experts are missing one critical ingredient, that's keeping them stuck in obscurity and making it waaaaay harder to attract clients.

    This one ingredient is arguably more important than any other aspect of your marketing strategy - because it's like the hub at the centre of the wheel - without it the wheel won't spin!

    And this critical ingredient is choosing the right niche.

    Before you go saying "Well I KNOW that already, Jess!" what you may NOT know is that there's an art and a science to selecting and defining your niche properly - which MOST entrepreneurs are not doing!

    And that's why they continue to struggle to be specific enough for their marketing to have any impact.

    I take the concept of niche a step further than most - including 3 separate elements to define what I call Your Expert Zone.

    If you're not in your Expert Zone then it's much more difficult to attract clients because what you're selling as a coach, advisor, course creator or mentor is, of course, your Expertise!

    Think about it: Who do you want to learn from? Someone who's got very relevant expertise, or someone who has a range of skills...? The expert every time - right?

    Whether you're just starting out or wanting to ignite a new phase of growth to get you off a stale patch, stepping into your Expert Zone could be the thing you've been overlooking!

    I promise you, by the end of this discussion, you'll see why stepping into your Expert Zone is your secret weapon in today's noisy and crowded business world.

    What's Covered in This Episode?

    - Why clearly defining your niche is essential for your business growth and success.

    - What the concept of the "expert zone" entails and why it's crucial.

    - The story of a client who transformed their business by defining their expert zone.

    - How you can leverage your expert zone to attract your ideal clients easily.

    Whether you’re struggling to find traction or merely curious about refining your approach, this episode is packed with actionable tips and real-life success stories.

    Tune in to discover why defining your niche "Expert Zone" isn't just a key part of your business strategy, but the key to making lasting connections and achieving remarkable growth.



    Loving the podcast? Please rate us 5-stars so that others can find us too! And we'd really appreciate you leaving a few words as a review! You may be chosen as the review of the month and featured on an upcoming episode!



    Free Training for Coaches and Online Professionals who want to earn more while working less!

    Spend just an hour with me in this free training session and you'll walk away with the 5 keys to magnetically attract Premium Paying clients - so you can have a 6+ figure business in less than 20 hours a week!

    Register here > The Magnetic Formula: 5 Keys To Premium Paying Clients



  • Have you ever heard that your gut health can trigger symptoms of anxiety?

    Maybe you find it hard to focus, experience brain fog and tiredness … possibly putting it down to the mental stress of running a business?

    It could be! Stress is known to prevent normal brain function, shut down your digestive system and make your gut highly sensitive - which triggers a raft of other symptoms!

    In today’s episode we’re taking a moment to consider the gut-mind connection and how it impacts you daily.

    I'm hanging out with the amazing Zerla Stoller, a functional health practitioner and founder of Thriving with Zerla.

    Zerla’s journey is incredibly inspiring—from battling anxiety and multiple food sensitivities to finding her calling in functional medicine and healing her gut.

    She’s a fountain of wisdom and practical advice for anyone looking to improve their health from the inside out!

    We cover some intriguing topics:

    - Why is gut health crucial for managing anxiety?

    - What foods should we avoid to start healing the gut?

    - The radical difference between a whole foods diet over processed foods

    - How to find delicious gluten-free, dairy-free alternatives that will get even your kids’ approval!

    Trust me, this episode is jam-packed with natural health and healing tips you’ll want to start implementing immediately!

    So grab a cup of tea, get comfy, and hit play. Your gut (and your sanity) will thank you!


    About our guest:

    Zerla Stoller is a Functional Health Practitioner,  licensed Physician Assistant, and mother of two.  From her own struggles with anxiety + unexplained symptoms, she found answers and healing through Functional Medicine, a root cause holistic approach.  Healing her body and mind naturally, has allowed her to create a business to help other women with similar issues while still being fully present with her family.

    As a certified Functional Health Practitioner, she helps ambitious, busy moms break free from stress, overwhelm, and unexplained symptoms so they can create sustainable energy, improved moods, restful sleep, and effortless weight loss to ultimately gain the freedom and confidence they desire through Functional lab testing, nervous system regulation, and a personalized lifestyle plan in her transformative and comprehensive T.H.R.I.V.E. protocol

    Connect with Zerla:

    Business name: Thriving With Zerla

    Website: www.thrivingwithzerla.com


    Your diet is the first to address when managing chronic inflammation.  In this free downloadable Beginner's Anti-inflammatory Guide, you will learn what foods can help to reduce inflammation so you can start living a pain-free life. 

    Download the Beginner's Anti-inflammatory Diet Guide  


    Loving the podcast? Please rate us 5-stars so that others can find us too! And we'd really appreciate you leaving a few words as a review! You may be chosen as the review of the month and featured on an upcoming episode!



    Free Training for Coaches and Online Professionals who want to earn more while working less!

    Spend just an hour with me in this free training session and you'll walk away with the 5 keys to magnetically attract Premium Paying clients - so you can have a 6+ figure business in less than 20 hours a week!

    Register here > The Magnetic Formula: 5 Keys To Premium Paying Clients


  • It can be easy to spot potential problems - but are you focusing on solving the right one for the phase your business is in?

    This is probably the most important question to be asking yourself!

    Because, if you've jumped ahead and are busy trying to solve a problem further up the line, without solving what you need for the phase you're actually in - then you'll struggle to find a solution that works.

    Building your business is a bit like baking a cake - there's a strategic process for how you put the ingredients together, skip a step or try to do it backwards and your cake won't turn out right.

    There are 5 key phases of strategy development that you could be in. Once you've solved the problems for the phase you're in, you can graduate to the next one!

    In this episode you'll learn about the 5 phases so you can begin to identify where you're at, and what you should be focusing on right now so you can graduate to the next level!

    Press play on this episode to learn:

    🌟 Why it's vital to correctly diagnose the problem you should be solving right now

    🌟 What the five phases of strategy development are (which one are you in?)

    🌟 The key problems you need to solve in each phase so you can graduate

    🌟 How to progress faster and avoid the usual growing pain frustrations!



    Loving the podcast? Please rate us 5-stars so that others can find us too! And we'd really appreciate you leaving a few words as a review! You may be chosen as the review of the month and featured on an upcoming episode!



    FREE Tool for Online Coaches & Advisors

    5 Phases Of Strategy Alignment To Have Your Dream Business!

    What phase are you in right now? 

    Get clear on what you need to focus on next so you can move into the next phase!

    DOWNLOAD your copy of the 5 phases guide for more detailed diagnosis:

    >> jessicaosborn.com/5phases


  • Are you tired of feeling worried about money?

    Making money decisions from a place of fear and guilt rather than confidence and strategy so that you're continually frustrated by 'playing small' and can't figure out how to flip the switch?

    You’re not alone! It's not surprising that manifestation has become such a popular topic over the last few years.

    It's like 'If only I could attract more money, I'd be able to stop feeling so worried about it!" right?

    Well, what if it works the other way around?

    You change the way you think about money and the way it shows up in your life changes.

    Most of us have grown up in an environment that created wonky thinking when it comes to money.

    Just take a moment to consider how you feel when you are receiving money, spending money, saving money...

    and you'll probably notice thoughts that pop into your head that your parents used to say such as "money doesn't grow on trees", "easy come, easy go", and maybe even some attitudes towards wealthy people that weren't very positive (perceptions of greed, lacking integrity, flashy show offs...).

    It's no WONDER we're finding it hard to attract money when you're subconsciously pushing it away!

    That's why I invited Kyra Yang to chat with me on She's The Business Podcast. Krya is a certified hypnotherapist and money mindset expert, using a unique blend of neuroscience and hypnotherapy to help entrepreneurs break through their financial glass ceilings.

    Her personal story of overcoming financial challenges during the pandemic and how she rewired her money mindset to develop emotional intelligence around her finances is incredibly inspiring.

    In today's episode Kyra shares with us her insights on:

    - Why many of our limiting beliefs around money are formed in childhood and what we can do about it.

    - What it looks like when you shift from a scarcity mindset to one of abundance.

    - The importance of your emotional intelligence when making financial decisions.

    - How hypnosis can be used to transform your beliefs and behaviours around money.


    Get ready to unpack those deep-seated beliefs and start making empowered financial decisions!

    Press play now and let's dive in!


    About our guest:

    Kyra Yang is a certified hypnotherapist that has been responsible for generating MULTI-MILLIONS in new revenue & higher entrepreneurial fulfilment.

    As the founder of Curate with Kyra, she helps entrepreneurs effortlessly break through their upper limit plateaus and hit 7 & 8 figures through the Mindset Currency™ framework based in neuroscience and without the 3 hour morning routine.

    Connect with Kyra:

    Website: www.generatemindsetcurrency.com

    Twitter: https://twitter.com/iamkyrayang

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/iamkyrayang


    Work with Kyra:

    1:1 Private Hypnotherapy for Entrepreneurs https://winwithkyra.com/unlockyourmind

    Rapid Anxiety Reduction Tool: https://winwithkyra.com/anxietyfree

    Try Hypnosis: https://winwithkyra.com/rewireyourmind

    Subscribe to Mindset Currency™ Newsletter designed for entrepreneurs building a winning mindset. One free training weekly: https://winwithkyra.com/money



    Loving the podcast? Please rate us 5-stars so that others can find us too! And we'd really appreciate you leaving a few words as a review! You may be chosen as the review of the month and featured on an upcoming episode!



    Free Training for Coaches and Online Professionals who want to earn more while working less!

    Spend just an hour with me in this free training session and you'll walk away with the 5 keys to magnetically attract Premium Paying clients - so you can have a 6+ figure business in less than 20 hours a week!

    Register here > The Magnetic Formula: 5 Keys To Premium Paying Clients





  • Pricing: is it the thing you know should be simple yet you spend hours and hours fiddling around with calculators, trying to pitch it just right?

    What is "just right" anyway?

    What if it's too much and they don't buy? What if it's too low???


    The fear is real!

    Even though you know you're probably overthinking it... it's hard to stop the overthinking, right?!

    Yep, I've been there too. Many more times than I'd care to admit!

    After figuring out what was really going on, that's making it so hard just to pick a number,

    I found it a LOT easier.

    When you understand what I'm about to share in this episode you can STOP researching the market until you feel more confused than ever.

    You can stop selecting a price that you know is too low and actually stand by your value.

    Ready to get uncomfortable and discover what's really holding you back?

    Strap yourself in for this self-reflection episode and get ready to see it all in a brand new light!

    Here's a quick preview on some of the questions we'll be answering:

    - Why do some entrepreneurs hesitate to price their services higher?

    - What happens when you break free from underpricing?

    - What are the biggest misconceptions when it comes to raising your prices?

    - How can you structure high-value offers without adding complexity?

    Ready to shatter that self-imposed glass ceiling on your earning potential?

    Tune in and be truthful with yourself!

    Let me know what you discovered!



    Loving the podcast? Please rate us 5-stars so that others can find us too! And we'd really appreciate you leaving a few words as a review! You may be chosen as the review of the month and featured on an upcoming episode!



    Free Training for Coaches and Online Professionals who want to earn more while working less!

    Spend just an hour with me in this free training session and you'll walk away with the 5 keys to magnetically attract Premium Paying clients - so you can have a 6+ figure business in less than 20 hours a week!

    Register here > The Magnetic Formula: 5 Keys To Premium Paying Clients





    Are you feeling like every attempt to connect with potential clients is just disappearing into the void?

    And it seems that others do it so easily, while for you it’s a hard slog, stressful and taxing on your energy?

    Perhaps you identify as an introvert and the usual ways of marketing feel like they’re made for someone else!

    Ever wondered if there’s a better way to draw people into your world, especially those who don’t even know they need you yet?

    In today’s episode we delve into these exact challenges that introverted female entrepreneurs face in an increasingly crowded online marketplace.

    Joining me today is Dana Karen Ciccone, founder of Movement Remedies, a cutting-edge Pilates studio that focuses on individuals struggling with chronic pain—folks who often think movement isn’t an option for them.

    DK’s fascinating journey from a high-stress corporate life to embracing the healing arts and how she leveraged her strengths as an introvert offers incredible insights not only into business but personal transformation as well.


    In this episode, we cover:

    - Why do people overlook the benefits of services they desperately need?

    - What simple strategies can help build authentic, lasting connections in any industry?

    - The importance of embracing your femininity in business and inviting engagement organically.

    - How embracing risks and unexpected paths can propel your business forward!


    Tune in as Dana shares her expert tips on reaching those hard-to-convince potential clients and why embracing your unique traits, even as an introvert, can create deep, meaningful business relationships.

    Whether you’re just starting or looking to redefine your approach, this chat is packed with actionable advice tailored for the thoughtful entrepreneur.

    Don’t miss it!


    About our guest:

    Dana Karen (“DK”) Ciccone is a certified Pilates instructor who helps people in pain improve strength, mobility, and well-being in a weight-neutral environment.

    She’s also trained in pain reprocessing therapy through the Pain Psychology Center.

    Having begun her own journey with chronic back pain as a young teen, she has been exploring ways to help herself and others regain joy of movement for decades.

    After twenty years in the health sector, DK left a corporate career to follow her passion, later launching Movement Remedies, a chronic pain–focused Pilates studio in Boston, Massachusetts.

    Her first book, You’re Meant to Move: A Guide to Conquering Chronic Pain, Increasing Stress Resilience, and Reclaiming an Active Life, was released December 2023.

    Connect with DK:

    Business name: Movement Remedies

    Website: https://movementremedies.org

    Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/movement_remedies/

    LinkedIn: https://www.linkedin.com/in/dana-karen-ciccone/

    Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/movement.remedies.llc

    FREE Discovery Call with DK for team leaders looking for wellness initiatives that address mental and physical well-being, especially chronic pain, which is shockingly common: https://calendly.com/movementremedies/discovery-call

    Get DK's book, You're Meant To Move: youremeanttomove.com


    Loving the podcast? Please rate us 5-stars so that others can find us too! And we'd really appreciate you leaving a few words as a review! You may be chosen as the review of the month and featured on an upcoming episode!



    Free Training for Coaches and Online Professionals who want to earn more while working less!

    Spend just an hour with me in this free training session and you'll walk away with the 5 keys to magnetically attract Premium Paying clients - so you can have a 6+ figure business in less than 20 hours a week!

    Register here > The Magnetic Formula: 5 Keys To Premium Paying Clients


  • Are you tired of pouring your energy into marketing tactics that just don’t seem to create the results you're expecting?

    You're not the only one! If I could pinpoint the number one frustration every business owner experiences - this would be it!

    Large, small, online, bricks and mortar - the challenge of selecting the right marketing activities is getting harder every year as there's more options available and people are becoming more sophisticated buyers.

    Nobody wants to waste time and effort on low-performing activities - right?

    That's why, in a world bursting with marketing must-dos, you're best to avoid hopping from one to the next in the search for the magic pill, and instead understand how to pick ones that are the right fit for your particular business.

    HOW do you choose?

    Which ones are best?

    Well, that's what we're covering in today's episode!

    You're getting the inside scoop on the top 3 criteria that I teach inside Business JAM for your ultimate marketing system - helping you identify which marketing activities are worth your time, and which ones you can confidently leave behind.

    Here's a quick overview of the key points we're exploring in this episode:

    - Why do some marketing tactics succeed while others flop? (Clue: it's not about doing them perfectly!)

    - What role does each marketing activity play in your overall marketing system? Discover the crucial parts of the most important system to have in your business.

    - The importance of leveraging your marketing activities for more efficiency in your business - aka maximizing the output from your marketing input.

    - How can you ensure your marketing strategies yield actual paying customers? Learn how to assess the return on your marketing investments.

    Ready to simplify and streamline your marketing? Tune in now!



    Loving the podcast? Please rate us 5-stars so that others can find us too! And we'd really appreciate you leaving a few words as a review! You may be chosen as the review of the month and featured on an upcoming episode!



    Special Offer for She's The Business Podcast Listeners!

    Did you catch Episode 187 with Dr. Alex Golden? She's a master NLP trainer and transformation coach, and she shared details of their upcoming in-person retreats where you'll experience an accelerated transformation through their unique functional NLP approach!

    Listen to the episode for details on claiming your free ticket to either the August or January event!
    More details: 2 Day In-Person Habit Transformation Retreat 


    Free Training for Coaches and Online Professionals who want to earn more while working less!

    Spend just an hour with me in this free training session and you'll walk away with the 5 keys to magnetically attract Premium Paying clients - so you can have a 6+ figure business in less than 20 hours a week!

    Register here > The Magnetic Formula: 5 Keys To Premium Paying Clients


  • Feeling the burden of non-stop hustle?

    We've all been there—caught in the to-dos, trying to keep the burnout at bay while chasing success the way we've been told you have to - working longer and harder than anyone else.

    Well, what if you DON'T have to do it that way?

    For every story of hard work and grind ... there's another story of reaching success by working LESS!

    Why do we seem to tune into the ones that tell you success is the result of sleeping very little and spending all your time chasing goals?

    Even if you take a moment to think about this - it makes no sense at all! You already know you're much more productive when you're energised and highly focused.

    That means your brains need sleep, rest and space. Short bursts of work where you can focus on the important things.

    So... it's time to talk boundaries, joy, and finding your stride in the rush of work-life challenges.

    In this can't-miss episode for any busy professional, I've invited Julie Zaruba Fountaine to teach us about leading with purpose to create a better balance between work and life.

    Julie, the brain behind Empower Possible, brings her impressive blend of MBA smarts, leadership prowess, and holistic insights to help us tackle those tough challenges in your pursuit of success.

    Her story is a powerful testament to the magic that happens when you align your career with your core values.

    By pressing play on this episode you'll discover:

    - Why we often find ourselves struggling to utter the simple word "no," and how it impacts our path to joyful success

    - What signs scream "it's time to move on" from your job and craft the role that truly aligns with you?

    - The absolute value of self-awareness in writing your own story of personal and professional triumph.

    - How can setting boundaries revolutionize the way you work, live, and maintain a sense of self?

    Grab your favorite notebook (and perhaps a comforting cup of coffee!), because you're about to be filled with insights and strategies that are all about putting you back in the driver's seat of your future.

    Tune in, level up, and let's get to the heart of what makes you tick in this episode.


    About our guest:

    Julie Zaruba Fountaine, MBA, MS is a Well-being Specialist and Change Management expert with a passion for empowering individuals to overcome challenges and take decisive action.

    With over a decade of experience, Julie has guided organizations and individuals in transitioning from overwhelming stress to productive engagement.

    She holds advanced degrees in Change and Leadership, as well as Health, Nutrition, and Exercise Science. Through her work as a consultant, public speaker, and facilitator, Julie aspires to create a thriving world for all

    Connect with Julie:

    Website: www.empowerpossible.com

    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/julie-zaruba-fountaine

    Facebook: www.facebook.com/people/Empower-Possible-LLC

    Instagram: www.instagram.com/empowerpossible/


    Julie's course: Career Crossroads


    Through this online course you will learn how to leverage your past employment experiences as a foundation for growth, uncover and celebrate your unique gifts and talents, allow yourself the necessary time and space to grieve and let go, and ultimately, chart a new and exciting future for yourself.



    Loving the podcast? Please rate us 5-stars so that others can find us too! And we'd really appreciate you leaving a few words as a review! You may be chosen as the review of the month and featured on an upcoming episode!



    Special Offer for She's The Business Podcast Listeners!

    Did you catch Episode 187 with Dr. Alex Golden? She's a master NLP trainer and transformation coach, and she shared details of their upcoming in-person retreats where you'll experience an accelerated transformation through their unique functional NLP approach!

    Listen to the episode for details on claiming your free ticket to either the August or January event!
    More details: 2 Day In-Person Habit Transformation Retreat 


    Free Training for Coaches and Online Professionals who want to earn more while working less!

    Spend just an hour with me in this free training session and you'll walk away with the 5 keys to magnetically attract Premium Paying clients - so you can have a 6+ figure business in less than 20 hours a week!

    Register here > The Magnetic Formula: 5 Keys To Premium Paying Clients


  • Ever caught yourself wondering why, after all your hard work, your coaching offerings aren't giving you the blissful entrepreneur lifestyle you imagined?

    The truth is, creating an offer that sells might get you started, but it's the home run offer that has you rounding the bases to real success.

    In this episode I'm discussing the anatomy of a home run offer that's a Win for you and a Win for your client too!

    Get ready to discover the 3 essential elements to offerings that not only sell but also lead to sustained prosperity and fulfillment in your coaching business, all while maintaining the balance within the precious hours of your day!

    Here's a snapshot of what you'll know by the end of the episode:

    - Why it's more important to start with your expertise rather than looking for holes in the market

    - What the difference is between an outcome your clients already desire and something you know they need (and how this impacts your sales success)

    - The vital role of aligning your offer with your personal income and lifestyle goals.

    - How to structure your offers to ensure they are both profitable for you and beneficial for your clients.


    Get your headphones ready, grab that notepad, and prepare to elevate your business offerings to match the incredible entrepreneur you are destined to be.

    Tune in now and let me guide you toward crafting that powerful home run offer! 🌟



    Loving the podcast? Please rate us 5-stars so that others can find us too! And we'd really appreciate you leaving a few words as a review! You may be chosen as the review of the month and featured on an upcoming episode!



    Special Offer for She's The Business Podcast Listeners!

    Did you catch Episode 187 with Dr. Alex Golden? She's a master NLP trainer and transformation coach, and she shared details of their upcoming in-person retreats where you'll experience an accelerated transformation through their unique functional NLP approach!

    Listen to the episode for details on claiming your free ticket to either the August or January event!
    More details: 2 Day In-Person Habit Transformation Retreat 


    Free Training for Coaches and Online Professionals who want to earn more while working less!

    Spend just an hour with me in this free training session and you'll walk away with the 5 keys to magnetically attract Premium Paying clients - so you can have a 6+ figure business in less than 20 hours a week!

    Register here > The Magnetic Formula: 5 Keys To Premium Paying Clients

  • Are you ready to change the game for yourself and the world around you?

    Ever wonder how you can make more impact and lead others to experience more success, pleasure, and fulfilment in life?

    What if the answers are already within you, waiting to be unearthed?

    In this exciting chat you’ll hear the story of Dr. Alex Golden, co-founder of Zesty, who trained as a medical doctor before discovering the impact of subconscious programming - recovering from severe conditions that medicine couldn’t solve.

    She went on to develop Functional NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) with co-founder and NLP master Megan Blacksmith, and now they train coaches and leaders in this transformative process.

    Alex shares what it truly means to create a life that is congruent with your values and fuels the change you crave, by rewiring subconscious patterns in both mind and body.

    In today’s episode, we cover:

    - Why the world might be waiting on your cues to evolve and embrace the new wonders you offer.

    - What it means to step into leadership with better mental resources and emotional intelligence.

    - The undeniable impact of role modeling on future generations and paving a path lined with self-compassion.

    - How Zesty’s functional NLP (neuro-linguistic programming) can revolutionize your approach to coaching and leading.

    Ready to be inspired?

    You’re about to enter a domain where your emotions, spirit, and intellect join forces in creating a life and business that's nothing short of extraordinary!

    It's not just about reaching new heights, it's about enjoying every step of the ascent!


    About our guest:

    Dr. Alex Golden is an MD and speaker. She is the co-founder of Zesty and the Becoming Zesty podcast. She trains coaches, practitioners and leaders with the tools for faster (inner) transformation without fighting themselves along the way through Functional NLP, a combination of the principles of NLP, functional medicine and compassionate coaching.


    Connect with Dr. Alex and Megan at Zesty

    Website: www.becomingzesty.com

    Instagram:  @becomingzesty

    Podcast - Becoming Zesty


    Work with Alex:


    2 Day In-Person Transformation Experience & Workshop




    7 Day Functional NLP Accreditation Program




    Loving the podcast? Please rate us 5-stars so that others can find us too! And we'd really appreciate you leaving a few words as a review! You may be chosen as the review of the month and featured on an upcoming episode!



    Free Training for Coaches and Online Professionals who want to earn more while working less!

    Spend just an hour with me in this free training session and you'll walk away with the 5 keys to magnetically attract Premium Paying clients - so you can have a 6+ figure business in less than 20 hours a week!

    Register here > The Magnetic Formula: 5 Keys To Premium Paying Clients

  • The most common reason for starting a business...

    is (not surprisingly) ...

    to have more freedom.

    Freedom comes in many forms, and relates to CHOICE.

    We want freedom to choose where we live, when we work, how we work and how often!

    We want financial freedom that brings us more choices in how we want to live our life too!

    So the question is can you really dial up your income without getting tangled in a round-the-clock grind?

    Yes, it's entirely possible to reach your income goals without having your phone glued to your hand 24/7 - and that's what we're going to talk about today!

    Most people design their business based on selling services or products, WITHOUT any consideration of HOW their business is going to be like on a day to day basis - which leads them to having a business that's not congruent with their idea of the entrepreneurship lifestyle they set out to create!

    Let's change that!

    When you listen to this episode, you'll learn:

    - Why it's important to start with the lifestyle vision and engineer your business to deliver it NOW, not later - even if you're in your first year.

    - What strategies can shift your business from constant hustle to high-revenue with room to breathe

    - The truth behind 'passive income' businesses—spoiler alert, they're not always as hands-off as they seem.

    - How can you make your business work for your dream lifestyle?

    Grab your earphones and press play - let's discover FREEDOM and FLEXIBILITY at any stage of your business journey!

    Ready? Let’s dive in.



    Loving the podcast? Please rate us 5-stars so that others can find us too! And we'd really appreciate you leaving a few words as a review! You may be chosen as the review of the month and featured on an upcoming episode!



    Free Training for Coaches and Online Professionals who want to earn more while working less!

    Spend just an hour with me in this free training session and you'll walk away with the 5 keys to magnetically attract Premium Paying clients - so you can have a 6+ figure business in less than 20 hours a week!

    Register here > The Magnetic Formula: 5 Keys To Premium Clients On Tap

  • How savvy are you really when it comes to the art of online business?

    Are you really maximising the wealth-building potential you have right now at your fingertips?

    When it comes to entrepreneurship, there's no one-size-fits-all approach.

    Some of us are pioneers, charting new territories with a vision that lights their way.

    Others prefer to keep their heads down, create masterful work, and let their craft speak for itself.

    In each camp there's some who thrive with apparent ease and some who scrape by on their survival threads day to day, week to week.

    So - what's the difference?

    If you're itching to discover what sets a growth-generating business leader apart from the rest, then you're in for a real treat!

    In today's episode, we're uncovering the way successful entrepreneurs think about cashflow and the key actions they take because of it to create wealth.

    I'm thrilled to introduce you to the fabulous Regan Bashara of All Ease Accounting who's a financial whiz with a knack for simplifying the complex world of numbers and helping entrepreneurs make smart money decisions that see their incoming grow.

    You're going to hear her talk about:

    - Why some business owners soar while others plateau

    - What investments align with your business values and mission and why they matter

    - The power of community in fueling business growth and expanding your reach.

    - How leveraging technology and delegation can boost your productivity more cost effectively

    So, if you're ready to amp up your financial game, and see that bottom line appreciate your efforts - then you're not going to want to miss this episode!


    Grab your favourite drink, notepad and pen ....and press play!


    About our Guest:

    Numbers Witch and Bookkeeper Regan Bashara is conjuring empowerment for passionate, open-hearted entrepreneurs in the United States.

    Regan helps you track and organize your numbers to quickly build wealth while aligning with your principles and ethics. Wealth allows you to take back your financial agency and start living out your big dreams.

    Regan has a degree in Math & Physics from Louisiana State University in Shreveport and almost a decade of experience in public accounting and tax preparation.

    She is a QuickBooks Online Advanced ProAdvisor and is also certified in their Payroll products.

    She founded her bookkeeping and payroll services firm in May of 2022 after several big life events sparked a desire for more independence and empowerment over her career goals.

    Connect with Regan:
    Business name: All Ease Accounting LLC
    Website: www.alleaseaccounting.com
    Instagram: @alleaseaccounting
    Facebook: facebook.com/accountingwithease
    Tiktok: @rayrayhammer



    Loving the podcast? Please rate us 5-stars so that others can find us too! And we'd really appreciate you leaving a few words as a review! You may be chosen as the review of the month and featured on an upcoming episode!



    Free Training for Coaches and Online Professionals who want to earn more while working less!

    Spend just an hour with me in this free training session and you'll walk away with the 5 keys to magnetically attract Premium Paying clients - so you can have a 6+ figure business in less than 20 hours a week!

    Register here > The Magnetic Formula: 5 Keys To Premium Clients On Tap





  • Do you ever feel like you're in a constant battle to compete against others in your niche?

    What if you didn't have to pit yourself against them at all? What if you could both thrive in your own space without feeling the need to explain the differences between you to prospects? Wouldn't that feel a lot more fun and less like a struggle?

    Before you ask, no, I'm not a rose-tinted glasses gal who's high on life and seeing only the fluffy blue sky version of business.

    No, I'm not naive.

    I've been in online business for 14 years already and prior to that I had 12 years in corporate and small business marketing.

    In this thought-provoking episode, I'm sharing why I believe that analyzing competitors could be stunting your business growth!

    And that when you switch off the 'scarcity channel' blaring away with all the false news about how you have to take out your competitors and base your sales messaging on pointing out your strengths vs their weaknesses ...

    You might find instead the channel of 'abundance' where daily you get reminded about how much opportunity there is out there and far more than you could ever handle, even if you took just a nibble of the feast in front of you.

    In today's episode you'll discover:

    - Why analyzing and competing with your peers may be limiting your success

    - What impact personal brands and micro-businesses are having on the competitive nature of the market

    - The shift from a scarcity mindset to abundance thinking and why you need to do this to survive

    - How to reclaim your personal power and build a thriving business by leveraging your uniqueness.

    Tune in to uncover the secrets of standing out in your niche and attracting the right clients - without having to compete with others.



    Loving the podcast? Please rate us 5-stars so that others can find us too! And we'd really appreciate you leaving a few words as a review! You may be chosen as the review of the month and featured on an upcoming episode!



    Free Training for Coaches and Online Professionals who want to earn more while working less!

    Spend just an hour with me in this free training session and you'll walk away with the 5 keys to magnetically attract Premium Paying clients - so you can have a 6+ figure business in less than 20 hours a week!

    Register here > The Magnetic Formula: 5 Keys To Premium Clients On Tap





  • Have you ever tried to find the invisible barriers that seem to be holding your business back?

    Maybe you got some business advice, tried different marketing tactics - but nothing seemed to make a difference?

    If that sounds familiar, have you ever turned your focus inwards and explored what's going on in your subconscious mind?

    We all have them, and according to many studies, they're responsible for 95% of your daily decision-making ... so what your subconscious thinks is critically important!

    In today's episode I'm joined by the fabulous Amanda Cole, a gifted hypnotherapist who loves helping female founders shed the invisible shackles inside their mind to be truly unstoppable!


    Ready to discover what's lurking in your subconscious? Let's explore:

    - Why do subconscious beliefs have such a tight grip on our business decisions and growth?

    - What breakthroughs can occur when we commit to inner clarity and hypnotherapy practices?

    - The truth about hypnosis: the gentle process of deep relaxation and heightened awareness, not stage show 'hocus-pocus'.

    - How undoing the knots of subconscious resistance can lead to a surge in business success and personal fulfillment.

    Tune in today's episode for an enlightening conversation that might just change the way you drive your business forward.

    Because when you get to the root of it all, that's when real growth begins.


    About our guest:

    Amanda Cole is a beacon of support for tenacious female founders and CEOs.
    With her deep-seated belief that if every woman had just 1% more self-belief, the world would be bursting with transformative possibilities. Amanda's mission is to empower women to unlock that inner certainty and create unstoppable momentum in both their personal and professional lives.

    As an Accredited Hypnotherapist and fervent advocate for women's mental health and empowerment, she's helped numerous clients rediscover their authentic selves and reclaim self-assurance. Having honed her great passion for success through hypnosis, Amanda has not only embraced this transformative journey herself over the last 6 years but also works tirelessly to facilitate these life-changing shifts in others.

    Originally from Sussex, UK, where she revels in nature walks and photography, Amanda balances her international online practice with her cherished role as a mother to two young ones.

    Get ready to dive deep into the power of reframing subconscious beliefs and unlocking the doors to success with Amanda Cole.


    Connect with Amanda:
    Website: www.amandacolehypnotherapy.com
    Instagram: www.instagram.com/amandacolehypnotherapy
    LinkedIn: www.linkedin.com/in/amandacolehypnotherapy



    Work 1:1 with Amanda
    Ignite your inner confidence and certainty and build self-worth, assurance and belief in yourself to begin taking confident aligned action; ready to activate the next level version of you! Book your FREE, no obligation chat with Amanda to learn more about her program: www.amandacolehypnotherapy.com



    Loving the podcast? Please rate us 5-stars so that others can find us too! And we'd really appreciate you leaving a few words as a review! You may be chosen as the review of the month and featured on an upcoming episode!



    Free Training for Coaches and Online Professionals who want to earn more while working less!

    Spend just an hour with me in this free training session and you'll walk away with the 5 keys to magnetically attract Premium Paying clients - so you can have a 6+ figure business in less than 20 hours a week!

    Register here > The Magnetic Formula: 5 Keys To Premium Clients On Tap





  • Ever wondered how successful entrepreneurs effortlessly draw you in, making you feel like you're part of their journey?

    Their secret sauce is storytelling, and it's not just about any story – it’s about the right kind of stories that sell a vision long before the sales conversation happens.

    In today’s episode, we're exploring the art of storytelling in marketing, precisely the three types of stories you need to engage your audience and turn prospects into loyal clients!

    The right stories, told in the right way, can be the difference between chalk and cheese in your marketing - and who doesn't want a nice tasty bit of cheese instead of a mouth full of chalk?


    Join me for this intimate chat and by the end you'll know:

    - Why your business needs a personal brand story and what it actually is!

    - What an "aha moment" story does for selling your programs.

    - The power of explainer stories to deepen your message and anchor your brand.

    - How incorporating personal experiences crystallizes your unique value and connects emotionally with clients.

    Today, I'm ready to share inspiring insights, practical tips, and my personal anecdotes that will give you the know-how to infuse authenticity into your brand.

    So, find your comfortable spot, plug in, and let’s get your storytelling juices flowing - ready to captivate and convert!



    Loving the podcast? Please rate us 5-stars so that others can find us too! And we'd really appreciate you leaving a few words as a review! You may be chosen as the review of the month and featured on an upcoming episode!



    Free Training for Coaches and Online Professionals who want to earn more while working less!

    Love the idea of a consistent stream of high-paying clients? Without wasting your day hunting for leads or creating endless content for social media…? Yes please!!

    Spend just an hour with me in this free training session and you'll walk away with the 5 keys to magnetically attract Premium Paying clients - so you can have a 6+ figure business in less than 20 hours a week!

    Register here > The Magnetic Formula: 5 Keys To Premium Clients On Tap


  • Ever felt like social media was a party you're forced to attend?

    Constantly updating, scrolling, and engaging – it's exhausting, isn't it?

    What if I told you there's a way to share your voice and grow your business without the hectic pace of keeping the algorithm happy?

    Enter the world of podcasting – your platform to speak directly to your audience without the need for a fancy outfit or a steady stream of posts.

    In this latest episode of She's The Business Podcast, we dive into a conversation that might just change the way you think about reaching your audience.

    So, grab your favorite cuppa and listen in as we chat with the incredible Rosemarie Callender, who's all about turning the volume up for female-led brands.

    Rosemarie is not just a podcast launch coach; she's a fairy godmother for your business's voice.

    With her expert insight, prepare to challenge the norm of social media and discover why podcasting could become your new favorite strategy.

    Here's a sneak peek of the juicy nuggets we'll drop into your ear buds:

    - Why is your podcast an ideal way to connect on deeper levels with your audience?

    - What makes podcasting a unique tool for creating freedom and flexibility with your content creation?

    - The undeniable strength of podcasting for building authority and creating evergreen content.

    - How can you tailor podcast frequency and seasonality to fit your life and your listeners' needs?


    Get ready to have some aha-moments and maybe, just maybe, take the leap to start your very own podcast.

    Don't miss out – tune in now and let's hit play on new possibilities!

    About our guest:

    Rosemarie is a podcast coach and a launch strategist supporting women coaches and service providers to launch profitable podcasts that work for them and their business, especially when they aren’t working.

    With her proven strategy, clients move from procrastination to finally launching their podcasts, consistently nurturing their audience and attracting their dream clients and paid visibility opportunities in 30 days.

    No more social media stress – with Rosemarie's proven strategy, you'll spend less time hustling online and more time doing what you love.

    Connect with Rosemarie:

    Podcast: The Podcast to Amplify Show

    Website: www.toobusytopodcast.co.uk



    Podcast Launch VIP Day! Rosemarie's strategic done-with-you (and done for you) no-fluff experience from start to finish where you'll walk away with your podcast launched and in the ears of the women who need to hear your message and most importantly, a show that supports your big vision and even BIGGER goals!



    FREE: BIZ BEYOND THE GRAM Bundle - available THIS week ONLY!

    A selection of premium resources from marketing experts to help you thrive in business without relying on Instagram! GET your ultimate BUNDLE here before it's gone: BIZ BEYOND THE GRAM Bundle 





    Loving the podcast? Please rate us 5-stars so that others can find us too! And we'd really appreciate you leaving a few words as a review! You may be chosen as the review of the month and featured on an upcoming episode!



    NEW! Free Training for coaches and online professionals

    Love the idea of a consistent stream of clients? Without wasting your day on social media…?

    Yes please!!

    Spend just an hour with me in this free training session and get the 5 keys to magnetically attract the BEST clients - so you don't have to go hunting for them!

    Register here > The Magnetic Formula: 5 Keys To Clients On Tap






  • Would you like to boost your business's income without increasing the hours you put in?

    Most of the time people build business models that attach time to money - unknowingly placing an income and capacity ceiling on themselves.

    Sometimes it can be as simple as a tweak to shift this time-money attachment, other times it can be about re-imagining the way you’re delivering your service!

    In this episode, I am discussing the power of adding high ticket offers to your business model - the pros and cons, and also whether it is RIGHT for you!

    When you listen in, you'll gain new insights about easier ways to maximise revenue without burning yourself to the ground with intensive work.... plus

    - Why adding more services doesn't always lead to more success

    - The difference between a service and an offer (and why you need to understand this!)

    - The simple yet effective ways to upscale your existing offerings

    - How to grow your income without compromising on your time!



    Loving the podcast? Please rate us 5-stars so that others can find us too! And we'd really appreciate you leaving a few words as a review! You may be chosen as the review of the month and featured on an upcoming episode!



    NEW! Free Training for coaches and online professionals

    Love the idea of a consistent stream of clients? Without wasting your day on social media…?

    Yes please!!

    Spend just an hour with me in this free training session and get the 5 keys to magnetically attract the BEST clients - so you don't have to go hunting for them!

    Register here > The Magnetic Formula: 5 Keys To Clients On Tap