
  • Every year our Park Rangers have a huge job to prepare and get the Territory’s national Parks and Reserves ready for the locals and visitors with the tourist season.

    There is so much more to preparing parks then you would ever imagine. It’s not just about cleaning toilets and BBQ’s but also cleaning up after cyclones and bushfires, water quality testing and croc monitoring.

    We talk with Louise the District Manager for Darwin Urban Parks and Andrew, the District Manager for Top End Parks about just what our rangers have to do and celebrate the network of volunteers that support the parks, reserves and wildlife rescue.

    So if you ever wanted to know where your camping and Park Pass fees are going or perhaps you always wanted to know what it’s like to be a Park Ranger in the Territory!

    Then this is the episode for you.

    Show Notes and links:

    Always check for opens and closures before you go as things can change quickly https://nt.gov.au/parksBook your camping, multi-day walking or get your Park Pass if you are an interstate visitor before you go https://parkbookings.nt.gov.au/Web/ Stay safe on our parks, observe the rules and always remember to #BeCrocwise, #BeattheHeat and #LeaveNoTrace https://nt.gov.au/parks/safety-rulesIf your looking to give back and volunteer with Parks and Wildlife visit https://nt.gov.au/parks-volunteers Report/Rescue injured wildlife visit https://nt.gov.au/environment/animals/report-injured-wildlife-or-rescue

    If you have any question about this episode or if there is a topic you would like to hear about in one of our upcoming podcasts, feel free to send us an email at [email protected] or a DM facebook.com/EnvironmentNT

    You should also sign up to our newsletter, Finding the Balance to get all the news about the Territory Environment and the answers to all your questions.

  • The rainy season is coming to a close in the Top End of the Territory and as it starts to dry out it signifies the time for rural Top Enders to prepare for the impeding bushfire season.

    We talk with Tom from Bushfires NT about what you need to do and how to prepare your property and plan for fire safety in the Top End. Simon from the Bushfires NT Central Australia team also joins us to provide a wrap up of the Central season, as it comes to a close, and go over a bit about the Barkly complex fire, earlier in the Central Australia fire season.

    We gain an insight into just what these men and women go through to protect the community and some of the tools used to assist with Bushfire management.

    In honour of all the volunteers that support Bushfires NT, we celebrate and discuss how this amazing network of volunteers support the community in their area and the volunteers that went into the Barkly.

    Show notes:

    Prepare and plan for a Bushfire and know your responsibilities https://nt.gov.au/emergency/bushfire/prepare-and-planFollow the link for more information about fire break installation and maintenance https://nt.gov.au/emergency/bushfire/prepare-and-plan/firebreaks Stay up to date with Bushfire Alerts https://securent.nt.gov.au/respond/bushfire-alertsBecome a Bushfire NT volunteer in your area https://nt.gov.au/emergency/cyclones/volunteering-cyclones-fire-and-disasters/volunteer-with-bushfires-nt

    If you have any question about this episode or if there is a topic you would like to hear about in one of our upcoming podcasts, feel free to send us an email at [email protected] or a DM facebook.com/EnvironmentNT

    You should also sign up to our newsletter, Finding the Balance to get all the news about the Territory Environment and the answers to all your questions.

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  • Gamba grass, originally introduced as a pasture grass and is a declared weed in the Territory. Gamba is highly invasive, burns up to eight times hotter than native grasses and has a significant impact on the environment.

    On this episode we chat with Russel and Emma from the Weed Management Branch about how to manage gamba and the work the department does through programs like the Gamba Action Program. We also celebrate the countless volunteer groups working to bring gamba grass under control.

    Show Notes:

    For information about Gamba Grass, how to manage it and handy tips on how to ID Gamba visit https://nt.gov.au/gamba

    To Have Your Say on the Weed Management Plan Gamba Grass 2020-2030 visit https://haveyoursay.nt.gov.au/weed-management-plan/surveys/gamba-grass-management-plan

    To check your Gamba Grass risk rating visit https://nt.gov.au/environment/weeds/weeds-in-the-nt/A-Z-list-of-weeds-in-the-NT/gamba-grass/gamba-grass-risk-check

    To report problem Gamba visit https://nt.gov.au/environment/weeds/weeds-in-the-nt/A-Z-list-of-weeds-in-the-NT/gamba-grass/report-gamba

    To contact the Weed Management Branch in your area visit https://nt.gov.au/environment/weeds/contact-the-weed-management-branch/weed-management-branch-contacts

    If you have any question about this episode or if there is a topic you would like to hear about in one of our upcoming podcasts, feel free to send us an email at [email protected] or a DM facebook.com/EnvironmentNT

    You should also sign up to our newsletter, Finding the Balance to get all the news about the Territory Environment and the answers to all your questions.

  • This year the NT Cattlemen’s Association celebrated their 40th anniversary of the NT Cattlemen’s Conference, held in Alice Springs.

    Some of the Rangelands team attended the conference to meet with industry and colleagues to talk about how we can help with all their pastoral, land, soil and vegetation questions.

    Your host Monica talks with Alana Mackay, Director Pastoral Branch, Rebecca de Vries, Director Development Coordination and Christine Plewinski, Land Development Facilitator as they take us behind the scenes of the conference and discuss what it is the Rangelands division do to support the pastoral industry and land holders in the use and management of land and vegetation.

    If you have any question about this episode or if there is a topic you would like to hear about in one of our upcoming podcasts, feel free to send us an email at [email protected] or a DM facebook.com/EnvironmentNT

    You should also sign up to our newsletter, Finding the Balance to get all the news about the Territory Environment and the answers to all your questions.

  • Welcome to the very first episode of the Territory Environment Podcast, proudly brought to you by the Northern Territory Government, Department of Environment, Parks and Water Security.

    This April will see crocodile experts from across the country come to the Northern Territory for the 27th Working Meeting of the IUCN Species Survival Commission (SSC) Crocodile Specialist Group.

    On this episode of the Territory Environment Podcast we discuss how these prehistoric animals are protected, their role in our environment and the feedback on the consultation of the Saltwater Crocodile Management Plan due for final release at the conference.

    Your host Phillipa Hunter is joined by Dr. Tim Clancy the Director of Information and Advice with the Flora and Fauna division and Kristen Hay, the Director Wildlife Operations with NT Parks and Wildlife.

    If you have any question about this episode or if there is a topic you would like to hear about in one of our upcoming podcasts, feel free to send us an email at [email protected] or a DM facebook.com/EnvironmentNT

    You should also sign up to our newsletter, Finding the Balance to get all the news about the Territory Environment and the answers to all your questions.

  • In the Top End where there is a regular seasonal rain, often referred to as the wet season, the department uses an adaptive management tool that allows the volume of licenced water extraction to be varied in response to water availability each year.

    Announced allocations are released every year, in line with the water accounting year, on 1 May by the Controller of Water Resources.

    Your host Phillipa is joined by Dale, Chief water modeller, Peter, Senior Hydrologist and Andrew Johnson PSM, the Controller of Water Resources as they discuss how water resources undertake water modelling, the climate conditions to present the expected water licence entitlements to preserve environmental flow thresholds within river systems.

    This episode is not to be missed as we learn the intricacies of how the department ensures the use of this precious natural resource is managed sustainably.

    If you have any question about this episode or if there is a topic you would like to hear about in one of our upcoming podcasts, feel free to send us an email at [email protected] or a DM facebook.com/EnvironmentNT

    You should also sign up to our newsletter, Finding the Balance to get all the news about the Territory Environment and the answers to all your questions.