Andy Jackson is a poet and creative writing teacher who was awarded RMIT’s Future of Health Fellowship. Andy’s book “Human Looking” – a poetry collection that gives voice to a range of experiences of people with disability – won the 2022 Prime Minister’s Literary Award for Poetry. In our interview we explore ideas of health, the challenging and problematic pursuit of “normal” in the health care context, the nature of fears that possibly drive the ableist instinct, and the place that creatives have in designing a more inclusive future.
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The Spring 2022 Edition of the Canberra Disability Review is available soon. This edition has a focus on the experience of parents with disability. We have an interview with Eliza Hull, musician and editor of "We've Got This." We have fantastic lived experience articles that look into everything from the far from wholistic reality of health services to the power of disability pride.
Make sure you register to be notified when it's out at: www.advocacyforinclusion.org/cdr/
As always, the Canberra Disability Review is online and free of charge.Support the show
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Akiko Hirata, Assistant Editor and Researcher for the Canberra Disability Reviews, gives an update on the great content for the Canberra Disability Review Winter Edition. There's a lot to look forward to in this edition from the focus on inclusion in disaster planning and management through to some fine contribution from the Canberra community.
You can find more information about the review, and the Autumn Edition, at:
» Canberra Disability Review (advocacyforinclusion.org)
If you have an idea for a contribution that you would like to pitch, please send us an email at:
cdr@advocacyforinclusion.orgSupport the show
We are all on a journey towards our full truth and identity. On the journey we experience relationships, our sexuality, and gender identity. Sometimes it can be bewildering. Sometimes presumptions and even the protective inclinations of others can prove a barrier. Support and information can certainly help. Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT is approaching its 50th anniversary in providing that support, education, clinical services, and a space for conversations in the Canberra Region. In this podcast we talk with Cate Barclay who works in Community Education and Tim Bavinton Executive Director.
Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT contact information:
Sexual Health and Family Planning ACT - Home (shfpact.org.au)
Phone: 02 6247 3077
Email shfpact@shfpact.org.auSupport the show
We have recently launched an exciting project at AFI. The Canberra Disability Review is a quarterly online magazine that reflects the breadth of experiences, perspectives, policy impacts, and concerns of people with disability in the Canberra Region.
Our first edition, for Autumn, was launched last week and can be found at:
» Canberra Disability Review (advocacyforinclusion.org)
If you, or someone you know, is interested in contributing to the review then please pitch your idea to: cdr@advocacyforinclusion.orgSupport the show
Guardianship has been in the headlines recently. In this podcast we will explore what guardianship is, why it happens, how a guardian is appointed, and what are the things guardians are meant to do and what are limits are applied to the scope of what they can do.
This podcast is recorded in the ACT so the references are to the local legislation related to guardians. If you live in another state or territory it is good to check on the local legislation and processes that are operating in your area.
The ACT Guardianship Legislation that we refer to in the podcast can be found here:
Guardianship and Management of Property Act 1991 | Acts
If you are a person with disability having difficulties related to a guardian or the guardianship process:
If you are living in the ACT
Contact Advocacy for Inclusion on (02) 6257 4005
or Contact us – Advocacy for Inclusion
If you are living in another state or territory go to Disability Advocacy Network Australia | Disability Advocacy Network Australia (dana.org.au)Support the show
In this podcast we will reflect on four simple points about self-advocacy. The work of self-advocacy, communicating what matters to us and what is OK and not OK in our lives, is ongoing. It isn't always easy particularly when it feel likes nothing we say or do can make a difference. In our reflection we will think about those feelings that tell when circumstances are not OK, the powerful truth that we have rights and also responsibilities, the value of our message and our individual way of communicating it, and the help we can find in trustworthy supporters.
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In this interview, with Dr Lisa Stafford, we explore what we mean when we talk about inclusion, the power and inequities involved in design and planning, and creative approaches that have connected with the views and perspectives of young people with disability.
Dr Lisa Stafford is an Inclusive Communities Researcher and a Community Planner, with 20 years’ experience in the field of disability, inclusion and the built environment. Lisa has worked in government, NGO and university settings and has a specific focus on the social-spatial needs of children, young people and their families. Lisa also identifies as a chronically-ill disabled person.Support the show
People who are carers, in our community, are a diverse group of individuals. Some have found themselves in a carer role in abrupt and unexpected circumstances. Some are caring while negotiating the challenges of childhood and adolescence. Their daily commitment makes a profound difference for the person they support and yet they are often unrecognised in our society. In this podcast we have a conversation with Lisa Kelly, CEO of Carers ACT, about the experience and concerns of carers in our community.
Carers ACT website: Home - Carers ACT (www.carersact.org.au)
Carer Gateway Number: 1800 422 737Support the show
In this podcast we catch up with Nicolas Lawler and discuss issues related to the present lockdown in the ACT, the impact it is having on some people with disability in the community, and also concerns related to support services and vaccination.
We refer to Easy English resources in the podcast.
Here are the links:
Easy-English-COVID-Words.pdf (advocacyforinclusion.org)
When-Can-I-Leave-the-House-EE-Updated-16-August-2021.pdf (advocacyforinclusion.org)
If you are a person with disability living in the ACT, and need advocacy help, you can reach us on (02) 6257 4005
or via our website at Contact us – Advocacy for InclusionSupport the show
In this episode we had the opportunity to explore co-design with Kelly Ann McKercher. Kelly Ann is a design expert and author of the book "Beyond Sticky Notes: Co-design for Real: Mindsets, Methods, and Movements." Our conversation considered what authentic co-design looks like, the methods that can be used to engage the wisdom of people with lived experience, and the points of resistance that Kelly Ann has encountered when presenting co-design ideas to organisations.
Further information about co-design - and Kelly Ann's book - can be found at:
https://www.beyondstickynotes.com/Further information and help can be found:
https://tacsi.org.au/Support the show
The call for disability advocacy services has increased throughout the Covid era. Many individuals, in our community, face complex challenges and disabling barriers, and without advocacy support they have to find a way their forward alone. Nicolas Lawler, CEO of Advocacy for Inclusion, joins us to discuss the challenges of these times when increasing community need meets underfunded advocacy services. We also discuss the lessons that can be learnt from the experience of the Covid era and the merging of Advocacy for Inclusion (AFI) with People with Disability ACT (PWDACT).
Advocacy for Inclusion can be contacted:
Phone: (02) 6257 4005
Email: info@advocacyforinclusion.orgSupport the show
In this episode we interview ACT Disability Minister Emma Davidson. Our conversation covers a range of issues including the possible changes to the NDIS system that have been flagged, the relationship between state, territory and federal governments in relation to these possible changes, how the ACT Greens aim of "building a better normal" relates to people with disability and the complex challenges they negotiate, and the changes that are occurring in relation to the roll-out of the Covid-19 vaccines.
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The Federal Government has signaled changes to the NDIS system. The upcoming introduction of compulsory independent assessors has been met with significant concern among people with disability and their supporters. Stacy Reese joins us in this podcast to explain what we know about the upcoming changes and why they are of concern to many in the community.
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Advocacy for Inclusion had a great range of guests on our Staying Connected podcast during the challenges of 2020. Our conversations ranged from discussing how to maintain mental health and find safety from domestic violence, the ongoing work of the Disability Royal Commission, and emerging insights that came to the fore as the year continued through key reports. In this episode we revisit some key moments in our conversations with our podcast guests.
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COVID-19 has brought a lot of challenges to how we live and work, for people with disability we know there have been extra challenges. Advocacy organisations, like AFI, have been inundated with calls for support over the last 6 months of the pandemic. In this podcast, we talk to CEO of Advocacy for Inclusion Nicolas Lawler, about what it is like to provide advocacy during this time, and how we are learning to better support people in our community.
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The value of the community sector becomes most apparent in challenging times when communities are faced with hardship when individuals are most vulnerable. It's the community sector that steps in to listen and advocate to support and rebuild, to call for greater justice and reform to promote a fairer and more inclusive society. In this episode, we talk with Dr Emma Campbell, CEO of ACTCOSS, the Peak body for social services in the ACT. We talk about what is, and what isn't working in government policy response in this uncertain time.
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When physical schools have closed down, and education has gone online the challenges have proven all the greater in the homes of children and young people with disability. In this episode, we speak with Mary Sayers CEO of Children and Young People with Disability about their most recent report: "Not even remotely fair: Experiences of students with disability during COVID-19"
Read the full report here: https://www.cyda.org.au/resources/details/172/not-even-remotely-fair-experiences-of-students-with-disability-during-covid-19-full-reportSupport the show
DISABILITY SUPPORT WORKERS: THE FORGOTTEN WORKFORCE IN COVID-19 describes the findings from a national survey of 357 disability support workers (DSWs) conducted online between May and June 2020.
In this episode, Rob discusses the results of this survey and that doing the right thing by people with disability means doing the right thing by people who support them.
You can read the report here: https://mspgh.unimelb.edu.au/news-and-events/disability-support-workers-and-covid-19-findings-from-our-surveySupport the show
We are living in a time when decisions are being made that we would not have imagined possible 12 months ago. This is a time when human rights are quite appropriately on many people's radar. In this podcast, we revisit what are Human Rights and what that means for all of us in the time of COVID-19.
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