Welcome to the first episode for 2025.
00:00 Intro
04:43 Diesendorf vs reality
10:21 Aidan’s monologues, Friendly Jordies and Punters Politics
43:33 Senator Tim Ayres vs goat
65:22 Saul Kavonic
Ben with Cameron Murray
Diesendorf with Cameron Murray
Aidan’s YouTube channel
Feedback: [email protected]
00:00 Intro
02:50 Frontier Economics’ nuclear scenario costs
08:51 Ben’s blurb
13:32 Energy hearings continued
24:42 GOAT: Ted O’Brien vs Chris Bowen on the 7:30 Report
53:14 Interview: Zoe Hilton and Aidan Morrison
84:56 Interview: Doomberg
01:05 Energy hearings – nuclear and energy planning
25:09 ShaC vs Aidan Morrison
30:51 Goat – Chris Bowen interview with Laura Jayes
55:58 Interview: Chris Uhlmann – The Real Cost of Net Zero
Aidan Morrison & SHaC
Laura Jayes interviewing Chris Bowen
The Real Cost of Net Zero
This episode we analyse the Rosie-gate controversy and the goat takes on the bureaucrats in DCCEEW as they are questioned by Senator Gerard Rennick.
Interview: Professor David Close, Director of the Gas & Energy Transition Research Centre.
The Matt Kean episode! From NSW Energy Minister to his new gig at the Climate Change Authority, we’ll take a look at Kean’s unwavering dedication to promoting renewables. We also scratch the surface of AEMO’s Electricity Statement of Opportunities and review the recent debate between Barnaby Joyce and Matt Kean at the Bush Summit held in Orange.
Interview: Jonathan Fisher, CEO of Cauldron Energy.
Follow Jonathan Fisher on X: https://x.com/CxuAsx
Follow Ben Beattie on X: https://x.com/EnergyWrapAU
The Hydrogen episode!
Iron ore vs hydrogen, in particular Fortescue wishes vs reality, stirring up social media with facts, Sun Cable edges one step closer, and Daniel Westerman - AEMO chief - gets the goat.
Interview: Tom Biegler
Nuclear policy announcement eliminates the paralysis in our energy debate. The goat takes on Paul Graham, lead author of CSIRO's GenCost.
Why are politicians still pushing net zero, what happens when I post my ideas on social media, and Kerry Schott gets the goat.
No interview this episode.
The nuclear episode! We spotlight the anti-nuclear community in their own words, including our Prime Minister and propaganda arm for the Greens - The Australia Institute. As well we open the mailbag, and interview Stephen Wilson and Nuclear for Australia’s Will Shackel.
Nuclear for Australia: https://www.nuclearforaustralia.com/petition?splash=1
What would be required: https://www.nuclearaustralia.org.au/requirements-for-operational-nuclear-plants-in-australia-from-2030-preliminary-concept-study-insights/
IPA energy security is national security: https://ipa.org.au/publications-ipa/research-papers/energy-security-is-national-security-a-framework-for-better-energy-outcomes-in-australia
Welcome back! The theme for 2024’s first episode is a reset – covering some old favourites and setting a new direction – well trying to anyway! We put the LNP’s nuclear plea in context, and pull apart AEMO’s integrated system plan with the assistance of Merryn York who was interviewed on the RenewEcomedy podcast in late 2023. No interview this episode.
Feedback: the [email protected]
Chris Bowen’s capacity investment scheme, Oreos become a symbol of truth, the goat receives reinforcements, and I interview QLD Senator Matt Canavan.
Truth telling matters, so who’s doing it? This episode we look at propaganda spread by QLD Energy Minister Mick de Brenni, Jim Chalmers’ recent speech on how he’s going to further undermine Australia’s energy security, and we speak to Scott Hargreaves executive director of the Institute for Public Affairs about the IPA's energy security initiative.
Truth matters and misinformation leads the energy debate, Australia’s energy security took another hit with the events in the Middle East, and I interview Campbell Newman.
What effect will Net Zero policies have on society, Chris Bowen gets the goat and I interview David Carland - a thorn in the side of CSIRO and AEMO and their flawed electricity system modelling.
Daniel Westerman on ABC radio vs the goat and the farmers, Ted O’Brien spars with Chris Bowen on social media with competing videos, and the GenCost saga so far.
Nuclear power is fast becoming a big talking point in Australia with Peter Dutton’s LNP finally succumbing to common sense and promising to repeal the legislation that has made nuclear power illegal. This episode contrasts Australia’s federal energy minister Chris Bowen with some people who actually make sense on nuclear. We’ll consider the next obvious step in Mr Bowen’s policy failure – extending the RET.Interview: Aidan Morrison on GenCost
Federal Nationals leader David Littleproud commits to Net Zero, Nationals MP Anne Webster pushes back on regional transmission lines, Twiggy Forrest gets the goat. Interview: Dave Collins
AEMO's Daniel Westerman vs the goat, demonisation of the gas industry and duelling banjo's in Australian (soon to be) nuclear policies. Interview: Catriona Thoolen's local views on Victorian renewable developments
Clare Savage, chair of the Australian Energy Regulator, Daniel Andrews’ misinformation on gas development in Victoria, and the full audio from the nuclear power debate in the Australian Senate, 22 March 2023.
Eraring Power Station - to close or not to close is a question for the next premier of New South Wales, Dr Monique Ryan MP on methane emissions, interview with Maurice Newman.
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