I had the absolute pleasure of sitting down to speak w/ Carol & Amaris, curators of Indi Energetic https://instagram.com/indienergetic?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://instagram.com/aayejadee?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= https://instagram.com/carolannette_xo?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y= We chatted about the metaphysical, cannibus, racism, and religious intolerance. Are Scorpios sex freaks? Are Leos vain and selfish? Subscribe to their YouTube channel as well! https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCbfe_8n4b4HxwWi0LiKxT4w Have a listen and follow along on Instagram https://instagram.com/birdsandbeespod?igshid=YmMyMTA2M2Y=
I had the absolute pleasure of talking to performance artist, fat activist, and garden nymph Nikki Unicorn. We chatted about sensual yoga, femme/dom work, and honoring your body. Follow her at https://fansly.com/afunicorn/posts, she's gorgeous, she's talented, and so captivating. Not a sponser but also follow The Underbelly https://theunderbelly.com for fun, sexy, and bold yoga clothing in ALL sizes. Follow me at https://www.instagram.com/birdsandbeespod/ or email at https://birdsandbeespod@gmail.com
Estão a faltar episódios?
Today we are talking to Capital District's most dynamic and dedicated activist, Sunni Fox! She's a grassroots organizer, she's a proud gay woman, and loves her community. Sunni's organization is Community Matters Inc is always looking for volunteers and donations https://www.facebook.com/groups/379053409722001/about Follow along with the pod at https://www.instagram.com/birdsandbeespod/ Please like, rate, and review. If you have any questions, comments, or would like to be a guest, email me at birdsandbeespod@gmail.com
Welcome to season 2! Today I had the utmost pleaure to sit and talk with Jen Ponton: actor, fat activist, and all around amazing human being.n UNFORTUNATELY the first 5 minutes of the recording disappeared & for that I apologize. You can find Jen at http://www.jenponton.com. She is a true delight! Please like, rate, and review. You can follow along at https://www.instagram.com/birdsandbeespod/?hl=en. You can also email me at http://birdsandbeespod@gmail.com
Hey, everyone! A very special episode this week with my dear friend, Jason J Bundy. He's a musician, Wiccan practitioner, and brillant human. Check out his music at https://jasonjbundy.bandcamp.com We chatted about dick size, the power and infuence of music, and friendship. Feedback makes this show better, email me at birdsandbeespod@gmail.com. You can also hire me as a free lance health education, email me at birdsandbeespod@gmail.com. Follow The Birds & the Bees on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/birdsandbeespod/?hl=en
I am so sorry for the audio glitches on this episode! I sat down with local drag queen Frieda Munchon to chat about drag, self-love, and Hugh Jackman's perfect ass. Frieda sings like a Broadway star, check out her show! https://m.facebook.com/EmpireStateQueens/photos/a.1354615701242705/1361653717205570/?type=3 Feedback makes this show better, email me at http://birdsandbeespod@gmail.com. Please also email me if you are interested in being on the show OR if you'd like to hire me as a sexual health educator.
Hello! Today we are talking to drag queen royalty, Miss Carmie Hope. Listen as we chat about broadway, singing live as an introvert, and keeping your light shining bright as the world tries to dim it. You can see Carmie every week at https://www.rocks77.com for Karoke Wednesdays or follow her on Facebook https://www.facebook.com/carmie.hope. Feedback makes this show better! Please email me at http://birdsandbeespod@gmail.com for feedback OR if you'd like to share your story on the show. I also am available to hire as a sexual health educator
Sorry for the long absence! We are back with the amazing and incredibly talented artist, musician, and author Yves Navant. We talked about comics, beauty, art, punk, and the New Romantic movement. https://yvesnavant.com/#menu Also, I highly recommend following his Instagram https://www.instagram.com/yvesnavant/?hl=en As always, feedback makes this show better. Please send any feedback or if you'd like to be on the show, email me at birdsandbeespod@gmail.com. Follow on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/birdsandbeespod/?hl=en. I am also for hire as a sexual health educator, email me at birdsandbeespod@gmail.com
Today we are speaking with educator, activist, and creator of https://www.instagram.com/houseofourqueer/ Bex Mui. We chatted about Asian racism, making safe spaces for LGBTQ youth, and spirituality. Feedback makes this show better! Please like, rate, and review. https://birdsandbeespod@gmail.com Send me feedback, share your story, or hire me as a sexual health educator. You can folllow on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/birdsandbeespod/?hl=en
Warning: NSFW!
We are talking about farm fresh organically sourced porn with my favorite #bearinachair Andrew Gurza. He is an advocate, a writer, and super queer! http://www.andrewgurza.com You can get a weekly dose of Andrew on Disability after Dark podcast http://www.andrewgurza.com/podcast As usual, I love getting feedback so please send any queries or comments to birdsandbeespod@gmail.com I am also available to hire as a sexual health educator birdsandbeespod@gmail.com
Today we are talking to local Albany business owner Shei Manon of Manon Productions https://www.manonproductionsllc.com/#/. Shei is an photographer, film maker, and actor. Come listen to us chat about the local entrepreneural scene, power inequality in the LGBTQ community, and witchcraft. As always, please email me feedback, request to be on the the show, or hire me for educational sessions on sexual health or domestic violence. https://birdsandbeespod@gmail.com . You can follow me on instagram at https://www.instagram.com/birdsandbeespod/?hl=en
We are talking today to my dear friend Thom Nolan aka Sister Alphena Omega of the Empire Sisters of Indulgence https://theempiresisters.yolasite.com A wonderful non-profit organization that gives back the LGBTQ community https://www.thesisters.org Remember to like, rate, review, and share. As always, feedback makes this show better. Email your suggestions or if you'd like to share your story to http://birdsandbeespod@gmail.com Follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/birdsandbeespod/
Today we are talking to graphic artist, book binder, costume designer, anime enthusiast, and all around Renaissance person Rory Alexa. Join as we talk about living your most creative self. You can find Rory at on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/blackbirdbinding/ and http://www.instagram.com/rory.png/. Feedback makes this show better, email me at birdsandbeespod@gmail.com. Or if you'd like to share your story OR inquire about my health educator services, email me at birdsandbeespod@gmail.com. You can follow me on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/birdsandbeespod/
TRIGGER WARNING! There is talk of abuse and hate crimes on this episode. Today we are talking with non-binary activist Sage Hebner about labels, acceptance, and self-love. Feedback makes this show better! Please email comments or questions to birdsandbeespod@gmail.com. Or email if you'd like to share your story. I'm also available for professional inquiries at birdsandbeespod@gmail.com. Follow the show on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/birdsandbeespod/
Trigger warning: Today we are speaking to Justice Dazzle, activist and poet. This episode contains discussions on self-harm, suicide, and death. Justice is making the Capital District trans and non-binary community welcomed and safe. You can get also more info at https://www.justice-dazzle.com and https://www.facebook.com/SCHSafeSpace/. Feedback makes this show better! Like, rate and review. If you'd like to share your story, please email me at birdsandbeespod@gmail.com. I am also available to hire as an educator on seuxal health and domestic violence. Follow us on Instagram at https://www.instagram.com/birdsandbeespod/
We are talking to local activist, performer, and kind-hearted Jay Pascual. We're taking a deep dive into finding what's missing, being a part of the community, and TV recommendations. Please like, rate, and review. Feedback makes this show better http://birdsandbeespod@gmail.com. If you would like to share your story or chat about sex, dating, or relationships, then email me at http://birdsandbeespod@gmail.com.
Today we are speaking with Rob, a young professional gay man who is on the autistic spectrum. We're talking dating, body imagery, and being neurodiverse. Feedback is welcomed and appreciated, you can email me at birdsandbeespod@gmail.com. I am also available as a freelance sexual health educator for hire. You can also DM me on Instagram at birdsandbeespod
WARNING!This episode is very NSFW! I am talking with fat, queer, and feminist badass Ms. Jessica Bloom about sex positivity, mental health, and body positivity. Please rate and review. Feedback helps this show get better, you can email me at birdsandbeespod@gmail.com. I am also available for education and technical assistance for sexual health and healthy relationships
We are talking about religion, media, and music with local DJ and radio host Sean McLaughlin. Sean can be found at https://facebook.com/seanmcl or djseanmclaughlin@gmail.com or call him at 518-225-0931. Also you can listen to archived episodes of Homo Radio at https://homoradio.org
Welcome to the first episode! Today I'm talking to author, adovocate, and horror film lover, Evan J. Peterson. Check out his website at http://evanjpeterson.com.
Please like, rate, and review. This only helps The Birds and The Bees get better. Email feedback, questions, or if you'd like to tell your story to birdsandbees@gmail.com. Follow the on Instagram https://www.instagram.com/birdsandbeespod/?hl=en