
  • The start of a three part meditation on what the government does with the food it takes off our table, the shoes it takes off our kids feet, and all the things we pass up in order to pay our taxes. In some alternate reality the people we trust to be responsible stewards of our sacred tax dollars take their job very seriously and reverently apply the people’s money to create an effective government, establish justice, insure domestic tranquility, promote the common defence, promote general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty! What the fuck happened?

    Featured Sources:
    https://youtu.be/afGz0dzVSIU?si=X6OsJ9MHwYfPlbNI https://foreignpolicy.com/2013/07/14/u-s-repeals-propaganda-ban-spreads-government-made-news-to-americans/

    Visit Website: www.abracast.com
    The Red Vault / Subscribestar: www.subscribestar.com/abracast
    The voice of The Abracast – Hila Assor https://hilaassor.com/
    Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3t
    Written / Produced / researched / Performed – Jon Towers

  • Teetering on the edge of a nervous breakdown, Jon found this book, or part of it anyways. Now we are all going to be exposed to Meditations by Marcus Aurelius.

    Featured Sources:
    Meditations by Marcus Aurelius

    Visit Website: www.abracast.com
    The Red Vault / Subscribestar: www.subscribestar.com/abracast
    The voice of The Abracast – Hila Assor https://hilaassor.com/
    Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3t
    Written / Produced / researched / Performed – Jon Towers

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  • Set against the backdrop of a terrifying and tragic personal story Jon discusses and analyzes an old Chinese parable and we ask “what is good, and what is bad?”. This episode includes discussions of mental illness, suicide and the death of amazing pets. This episode may be difficult for some listeners and some podcast hosts…

    Featured Sources:https://www.wordonfire.org/articles/fellows/the-story-of-the-chinese-farmer/

    Visit Website: www.abracast.com

    The Red Vault / Subscribestar: www.subscribestar.com/abracast

    The voice of The Abracast – Hila Assor https://hilaassor.com/

    Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3t
    Written / Produced / researched / Performed – Jon Towers

  • In this episode we start by looking at the historical end of civilizations. We’ll also look at the lack of FEMA response to the devastating Hurricane Helene. They said they’re broke, but where is the money? Show me the money! Is it a “Great Replacement Theory” conspiracy? Is it a conspiracy to turn America into a “Third World Shit-hole”? Are they conspiring to change the voting demographics to “red counties”? And why is it that, the whole western world is going thru the same crises?

    Featured Sources:https://www.newscientist.com/article/mg23731610-300-end-of-days-is-western-civilisation-on-the-brink-of-collapse/https://nypost.com/2024/10/03/us-news/feds-say-theres-no-money-left-to-respond-to-hurricanes-after-fema-used-640-9m-this-year-on-migrants/



    https://www.theblaze.com/news/mayor-pete-orders-citizens-to-stop-using-drones-to-find-stranded-victims-as-feds-fumble-hurricane-responseVisit Website: www.abracast.com

    The Red Vault / Subscribestar: www.subscribestar.com/abracast
    The voice of The Abracast – Hila Assor https://hilaassor.com/
    Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3t
    Written / Produced / researched / Performed – Jon Towers

  • In this episode we pause for a minute to talk about some practical matters. Let’s travel back in time to 2019, and ponder the lessons learned during the Pandemic lockdowns and just how much the world has changed in just a short period of time. We’ll also consider the changes coming soon.

    Featured Sources:

    Visit Website: www.abracast.com
    The Red Vault / Subscribestar: www.subscribestar.com/abracast
    The voice of The Abracast – Hila Assor https://hilaassor.com/
    Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3t
    Written / Produced / researched / Performed – Jon Towers

  • We look at the abandoning of Bagram Airfield, Kabul, Afghanistan, our Afghan allies and United States citizens. We look at the civilian heroes who went to work to rescue people, the military heroes who died / injured and the hundreds of Afghans that were blown up. We discuss what kind of equipment was left to the Taliban and we also talk about the mysterious payments to the Taliban of multiple MILLIONS of TAXPAYER DOLLARS!

    Featured Sources:

    Visit Website: www.abracast.com
    The Red Vault / Subscribestar: www.subscribestar.com/abracast
    The voice of The Abracast – Hila Assor https://hilaassor.com/
    Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3t
    Written / Produced / researched / Performed – Jon Towers

  • Where is America in the Book of Revelation? Is it possible that in the end we are the bad guys? In this episode we’ll look at the Proskuriv Pogrom, A lesser known genocide of the Jews among the backdrop of the Russian revolution in 1918-1919 and much, much more! We will ask why is it that evil regimes thru history turn on God’s Chosen People? And we will ask… Do you see a pattern emerging and what does that mean for us?

    Featured Sources:

    Visit Website: www.abracast.com
    The Red Vault / Subscribestar: www.subscribestar.com/abracast
    The voice of The Abracast – Hila Assor https://hilaassor.com/
    Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3t
    Written / Produced / researched / Performed – Jon Towers

  • In this “compare and contrast” episode we look at the Democrat National Convention in the
    tumultuous and radical times of 1968 and bouncing the event off of the upcoming tumultuous and radical times of 2024. Some of the historical events leading up to the two events line up in really weird "eternal reoccurance" ways and might let us check the “history repeats itself” narrative to a test. We might also want to play the lottery…

    Featured Sources:

    Visit Website: www.abracast.com
    The Red Vault / Subscribestar: www.subscribestar.com/abracast
    The voice of The Abracast – Hila Assor https://hilaassor.com/
    Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3t
    Written / Produced / researched / Performed – Jon Towers

  • Let’s examine what the fuck happened to Joe Biden’s latest presidential campaign and the actual conspiracy to force him out. We will study the political shenanigans surrounding the decision to drop out, and we will add context to the story by discussing the conspiracy to get him finally nominated in the first place. Also, we will talk about the 1984esque scheme the White House used to hide Biden’s decline from his supporters, his voters and all the rest of the American people.

    Featured Sources:




    Visit Website: www.abracast.comThe Red Vault / Subscribestar: www.subscribestar.com/abracast
    The voice of The Abracast – Hila Assor https://hilaassor.com/
    Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3t
    Written / Produced / researched / Performed – Jon Towers

  • We finish our discussion on how Venezuela (once the richest country in South America) fell into
    a political, legal, sociological and economical disaster. We talk about policing, prepping, 2A and
    political intrigue at home surrounding these events.

    Featured Sources:

    Visit Website: www.abracast.com
    The Red Vault / Subscribestar: www.subscribestar.com/abracast
    The voice of The Abracast – Hila Assor https://hilaassor.com/
    Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3t
    Written / Produced / researched / Performed – Jon Towers

  • We are examining the canary in the coal mine! We look at the correlations and parallels between the collapse of Venezuela starting in 1992 to current year America. Court packing, gun laws, starvation and inflation all leading to a waking communist authoritarian nightmare! Jon also talks about prepping and the importance of having a plan.

    Featured Sources:
    Venezuela Timeline, 1992–2024https://www.hrw.org/news/2004/12/13/venezuela-chavez-allies-pack-supreme-court

    Visit Website: www.abracast.com
    The Red Vault / Subscribestar: www.subscribestar.com/abracast
    The voice of The Abracast – Hila Assor https://hilaassor.com/
    Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3t
    Written / Produced / researched / Performed – Jon Towers

  • After this week’s disgusting and sinister Olympic opening ceremony, we revisit a favorite old show topic “The Song of Roland”. Parts of an ancient French poem are examined to maybe add some context to France (and the western world) current year. It’s sort of a meditation on culture, tradition and history.

    Featured Sources:
    https://apnews.com/article/france-trains-olympics-74c9727d33ac86bfc126f98e45cb874f https://www.yorku.ca/inpar/roland_crosland.pdfhttps://www.ancient-origins.net/history-famous-people/durandal-002869https://www.nytimes.com/2024/07/06/world/europe/rocamadour-excalibur-durandal-missing.html
    Visit Website: www.abracast.com
    The Red Vault / Subscribestar: www.subscribestar.com/abracast
    The voice of The Abracast – Hila Assor https://hilaassor.com/
    Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3t
    Written / Produced / researched / Performed – Jon Towers

  • Fellow gin enthusiast and British statesman Winston Churchill once said; “Those who do not learn history are doomed to repeat it”. Jon returns to discuss current events and reflect on a historical episode involving a corrupt, illegitimate, illegal and tyrannical sheriff and the amazing men who decided to stand up and take matters into their own hands, preserving the revolutionary sentiment of these United States of America.

    Featured Sources:
    Tyrant Biden clip: https://youtube.com/shorts/SHLHkmWoYDU?si=kZut__DpXdc6-4GQ
    Mister Limbaugh clip: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=dijHqOKtrug
    President Biden's Anarcho-Tyranny: https://www.newsweek.com/president-bidens-anarcho-tyranny-opinion-1733783
    How a group of veterans restored democracy to a small town; https://www.legendsofamerica.com/the-battle-of-athens-tennessee/

    Visit Website: www.abracast.com
    The Red Vault / Subscribestar: www.subscribestar.com/abracast
    The voice of The Abracast – Hila Assor https://hilaassor.com/
    Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3t
    Written / Produced / researched / Performed – Jon Towers

  • Encore episode:

    In part 9 the final episode, we look at the drafting of the document that literally changed the world. It is hard for us today to imagine a document that was written in the 18th century in cursive that literally changed the entire world. But we have it have it here, in America. And we look at the system that ruled the world before and why a new way was needed!

    Featured Books:
    Common Sense – Thomas Paine
    The 5000 Year Leap - Skousen

    Support! Subscribestar: https://www.subscribestar.com/abracast
    Donate! paypal.me/stigmatastudios
    Sign up for the newsletter for exclusive content! http://eepurl.com/YIbLf
    Facebook Page: https://www.facebook.com/theabracast/

    Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3t
    Stigmata Studios Comic Books and Graphic Novels: www.stigmatastudios.com
    Additional Production by Daniel Foytik and Nelson Pyles
    · Incidental Music by Kevin MacLeod (incompetech.com) Licensed under Creative Commons: By Attribution 3.0 http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/3.0/
    · Incidental Music (royalty free) by Ross Bugden
    Email Jon: [email protected]
    Visit: www.stigmatastudios.com
    Find Jon on Twitter: @jonnyaxx https://twitter.com/JonnyAxx
    Find Jon on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/#!/stigmatastudios
    Find Jon On Instagram: http://instagram.com/stigmatastudios

  • LAST CALL! We are getting ready for the Great American Eclipse of 2024! Are we actually facing (another) enormous End Time Prophecy playing itself out in our times? Will we recognize the signs? In this episode we discuss the power of GOD as the God of time and space and meditate on if prophecies happen because we see them, or if we see prophesies because they are happening?!?

    Featured Sources:

    The voice of The Abracast – Hila Assor https://hilaassor.com/Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3tWritten / Produced / researched / Performed – Jon Towers ***Contact***
    Visit Website: www.abracast.comEmail Jon: [email protected] Find Jon on Twitter: @jonnyaxx https://twitter.com/JonnyAxx Find Jon on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jon.towers.925Find Jon On Instagram: http://instagram.com/stigmatastudios***Support***

    If you enjoy the show, learned something new, or was inspired you might consider supporting the show!The Red Vault: www.subscribestar.com/abracast

  • Come dear listeners, and gather around the campfire… Let’s talk more about biblical prophecy and current events. We will begin by defining what exactly is an “EVIL GENERATION” and if we’d even recognize it, if we saw it. We talk about the Old Testament prophet Jonah and specifically his time inside the whale. What the shit does any of this have to do with current year; April 8th.

    Featured Sources:


    The voice of The Abracast – Hila Assor https://hilaassor.com/Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3tWritten / Produced / researched / Performed – Jon Towers ***Contact***
    Visit Website: www.abracast.comEmail Jon: [email protected] Find Jon on Twitter: @jonnyaxx https://twitter.com/JonnyAxx Find Jon on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jon.towers.925Find Jon On Instagram: http://instagram.com/stigmatastudios***Support***

    If you enjoy the show, learned something new, or was inspired you might consider supporting the show!

    The Red Vault: www.subscribestar.com/abracast

  • Replay from the dark times of COVID - In this is a very special episode of The Abracast we are going to talk about the meaning of Easter, in the context of the weird times we are living through. Let’s talk about the divine act of sacrifice, loving your neighbor and salvation through the self, in these turbulent times.

    Featured Material:
    Easter Sermon – Eldon Reich 2004
    Gnosticism New Light on The Ancient Tradition of Inner Knowing – Stephan Hoeller
    The Bible

    The voice of The Abracast – Hila Assor https://hilaassor.com/Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3tWritten / Produced / researched / Performed – Jon Towers ***Contact***
    Visit Website: www.abracast.comEmail Jon: [email protected] Find Jon on Twitter: @jonnyaxx https://twitter.com/JonnyAxx Find Jon on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jon.towers.925Find Jon On Instagram: http://instagram.com/stigmatastudios***Support*** If you enjoy the show, learned something new, or was inspired you might consider supporting the show!
    The Red Vault: www.subscribestar.com/abracast

  • All football jokes aside; Pittsburgh’s rapid criminal incline, societal decline and ideas of “New Policing” are examined thru a series of articles and current events that signal a coming hellish Megacity One “utopia”… or… a precursor to the magnificent flaming collapse of modern America, and maybe human kind.

    Featured Sources:https://triblive.com/local/theres-nowhere-to-go-pittsburgh-clears-homeless-camp/






    The voice of The Abracast – Hila Assor https://hilaassor.com/Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3tWritten / Produced / researched / Performed – Jon Towers ***Contact***
    Visit Website: www.abracast.comEmail Jon: [email protected] Find Jon on Twitter: @jonnyaxx https://twitter.com/JonnyAxx Find Jon on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jon.towers.925Find Jon On Instagram: http://instagram.com/stigmatastudios***Storefront*** If you enjoy the show, learned something new, or was inspired you might consider supporting the show! ***Support*** If you enjoy the show, learned something new, or was inspired you might consider supporting the show!
    Become a subscriber: www.subscribestar.com/abracast ***Advertise*** Got a book, Product or Podcast? Would you would like to get your message to The Abracast audience?
    Advertise on The Abracast: https://www.advertisecast.com/TheAbracastAdvertise on The Abracast: https://intellifluence.com/influencer/jon-towers-61030

  • This is what happens when bad meets evil… Following up with “Bring Forth The Red Heifer!” we add a little history and context regarding the fear and concern over the political implications of current events and the “Al-Asqa Mosque is in danger” libel. We will discuss the 10th Red Heifer Prophecy and more about this famous ceremonial cleansing ritual. Featured Sources:

    The voice of The Abracast – Hila Assor https://hilaassor.com/Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3tWritten / Produced / researched / Performed – Jon Towers ***Contact***
    Visit Website: www.abracast.comEmail Jon: [email protected] Find Jon on Twitter: @jonnyaxx https://twitter.com/JonnyAxx Find Jon on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jon.towers.925Find Jon On Instagram: http://instagram.com/stigmatastudios***Storefront*** If you enjoy the show, learned something new, or was inspired you might consider supporting the show! ***Support*** If you enjoy the show, learned something new, or was inspired you might consider supporting the show!
    Become a subscriber: www.subscribestar.com/abracast ***Advertise*** Got a book, Product or Podcast? Would you would like to get your message to The Abracast audience?
    Advertise on The Abracast: https://www.advertisecast.com/TheAbracastAdvertise on The Abracast: https://intellifluence.com/influencer/jon-towers-61030

  • Rantings and ravings from Jon… Jews, Christians and Muslims! We’ll talk about the recent violent al-Asqa Flood, the history of Hamas (In their own words), Old Testament Prophecy and Current events! Featured Sources:
    The Holy Fuckin’ Bible!
    The voice of The Abracast – Hila Assor https://hilaassor.com/Theme Song “Red Horse Rising” by X-Proph3t: http://www.reverbnation.com/xproph3tWritten / Produced / researched / Performed – Jon Towers ***Contact***
    Visit Website: www.abracast.comEmail Jon: [email protected] Find Jon on Twitter: @jonnyaxx https://twitter.com/JonnyAxx Find Jon on Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/jon.towers.925Find Jon On Instagram: http://instagram.com/stigmatastudios***Storefront*** If you enjoy the show, learned something new, or was inspired you might consider supporting the show! ***Support*** If you enjoy the show, learned something new, or was inspired you might consider supporting the show!
    Become a subscriber: www.subscribestar.com/abracast ***Advertise*** Got a book, Product or Podcast? Would you would like to get your message to The Abracast audience?
    Advertise on The Abracast: https://www.advertisecast.com/TheAbracastAdvertise on The Abracast: https://intellifluence.com/influencer/jon-towers-61030