The time has come to celebrate and acknowledge the remixers' work in the C64 and Amiga community by presenting the yearly ROTY Awards, as voted by the users at www.remix64.com.So, join us as we go through some highlights of 2024 and announce the runner-ups and winners of each category!* 18:00 (CET, Europe)* 11:00am (CST, US Central)* 04:00am (Feb 23) (AEDT, Sydney)
Hi Everyone,Time flies and it feels like we are heading towards the ROTY show at light speed - getting more and more excited (and nervous). We could really use a laid back evening, just chilling with you guys, your chats and requests.Join us and LAY tuned!
Estão a faltar episódios?
Hi Peeps,Time for a new edition of First to Last, in which you request a remixer, and we will play the very first and very last remix release by them!Join the game and SLAY tuned!
Hi Everyone,After last week, our studio looks so much more organized, so we "shelf" get back to what we usually do - but in a better environment this time!Join us! Don't forget your requests and SLAY tuned!
Hi Peeps,We are back with no restrictions this time to play your requests again. Hope you put in your ROTY votes and are eagerly awaiting the show that happens in about a month! Until then, let's roll with some usual favourites, shall we?Join us and SLAY tuned!
Hi Peepz,The time is approaching and the end is near, namely the end of the Remixer of the Year Awards voting for the year 2024! Join us and request your absolute favourites of last year to help your favourite remixers gaining some attention. In this show, we only play tracks from remix64.com from the last year. Voting ends on Sunday, January 19!Keep your 2024 requests coming and SLAY tuned!
Hi Everyone,After this fantastic long holiday and the sleepy start of the year, let's kick off 2025 for real, shall we? Also, it is likely we will have the last Remix News edition (covering December, 2024) made by Lea and Mordi - you don't want to miss that either! Thank you so much for all your dedicated hard work guys, you are pure gold!Join us and SLAY tuned, as per usual!
Hi Everyone,Are you ready for 2025? We decided we are, so here comes the first show of the year! Wanna share your new years resolutions (that are not 1080p)? Go ahead, we certainly will talk about ours! And let's not forget your requests.Happy New Year and SLAY tuned!
Hi Everyone,Who would have thought - we have arrived at our potentially last show of 2024! And we need to celebrate Christmas, this year, and the year ahead of us as well! Let's try to squeeze all these things in amongst your requests. Sit back, relax and SLAY tuned!Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!
Hi Everyone,We are back, and after the warmup hour of the show, we won't even be on our own - Mibri will join us as a guest! Sit back, relax, join the discussions and ask him any questions as well! And of course, SLAY tuned!
Hi Everyone,The second release of Encore64 is just about to take off, and we celebrate this with the team! Come join us and ask all the questions you ever wanted from Peter Clarke, Barry Leitch, Jogeir Liljedahl, Turbo Knight, Glyn R Brown, Bass Cadet, Teo & the rest of the gang! Requests can be incorporated, but we will also give you nice sneak-peeks into the new album!Come meet the gang on Discord (https://slay.radio/discord), and ask them anything you want in the #encore64v2-questions channel!Join us and SLAY tuned!
Here is the description that does not, nor ever has, mattered because nobody reads these! Historically, they are good to have around, but there is nothing in these that actually explains the show anyway, so literally nobody cares.So here is another show that nobody cares what the title, nor the blurb is about, but just want two knobs on air to talk bollocks. Oi, Boz, you got it right the first time around back in two thousand and five-or-summat, eh!? =)Now, if you do actually read these, please go ahead and throw a comment on the youtube.com/slayradio video of this very episode where you say "But... But... I do know how to read!"KTHX!
Hi Peeps,Entering the 11th month of the year it seems a bit chaotic, so we need a place to calm down and hang out a bit, where the admiration of music takes over everything else. Whether you choose Movember or stay dry this month, this will be something for you! Join us and SLAY Tuned!
Hi Everyone,Halloween is very punctual this year, happening exactly on the day of our show! We approve its politeness and are eagerly awaiting your spookiest requests - remember, last week was only the warmup!Join us and SLAY tuned!
It ain't the Halloween thing yet, but hold on to your pouches, because we will still play your tracks, but we are not in the season to be pumped just yet!Next week, we will pump... pump... pumpkin things up a bit!
Hi Peeps,The process of cooling down has really started here. You know this when it feels like you wake up in a freezer and your phone says it's 2 Celsius outside. So let's get cozy under those blankets and fire up the requester! Join us and SLAY tuned!
Hi everyone,As promised, since October has arrived, we are back on the airwaves on our regular schedule! It appears that the real Octoberfest is still going on but if you will miss it, don't worry - you can always find some friends, great music and beer around here (too bad we can't teleport the latter to you). Join us and SLAY tuned as usual!
Hi all,As promised, we are here, stock up on the great remix requests because we take a break at the second part of September and will be back in October after this show!Join us and SLAY tuned!
Hi Peepz,Yes, it would be boring just to add Hello Autumn but apparently the pumpkin spice latte season is just about to start, and even if we just mention this, it makes us feel more trendy, OK? So let's kickstart September and not think of minor setbacks like start of school, etc, just enjoy that latte... or beer?Join us and SLAY tuned!
Hi Peepz,We have arrived at the end... of this summer! It is up to us how we celebrate, but not everyone likes super hot weather (unless they were born in a sauna, obvs), so I guess there will be plenty of people who are cool with this.Let's gather some summer memories and enjoy this... thing! Join us and SLAY tuned!
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