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    In the heart of a land where the sun painted the sky with the softest of oranges and pinks at dusk and dawn, there existed a village hugged closely by the Whispering Woods. These woods were ancient, wise, and spoke in hushed tones only to those who dared to listen. Among the village’s inhabitants were a father, Thomas, and his daughter, Lily, who shared a bond deeper than the roots of the oldest tree in the woods.

    Thomas was a craftsman, known throughout the village for his exquisite wooden carvings. His hands, though worn and roughened by years of work, moved with a gentle precision that could only be described as love. Lily, with her bright eyes and curious mind, was his apprentice, not by obligation but by choice. Their love for each other was matched only by their love for the woods that stood vigil around their home.

    Every evening, as the village settled into the quiet of night, Thomas and Lily would step into the Whispering Woods. It was their sacred ritual, a time when the world seemed to pause just for them. The woods welcomed them like old friends, the leaves rustling softly, as if whispering secrets meant only for their ears...

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    In the heart of a vast forest, where the trees whispered ancient secrets and the wind carried tales of yore, lay a hidden meadow. This meadow, bathed in golden sunlight and adorned with a tapestry of flowers, was a haven for all creatures, great and small. It was known to the animals as the Meadow of Marvels, but it held a deeper secret, one that bound all its inhabitants in a delicate web of harmony and friendship.

    Once upon a time, as the first light of dawn crept over the horizon, a gentle deer named Lila grazed on the tender grass, dewdrops sparkling on her coat like tiny jewels. Lila was known for her serene beauty and kind heart, qualities that made her beloved by all in the meadow. However, on this day, her heart was troubled. A long, harsh winter was approaching, and the animals of the meadow needed to prepare. But the meadow's secret, the key to their survival, had been forgotten over time.

    As Lila pondered this dilemma, her friend, Oliver the owl, glided silently to her side. Oliver, with his wise eyes and calm demeanor, had been feeling the undercurrents of worry that rippled through the meadow.

    "Lila," Oliver hooted softly, "I sense your concern. The winter does indeed pose a great challenge. Perhaps it's time we rediscovered the meadow's secret."

    Lila nodded, her resolve strengthening. Together, they decided to embark on a journey to uncover the long-lost secret. They knew it would not be an easy task, but with determination and the support of their friends, they were ready to face any challenge...

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    In the heart of a valley cradled by gentle hills lay a small, serene village. The village was known far and wide not for its bustling markets or grand festivals but for its vast fields of lavender that painted the landscape with a mesmerizing hue of purple and filled the air with a soothing, sweet fragrance. At the edge of one such field lived a mother, Elara, and her daughter, Lilac, in a cottage that seemed to have sprung from a storybook, with its thatched roof, stone walls, and a garden that was a riot of colors.

    Elara was a woman of the earth, her hands always coated with soil, her face kissed by the sun, and her heart as deep and nurturing as the valley itself. Lilac, with her wide, curious eyes and laughter that echoed like a melody through the fields, was her mother's shadow, never far from her side, her tiny hands eager to learn the secrets of the earth.

    Their days were spent tending to the lavender fields, from the first light of dawn, when the world was painted in hues of gold and soft purple, till the sky turned a deep orange, signaling the end of day. Elara taught Lilac the art of nurturing lavender, how to plant the seeds with care, ensuring each had just the right amount of space to flourish, how to water them with just enough tenderness, and how to harvest the blooms at the perfect moment when their fragrance was the most potent...

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    In the heart of the Enchanted Forest, where the moonlight danced upon the leaves of ancient trees and the air buzzed with the magic of old, there lived creatures of every fable and tale ever whispered in the night. Among these beings, there was a young unicorn named Lyra, known throughout the lands for her silvery mane that shimmered like the stars and a gentle heart that radiated pure light. Yet, what made Lyra truly unique wasn't her beauty or her kindness, but a rare gift she possessed—the power to weave dreams.

    Lyra's journey began on a night filled with a restless energy. The creatures of the Enchanted Forest found themselves unable to sleep, their dreams stolen by a mysterious force that left their nights empty and their days filled with weariness. Concerned for her friends, Lyra sought the wisdom of Eldrin, the oldest dragon, whose scales glittered like emeralds and whose knowledge of magic was unparalleled.

    "Eldrin," Lyra began, her voice as soft as the moonlight, "the forest suffers. Each night, our dreams vanish, leaving behind nothing but shadows. I wish to help, but I know not how."

    Eldrin gazed at her, his eyes like deep pools of ancient wisdom. "Lyra, your heart is pure, and your powers unique. To find the answers you seek, you must embark on a quest to the Dreaming Well at the world's edge. There, the waters run deep with the magic of dreams. But beware, for the journey is fraught with peril, and you must face the Nightshade, the creature that has stolen our dreams..."

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    In a quaint, secluded village, wrapped in the embrace of endless fields and serene rivers, lived a gentle soul named Lior. Lior was known throughout the village not for prowess in battle or skill in trade, but for an enchanting ability to weave dreams into melodies. With a heart as tender as the dawn and a spirit as tranquil as the dusk, Lior's music held the power to guide one into the depths of peaceful slumber.

    This village, cradled by nature's bounty, was a haven for those wearied by life's tumults. Its residents led lives of simple joy, their days filled with the labors of love and nights blessed by Lior's soothing serenades. The villagers often spoke of how Lior's music seemed to draw from the very essence of serenity, as if each note were plucked from the tranquil whispers of the earth, the soft murmurs of the river, and the gentle rustle of leaves in the wind.

    Lior lived in a modest cottage on the outskirts of the village, where the boundary between the wilds of nature and human habitation blurred into harmony. Here, surrounded by ancient trees that stood as silent witnesses to the ages, Lior composed the Midnight Sonata, a piece so profoundly calming that it was said to be woven from the fabric of dreams itself.

    The inception of the Midnight Sonata came to Lior one evening under a tapestry of stars, as the moon sailed its silent course across the heavens. It was a melody that arrived not in a torrent of inspiration, but as a gentle breeze that caresses one's cheek unbidden. Note by note, Lior captured the essence of the night, the peace of the evening sky, the solitude of the moon's vigil, and the timeless dance of the stars...

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    Once upon a time, in a quaint coastal town nestled between towering cliffs and endless waves, there lived a young woman named Luna. She was known far and wide for her boundless imagination and her insatiable thirst for adventure. Every night, before she drifted into slumber, Luna would sit by her window, gazing out at the vast expanse of the ocean, dreaming of the mysteries that lay beneath its shimmering surface.

    In Luna's dreams, the ocean was not merely a body of water; it was an ethereal realm teeming with life and magic. Every night, she embarked on fantastical journeys, diving deep into the depths of her subconscious, guided by the gentle whispers of the sea.

    One night, as Luna drifted off to sleep, she found herself standing on the shore of a luminous beach, the sand glowing softly beneath her bare feet. The moon hung low in the sky, casting a silver veil over the water, and the stars shimmered like diamonds scattered across a velvet tapestry.

    With a sense of wonder coursing through her veins, Luna waded into the ocean, feeling the cool embrace of the water enveloping her. As she swam further from the shore, she noticed a shimmering trail of light weaving through the waves, beckoning her to follow...

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    In the heart of a forgotten valley, cradled by towering mountains veiled in perpetual mists, there lay a village untouched by time. This hamlet, known to its few inhabitants as Elysion, harbored a secret as ancient as the stars themselves: here, the Aurora, a celestial phenomenon of ethereal beauty, whispered secrets of the universe to those willing to listen.

    Our story begins with Elio, a wanderer who, by a series of uncanny events, found himself at the edge of Elysion as the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in hues of gold and crimson. Elio was a seeker of truths, a collector of stories whispered by the wind and sung by the rivers. He carried within him a restlessness, a yearning for something just beyond the grasp of understanding, which had propelled him across lands and seas to this very moment.

    As night descended upon Elysion, Elio was drawn to the center of the village by a melody as old as time, woven from the gentle hum of the earth and the soft whispering of the stars. There, in the village square, he found the elders of Elysion gathered, their eyes closed, faces serene, bathed in the gentle glow of lanterns that danced like fireflies in the twilight.

    "Elio," called a voice, both ancient and young, as if the very valley had spoken to find an elder approaching him, her eyes twinkling like the first stars of evening. Her name was Lira, a name as melodic and easy to utter as her presence was comforting...

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    Once upon a time, in a serene forest nestled between mountains, there lived a solitary owl named Hoot. Hoot was no ordinary owl; he was the guardian of wisdom in the forest, possessing knowledge passed down through generations of his ancestors. Every night, as the moon rose high in the sky, Hoot would perch atop the tallest tree and share his wisdom with the creatures of the night.

    As dusk painted the sky with hues of lavender and indigo, the forest came alive with a symphony of rustling leaves and murmuring streams. It was the time when animals sought solace in the comfort of their homes, eager to listen to the whispers of wisdom that flowed from Hoot's beak.

    One evening, as Hoot prepared to impart his nightly wisdom, he noticed a peculiar creature lurking in the shadows. It was a weary traveler, a lost soul seeking refuge from the chaos of the world. With gentle eyes and a heavy heart, the traveler approached Hoot and pleaded, "O wise owl, lend me your guidance. I am lost in the labyrinth of life, and I yearn for the light of wisdom to illuminate my path."

    Moved by the traveler's plight, Hoot extended his wings and beckoned the traveler to join him atop the tree. As they sat beneath the shimmering moonlight, Hoot began to weave a tale—a tale of resilience, compassion, and the enduring power of hope...

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  • How do you feel when you wake up in the morning lately? 
    I’ve noticed that I wake up under the weight of a never-ending task list. I spend my mornings in my head, organizing, prioritizing and putting life’s puzzle pieces together. 
    I get a lot of satisfaction out of this. (Anyone else’s brain work like tetris?)
    But, I’ve noticed that there’s an undercurrent of anxiety here. Kinda like, if I keep checking things off this task list, “it” won’t get me. I can keep “it” at bay. 
    What is “it?”
    I’m not too sure yet.  
    But what I do know is that there are a lot of moving parts in my life right now. (You too?). Many big things in transition. So, perhaps my tetris brain feels some sense of control as all these things are on the move.  
    Perhaps this in and of itself is fine, but what about the underlying worry? 
    It’s like I’m watching an artist painting a mural and I’m unsure of how the big, red stroke of color she just made fits in. I can’t see the larger picture.  
    So I worry.  
    I let anxiety pool up inside my mind and body and fret about each brushstroke. I seem to forget that I can just sit back and trust that the artist will create the most magical masterpiece.
    That I can surrender to the flow of the process. 
    And I forget that I am the artist.  
    And that I am creating this vision with the Universe.
    Can you think of an area of your life where you are in the energy of worry lately?
    What are you always trying to control? What are you always trying to organize? 
    Now breathe…
    How can you invite in more trust? 
    How can you loosen your grip on all the details? 
    Trust the process.
    Trust yourself. 
    Trust the flow. 
    Trust in the divine purpose of it all. 
    And how does that make you feel?
    Today I’m making a few declarations, commitments to myself, and you’re welcome to join in with me if it feels right for you.
    I choose to pause each morning and become aware of my energy. 
    I choose to remember who I am, so that I may move through my day aligned. 
    I choose to follow what feels good, and trust my intuition. 
    I choose to remember that I am the painter…the creator of my life. Each color, each brushstroke is up to me. 
    I choose to let go of the energy of worry and surrender to the energy of trust. 
    I would love to know what this brings up for you and how it applies to your life right now.  
    And, I would really appreciate you sharing your reviews on Apple Podcasts…let me know what meditations you loved, and perhaps some meditations you’d like more of.  
    I love you. 

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    Rene took a deep breath as she stepped through the elaborate golden gates into the sprawling grounds of the Palace of Versailles (vr·sai). She had dreamed of visiting these beautiful gardens her entire life, and now she was finally here. As she slowly meandered down the tree-lined pathways, she felt a deep sense of calm wash over her. The morning air was still and quiet, with only the chirping of birds and the gentle swish of fountains in the distance.

    Up ahead, she could see the Grand Canal stretching out before her, the water sparkling in the soft morning light. Majestic cypress trees lined the canal, their sweeping branches seeming to stand guard over the tranquil scene. Rene paused to take it all in, closing her eyes and inhaling the sweet floral scents that drifted on the breeze.

    After a few moments, she continued on, passing meticulously trimmed hedges and beds of vibrant flowers in every color she could imagine. She smiled as she spotted sculpted boxwood trees dotted throughout the gardens, their twisted and curling branches like something out of a fairy tale. As she went deeper into the gardens, the paths became surrounded by tall, manicured hedges, creating a sense of intimacy and wonder...

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    The cracking and popping of the campfire was like a symphony welcoming us into the woods. My friends and I had backpacked deep into the forest, miles away from any roads or buildings, to enjoy a weekend of camping and telling stories under the stars. We were surrounded by tall evergreen trees that stood like silent sentinels around our little clearing. Their peaks seemed to brush against the vast night sky above.

    As darkness fell, we lit our fire, the small orange flames licking up towards the heavens. We spread out our sleeping bags in a circle around it, so we could all see each other and the firelight dancing across our faces. The fire was our torch keeping the thick forest shadows at bay.

    When it was my turn, I lowered my voice and began my tale:

    "Many years ago, before any towns or roads cut through these ancient woods, a Native American tribe made its home along the river that runs not five miles from this very spot..."

    My story transported us back in time, to an era when the woods teemed with wildlife never seen by modern eyes. Back when the Native tribes still roamed the land unencumbered by borders or fences. I described the tribe's lifestyle - the bark and hide huts they called home, the fishing and hunting that kept them fed. They were at one with the forest and all its creatures...

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    In a realm of soft twilight and whispered legends, there lay a hidden path that only the most adventurous hearts dared to tread. This path wound through realms of dreams and reality, blurring the lines between the two, and leading to a place few had ever seen—The Silk Road Oasis. Among those drawn to its mystery was a soul named Tai, a seeker of tranquility in a world bustling with noise.

    Tai's journey began on a gentle evening, under a sky painted with strokes of lavender and peach. With each step away from the familiar, the clamor of daily life faded into a symphony of nature's whispers. Tai walked with a purpose, guided not by a map, but by an innate feeling that the road ahead was where he truly belonged.

    The path was not always clear; it twisted through forests where the trees stood tall like guardians of ancient secrets, and across rivers that sang melodies of the journeys he had witnessed. Tai moved with ease, each step a note in harmony with the earth's song. There was no rush, for in this quest, the journey itself was a treasure.

    As the sun dipped below the horizon, painting the sky in shades of gold and crimson, Tai came upon a meadow that seemed untouched by time. The grass swayed gently, a sea of green under the moon's soft glow. Here, Tai decided to rest, enveloped in the tranquil embrace of the night...

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    Far below the surface of the sea, in the deepest, darkest parts of the ocean, the whales were preparing for their nightly ritual. As the last rays of sunlight disappeared into the murky blue waters above, the giant creatures began to stir.

    The oldest and wisest whale was named Taleen. Her smooth, gray body glided effortlessly through the water as she made her way toward the gathering area. She sang out in long, low tones to call the other whales to her. One by one, the giant mammals emerged from the shadows—humpbacks and blues, fins and rights—their haunting whale songs echoing through the darkness.

    When all the whales had arrived, Taleen raised her massive tail fluke, signaling the start of their nightly ritual. As one, the pod opened their mouths and began to vocalize—first low rumbles, then high-pitched cries, then a chorus of clicks, whistles, trills and pulses. Each whale added their unique voice to the strange and beautiful whale song.

    The purpose of the song was not understood by human scientists, who marveled at the intricate and ever-changing music that rippled across the world's oceans each night. But the whales knew. They sang to share news, to bond with their pod-mates, to navigate the lightless ocean depths. Their songs told stories—tales of good feeding grounds, warnings of encroaching ships, lullabies for sleeping calves...

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    With just a single breath…
    You can touch the space,
    That pulses with magic inside. 

    With just a single breath…
    You can connect to,
    All the Universe provides. 


    So let yourself fall,
    Into the stream, 
    The movement of breath in and out. 

    Let yourself go,
    And trust in the flow,
    That weaves its way throughout. 


    Now see if you find,
    What floats in your mind,
    All those thoughts can release. 

    Let them enter the stream,
    Of your breath exiting,
    And feel your inhale bring peace. 


    Each part of your body,
    Relaxes and melts,
    The tension has faded away.

    What’s holding you up,
    Is soft, yet firm,
    Allowing you to be here today.


    Let gratitude fill,
    Each inhale right now,
    As time stands still for you.

    You realize that now,
    This moment right here,
    Is all that exists and is true. 


    You’re filled with a wave,
    Of freshness and love,
    You see all the beauty around.

    You see all the magic,
    The energies collide,
    You see that your life is profound. 


    So breathe in again,
    And this time, smile wide,
    Let all that’s been heavy dissolve.

    You get to choose,
    How you’ll live this day,
    So choose to love and evolve. 


    With just a single breath…
    You can touch the space,
    That pulses with magic inside. 

    With just a single breath…
    You can connect to,
    All the Universe provides. 

    Namaste, Beautiful

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    Charlene the dreamweaver floated softly through the starry night sky, her gossamer wings glimmering in the moonlight. As she surveyed the sleeping world below, she wondered who needed sweet dreams tonight.

    Gliding over the rolling hills, Charlene spotted a small cottage nestled in a grove of trees. She peered in the window and saw a young boy fast asleep, though he was frowning and restless.

    "He must be having a nightmare," thought Charlene. "I'll weave him a lovely dream."

    Charlene sprinkled silvery dream dust through the open window. Suddenly the boy's frown lifted into a smile. He dreamed he was flying a kite in a sunny meadow, the colorful tail streaming behind him. Charlene smiled and drifted on.

    Over the village she went, sprinkling dream dust on all the sleeping townsfolk. Soon everyone was smiling and sighing happily in their sleep. Even the dogs and cats dreamed they were chasing butterflies and napping in sunny patches.

    As Charlene floated over the forest, she heard a faint roar. In a small clearing, she saw a mother bear and her two cubs curled up in their den, shivering. A cold wind was blowing outside...

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  • Hey, it’s Katie and I’m here for a mid-month check in. How are you? How’s your month coming along? How’s your mental health? 

    We’re well into Mental Health Awareness Month and I hope you’ve really been enjoying all the bonus and guest meditations we’ve been providing across the network. The team and I have been working hard to make sure you have a wide variety of meditations and voices to support you! 

    I’m sharing honestly today about why we need to “slow down to speed up” and what that’s actually looked like for me this month (single mommying with hubs out of town, end of school extra activities and moving!). It ain’t been pretty y'all. 

    But I’m sharing because we all have these heavy seasons and I’ll walk you through what worked for me to lighten the load and helped me slow down, all in the name of preserving my mental health. 

    I also share a poem/meditation I wrote recently called “A Million Little Reasons” that I hope really speaks to your heart. 


    1) Tuesday, May 21 is World Meditation Day! We’re celebrating with a special “World Meditation Day Meditation” going live on all our podcasts. Come meditate with us! 

    2) FREE MASTERCLASS: On June 18 at 1pm est, I’ll be co-hosting a Live Masterclass with my friend JJ Flizanes called “The Roadmap to Emotional Healing.” You can find out more and sign up for free here: 

    Lastly, if you’re enjoying our meditations, we would be so grateful for your rating and reviews on Apple Podcasts! It always helps others just like you find us easily. 

    Thank you so much for listening and I love you! 


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    Misty was a tiny star who lived in the vast night sky. She twinkled brightly amongst her fellow stars, glowing with a soft, silvery light. Though small, Misty's shine could be seen for miles across the sleepy countryside below.

    Each night, as the sun slipped below the horizon, Misty would begin to twinkle. She loved watching the world slowly drift off to sleep. The first to fall asleep were always the little farm animals in the fields and barns. The cows, horses, sheep, and chickens would snuggle into their beds of hay, tuck their heads down, and let out big, sleepy sighs. Misty would blink her light gently over them like a nightlight, singing a soft twinkling lullaby.

    Next to fall under Misty's sleepy spell were the wild creatures of the forest and meadows. Owls would stop their hooting, bears would lumber back to their dens, rabbits would hop slowly to their burrows, and deer would nestle down in the soft forest underbrush. Misty's twinkling glow and melodic lullaby would soothe them all into slumber.

    Finally, the families living in the little farm houses dotted across the land would start to settle in for the night. Parents would tuck their children snugly into bed, place sweet kisses on their little foreheads, and tip-toe from the rooms. Then Misty would beam her gentlest, warmest light over the farmhouses, twinkling in time with her lullaby. She wouldn't stop her song until the last light in the last little farmhouse was switched off for the night...

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    The air was crisp and cool as I stepped off the plane into the Himalayas. I took a deep breath, filling my lungs with the fresh mountain air. I had come to the highest peaks on earth seeking inner peace and a respite from the hectic pace of modern life. This journey represented a new chapter, an opportunity to slow down and reconnect with nature.

    I made my way to the small village where I would be staying for the next few weeks. The village sat nestled between rolling green foothills, with snow-capped peaks rising majestically in the distance. The pace of life here was wonderfully slow - no crowded streets, no traffic jams, no constant bombardment of advertisements and media. Just the soothing sounds of nature and the kind smiles of the villagers.

    After settling into my lodgings, a cozy room in a family-run homestay, I ventured out to explore the village and its surroundings. I wandered dirt paths between modest stone and brick dwellings. Chickens clucked and scratched in the yards, small goats bleated as they wandered in and out of open barn doors. In a small courtyard, an elderly woman smiled kindly at me as she spun wool into yarn with an ancient hand-carded spinning wheel. The days here followed the rhythms of nature and seasons, not the artificial cycles imposed by factories and corporations. I could feel my racing mind begin to quiet just from these first few hours surrounded by the peaceful village...

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    To all of you mothers, 
    Whose babies are new,
    Who sleeplessly hold your sweet ones.

    May you find rest,
    And know in your soul,
    You can handle whatever comes. 


    To all of you moms, 
    Who have little kids,
    Whose values you’re trying to mold. 

    I know it is heavy,
    But Divine is right here,
    Helping you to carry the load. 


    To all of you mothers, 
    Deep in the teens,
    Doing your best to survive.

    Keep showing up,
    As the mother they need,
    And watch as they thrive.


    To all of you mamas,
    Whose kids are grown up,
    Carving out paths all alone.

    It can be tough,
    As you learn to let go, 
    And let them live lives of their own. 


    To all of you souls,
    Who have said goodbye,
    To your mother whose time had come.

    That hole will remain,
    Inside of you,
    Grief braids itself in who you become. 


    Breathe and relax,
    I deeply honor you. 
    Breathe and sink in,
    To your motherly truth.


    Feel your motherly essence, 
    Swirl with the past,
    With the women who’ve mothered your soul. 

    Let it surround you,
    As you mother your own,
    Beautiful mama, you are whole. 


    There is sweet comfort,
    Knowing there is,
    An invisible, unspoken bond.

    Between all us moms, 
    Who won’t judge or pry,
    We’ll do anything to bring calm. 


    So imagine your kids, 
    And your mother too,
    And all of the mamas around. 

    We’re connected with love,
    That moves mountains,
    The magic is truly profound. 


    Dear mama, I wish,
    For you to feel me,
    When I say I truly love you.

    I honor your soul,
    And on this Mother’s Day,
    May you feel loved and full. 

    Namaste, Beautiful

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    Debra sank into her seat as the midnight train slowly pulled out of the station. She was exhausted after her long day at the office and was looking forward to a peaceful ride to help her unwind and rest. As the train picked up speed, the gentle rocking motions lulled Debra into a relaxed state.

    She gazed out the window as images of the day flashed through her mind. Meetings, phone calls, emails - her busy work life always kept her on the go. But now, on this train, she could feel the tensions of the day slipping away. Outside, the full moon shimmered across the dark countryside. They passed by a lake where the silver waters sparkled in the moonlight. The scene was so serene.

    Debra felt her eyelids getting heavy. She settled into her seat, resting her head against the cushioned headrest behind her. The clickety-clack of the train tracks grew hypnotic. She let her mind wander to all the faraway places this midnight train could take her. Where might she wake up when morning comes?

    The swaying of the train car made Debra feel like she was rocking gently in a cradle. She pulled her sweater up over her shoulders like a cozy blanket. Other passengers on the train were starting to doze off too. The lights dimmed to a soft glow. It felt almost magical, this journey they were on together through the dark of night...

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