
  • “I believe that we all have the power to create the change we wish to see in schools. By changing schools, we change the future of the world, creating a world where every individual sees their value and purpose, knows they are loved and worthy, and has the tools to make their own unique contribution to the world.”

    Today, Ellen answers the question,

    “How can I start teaching my students by design?”

    Over the past 7 episodes of Teaching Students by Design, Ellen has given an overview of the basics of Quantum Human Design and how understanding energetic blueprints can help you guide your students to being who they truly are. Today, Ellen brings all these concepts together and discusses the next steps you can take to begin teaching your students by design.

    At the end of today’s episode, Ellen shares her incredibly powerful, impactful, timely, and relevant vision for the future of our educational system. If you’re just finding out about this show, this is a great episode to start with as Ellen’s passion and mission is so prevalent through her explanation of how to teach students by design and the impact this method can have on schools. Make sure to catch up on all of the past episodes to understand Ellen’s teachings, and then head to https://ellenhefty.teachable.com/p/teaching-students-by-design to take the next step in your journey of changing our educational system and teaching your students as they truly are.

    As a thank you for listening to this podcast, Ellen is offering 10% off her Teaching Students by Design program when you use the coupon code PODCAST10 at checkout!

    The mission with the Teaching Students by Design program is to guide educators to transform how students are educated, and help all parties reach their fullest potential, knowing that when each of us is being our unique and authentic self, the world is a more sustainable, compassionate, peaceful, and loving place.

    To find out more about Ellen and her work along with information on how to get your free Human Design chart, please visit https://ellenhefty.com

    The Quantum Human Design™ language and concepts in this show have been created and inspired by Karen Curry Parker and her work and are used with permission.

    Produced by Number Three Productions, https://numberthreeproductions.com

  • “Profile gives us clues for understanding our students’ learning styles. By understanding profiles, you can really see how your students express their unique and wonderful personalities.”

    Today, Ellen answers the question,

    “How does knowing the Quantum Human Design profile of your students help you understand how they interact with others?”

    The Teaching Students by Design program helps educators move out of the paradigm of an education system that doesn’t always work and has a one-size-fits-all approach for its students. In episode 3 of this season, we discussed an overview of energy types in Quantum Human Design, which helps educators move away from the one-size-fits-all approach to seeing their students in 5 different energetic areas. From there, we’ve seen ways to understand your students even more uniquely by discussing strategy, emotional theme, and authority. Today, Ellen discusses profiles, the final Quantum Human Design concept for this season. By using all these tools together, we can continue to see our students as unique and amazing individuals along with understanding them as they truly are.

    Make sure to subscribe and follow this show so you don’t miss next week’s episode when Ellen brings together all the concepts of Teaching Students by Design we’ve discussed so far and explains the next steps for how you can bring this incredible program into your classroom.

    The mission with the Teaching Students by Design program is to guide educators to transform how students are educated, and help all parties reach their fullest potential, knowing that when each of us is being our unique and authentic self, the world is a more sustainable, compassionate, peaceful, and loving place.

    To find out more about this amazing program, please visit


    As a thank you for listening to this podcast, Ellen is offering 10% off her Teaching Students by Design program when you use the coupon code PODCAST10 at checkout!

    To find out more about Ellen and her work along with information on how to get your free Human Design chart, please visit https://ellenhefty.com

    The Quantum Human Design™ language and concepts in this show have been created and inspired by Karen Curry Parker and her work and are used with permission.

    Produced by Number Three Productions, https://numberthreeproductions.com

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  • “Authority never overrides strategy, but it helps students be more in alignment with their energetic needs.”

    Today, Ellen answers the question,

    “How does authority support strategy?”

    Just as with Quantum Human Design strategy and emotional themes, every person has their own, unique authority. Authority varies between energy types and is based on one’s personal Human Design chart. By knowing your students’ authority, you can really help them tune into the signals that are coming from their bodies. When used in conjunction with an understanding of your students’ type, strategy, and emotional theme, authority will really help you develop a picture of your students’ energetic needs.

    Make sure to check out the next episode where Ellen will be explaining profiles before she brings everything together in episode 8 of her 8-part miniseries and explains How to Teach Students by Design!

    The mission with the Teaching Students by Design program is to guide educators to transform how students are educated, and help all parties reach their fullest potential, knowing that when each of us is being our unique and authentic self, the world is a more sustainable, compassionate, peaceful, and loving place.

    To find out more about this amazing program, please visit


    As a thank you for listening to this podcast, Ellen is offering 10% off her Teaching Students by Design program when you use the coupon code PODCAST10 at checkout!

    To find out more about Ellen and her work along with information on how to get your free Human Design chart, please visit https://ellenhefty.com

    The Quantum Human Design™ language and concepts in this show have been created and inspired by Karen Curry Parker and her work and are used with permission.

    Produced by Number Three Productions, https://numberthreeproductions.com

  • “One of the biggest shifts for me was to realize that I feel my emotional theme, but I'm not the emotion, I'm not my emotions. I feel my emotions.”

    Today, Ellen answers the question,

    What is emotional theme in Quantum Human Design and how does it help you know when your students are not getting their energy needs met?

    We've talked in the last couple of sessions about each of the five types in Quantum Human Design, how energy works for each type, and what their specific strategy is to navigate and operate through the world.

    Each type also has a specific emotional theme. This emotional theme can be used as a signal to see when something isn't quite right for your students. These emotional themes are helpful in seeing why strategy is so important. If your students are experiencing a lot of these emotions, it's a sign that they're not getting their energy needs met and it’s time to focus on their strategy.

    How do you help your students find ways to get their energy needs met? Keep listening to find out!

    The mission with the Teaching Students by Design program is to guide educators to transform how students are educated, and help all parties reach their fullest potential, knowing that when each of us is being our unique and authentic self, the world is a more sustainable, compassionate, peaceful, and loving place.

    To find out more about this amazing program, please visit https://ellenhefty.teachable.com/p/teaching-students-by-design

    As a thank you for listening to this podcast, Ellen is offering 10% off her Teaching Students by Design program when you use the coupon code PODCAST10 at checkout!

    To find out more about Ellen and her work along with information on how to get your free Human Design chart, please visit https://ellenhefty.com

    The Quantum Human Design™ language and concepts in this show have been created and inspired by Karen Curry Parker and her work and are used with permission.

    Produced by Number Three Productions, https://numberthreeproductions.com

  • “Everyone needs to have waiting as a part of their decision-making process. When you wait and you are not spontaneous in your decision-making, you can navigate through life in a much easier and more in the flow way.”

    Today, Ellen answers the question,

    How does strategy help students understand how they operate energetically in the world?

    Last time we talked about the five different energy types and how each type has a different role in the world and way of interacting with others. Each type also has a different strategy that helps them make decisions that are in alignment with the correct people and experiences. In this episode, Ellen uses a wonderful analogy of a stage performance to help explain how each type brings a unique role and perspective to the world. The strategy helps guide each type to best play out their role in the world and the cosmic plan.

    Make sure to subscribe and follow the Teaching Students by Design podcast so you don’t miss a single episode of Ellen’s teachings!

    The mission with the Teaching Students by Design program is to guide educators to transform how students are educated, and help all parties reach their fullest potential, knowing that when each of us is being our unique and authentic self, the world is a more sustainable, compassionate, peaceful, and loving place.

    To find out more about this amazing program, please visit https://ellenhefty.teachable.com/p/teaching-students-by-design

    As a thank you for listening to this podcast, Ellen is offering 10% off her Teaching Students by Design program when you use the coupon code PODCAST10 at checkout!

    To find out more about Ellen and her work along with information on how to get your free Human Design chart, please visit https://ellenhefty.com

    The Quantum Human Design™ language and concepts in this show have been created and inspired by Karen Curry Parker and her work and are used with permission.

    Produced by Number Three Productions, https://numberthreeproductions.com

  • “Each one of us has our own, unique, hardwiring for how we interact in the world.”

    Today, Ellen answers the question,

    What are energy types?

    Every person has their own, unique, energetic blueprint. In Quantum Human Design, this blueprint is called a body graph. The body graph is the first step in understanding energy types and tuning into how to meet and guide your student’s energy needs. Today, Ellen breaks down and explains the five energy types in Quantum Human Design. In addition to classic explanations of energy types, Ellen makes these explanations very accessible to students as well as to educators by comparing each energy type to a specific animal. Even if you are not a teacher, this explanation is a powerful way of understanding a huge part of the groundwork of Quantum Human Design!

    Make sure to subscribe and follow the Teaching Students by Design podcast so you don’t miss a single episode of Ellen’s teachings!

    The mission with the Teaching Students by Design program is to guide educators to transform how students are educated, and help all parties reach their fullest potential, knowing that when each of us is being our unique and authentic self, the world is a more sustainable, compassionate, peaceful, and loving place.

    To find out more about this amazing program, please visit https://ellenhefty.teachable.com/p/teaching-students-by-design

    As a thank you for listening to this podcast, Ellen is offering 10% off her Teaching Students by Design program when you use the coupon code PODCAST10 at checkout!

    To contact Ellen and find out more about her work, please visit https://ellenhefty.com

    The Quantum Human Design™ language and concepts in this show have been created and inspired by Karen Curry Parker and her work and are used with permission.

    Produced by Number Three Productions, https://numberthreeproductions.com

  • “It just feels right to learn about it, and you don't need all the details. You just know and feel in your body that it's okay to go ahead and to continue to listen.”

    Today, Ellen answers the question,

    What is teaching students by design?

    Listen along as Ellen explains the overview of her program and discusses the framework of Quantum Human Design, a system that Ellen has molded into a style of reaching your students in a way that you’ve never reached them before. Over the coming weeks you will begin to learn about this groundbreaking approach to teaching, including the different energy needs your students have, how you can guide your students towards easier decision-making, and the different ways students interact with each other based on their unique profile.

    Make sure to subscribe and follow the Teaching Students by Design podcast so you don’t miss a single episode of Ellen’s teachings!

    The mission with the Teaching Students by Design program is to guide educators to transform how students are educated, and help all parties reach their fullest potential, knowing that when each of us is being our unique and authentic self, the world is a more sustainable, compassionate, peaceful, and loving place.

    To find out more about this amazing program, please visit https://ellenhefty.teachable.com/p/teaching-students-by-design

    As a thank you for listening to this podcast, Ellen is offering 10% off her Teaching Students by Design program when you use the coupon code PODCAST10 at checkout!

    To contact Ellen and find out more about her work, please visit https://ellenhefty.com

    Produced by Number Three Productions, https://numberthreeproductions.com

  • Today, Ellen answers the question,

    Why teach students by design?

    When Ellen left teaching in 2013, she started to recognize that one of the problems many educators face is not understanding why children misbehave. It’s generally not because of any of the reasons we tend to believe, like their upbringing, ADHD, their neediness, their clinginess, or a myriad of other reasons we assign to them.

    The real reason they misbehave is because they're not getting their energy needs met.

    Every child has their own, unique, energetic needs. What can we do to meet the energy needs of students? We can use a tool called Quantum Human Design to better understand those needs and provide an education that is more in alignment with their natural way of being.

    By Teaching Students by Design, educators will be able to help students to be more aligned with who they are and, by being aligned with who they are, it's going to change the world.

    The mission with the Teaching Students by Design program is to guide educators to transform how students are educated, and help all parties reach their fullest potential, knowing that when each of us is being our unique and authentic self, the world is a more sustainable, compassionate, peaceful, and loving place.

    To find out more about this amazing program, please visit https://ellenhefty.teachable.com/p/teaching-students-by-design

    As a thank you for listening to this podcast, Ellen is offering 10% off her Teaching Students by Design program when you use the coupon code PODCAST10 at checkout!

    To contact Ellen and find out more about her work, please visit https://www.ellenhefty.com/

    Produced by Number Three Productions, www.numberthreeproductions.com

  • Are you a teacher that has students who are struggling in your classroom?

    Or are you a school administrator that is looking for a tool for your staff that can create great change?

    Do you worry day and night about students who aren’t reaching their potential?

    Are you trying to reach your students and are realizing the old tools just don’t work for everyone?

    If you said yes to just one of these questions, then this podcast is for you.

    The Teaching Students by Design podcast introduces educators to a practical, simple-to-use tool called Quantum Human Design to help students get their energy needs met and reach their potential. Educators are experiencing more burnout than ever, and more students are struggling to succeed.

    The mission with the Teaching Students by Design program is to guide educators to transform how students are educated and help all parties reach their fullest potential knowing that, when each of us is being our unique and authentic self the world is a more sustainable, compassionate, peaceful, and loving place.

    To begin your journey of teaching your students by design, please visit the Teaching Students by Design program at


    As a thank you for listening to this podcast, Ellen is offering 10% off of her Teaching Students by Design program when you use the coupon code PODCAST10 at checkout!

    Make sure to subscribe, follow, and rate this podcast on your favorite platform to help get Ellen’s teachings out into the world!

    To find out more about Ellen, please visit https://www.ellenhefty.com/

    Produced by Number Three Productions, https://numberthreeproductions.com/