Butt plug use is on the rise - and new studies have found out why. Today we talk about what happens when you use a butt plug, why they are so popular and what the risks might be. WE HAD NO IDEA THEY WERE SO POPULAR!
STUDYTIME: How do butt plugs work?
update on the COVID vaccinehow intergenerational trauma is passed on geneticallyHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Increasing dietary fiber is one of the biggest health trends of right now, but is there any scientific proof as to why we should be consuming more fiber? There are even fiber supplements or brands like Pure For Men which pitch selling fiber capsules as ways to improve your health, but how do they work. Today we talk about what foods contain the most fiber, soluble and insoluble fiber and how you can use science to become more healthy.
STUDYTIME: Is fiber the best nutrient of all time?
when did houses start having cornerswhy oil and water not mixed creates lifeHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Estão a faltar episódios?
Tomato and peanut butter sandwich, top vers bottom, call in's about cock rings and why are you vomitting? This is our fourth call in episode. We are back to the science next week, but for now PIPING HOT TEA!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Are we becoming parents? What did we think of the Superbowl half time show? What type of school system is our favourite? TODAY IS A CALL IN EPISODE!
To call in an ask us a question go to asapscience.com/chat
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Cock rings, tension rings or constriction rings are a "sex toy" that is on the rise in men. More cock rings than ever are being used right now with over 50% of gay and bisexual men currently using them. So why have they become popular, how do they work and are there any issues with sliding a cock ring over your penis and testicles?
STUDYTIME: Why are cock rings so popular?
why it is good to ITCHthe largest cannabis study ever completedHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
50 percent of people by the age of 50 will get a hemorrhoid. Millions of people have them around the world - and therefore new treatments are necessary to deal with this annoying disease. Today we talk about what hemorrhoids are, the history of them, what symptoms there are and how new treatments could help you deal with them. Also Greg will let you in on all the juicy details of his hemorrhoid named "Jenny"
STUDYTIME: What are hemorrhoids and how do you get rid of them?
how long does it take to make a habitThe art of Felix Gonzalez-TorresHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The news is horrible right now - or is it? Today we explain why one of us is giving up, and the other is trying to reach into psychology and science to cope - but in the end is there a solution? Trump's inauguration, tariff's, racism, inequality, gun rights, statues, labour issues, war, genocide - are things actually getting worse or is it all in your head?
STUDYTIME: Why do things feel so bad right now?
AI predicting weatheris peeing contagious?Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
The bird flu is so close to reaching global pandemic status, that scientists are extremely concerned. The more you understand how this influenza A virus works, the easier it will be to stay safe, calm and prepare for what could happen. The virus has spread from birds to mammals to humans, in fact it has even killed one person in the US now and one person in Canada is very sick. Today we are explaining everything you need to know about H5N1 bird flu.
STUDYTIME: Is Bird Flu the next pandemic?
Mirror life - we must stop studying thisthe morality of humansHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Zinc supplements have been growing in popularity as nutritionist and people online claim it can decrease your chance or getting sick, increase your immune function and even make colds last less long. Is this true? Today we break down the real science of zinc supplements and let you know the best way to stay healthy this winter seaon
STUDYTIME: Do zinc supplements prevent sickness?
What Did We Learn This Week?
gene edited tomatoes of the future will be more sweetthe plastic in your home is killing you!Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Wicked, Survivor, The Substance, Taylor Swift - we break down all of our opinions on the years hottest topics to end out 2024 with a controversial bang!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Bike lanes are a huge controversial issue here in Toronto. Doug Ford is wanting to rip out the bike lanes in Toronto saying it causes traffic, others say the bike lanes decrease traffic and this is just a way for him to distract people from his policy issues around the SPA and new highway.
Bike lanes have been studied by urban planners, and there are statistics around designated bike lanes, safety and traffic - so today we will explain the hard facts about a very emotional issue.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Creatine is one of the most studied supplements. It now has new research saying it could help with cognitive decline, aging and even injury recovery. Today we break down all the up to date creatine science to understand if everyone should be taking it!
Studytime: Is Creatine the new wonder drug?
what does binge drinking do to your brain long termwhy right wing podcasts and YouTubers are nefariousHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
AI is everywhere, but how much water is it consuming? IT IS WORTH IT:?! How much energy is it consuming? THEY'RE TURNING BACK ON THREE MILE ISLAND?! IS THAT A GOOD THING? Today we have an AI freak out. We are going to explain the new research and stats around how much AI data centres are consuming - and whether we think AI is a good idea.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
SOOO, lol, the election happened and we have been spiraling in our own ways. We are going to essentially just have a casual conversation about everything we have learned. It is an intense time - so I am curious if this will be informative or cathartic for you all.
But yep - here we go, and LET US KNOW WHAT YOU THINK!
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
There is a new technology called TMS or Transcranial Magnetic Stimulation. There is another one with the acronym SAINT which is also used to magnetically change your brain and treat things such as depression. It sounds a bit like sci-fi but it is real, and being used right now. They science is awesome so today we explain what is going on and how this could be the future of depression therapy.
STUDYTIME: How magnets are curing depression
why white sand beaches are made of poophow ADHD on tiktok is taking over (in a bad way)Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Couples therapy is all the rage, so much so that comedians Naomi Ekperigin and Andy Beckerman have a whole podcast about it. Today we are interviewing them about when they started couples therapy, we all dish on our personal relationships with therapy and with each other and we even mix in some research about MDMA and therapy.
Hosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Autumn is HITTING! So today we are talking about how seasons affect the human body. Why do we get depressed in winter? Why do leaves change colour? Why do people have more sex in the summer? How is the climate crisis affecting seasons? Today we are explaining the science of seasons - and letting you know what the changing weather can do to your life.
STUDYTIME: how do seasons affect humans?
the science of conversion therapyrat experiments that explain human lifeHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
We are in the era of "longevity science". Are there medications that can extend your life and stop you from aging? Rapamycin, canagliflozin, dapagliflozin, empagliflozin, dasatinib, quercentin, ozempic, wegovy or flavanols. These are all medications that are being studied in rats, mice, worms, and some primates and it extends life in all of them. It decreases disease - and humans are starting to take them - is this the insane ways that we will live to 150? Some scientists think this is happening right now
STUDYTIME: the new drugs that will make you live to 150
a new nasal spray to stop you from getting the flu or coldschickadee hybrids are blowing my mindHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
Are you lonely? This is a question that researchers have been tackling in the last 10 years. Known as the loneliness epidemic, it seems like scientists, and researchers are seeing that loneliness is on the rise, and it is having negative impacts on our body. Is it because of our phones? Is it because of our isolated living spaces? Is it because we work from home? There is a lot going on here to today we bring the up to date research on why so many of us are lonely now - and how to overcome it.
STUDYTIME: The Loneliness Epidemic: how bad is it?
how animals use fashionthe strange reason you are so boredHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
CONTROVERSIAL SUBJECTS AND THE FACTS CAN BE TENSE - WE ARE ASAPSCIENCE HERE TO MAKE THINGS MAKE SENSE. Inbreeding is weirdly an important concept to understand in biology, so today we break down the history of incest and what happens when species inbreed. It is a fascinating question, with a lot of complicated genetics, moral and bioethical implications. ENJOY!!!!
STUDYTIME: What happens when species inbreed, and why does it happen?
the loneliness epidemic is real - but what do we do about it?The world made end in 2056 - due to the Atlantic meridional overturning circulationHosted on Acast. See acast.com/privacy for more information.
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