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  • Recorded in front of a LIVE studio audience in Austi, TX!

    Join The Atheist Experience with Jamie Boone and Christy Powell and work through issues, lack of evidence for god, and religious trauma challenges.
    Caleb in OH, believes the Big Bang is evidence for god, and asks the hosts if atheists believe there is no evidence for god. Evidence that is meaningful, compelling or that stands up to scientific rigor has not been observed yet. The universe having a beginning is consistent with many religions. How is your religion any different? Why would an all powerful and all loving god not show us something on this show? Call back with one good argument that is overwhelming.
    Yetmas in FL makes an analogy about god, people, and ants, and then asks why we are searching for god evidence when we have not even mapped 25% of the ocean floor. This is 25% more than before there was science.
    AJ in MN asks the hosts what they used to justify the Bible when they used to believe. Christy described having to read a chronological Bible that noted the numerical differences realizing it was not inerrant. Jamie never looked into the claims, and when he finally did, he became an atheist. How many talking animals do you need in a story before you realize it is not literally true?
    Terry in NY wants to know how to bat away the indoctrination and fear of hell. Why would we lose sleep over the Christian hell if we are not worried about the Hindu hell? Your nervous system does not need to be argued with and it is okay to struggle with this distress. Adult logic may not work with your first early childhood concept of hell. Recognizing this conflict is the first step to acceptance. Is it fear or is it guilt that is so scary? A book called, Leaving the Fold, by Marlene Winell is a good place to start along with Recovering from Religion where they are trained to help through this struggle.
    Jon in Canada says that the 10 Commandments are necessary for society to function and prove the existence of god. How can you tell me that they eradicated slavery? How do you explain the basis of Chinese civilization before the Ten Commandments?
    Katie in OK is trying to determine if she has religious trauma or if it is being raised in a hetero culture. Living in a religious society is almost certain to cause cuts and scars. Having to pretend to believe in something you don’t believe in can be traumatizing. If it hurts, you are allowed to have compassion on yourself and do something about it.
    Barry in GA says that faith is the basis for believing along with the word of god. Where does faith come from? What does it mean if something that you read moves you? What other creation stories from other faiths have you read? Why do you use faith for the Bible but not anything else? What would you say to someone that has faith in Allah?
    Josef asks the hosts their opinion on the scriptures that condemn homosexuality. Jamie disagrees with the verses. Christy finds these verses to be a big problem and is what caused him to challenge Christianity. If you remove a person's exposure to a type of person, it is easier to make them hate that type of person.
    Thank you for tuning in! Question of the week: Missing from the Sermon on the Mount is, Blessed are the ___.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-atheist-experience--3254896/support.

  • 00:00 Intro11:08 Ameen-WA | Should I Come Out As An Atheist To My Parents?34:42 Andrew-FL | Power Dynamics Preventing Consent56:51 Bjorn-(NO) | Upholder Of Potential Is Consciousness1:13:52 Jason-WI | Prophecy From God As Barnum Statement1:18:55 Jake-AR | Societies More Prosperous Without Religion1:25:49 Lucy-(LT) | Religiosity Breeds Toxic Positivity1:34:26 Josef-MI | Fascinating Details As Argument For God


    In today’s episode of the Atheist Experience, Jim Barrows and Armin Navabi sort through evidence for a designer, Barnum statements, and upholders of consciousness.

    Ameen WA is contemplating reasons to come out as an atheist to his Muslim parents. What would be the two main costs and benefits to making this decision? Considering this will upset your mom, how long will it take for her to get over it? What will you do if the costs outweigh the benefits? What can be done to help fill the void your mother would feel? Showing support to your family is not the same as believing something. Sometimes you need to play a little peek at a boo with the mask. Don’t do it fast and get them scared.

    Andrew in FL says that Armin failed to debunk the slippery slope argument about sexual relationships being allowed that have no potential for harm. How can you claim a failure when you don’t know everything that was said? The potential for harm with incest is much higher than it is with LGBTQ, that is why it is not fair to compare on to another. Incest will have the problem of power dynamics that makes it hard to demonstrate consent. The emotional harm can’t be prevented as easily as STDs can.

    Bjorn in Norway has research that connects consciousness with god and every real life moment has to have the potential of becoming a realization. If you are trying to prove god’s existence, please define god beyond a name. What is god? How would you demonstrate this? How can we connect all these random sentences together and tell us why consciousness is necessary? How do you know that something can’t exist alone? Why do we care about things that are potential but not probable? How do you know what happened before the Big Bang?

    Jason in WI has a prophetic message from god about things that will happen. What will happen specifically and what is the exact date and time? Making Barnum statements is not the same as prophecy. Don’t waste our time.

    Jake in AR says the world would be better off without religion. Would a society that has closer beliefs to reality have a better chance of prospering than one that does not have true beliefs? As Forest would say, all models are wrong, and some models are useful.

    Lucy in Lithuania says that religiosity can breed toxic positivity. We agree and this is also a way for religious governments to take advantage of people.

    Josef in MI asks what god the hosts have an issue with and uses DNA as an example of why he believes god exists. We have a problem with all claims without evidence. Your interpretation of an experience is going to be heavily influenced by the culture in which you are raised. What do you think a good standard for god is and are we there? It must be proven the designer exists before we can prove that things were designed. Why would we assume that the supernatural or god has anything to do with our existence more than chemicals? Why would DNA being fascinating be an argument for the existence of god? How do we find the creator of the body like we can find the designer of a car?

    Thank you for tuning in! Question of the week is: Why is Satan competing for god’s followers?

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-atheist-experience--3254896/support.

  • Welcome to the full Atheist Experience where JMike and Secular Rarity(SR) take on the resurrection, complaints of atheists, and people being saddened by the truth before Kelley Laughlin takes over for JMike battling the allegation that atheists have no will and the fear of hell.

    James in OH has evidence for the resurrection that has been heard before and is Biblical based. Why would it need to be a supernatural cause if Jesus did in fact resurrect? You must make your case for this with an argument because just stating it doesn't cut it. How can this be done without just adding more miracles? Giving reasons and evidence will move people closer to your position. What is the earliest date of the earliest gospel?

    Michael in FL asks why atheists complain that Christians can’t agree on issues when atheists can’t even agree on what atheism is. SR reminds the caller that Christians inherently have the same idea of the deity while atheists do not have any idea of a deity. JMike points out the problem of interpretation agreeing with god’s principle with Christians, and still has yet to complain about it. How do two people have a relationship with an entity and be so wrong on the most basic aspects of it? Does god love the LGBTQ people or does god want them to be murdered in the streets the way the Bible says?

    Chloe in MI, one of our more honest and engaged callers, is a theist who responded to the chat poll with atheists should NOT be persecuted for their lack of belief in god. She added some good reasoning behind this; one of which is that god is love. Is love the reason why billions of infants die? How do you reconcile your two concepts of love?

    Jon in Canada looks at the sky and wonders how all this came about by accident. Just because something is not intentional, doesn’t make it an accident. Why is it okay to let people believe untrue things that may end up killing them? Would you rather have people who are sad because they learned the truth, or people who believe in an imaginary deity that makes them feel broken? Take the risk of bumming people out by telling them the truth when the alternative is how the Bible considers them worthless.

    Leonard in Germany says that atheists have no will or drive. SR explains how he has been involved in starting up several non-profit organizations, and Kelley runs his own business. How is this not a sense of will? There is a common thread of religions being political, where politics is not a part of atheism, however, individual atheists can be politically active. Every group of people will have bad people within the group. Why do we find justification in the core doctrine of religions to do atrocious things? The crusades, inquisition and conquest of the Americas are examples of this. Make friends with an atheist to get an idea of how they live and treat other humans.

    Autumn in MD asks how to calm the fear of hell in her partner. Be patient and be a support system. Reach out to Recovering from Religion and the Secular Therapy Project.

    Thank you for tuning in this week; question of the week is: Why did god wipe out the dinosaurs?

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-atheist-experience--3254896/support.

  • In today’s episode of the Atheist Experience, Secular Rarity and Armin Navabi, question the universal theist answers and someone figured out that Jesus is the Devil, but not to worry, it is all in the mind because the experience is having us not believe that god is true because of cultural longevity.

    James in OH asks if the hosts think atheists have more questions than theists. Theists may have more answers, but many of those answers are wrong. Would you agree that having more answers is not necessarily correct? A lot of times, answers that are given on the non-religious side do not unravel more layers of questions. Why would you use the Bible as a method to demonstrate god? What would you do to prove that Abraham almost slaughtered his own son and that the Bible is a good source for this claim? What information has been given to you that makes the supernatural a viable option?

    John in CA claims that Jesus Christ is the Devil and quotes something that he calls a parable from The Book of Revelation to try and prove it. Why does this “parable” bring you to your conclusion? Is the Devil the good guy or the bad guy? Why is it that nobody else has figured this out? Why are you one of the few or the only one that has solved this puzzle?

    Mark in MN says that the proof of something is in a person’s own mind. Accepting a belief is up to the individual, but that does not change the facts. What is your best evidence for god being real? Lets pray! God please provide us atheists proof of your existence! Amen! Okay now everyone get off your knees, you are released from the magical spells.
    Josh in MT says that Jesus awakened a truth about people’s experience of the world. Most of the universe is not experiencing anything.

    Michael in CA says that it is important to believe in god because god has always been a part of human culture. Would this be a good justification for the conclusion if we used another word instead of god? Why would longevity make it reasonable to believe in god? If you believe in something, and good things happen because you believe this, would the good things happening justify believing it is true? What if it is a lie? Where is the tomb now? How easy do you think it was for fraudulent claims and lies to spread thousands of years ago?

    Thank you for tuning in and be as blasphemous as you need. Don’t forget Atheist Day on March 23. Question of the week: Name a time that God unfairly blamed someone.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-atheist-experience--3254896/support.

  • In today’s episode of the Atheist Experience, Secular Rarity and JMike float above their bodies as they look at the chat in order to prove they exist as an all knowing god does illogical things with free will.

    Jeff, with no location disclosed, believes in Jesus because he experienced floating above his body right before someone took him to church. Why does this give you creedence to believe? How do we justify this content in your head? What does “demonstrated by love” mean? Asking questions does not mean we are disrespecting you, it just means we want to understand the methodology used to arrive at your beliefs.

    George in TX asks the hosts if they can see the chat. And then he just left with a classic troll mic drop of running away.

    Ali in VA asks the hosts if they can prove that they themselves exist. Available views can be compared to demonstrate how we exist and views that have less explanatory power lose out on justification abilities. Of the two following questions, which will have more justifications in the answers? “Why am I seeing a tree rather than anything else?” Or “Why am I seeing a tree rather than not a tree?” If you received words from Allah directly, would you accept that is Allah speaking?

    Abe in NJ asks the hosts about god being all knowing and having free will at the same time. It feels like these ideas clash with each other hard. An open theist might say that knowing the future is not a propositional attitude. This contradiction can reveal some theological and scriptural concerns.

    Thank you for tuning in today everyone! Question of the day is: Name a time that god had not chills. Put your answer in the comment section.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-atheist-experience--3254896/support.

  • In today’s episode of the Atheist Experience, Forrest Valkai, Armin Navabi, and Seth Andrews sort through information that causes design as they dodge spiders with wings because Jesus just was not an apocalyptic creature.

    Adam in England wants to talk about the relationship between information and design where the information needs a mind to exist and therefore the mind must be god. How is this different from the argument that says DNA is so perfect we must need a designer? Why do people have different understandings of words like “mind” and “freewill”? Where do we draw the line for what has a mind? Being too inclusive with how these words are defined cause them to lose their utility. What is one example of something that was chosen by god to be the way it is? Why add dead weight to the universe to try and explain it?

    RJ in CO asks why spiders have not developed wings if evolution is real? If you are such a hard worker, why are you not blowing glass yet? Spiders have some terrifying ways of traveling through the air and there is just no reason to develop wings, just like not having a reason to blow glass. What are the benefits and cons of spiders having wings? Why would the wing mutations have any advantage over what spiders are now? Why would god create a spider to cause its prey to die so horribly? If your god is real, he is evil. Why would god punish a child that he designed for things a child does not understand?

    Mikael in GA asks why atheists feel that Jesus is an apocalyptic preacher, when he presented himself as a peaceful Messiah. Why can’t Jesus be both? How do you reconcile the verses that suggest the second coming would happen within the lifetime of his followers? Was it right or wrong for god to forcibly impregnate a young girl?

    Thank you for tuning in this week! Question of the week is: It is a bad idea to (blank) at church.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-atheist-experience--3254896/support.

  • In today’s episode of the Atheist Experience, Secular Rarity and Jim Barrows walk callers through logical fallacies, getting out of faith mindsets, and ways to learn more about evolution.
    Luke in AZ states that the existence of god is a rational necessity because everything will be meaningless if god doesn't exist. Why does some god’s opinion of what is meaningful have anything to do with anyone else’s? Lack of knowing what is behind everything does not mean there is a god and shows the fallacy of incredulity. Do you accept this same reasoning for anything else in the world?
    Art in PA regards god as the ultimate ground of existence. How do you define the “ultimate ground of existence”? Does existence have to exist and is pure philosophical nothing possible? If there was a number other than 17 frequencies to use, what does this do for your concept of god? What do we care about what theology says about science? If your god is the same as “existence”, how does calling “existence” god not lead to problems? What is the difference between Spinoza’s god and a hurricane?
    Jack in MD argues that the universe was created because it needs an uncaused cause, and free will is the only uncaused cause. We have not been able to rule out all the potential causes so therefore this is an argument from incredulity. What is an example of free will existing without a brain and how do you get to this being an uncaused cause? Does someone with a traumatic head injury that has lost their ability to eat have free will? We do not need to assume free will to make progress, but we do need to assume logic. Patrick in SC would like to know how to get out of a faith mindset. You ask yourself how you know things and why you think they are true. This is not done overnight but is constant because we are always learning new things. Ask yourself if you could get to any conclusion using the same method you use to get to god.
    Olivia in NJ asks if god was created to cope with the uncertainty of death and to explain what we don’t know. We need to make sure we are not presenting this as if the first believers were doing this maliciously. Humans like telling stories and we need to assign agency to random events.
    Adam in TX is looking for hardcore evidence for evolution. Start by defining what evolution is, and then must prove that either genes don’t exist, or must prove their frequency does not change over time. Watch the science journals for all the ways that evolution happens. Check out the content by Erika Gutsick Gibbon and Forrest Valkai for helpful information. You can also check out Crash Course for bit size chunks that will help broaden your understanding.
    Denny in MI went through conversion therapy that did not work and is considering telling his parents who he really is. Your safety and security needs to be weighed along with how hurtful it may be to your parents. Contact Recovering From Religion for help with ideas on how to deal with this.
    Thank you for tuning in folks! Question of the week is: What is an example of god’s sense of humor?

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-atheist-experience--3254896/support.

  • In today’s episode of the Atheist Experience, Jim Barrows and JMike find Jewish atheist communities to help not trust their brains for the truth while they travel into the past to discover that oral traditions are partly the root of religions and to finally confirm that gravity is real.

    Chuck in HI is that humans are here to provide a dwelling place for Jehova and gravity is not real. If he is omnipotent, why can’t he provide his own dwelling place? How would he be omnipotent if he does not know who he is dwelling in? Where do you get your god claim if we do not have the sensors to detect him and you do not have evidence? Whining about things that fly in the face of science does not meet the criteria to make them true. Try and bring your A game next time.

    Richard in NY is looking for a community of Jewish atheists. Jim points out that both Judaism and Islam are as much a culture as they are a religion and how people have a hard time accepting that. Mike mentions that it is not that weird to grow up never thinking about god. There are many social media platforms available, and if you don’t find what you need, you can create one.

    Katelyn in WA asks why we should trust our brains for truth when the basis is to survive. Jim explains how we know that our thinking is faulty with the pattern recognition leading to cognitive bias. This and the need to reason better is why we developed science. We build machines that do better things than we do and see that god’s design is flawed. We are most fascinated about why you believe in a god; what is the reason? Why does god not stop suffering or allow us to survive off just sunlight? Why does god not have the ability to make a world where people do not choose evil? Would the most important message in the world be shrouded with ambiguity?

    Colin in the USA wonders if the religions made laws because they were easier to remember as stories through oral traditions prior to the written word. We like tales and stories, but this is not the only reason why religions made laws.

    Thank you for tuning in this week! Question of the week is: Name one of god’s unpopular opinions.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-atheist-experience--3254896/support.

  • Happy New Year from The Atheist Community of Austin! This year we began a new segment called “Share Your Experience,” or as we generically referred to as “question of the week.” This segment is only as good as the comments we get to respond to, and you, the viewers, really rose to the challenge!

    Here is a compilation of our ten favorite questions and answers.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-atheist-experience--3254896/support.

  • Dive into this year's best, most viewed calls of The Atheist Experience with 'The Atheist Experience Top 5 Calls of 2023.' Forrest Valkai, Seth Andrews ( @TheThinkingAtheist ), Johnny P. Angel, Jmike, Kenneth, and Dave Warnock in thought-provoking conversations that challenge beliefs and promote critical thinking, and in rare cases, change minds.

    We're giving our valued hosts, guests and crew this holiday season off, but we still want to be able to bring you some of the moments that have made Season 27 one of the best ones so far! So from all of us at The Atheist Experience and The Atheist Community of Austin, we wish you Happy Holidays and a Happy New Year. Join us in January when we resume our live productions.

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-atheist-experience--3254896/support.

  • In today’s episode of the Atheist Experience, Christy Powell and Armin Navabi, meet god in a dream that tells them which gender is god’s gift before finally being told that god is in fact everything which is really nothing.

    Trees in KS had an experience where they met infinite blackness in a dream and felt immense love being surrounded by faceless Grim Reapers. How do you explain what happened to you in this dream? How do you know it was some kind of god and not something generated from your brain? Calling an experience you had god does not make you a theist. How do you know the difference between an experience in your mind and actually meeting a deity? You can have the feeling of meeting god as an atheist just like you can feel like you are flying when dreaming, but those feelings do not make either of these things true.

    Jon in Canada describes women as god’s gift to men. Are men god’s gift to women? How can you rectify the problematic ideas about men and women in the Bible? Are you able to provide reasoning to this 1950’s way of thinking? Do you have any data to suggest your suggestion is better than other households? If two parents are better than one, wouldn't it be true then that three parents or even four would be better than two? There is no reason to believe that the nuclear family is superior. What about two toxic parents that are fighting with each other?

    Jared in KY rushes through a proposition that agnosticism’s claim is a contradiction to itself. What claim are you talking about? We are getting bored of people who think they are intelligent that put words together and then think they are winning. Watch out for theists purposely speaking in philosophical language just to be not understood.

    Erasmus in CA believes that god talks to people through dreams and visions. Why is it that Muslims have Islam related dreams, Christians have Jesus related dreams, and so forth? What metric do you use to know that dreams are not from your mind? Why is it not possible for dreams to be both clear and unclear? What is your evidence that clear dreams are more than a product of the brain? Having a scientific understanding of dreams will help dispel some of these theories you have. Dreams might just be weird thought noise.

    Rick, in Canada believes that atheists dodge evidence for god and that energy is god. We are not following your notion of evidence, but do see the word salad you put together. Deep emotional experiences are insufficient evidence for a supernatural claim. Where is the evidence that energy is conscious? If everything is god, then the word god means nothing and loses all utility. Is there anything that is not god? How does matter and energy being everything prove there is a god? How is any of this relevant to the existence of god?

    TJ in TX asked god for less pain in a prayer and got beaten up in school the very next day. You can hate a character in a book that does not exist. Emotions do not have to be rational or true because it makes no difference to your nervous system. Don’t try to define yourself by how people see you. We are not seeking the approval of theists.

    Thank you for tuning in this week! Question of the week is: What is a minorly inconvenient way that god punishes people?

    Become a supporter of this podcast: https://www.spreaker.com/podcast/the-atheist-experience--3254896/support.