
  • Episode 4's guest is Nishan Degnarain, the CEO of EXO Solutions and Former Chair, World Economic Forum Global Agenda Council on Oceans. In this conversation with Nishan, recorded on December 2nd, 2022, themes discussed include sustainability in comparison between the ocean and space domains, development of effective ESG strategies in new investment sectors; and the opportunities for growth in sustainable space activities.

  • Episode 2's guest is Matthew Kuta, the Co-Founder, President, and Chief Operating Officer of Voyager Space Holdings. In this conversation with Matt, recorded on October 4th 2022, themes discussed include the increasing importance of ESG requirements for large investment capital sources; the possible role of ESG factors as a discriminator between companies in private equity investment decisions; and the challenges and outlooks for developing ESG practices and reporting for NewSpace companies.

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  • Episode 2's guest is Matt O'Connell, Operating Partner at DCVC. In this conversation with Matt, recorded on August 26th, 2022, themes discussed include the links between sustainable operating practices in space and sustainable business results; the challenges of large constellations, and the need for improving information sharing as commercial space activities expand. The discussion also covers both the benefits and downsides of ESG motivations in the space sector.

  • Episode 1's guest is Mark Boggett, CEO and Managing Partner of Seraphim. In this conversation with Mark, recorded on August 1st 2022, themes discussed include the contribution of ESG factors in driving investment activity; the ways in which venture capital funds can interact with portfolio companies to address sustainability; and the role of the UN Sustainable Development Goals for tracking investment outcomes.

  • What are the most pressing challenges confronting governments, industry and civil society in terms of building capacity for implementing international space sustainability guidelines, and what steps should each of these three sectors prioritize to build such capacity? This panel of leading international experts shared their thoughts on how governments, industry and civil society can jointly build capacity in the space community to support the implementation of the international guidelines for space sustainability recently adopted by the UN. For more background information on these guidelines, see our SWF Factsheet.



    Niklas Hedman, UN Office for Outer Space Affairs, Austria Andre Rypl, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Brazil Keren Shahar, Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Israel David Turner, Department of State, United States Industry Aarti Holla-Maini, EMEA Satellite Operators Association, Belgium Therese Jones, Satellite Industry Association, United States Daniel Oltrogge, Space Safety Coalition, United States Charity Weeden, Astroscale, United States Civil Society David Kendall, Outer Space Institute, Canada Jean-Jacques Tortora, European Space Policy Institute, Austria Guoyu Wang, Beijing Institute of Technology, China Danielle Wood, Massachusetts Institute of Technology, United States
  • Secure World Foundation and the ISS National Labs co-hosted the first in a two-event series, one in the San Francisco Bay area and one in Washington, DC. This series is designed to highlight and examine the socioeconomic benefits of the International Space Station. Global efforts like the Sustainable Development Goals are benefiting from work being done on ISS but these activities have received little attention.

    Speakers comprised a diverse group of ISS National Lab partners, data end-users, and government representatives who spoke to unique work that’s being done, the observed or expected benefit on Earth, and the importance of maintaining the space environment to support this work.

  • Many earth scientists unknowingly use special allocations of spectrum that are reserved for the collection and transmission of hydrometeorological data, particularly involving weather satellites. These allocations, for example, provide rebroadcasts of geostationary weather satellite imagery, transmit National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) data to academic and industry partners, and enable passive microwave sensing of weather systems over the ocean. Data received through these allocations are paramount to achieving the best possible timeliness and quality of weather forecasts and warnings. Satellite observations of Earth’s atmosphere are a major contributor to weather and climate research, and improve the predictions from numerical weather prediction models.

    However, the spectrum allocations for meteorological observations and earth exploration is potentially becoming threatened from proposals to deploy 5G and other advanced networks in adjacent bands, introducing risk and uncertainty for longstanding remote sensing applications. Because scientists and other users of weather data do not typically follow the complex and technical government spectrum proceedings, there is limited advocacy from those who could be impacted most and could best convey the true value of certain spectrum allocations for science.

    In order to illustrate the wide range of potential impacts to weather satellite observations and timely earth science data transmissions, this panel, at the 2019 Joint Satellite Conference, discussed various spectrum proposals and how they might impact earth science research and users of earth-observing satellite imagery and products. The panel will also explain the regulatory environment and challenges to a brokered discussion on the relative merits of competing needs for spectrum allocations. It was an opportunity to share information with an international audience of satellite experts across government, academic and private sector audiences. The timing occurred shortly after the close in public comments to the FCC on the NPRM related to GOES real time data access (1675-1680 MHz) and just prior to the start of the World Radio Conference where discussions will include the rules around the global deployment of 5G technologies, including spectrum resources closely adjoining passive remote sensing observations for numerical weather prediction (especially near 23.8 GHz).


    Jordan Gerth, Physical Scientist, National Weather Service Office of Observations Ryan Terry, Director, Regulatory Licensing and Policy, Lockheed Martin Corporation Elliot Eichen, 2018-2019 IEEE-USA Congressional Fellow, and former Director of R&D, Verizon Communications Dave Lubar, Senior Project Leader, Civil Spectrum Management, Civil Systems Group, The Aerospace Corporation

    Session Co-chairs:

    Renee Leduc, Founder & Principal, Narayan Strategy Krystal Wilson, Director of Space Applications Programs, Secure World Foundation

    More details, can be found at the event page on the SWF website.

  • Recorded in Washington, DC on September 26, 2019.

    Since 2016, Secure World Foundation (SWF) has partnered with the U.S. Department of State to host multiple Space Weather as a Global Challenge events to facilitate discussions on the impacts of space weather across the globe, and plans to collaborate in observation, modeling, prediction, and mitigation of harmful effects. This year’s Space Weather as a Global Challenge will be held in coordination with the Next Step Benchmarks Town Hall, an event that supports the U.S. National Space Weather Strategy and Action Plan, on September 26, 2019.

    The Next Step Benchmarks is an effort funded by NSF and NASA, and led by the IDA Science and Technology Policy Institute (STPI), that has gathered 32 of the world’s leading space weather scientists to develop recommendations for improving the characterization of extreme space weather events. Initial characterizations of 1-in-100-year and theoretical maximum events for five space weather phenomena were described in the Space Weather Phase 1 Benchmarks report, released by the White House’s National Science and Technology Council in 2018. The Next Step Benchmarks team is developing a public report that will provide recommendations to improve the estimates found in the Phase 1 report. The Town Hall will be an opportunity for the space weather community to provide feedback on proposed recommendations and priorities for studies, data acquisition, and long-term research that would improve the characterization of extreme space weather events.

    Following the Town Hall, SWF and the U.S. Department of State hosted an evening panel discussion and networking reception to share the general outcomes of the Town Hall and other U.S. and international space weather initiatives.

    Speakers Jean-Luc Bald, First Secretary, Space Global Issues & Innovation Section, Delegation of the European Union to the United States of America Mark Harvey, Special Assistant to the President and Senior Director for Resilience Policy, National Security Council Staff Jeff O'Neil, Legislative Director, Office of Congressman Ed Perlmutter (CO-07) Geoffrey Reeves, Research Fellow, Los Alamos National Lab Moderator: Josh Wolny, Project Manager, Secure World Foundation

    More details, including transcripts, can be found at the event page on the SWF website.

  • The growth in space activities has shifted space traffic management from an academic debate to real-world policy debate, yet there is still significant uncertainty about what it means and how to go about creating a workable regime. Should space traffic management be top-down with a global agreement on rules and standards? Or should it be done from the bottom-up with industry practices enshrined in national regulation? Who decides what the rules are, who they apply to, and how they are enforced? | Moderator: Chris Johnson, SWF Space Law Advisor


    Didier Alary, University of Toulouse

    Talal Al Kaissi, UAE Space Agency

    Ron Lopez, Astroscale U.S.

    Jennifer Warren, Lockheed Martin

  • Over the last several years, there has been a growing focus on two different conversations: one about the commercial and economic development of space, and another about the risk of conflict on Earth extending into space. Yet there is often very little dialogue on how these two issues interact and what impact each may have on the other. How might greater geopolitical instability or actual war in space impact commercialization? Can the private sector play a role in deterring space conflict or providing more resilient capabilities? | Moderator: Brian Weeden, SWF Director of Program Planning


    Joshua Huminski, Center for the Study of the Presidency & Congress

    Pam Melroy, Melroy & Hollett Technology Partners

    Bhavya Lal, Science and Technology Policy Institute

    Doug Loverro, Loverro Consulting

    Jeffrey Trauberman, VOX Space

    This audio was recorded June 25th at the National Press Club in Washington, DC as part of the Secure World Foundation's Summit for Space Sustainability.

  • The last decade has seen a surge in new actors entering the space domain. Many more countries are developing space programs and national law and policy while commercial startups are leveraging cheaper and better technology to do more with less. What are the benefits of the surge in new actors and what should we be wary of? What steps can the world take to ensure that new actors are contributing to space sustainability? | Moderator: Ian Christensen, SWF Director of Private Sector Programs


    Jim Armor, Northrop Grumman

    Simonetta di Pippo, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs

    Kalpak Gude, Swarm

    Mark Mozena, Planet

    Rajeswari Pillai Rajagopalan, Observer Research Foundation

    This panel took place June 25, 2019 at the Summit for Space Sustainability in Washington, DC.

  • This audio was recorded on June 25 during the SWF Summit for Space Sustainability at the National Press Club in Washington, DC.


    Krystal Wilson, SWF Director of Space Applications Programs, Summit Chair

    Peter Martinez, SWF Executive Director


    A series of short presentations by high-level experts on current situations, trends, and challenges in the space domain that impact space sustainability.

    State of the Space Environment - Holger Krag, European Space Agency

    The Globalization of Space - Rogel Mari Sese, Regulus SpaceTech

    The Rise and Promise of Commercial Space - Carissa Christensen, Bryce Space & Technology

    Militarization and Potential Conflict in Space- Jana Robinson, Prague Security Studies Institute

    The Role of Space for Benefits on Earth - Anne Hale Miglarese, Radiant Earth Foundation

    Past and Future of Space Governance - Niklas Hedman, United Nations Office for Outer Space Affairs

  • Recorded in Washington, DC on May 6, 2019

    On March 27, 2019, India successfully tested an anti-satellite (ASAT) weapon against one of its satellites. With this intercept, India became the fourth country to demonstrate this capability. While most of the debris that was created should be relatively short-lived, some of it will be around for months, if not years.

    What does this test mean for the future of space security and stability? Has a precedent been established about how to test an ASAT in a way that the international community will accept? How will this affect international security and great power relationships? Does this test and potentially others like this pose a risk to the burgeoning commercial space sector? A panel of experts gathered in Washington, D.C to discuss potential consequences and fall-out from India's ASAT test.


    Moderator: Brian Weeden, Director of Program Planning, Secure World Foundation


    Bob Hall, Director, Commercial Space Operations Center, AGI Ankit Panda, Adjunct Senior Fellow in Defense Posture Project, Federation of American Scientists Victoria Samson, Washington Office Director, Secure World Foundation

    More details can be found at the event page on the SWF website.

  • This audio was recorded in Washington, DC on March 29, 2019.

    On March 29, 2019, The Secure World Foundation hosted a panel discussion on "US-China Engagement in Space." A group of experts talked about how the United States and China interact in space and looked toward future possibilities for further engagement across commercial, civil, and national security issues.

    Speakers Moderator: Victoria Samson, SWF Washington Office Director Patrick Besha, Senior Policy Advisor for Strategic Engagement and Assessment in the Office of the Administrator at NASA Headquarters Mike Gold, Chair of the Commercial Space Transportation Advisory Committee Lincoln Hines, PhD candidate in the Government Department at Cornell University,Cornell University Audrey Schaffer, Director, Space Strategy and Plans, Office of the Secretary of Defense Brian Weeden, SWF Director of Program Planning
  • Recorded in Washington DC, on December 6, 2018.

    The orbital space around the earth is increasingly utilized by many actors across the world. Satellites built and launched by governments that strictly served national security and scientific exploration purposes have given way to privately (and even amateur) built and commercially launched space objects. This growth in participation has increased the amount of stakeholders interested in preserving the orbital domain, but it has also increased the amount of satellites and human-generated debris on orbit. As governments, and their myriad agencies, seek to preserve access to the benefits of space, how can collaboration reduce redundancies and avoid the complications of differing definitions, priorities, and data standards?

    SWF and ESA co-hosted a luncheon panel discussion on international collaboration concerning space safety. Speakers and panelists discussed the roles of governments and industry, technical hurdles, and other challenges.



    Johann-Dietrich Wörner, Director General, European Space Agency Patrick Besha, Senior Policy Advisor in the Office of the Administrator at NASA Headquarters


    Jim Cooper, Senior Systems Engineer, Space Situational Awareness, Analytical Graphics, Inc. Todd Harrison, Director, CSIS Aerospace Security Project and Defense Budget Analysis Diane Howard, Professor of Commercial Space Operations/Spaceflight Ops, Embry-Riddle Aeronautical University Bill Murtagh, Program Coordinator, NOAA Space Weather Prediction Center Charity Weeden, US Managing Representative, Astroscale Moderator: Victoria Samson, Washington Office Director, Secure World Foundation

    More details can be found at the event page on the SWF website.

  • Recorded in Washington DC, on July 25, 2018.

    The SWEF brought together the space weather community to share information and ideas among policymakers, senior government leaders, researchers, private-sector service providers, space weather information users, media, and legislators and staff from Capitol Hill to raise awareness of space weather and its effects on society. This year's event sharpened the focus on critical infrastructure protection, with the necessary underpinnings of research, improved products and services, and applications to serve a broad and growing user community. The ultimate goal is to improve the Nation’s ability to prepare for, avoid, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the potentially devastating impacts of space weather events on our health, economy, and national security.

    This recording features an presentations and a panel discussion on research-to-operations activities seeking to address threats from severe space weather.

    Speakers Mr. Steven Clarke, Senior Policy Analyst at the Office of Science and Technology Policy , Executive Office of the President Dr. Conrad Lautenbacher, Chief Executive Officer, GeoOptics Incorporated and American Commercial Space Weather Association Dr. Daniel Baker, Director, Laboratory for Atmospheric and Space Physics, University of Colorado, Boulder Dr. Christopher Cannizzaro, Office of Space and Advanced Technology in the Bureau of Oceans, Environment, and Science, U.S. Department of State Dr. Mizuhhiko Hosokawa, Vice President of National Institute of Information and Communications Technology, Japan Moderator: Mr. Mike Ryschkewitch, Head, Space Sector at Johns Hopkins University of Applied Physics Laboratory Closing: Mr. Michael Bonadonna, Executive Secretary, Space Weather Operations Research and Mitigation Subcommittee and Office of the Federal Coordinator for Meteorology

    More details can be found at the event page on the SWF website.

  • Recorded in Washington DC, on July 25, 2018.

    The SWEF brought together the space weather community to share information and ideas among policymakers, senior government leaders, researchers, private-sector service providers, space weather information users, media, and legislators and staff from Capitol Hill to raise awareness of space weather and its effects on society. This year's event sharpened the focus on critical infrastructure protection, with the necessary underpinnings of research, improved products and services, and applications to serve a broad and growing user community. The ultimate goal is to improve the Nation’s ability to prepare for, avoid, mitigate, respond to, and recover from the potentially devastating impacts of space weather events on our health, economy, and national security.

    This recording features an opening address and presentations and a panel discussion about the risks and impacts associated with space weather.

    Speakers Opening Address: Representative Ed Perlmutter (CO-7) Ms. Devon Streit, Deputy Assistant Secretary for Infrastructure Security and Energy Restoration, Department of Energy Mr. Ralph Stoffler, Director of Weather, Deputy Chief of Staff for Operations, Headquarters, U.S. Air Force Dr. James Spann, Acting Heliophysics Division Chief Scientist, Headquarters NASA Dr. William Lapenta, Director, National Centers for Environmental Predictions, NOAA Moderator: Mr. Ben Reed, National Space Council

    More details can be found at the event page on the SWF website.

  • Recorded in Washington DC, on July 24, 2018.

    The Embassy of Japan, the U.S. Department of State, and Secure World Foundation held a discussion on space weather as a global challenge with a focus on research, operations and preparedness. This event updated the international community on progress made toward implementing the U.S. National Space Weather Strategy and Action Plan.

    This recording features presentations and a panel discussion about space weather's interaction with the commercial sector and concluding remarks.

    Speakers Ryoichiro Yasumitsu, Mitsubishi Electric Corporation Hideaki Matsumoto, Pilot, ANA Airlines Susan Taylor, Senior Associate, Abt Associates Conrad Lautenbacher, Executive Committee Member, American Commercial Space Weather Association David Roop, Director, Electric Transmission, Dominion Electric Power Moderator: Mamoru Ishii, Director, Space Weather and Environment Informatics Laboratory, National Institute of Information and Communications Technology Tomohiko Arai, Science Counselor, Embassy of Japan Chris Cannizzaro, Physical Science Officer, U.S. Department of State

    More details can be found at the event page on the SWF website.