Dive into the depths of the Scripture to explore the Theoria and Praxis of an Orthodox Christian life.
"Without your entrance to greater reality in this life, greater reality has no entrance to this life. The meaning of all of this life [of yours] isn't as it appears. The meaning of this life is for greater reality to manifest through all the forms of this life." - John de Ruiter. New podcast Episodes are released weekly on iTunes. Visit for audio and video releases of John's meetings and to register for live seminars.
Prvý kresťanský lifestyleový podcast.
As young girls many of us kept diaries to share our inner most thoughts that we thought we couldn't share with others. In today’s world, it’s so easy to hide the real you behind selfies and success, without facing the real issues that bother many of us. Brand Strategist, Christian Book Coach and Jesus Girl, Crystal Daye realizes that being in church; it’s easy to follow religious rituals without ever sharing the highs and lows of our Christian walk or even face the issues from our past that we mask behind our current titles (mother, minister, wife, bosslady). On the Diary Of A Jesus Girl Podcast, we want to have those real and relevant conversations, share practical strategies and personal stories on various topics like ministry, money, motherhood, purity, purpose, branding, business, stewardship and spiritual growth. Subscribe and tune in each week as this podcast will inspire you to love Jesus and Impact like Jesus!!
Stay connected:
Instagram: @crystalsdaye
Email: info@crystaldaye -
"Knights Of The Nephilim" is a Celestial Oddities Radio podcast based on esoteric science, occult doctrine and ritual magick. Interviewing the biggest and best names in the field. From authors, practitioners, ritual tool makers and theologians. We bring you thought provoking concepts, ideas, and practices.
"Step Into The Circle" -
This podcast belongs to the Lord Jesus, to Him be all the glory and honour. He has called me for such a time as this, to be a witness to His ministry. My name is Jana - I am your host, a single mama and entrepreneur. I left new age behind to follow Jesus. This podcast features my occult to Jesus testimony, other women's testimonies, encouragement for your walk with Christ, and culture vs Christ conversation. This podcast is for the Kingdom Woman.
Beiträge der Radioredaktion des Bistums Würzburg: Wir möchten auf einfache und authentische Weise zeigen, wie vielfältig Glaube und Kirche sein können. Dabei werfen wir einen genauen Blick auf die Gemeinden vor Ort. Freut euch auf unterschiedliche Beiträge zu kirchlichen Themen sowie wöchentliche Serien.
Today is the greatest turning to Jesus our world has ever seen and God is using indigenous church planting pastors to lead the way.
Listen to the 360Serve Podcast to hear these church planters' amazing stories, be encouraged by the exciting things God is doing all over the world, and learn how you can join this global missions movement that is bringing the gospel to the ends of the earth.
Learn more at
Unlike many missions strategies that focus on sending an American Christian missionary to a foreign country, 360Serve helps you support indigenous church planting pastors who live in their own country, who know their language/culture and effectively and efficiently bring the gospel to the least reached, unreached, and unengaged people in the world. -
Are you looking for insight, ideas or experiences on your journey towards spirituality? The Collective Show is a platform for sharing variety of ways to shift your perception of your reality. To navigate your aligned path and how to balance being human and pure consciousness. We have exciting episodes to quench your thirst for wisdom! Support this podcast:
Instagram - @alayjasims
Tictok - @alayjasimsreadings
Jsme dva. Milujeme svobodu. Milujeme anarchii. Milujeme kapitalismus. Milujeme se navzájem xD
Mluvíme o volnotržní bezstátní společnosti; ano, víme, jak to vypadá, i nám ta myšlenka zpočátku připadala absurdní… Zkuste jí však dát šanci; odmítnout ji můžete vždy.
Motto: „Dobří lidé se neřídí špatnými zákony.“
– Tereza Urzová; tvůrce Svobodného přístavu; hlava Institutu Ludwiga von Misese; členka Students for Liberty
– Urza (; autor knihy Anarchokapitalismus; tvůrce Svobodného přístavu; spoluzakladatel a hlava Institutu Ludwiga von Misese; člen předsednictva Svobody učení -
I study the lives of the wildest writers who ever lived.
Teachings of Contemporary Eastern Orthodox Christian Elders (
Cílem podcastu Eva ženám je dívat se na věci z různých úhlů pohledu, víc do hloubky, a poznávat tak sama sebe. Už samotné uvědomění nám dává prostor pro změnu.Jsem terapeutka emoční svobody, která se nebojí mluvit o všem. Najdeš zde inspiraci a zajímavá témata: vztahy, ženství, endometrióza, seberozvoj, sebehodnota, sex, bolestivá menstruace, mateřství, plodnost, jak ventilovat emoce, rozhovory na různá témata atd..Staň se součástí komunity žen na: HeroHero Eva ženám a vydej se na cestu k sebepoznání:
Tomas Sedlacek is a university lecturer and media commentator on philosophy of economics. He gained widespread recognition for his book "Economics of Good and Evil" (Oxford University Press), which has been translated into 22 languages. Sedlacek has advised former Czech President Vaclav Havel, and has lectured at the World Economic Forum and various venues around the world. For 16 years he was a Chief Macroeconomic Strategist at the largest Czech bank, and has been a longstanding member of Czech National Economic Council. II production & graphic design @TerezaSlapotova2023 II
Destiny Praha is an evangelical, Christian church situated in the heart of Prague, Czech Republic. We believe that Jesus loves the Czech nation, as well as all the nations who have made this country their home. Our passion is to communicate this love practically through relationship, discipleship and community.
We have a vision to see people empowered by the love of Jesus and activated by the power of the Holy Spirit. We are fully convinced that you have a very unique and God-given purpose and destiny in life. Your destiny emerges when you begin to discover your gifts and God-given abilities. -
Element - srozumitelná církev, která rozumí lidem. Každou neděli přinášíme na svých setkáních relevantní a praktickou přednášku na téma křesťanské víry, většinou tematicky spojenou v sérii několika dalších přednášek.
Podcast z Křestanského společenství Mozaika | Mozaika Christian fellowship Podcast |
Audiozáznamy nedělních zamyšlení církve ESK Havířov!
Scházíme se každou neděli v 10:00 na Jaroslava Seiferta 8 v Havířově -
Messages from the International Church of Prague, Czech Republic.