
  • I'm feeling this deep desperation right now to cling onto what was our past. The kind of behaviour I have witnessed over the last few weeks has blown me away if I'm honest. The projection, the scarcity, the keyboard warriors refusing to acknowledge what their real issues are. But I'm not here today to whinge about how "difficult" it is right now, or how "exhausted" I am. So many of you are sitting in such negative energy and you're suffering for it. Listen, your resistance to the change that is happening in the world right now, is futile.

    The more you resist the change that humanity and the earth are forcing upon us, the more you'll sink deeper into a hole that you'll struggle to get out of. Why do you feel as if you need things to go back to "normal"? There is no normal. There is only what IS. Right now.

    Think about the ways you're talking to yourself and others. Think about the ways you're treating yourself and others. Be a better human.

  • Are you being a shitty human right now and are you blaming your shittiness on COVID19? Of course, there is a lot of good that is coming out of the current situation that we’re in, but there’s also a lot of haters, a lot of assholes and a lot of people that are staying “indoors” as directed, but not bothering to go inward within themselves. Instead of treating this time as some sort of “hall pass” that allows you to be a lazy, bored, angry human who sits around drinking too much and complaining about how bored you are, why don’t you use it for good? This episode is an Instagram Live that I did with Erika Cramer (The Queen of Confidence) a few weeks ago when we were in the thick of so much bullshit happening around us and to us in our small businesses.

    Think about the impact that your demands are having on the small businesses that you’re complaining to. Think about how every single one of these small businesses are doing their absolute best. They all have their own bills to pay, their own mouths to feed and they’re all also wanting to do the right thing, and the best thing for everyone.

    How you act right now is a direct reflection of who you really are. Are you acting with integrity and thinking of others, or are you living in fear, blame and guilt. Change your internal conversation, and do better.

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  • You and I both know that not everyone can be a leader. Not everyone is there at the front line demanding more, seeing more and being more. And that's totally okay. We're not all born to be leaders. We all have different strengths. You just need to be aware of what your strengths are and you need to be willing to explore them. To embody them. To feel them with every part of your soul.

    So what does it take to be a leader? What does it mean to be a visionary and why do so many people seem to have such a problem with the word influence? I'm going to break it down for you here today.

    If you're not willing to really explore yourself and your potential, you'll never know what you're capable of. Being a leader is hard. Having influence is hard, but for those that are born to do it - there really is no other way.

  • We’re coming at you today from the Billionaire Babes Club to have a deliciously confronting conversation and yes, it did take a global pandemic to get Erika and I to stop for long enough to actually have the conversations we’ve been wanting to have. This is a perfect example of how you can be using this time of isolation and “slowing down” to actually be productive. If I’m honest, I’ve really been enjoying the isolation even though my kids and my dogs are driving me bananas, but I’m so grateful for where I’m at right now.

    So we want to talk to you about how you’re treating yourself in this period of isolation. The excuses that you’re making to treat yourself poorly, to sit at home and watch shitty tv and eat bad food. We’re calling you out on all this bullshit behaviour. We’re talking about changing your narrative, re-framing your mindset and changing your perspective. Don’t fuck around. You have things that are available for you to do. There are no excuses. Be cute in quarantine, get off the couch, get out of your pyjamas and show up for yourself and those that are around you. Just because you’re at home, doesn’t mean you get to give up.

    Get 100+ Hours Of My Online Training ...on a 'pay what you can' basis. All of my LIVE Dynamo Doula Training, Visibility For Visionaries and speaking events are recorded and yours for the taking. These sales will fund the continuation of my personal, professional & philanthropic endeavours through this economic cycle. Make a Donation and find out more by clicking here.
  • Ooooo get ready people! We're heading into a huge mother of a cosmic level up whether you like it or not. We're right off the back off of a Pisces New Moon and a Virgo Full Moon. This was the end of a cycle that was calling us to go inwards, know the depths of our oceans, learn to breathe underwater, dance with our intuition, dance with our instinct and express our most creative, embodied self. There has been so many shifts, so many changes, so many situations that have been out of our control over the past couple of weeks and I tell you what, I'm excited.

    Now is not the time to be hiding away and living in fear, now is the time to take the potency of this next cosmic level up and use it to your advantage. Dive into the ideas that you've been putting off. It is once again, a rebirth into the next version of our world.

    Get ready.

  • We're moving towards a new reality. There is no question, no doubt and no excuses left. Yes, there is uncertainty. Yes, there are theories that need to be explored, begging to be uncovered, but why are we acting like complete assholes? Why are we only now paying attention to our elderly, and why am I not surprised that what I am witnessing is self-serving.

    You can do better than this. We can BE better than this. For too long we have been ignoring the two most vulnerable parts of society - babies and the elderly, and I need you to check in with yourself. What are your motives? What do you believe and how are you choosing to live right now.

    I choose to believe that feeling deeply and wholeheartedly is what is needed right now, and those feelings will be returned to me. Now is the time to show the world what you're made of. Now is your time to participate in the solution, instead of exacerbating the problem.

    Now is the time to be aware of how you pathologically consume fear, because perhaps fear is the only thing that makes you feel alive. Who benefits from you continuing to feel out of control and small?

    This is an exciting time to be alive. It is time to bring humanity back to the human experience.

  • When did joy become a challenge? Why is it that we need to actively invest in joy rather than just come across it? It’s because the norm is not joyful. Permission to be joyful is not automatically given to us. The standard recipe for life is not a delicious one - it has to be seasoned. Bliss, satisfaction, elation, contentment - they have to be found. And only when we are completely comfortable with who we are in our minds and our bodies are we able to make this discovery.

    Laura Interlandi and Erica Livingston are birth and post-partum centric full-spectrum doulas and have given birth to Birdsong Brooklyn: a doula service also offering mentorship and doula training. They can be also be found chatting, laughing, learning and expanding on their podcast Tether Together. In this episode, they talk with me about achieving happiness and how the foundation is always loving yourself.

    Some people are so dissociated from who they are, they cannot vocalise what brings them joy. They might question why I’m friends with my guests today, who could be classified as “the competition.” This arbitrary label means nothing to me. The way Laura and Erica show their love, build each other up, the intense friendship that they have, it’s truly something to aspire to. We don’t have to fight each other. We don’t have to live in a constant state of envy and jealousy, comparing ourselves to and trying to beat the competition somehow. There’s plenty to go around my loves. There’s plenty to be thankful for, to appreciate within each other, and to discover together. That is what these two women are all about. Seeing the way they exist together makes me believe that friendship is safe. Friendship with other women is possible and is a beautiful thing.

    Connect with me, Laura and Erica in this verbal threesome as we shine a light on the difficulties of finding joy and contentment in society and teach you how to receive joy amongst all the negativity and barriers.


    Starting your journey to happiness with the foundation of self-love and contentmentBeing in a deeply heart-centred friendship that is also a businessHow to work together in a partnership as friends and in businessHow we’re normalising not feeling safeTaking back the connections that have been stolen from youAccessing your joy without relying on others to provide it for youHaving a really good time with yourselfBurnout in doula workHarnessing your inner child to find what truly brings you joy and lights you up


    Birdsong Brooklyn website: www.birdsongbrooklyn.comBirdsong Brooklyn Instagram: instagram.com/birdsongbrooklynBirdsong Brooklyn Facebook: facebook.com/birdsongbrooklynPodcast Tether Together
  • I've missed you so much and I feel like there is just too much to speak to you about after the incredible rebirth that I have gone through (yet again) after my recent Radical Resurgence Retreat in Bali. Amidst this so much has been happening in the backend of my business in the obliteration of systems and structures that were not supporting me and all the money that was being used in ways that was not serving me, or my business to its full potential. Today's episode is more about the solution to my problem than the bandaid to the bullshit.

    On the podcast today, I'm bringing the fiery truth teller and financial wing woman Coraline Dufroux back on to spout some wisdom. I recently put together an incredibly sexy offering called The Entourage Experience. This experience made it possible for one person to follow me around the world for six to twelve months to learn my business, gain visibility for their own pursuits and be involved with everything that I do. Coraline contacted me about taking up this offering and my head exploded. Of COURSE she would be the one. Of COURSE.

    I'm so excited to shatter your money beliefs this year with the help of Coraline. This woman is a wealth of knowledge, experience and we're going to be doing podcast episodes, videos, instagram lives, speaking gigs and literally anything else we can think of to get this message out to you.

    Break up with your limiting money beliefs and get ready for a wild twelve months.

  • Everybody wants shit to work out for them, until they realise what it takes to make shit happen, and what it costs you to follow your dreams, and what is happening behind the scenes.

    It's so easy to lust after what somebody has. We create these illusions around what someone has, who someone is and the life that they live. But you'll never really know what it takes and how hard you need to work, unless you start doing it for yourself. Take the focus away from what everyone else is doing and how you want to be like them, and start doing something for yourself, then you'll see how much work it actually takes. It's fucking hard. It is relentless day in, and day out. Entrepreneurship needs to be an obsession. You need to live and breathe your mission, what you want to create in the world, and then it won't feel like you're ever really working. But you need to be committed to doing the work, and relishing in the good and the bad.

    I could have given up so many times by now and just gone to work at Telstra or McDonalds and had a perfectly acceptable, stable life. It would have been a lot easier than the journey I'm on, but that's not the way I'm wired. I feel so lucky to be able to live the life that I have in the way that I choose to live it.

    So take the focus off of what anyone else is doing and use your struggles to create strength beyond your wildest dreams.

    For more, head to my website angel-phoenix.com

  • I’m coming at you today with an absolute doozy of a conversation. It is a conversation that I have been too scared to have in the past, for fear of possible repercussions. For fear of how I may be seen. For fear of who may be watching and listening. But you know what, no more. If not now, when? When will we stand together and speak up about the issues that affect us the most, and demand for change.

    So let’s have a real conversation about the complete non-existence of support top to bottom for single mothers, single parents and the absurd reality that we’re forced to live in on a daily basis. On a policy level, a government level, political level we are in crisis mode due to the complete lack of support for those of us that need it the most. We have to jump through so many hoops, fall in line, live a life according to the checks and balances that the government determines are best, but who is it really “best” for? We’re unable to make the choices that we want to make in the timeline that works for us. We must submit to what society has allowed to happen, or we will be severely penalised.

    Join me in speaking up. Join me in thinking more deeply about the ways that we can affect change, and demand to be heard, understood and taken seriously. This is a recent Instagram Live that has been turned into a podcast episode for your listening pleasure. Enjoy and spread the word.

    For more, head to my website

  • I want to talk to you about what a shame it is that we don’t know ourselves. In fact, it is an absolute tragedy that we don’t know ourselves. And aa result of not really knowing ourselves, we then have no hope in hell of actually loving ourselves either. I’m talking about the truest version of ourselves. You’ll never be able to fully grieve with integrity the ways that you should be loving yourself if you don’t even know yourself to begin with. You are not this one-dimensional skin suit that only needs to shit, eat and sleep. You need to be cracked wide open, and I’ve got just the thing to help you do it.

    Enter the Phenomenology Of The Pussy Portal. This is an online course exclusively available as a once-off learning experience that has just begun, so jump in before it’s gone.

    This course is a hot pot of philosophy, sensuality, blood, ritual, practice, conspiracy theory, astrology, extra sensory perception, witch based learning experience that will stimulate you from your clit to your third eye. A deep dive into esoteric erotica of our true nature, past, present and future.

    For more info, head to my website reverenceofself.com

  • What is it about money that everyone seems to hate so much? Why are you automatically considered an asshole if you have a lot of money and you’re not afraid to spend it? Where are these ideas born from? They are born from a lack of understanding and a lack of financial literacy. We grew up learning absolutely nothing about our financial health, creating independent wealth, creating flexibility and freedom. This was not part of the curriculum in any school I ever attended. And as a result we’re left super reliant on the people around us for financial support. When I tell you that financial abuse is the number one abuse in this country, I’m telling you this so that you understand how desperate it is.

    Instead of the negative money talk you tell yourself, how about you step back for a second and just think, “How do I want to feel? How much money do I actually want to make? What would it feel like if a billion dollars was dropped into my bank account right now? What would happen if everything I ever wanted was given to me right now?” See how uncomfortable you feel in that feeling. Witness how your body recoils from simply imagining that.

    In order to meet the needs of the future, we have to be agents of change and we have to be visionaries. We have to embrace the unknown.

    For more, head to my website www.reverenceofself.com

  • It seems like “manifestation” is such a buzzword right now and there are people from both sides having arguments that don’t need to be had. But listen up people, manifesting is not something that is up for debate. It’s actually just a fact. What are you creating in your reality? I want you to just sit within yourself and think for a second, “What are all the shit things in my life that I am attracting?” Just as easily as you can manifest good things in your life, you can sit and wallow in the filth and the lies and the excuses, and keep yourself stuck in a place you do not wish to me. You can manifest the good and the bad.

    You need to understand that there is so much happening in you and around you at all times. You are a fucking living black hole, and whether you use that voracious and that vitality to attract everything you want or everything you don’t want. That magnetism is not up for debate. It’s a fact.

    Humans have made self-sabotage their unique art form and it’s a tragedy. Don’t keep yourself stuck, complaining, cynical and unwilling to try new things. Don’t manifest your own misery.

    For more, head to my website www.reverenceofself.com

  • Social media is the only place, it is the only context in which we have allowed ourselves to believe that we have the right to not just bang on someone's door and harass them, but break in to their home, assault them with our words and believe that it is our right to do so.

    It is now the culture to say whatever you're thinking, irregardless of what that does to the person on the other side of these "opinions". This is disastrous for so many reasons, and that is what I want to explore here today.

    Movements, activism, advocacy all start on the internet right now. Anything we do that is effectively run, that sees the impact, that causes the kerfuffle, that makes so much noise we have no choice but to respond, starts on the internet. Good and bad. We can create a new and better system, if we are willing to use our influence and social media for good.

    Head to my website for more www.reverenceofself.com

  • I want to introduce you to one sensational seeress of the senses. A professional feeling mover and safe space holder. Lotus Fire is my guest today and I have really enjoyed witnessing Lotus become who she is supposed to be. I have never seen someone move with as much finesse as this human being when it comes to dancing on the lines of trauma, reclaiming pain and really making it your power. Lotus has taught me so much about finding your demons, going, arching, and begging the darkness to come and play. Working through those very real and very necessary emotions that we’ve been taught to squash for so long, and being okay with feeling not okay.

    Lotus is a lover of all things experiential healing, darkness, birth, descension, rebirth, reclaiming emotions, reclaiming feminine power, shadow work and inner child work. She has recently published an e-zine, “I Know Another Mother: Childhood Sexual Abuse” which is made up of art and stories from mothers with the shared experience of childhood sexual abuse. Lotus is in the process of relaunching her online course and space, Being With What Is, which is a foundational course for all things healing and unfolding the present moment. Lotus also works 1:1 with people to unfold a process from their inner wisdom of experiential healing. These sessions can be for anything from trauma healing to birth prep to working through a body symptom or simply a desire to step into the unknown and see what unfolds.

    Offering a 1:1 distance doula witch session with me for $99 using the code 'ANGELPHOENIX'.

    Offer expires May 31st, 2020.

    Can be booked here: https://thelotusfire.as.me/?appointmentType=11669803

    If anyone is interested in the intentional healing community I'm co-creating they can follow our journey here: https://www.facebook.com/innatewisdomcommunity/

  • Why is it that we have such a visceral reaction to the word “selfie”? Why is it such a crime to so many of you that someone would want to take a photo of themselves? That someone would want to celebrate themselves in this way somehow makes them vain, self-obsessed, obsessed with their appearance, or they’re just craving attention.

    How often do you actually stand in front of the mirror, or take a photo of yourself and really look at yourself with love? True love for who you are in that moment. Instead of looking at selfies and vanity in a way that is positive, supportive and uplifting, we’ve become so aggressive, judgemental and hypercritical of what everyone else is doing. How everyone else appears on the surface. Yet if we truly loved ourselves, we would be a threat beyond all threats, because nothing and nobody could touch us.

    So instead of judging someone for taking selfies or appearing “vain” in your eyes, focus on yourself. Heal your own wounds and let others be who they are.

  • This episode is a recent Instagram Live that we have turned into a podcast episode. It needs to reach as many people as possible, because this conversation is important.

    I am so ready to have this conversation. It is one of the most controversial things I've ever had a conversation about. I've had this conversation so many times publicly, but never in this space reaching the masses all at once. I think it's easy to get offended when we are carrying so much on our hearts about what we've done as parents and as birthing people. All of the dreams and hopes and plans we have about having babies and the kinds of lives that we will live. All of the illusions of what it means to become a parent in this life.

    When I look at all the complexities and the layers of each of these conversations, it's been hard for me to have the conversation I want to have. I know that people are going to be triggered in a big way.

    I need you to know as a disclaimer, what I cover in this episode is not a personal attack on you.

    This is just a conversation that I felt compelled to finally have. Do not take this personally.

    For more, head to my website.

  • Nothing but epic proportions will do this woman justice. Shalome Stone is the woman who has modelled what it means to say, "It's better late than never," and embody that whole-heartedly. She is so effortlessly sensual, motherly and instinctual and has taught me so much. This birth world and mothering sphere would be so much more boring if Shalome was not here, let me tell you. She is the purveyor of hilarity and adventures in the womb. Shalome is a pro shit talker and just an incredible human being to have in your presence.

    Shalome is one of my greatest friends and has been one of the few people in my life that has never put expectations on me. She is consistently there always. You will most likely know Shalome from her magazine, Rockstar Birth Magazine, and if you don't know it - get on it immediately. If there is somebody who is slaying the status quo in the most secretive of ways, it is Shalome Stone.

    Follow Shalome over on Instagram @rockstarbirthmag and check out the Rockstar Birth Magazine website.

    Head to my website www.reverenceofself.com for more.

  • I know deep within my heart that this episode is going to be full of content that resonates with many of you. Today on the show we have Sarah Vancini. We are going to be discussing all things eating disorders, eating disorder recovery and the magic and the disruption that Sarah is creating through her lived experiences. We’re living in a society, in a culture that benefits from keeping us unwell and making us feel as if we are crazy. Instead of complaining about the system, we’re diving into how we can change the system, change the culture and create a new construct.

    As a professional in clinical care and research at the consistently #1 ranked psychiatric hospital in the world (U.S. News & World Report), McLean Hospital in Belmont, MA, Sarah was profoundly impacted by the misogyny that occurred when diagnosing and treating female patients. She forewent her PhD in order to earn her MBA in the hopes of developing a new economic model for focusing on mental health from a matriarchy perspective. Sarah focuses on eating disorders, anxiety, depression, PTSD and borderline personality disorder. She has just completed her first book "Goddess's Guide to Eating Disorder Recovery", a self-help book for eating disorder recovery examining cultural influences and providing female-centred treatment recommendations. The book is not only empirical but also deeply personal and moving as her own journey of eating disorder recovery is woven seamlessly into the guide.

    To get this book out into the world on a wide scale, Sarah is seeking to partner with a forward-thinking publishing agency and begin to establish seminars and support groups in her home of Boston to inspire change in mental health treatment for women.

    You can find Sarah on Instagram @goddessofedrecovery. Reach out to her if you need help.

    As mentioned in the episode, Sarah has been kind enough to offer the first 5 sign ups to the Women's Leadership Workshop a special discount using the code "Angel". For more info head here.

    Head to my website Reverence Of Self for more info & juicy goodies.

  • Coming off of the back of a huge number of trainings and workshops recently, I found myself sitting in a bath and feeling it was necessary to jump onto Instagram live. I needed to get a few very important things off of my chest.

    I wanted to discuss some of the most ridiculous comments that have come through on a video I posted. I was doing some embodied dancing after an amazing healing session and workshop. Dancing the sadness and the grief out of myself after moving huge emotions out of my body. We had been discussing the medicine that is movement, and how necessary it was for me to embody the "f*ck off" part of my personality.

    Then I received these comments, and they could not have come at a better time.

    This is an unapologetic, non-censored conversation about how broken this system is. There are a lot of curse words in here, so heads up.

    I encourage you to sit with these emotions. Sit with these words, and allow yourself to question everything.