
  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore OSTEOPOROSIS & ORAL HEALTH DECLINE is Bone Coach Kevin Ellis.

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    Topics Covered
    0:00 - The connection between osteoporosis, oral health decline, and aging
    0:16 - How weak bones and weak teeth are related
    0:51 - The impact of osteoporosis on oral health and tooth loss
    2:34 - Personal story of severe dental issues and bone loss
    4:26 - What Geranylgeraniol (GG) is, its importance for bone and oral health, especially for those on statins or bisphosphonates
    6:18 - Research on GG's benefits for overall health
    6:58 - Recommended GG dosage for optimal support
    7:43 - Introducing Annatrol Bone Support: A GG and Tocotrienol supplement
    8:26 - Clinical studies on tocotrienols' effects on bone health, cholesterol, and inflammation
    9:45 - How to get Annatrol Bone Support

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/osteoporosis-oral-health-decline-healthy-bones-co-annatrol

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  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore the 5 Foundations For Healthy Living is Dr. Anthony Balduzzi.

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    Topics Covered
    0:00 - Episode start
    2:40 - Welcoming today’s guest, Dr. Anthony Balduzzi
    3:30 - Overview of the Fit Mother Project and Fit Father Project: Programs designed for people over 40 focusing on age-appropriate nutrition, exercise, and accountability
    6:50 - The five foundations of healthy living
    11:55 - How to maintain motivation for a healthier lifestyle, with a focus on the importance of mindset
    14:29 - Key approaches to building and maintaining muscle and bone strength, alongside managing a healthy weight
    18:46 - The benefits of strength training, particularly for maintaining bone density and muscle mass as we age
    20:31 - The role of nutrition in weight management and how it ties into overall health
    22:44 - Challenges in getting family support for health changes and strategies to involve them
    31:46 - Dr. Balduzzi’s personal meal choices
    36:15 - Exploring the non-dietary aspects of health, including the importance of setting a healthy example for children
    41:16 - How to connect with Dr. Balduzzi and learn more about his programs

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/dr-anthony-balduzzi-fit-mother-project

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  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore gut health, our microbiome, and how they affect our bones and wellbeing is Dr. Roshini Raj, MD.

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    Topics Covered
    00:00 - Episode Start
    01:36 - Overview of Dr. Roshini Raj’s background and expertise
    03:16 - The critical role of gut health in overall well-being
    08:26 - Evolution of microbiome research and its broad impacts
    12:26 - How gut health influences bone health and osteoporosis
    16:37 - Importance of fiber as a prebiotic for gut health
    19:44 - Fiber intake tips for those with small intestinal bacterial overgrowth (SIBO)
    20:22 - Further discussion on the overall health benefits of fiber
    21:38 - The inspiration behind the creation of the YayDay supplement
    23:54 - Different types of fiber and their health benefits
    25:57 - Recommendations for improving and maintaining a healthy gut microbiome
    30:14 - The link between gut microbiome and biological aging
    32:56 - Future prospects of gut health research and potential treatments
    34:35 - Where to find Dr. Raj, YayDay, and a special listener discount

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/dr-roshini-raj-gut-renovation-osteoporosis-microbiome

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  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore building strong bones and teeth, functional dentistry, and “The Dental Diet” is Dr. Steven Lin.

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    Topics Covered
    0:00 - Episode start
    2:22 - A look at Dr. Steven Lin’s background
    3:16 - What is functional dentistry? How is it different from traditional dentistry?
    7:13 - The “Dental Diet” and the importance of fat-soluble vitamins (A, D, K2) in oral and bone health
    13:30 - Misguided dietary recommendations and their impact on dental and systemic health
    17:16 - The relationship between oral and systemic health, especially for women over 50
    21:23 - The rise of osteoporosis and its link to gum disease
    25:01 - Standard recommendations for osteoporosis and the importance of proper vitamin D levels
    26:25 - The link between vitamin D deficiency and sleep apnea and its effect on bone health
    31:15 - The role of good sleep and melatonin in maintaining health
    34:53 - Practical tips and daily habits for maintaining good oral health
    38:09 - Benefits of tongue scraping
    38:32 - Thoughts on root canals and cavitations; considerations and suggestions
    41:31 - Advice for parents and grandparents on setting kids up for great oral health
    45:10 - Where to find Dr. Steven Lin and his book
    46:15 - Final message for the audience

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/dr-steven-lin-oral-dental-health-osteoporosis

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  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore how ancient wisdom in the modern world can improve your health and vitality is Dr Pedram Shojai, founder and director of The Urban Monk Academy.

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    Topics Covered
    0:00 - Episode start
    1:18 - Overview of Dr. Pedram Shojai's background and achievements
    2:33 - His journey from Taoist monk to doctor of oriental medicine, author, and film producer
    5:12 - Consistent themes and lessons from interviewing health experts
    7:23 - How traditional practices can be incorporated into contemporary lifestyles for better health
    12:52 - Explanation of the concept “True health begins with a still mind and a pure heart”
    16:40 - What is a monk? Dr. Shojai's experience and learnings as a Taoist monk
    20:23 - Introduction to breathwork, its benefits, and a demonstration of 4-count breathing
    26:06 - Addressing common barriers to starting and maintaining health practices and how to overcome them
    29:52 - Qigong, its benefits, and its relevance to bone health, particularly for the aging population
    32:33 - Dr. Shojai’s latest projects, including the series "Home Sick Home," focusing on detoxifying home environments
    35:50 - How to access Dr. Shojai's documentaries, series, and other resources
    38:51 - Final advice on taking charge of your health and wellness

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/urban-monk-dr-pedram-shojai-breathwork-qi-gong-ancient-wisdom

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  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore the health tech device helping people combat insomnia, decrease stress & manage anxiety is Stefanie Broes.

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    Topics Covered
    0:00 - Episode Start
    2:27 - Introducing Stefanie Broes, CEO and co-founder of Moonbird
    3:45 - Explaining the science behind breathwork and its impact on overall health and well-being
    5:50 - How breathwork helps reduce stress and anxiety, and why it's important for people with osteoporosis
    8:22 - Details about the Moonbird device: what it is, how to use it, and how it helps with stress and insomnia
    10:52 - How Moonbird differs from other health tech products on the market
    12:10 - How breathwork can improve sleep quality, particularly in older adults, and its benefits for bone health
    14:34 - Importance of sleep for bone health, including risks associated with sleep deprivation and its impact on bone formation and remodeling
    15:58 - Real-life success stories from Moonbird users
    18:12 - Simple breathwork exercises listeners can start with to improve health and well-being
    19:32 - Future plans for Moonbird and the future of breathwork in the health tech industry
    21:19 - Recommendation of James Nestor's book "Breath" for more insights on the importance of breathing
    21:48 - Special offer and where to find more information about Moonbird products
    22:55 - Stefanie's final tips for listeners

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/stefanie-broes-moonbird-life-health-tech

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  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore The Curious Connection Between Brain Health, Migraines & Bones w/ Dr. Amelia Scott Barrett, MD.

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    Topics Covered
    0:00 - Episode start
    1:15 - Introducing Dr. Amelia Scott Barrett and her work on headaches and migraines
    2:45 - Transitioning from being a neurologist to focusing on helping people resolve migraines
    5:03 - Contributors to migraines and headaches and a brief discussion on general brain health
    7:55 - Understanding and monitoring brain health beyond the pain of migraines
    9:20 - Discussion on the Oura ring and its effectiveness in tracking health, including deep sleep which is vital for bone health
    14:59 - Importance of nutrients for brain health
    17:22 - Role of vitamin D in brain health
    19:47 - Magnesium for brain health and its benefits for bone health
    21:57 - Tools for assessing brain function
    25:16 - Relevance of Dr. Barrett’s neurological work to her current practice in treating migraines and headaches
    26:46 - Dr. Barrett's current work, programs, and the people she serves
    31:01 - Where to find more information about Dr. Barrett and her work

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/amelia-scott-barrett-md-migraines-bone-health

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  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore how to shift from hormonal poverty to prosperity to help your bones and overall health thrive is Dr. Kyrin Dunston.

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    Topics Covered
    0:00 - Episode start
    2:27 - Introducing Dr. Kyrin Dunston, her background, and expertise
    3:24 - Her transition from traditional OBGYN to functional medicine
    10:43 - Discussion on hormonal poverty and its impact on health
    14:36 - Preferred tests for assessing hormone levels
    16:39 - Steps to address and reverse hormonal poverty, including the use of bioidentical hormone replacement therapy
    17:56 - How to determine the right bioidentical hormone treatment for individual needs
    21:51 - The crucial role of hormones, especially estrogen and testosterone, in maintaining bone density and preventing osteoporosis
    27:11 - Progesterone and DHEA's contributions to bone health
    27:36 - The impact of stress and sleep on hormone levels and overall health
    32:34 - Natural alternatives to pharmaceutical sleep aids and their benefits
    36:07 - Information on Dr. Dunston's Hormone Poverty Quiz and where to find more resources

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/dr-kyrin-dunston-osteoporosis-hormone-connection

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  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore how self-reflection and the “Get Quiet” way can help lead you to better health and stronger bones is Elaine Glass.

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    Topics Covered
    0:00 - Episode start
    2:25 - Introducing Elaine Glass
    3:45 - Inspiration behind the book "Get Quiet" and its role as a roadmap for life transitions
    5:25 - How the Get Quiet Way helps individuals discover their inner treasures
    7:03 - Life challenges addressed by the Get Quiet Way
    11:10 - Importance of self-exploration alongside traditional health diagnostics
    13:14 - Practical steps to start feeling better, focusing on nurturing the body and bone health
    15:46 - Embracing unapologetic authenticity in daily life, especially during health challenges
    17:15 - Tips on balancing family, personal growth, and career demands while staying healthy
    19:32 - Importance of community and support systems in self-improvement and bone health
    21:49 - Advice for beginners in self-reflection and meditation to overcome overwhelm
    26:58 - Approaching life with curiosity instead of expectation to reduce disappointment
    29:03 - Inspirational stories from Elaine’s clients who transformed their lives using the Get Quiet Way
    32:02 - Final message to listeners on their health journey
    33:53 - Information on where to find Elaine Glass and her book "Get Quiet"

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/get-quiet-way-elaine-glass-osteoporosis/

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  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore how to turn your osteoporosis fears into health and happiness is Akshay Nanavati.

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    Topics Covered
    0:00 - Episode start
    2:19 - Introducing Akshay Nanavati
    3:55 - His journey from addiction and PTSD to success.
    7:52 - Preparing for the solo 110-day coast-to-coast crossing of Antarctica
    11:04 - The common fears associated with an osteoporosis diagnosis and how to manage them
    15:39 - How reframing your thoughts can help you overcome any struggle, even those related to bone health
    19:43 - Tips on setting a positive tone for the day, especially when facing physical or mental obstacles
    25:36 - The importance of identity in overcoming challenges and making progress
    30:42 - Owning your ego while tapping into humility
    31:19 - Elaboration on key phrases like "Every morning, the version of you that exists today will never exist again."
    33:39 - The significance of "I hope tomorrow will be exactly what it is."
    36:09 - The powerful message behind "Die alive" and its implications for living a fulfilling life
    38:17- How to support Akshay's Great Soul Crossing
    41:43 - Information about his book "Fearvana" and where to find it
    42:34 - Connect with Akshay on Social Media

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/fearvana-akshay-nanavati-fearing-osteoporosis/

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  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore Ayurveda, turmeric, and bone health is Dr. Shivani Gupta.

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    Topics Covered
    0:00 - Episode start
    2:22 - A look at Dr. Shivani Gupta’s background
    3:40 - How turmeric became a central focus of her studies
    5:42 - Turmeric, its components, and health benefits
    8:32 - Curcumin’s benefits for bone health, including boosting bone formation, reducing bone loss, and alleviating osteoarthritis pain
    9:01 - Introduction to Ayurveda, its principles, and its relevance in modern health practices
    11:28 - Concept of Agni in Ayurveda, tips for healthy digestion, and its impact on overall vitality and bone health
    13:48 - Various Ayurvedic herbs and spices like ginger, cumin, coriander, and ashwagandha and their health benefits
    16:55 - Importance of sleep and daily self-care rituals in supporting detoxification and gut health
    19:41 - Turmeric’s role in anti-aging, reducing inflammation, and extending telomeres for longevity
    23:43 - Concerns about heavy metals in spices and tips for safe consumption, including choosing organic options
    24:27 - Overview of Dr. Gupta’s company, Fusionary Formulas, its mission, and the development of high-quality turmeric supplements
    26:44 - Dr. Gupta's resources and special discount code for listeners

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/fusionary-formulas-curcumin-bone-health

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  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore heart health, bone health, and holistic cardiology is Dr. Jack Wolfson, a board-certified cardiologist, Amazon best-selling author, husband, father, and the United States’ #1 Natural Heart Doctor.

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    Topics Covered
    0:00 - Episode Start
    1:24 - Introducing Dr. Jack Wolfson, board-certified cardiologist and the US’ #1 Natural Heart Doctor
    2:15 - His backstory and journey to holistic cardiology
    5:20 - Relationship between heart health and bone health and understanding the causation behind diseases like osteoporosis
    7:39 - Inflammation's impact on health
    10:50 - Foods that benefit heart health and those that don't
    15:09 - Misconceptions about cholesterol and eggs
    18:15 - Managing blood pressure without pharmaceuticals
    19:28 - Specific markers and tests used to investigate heart health issues
    21:27 - Why some conventional treatments may not be the best option
    24:16 - The 100 Year Heart lifestyle: eat well, live well, and think well principles
    27:35 - How trauma and chronic stress can lead to bone disorders and other physical problems
    33:36 - Why it's important to test for molds
    35:24 - Where to find Dr. Jack Wolfson

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/dr-jack-wolfson-natural-heart-doctor

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  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore stem cells, osteoporosis, and whole body health is Christian Drapeau.

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    Topics Covered
    0:00 - Episode start
    2:30 - A closer look at Christian Drapeau's background and expertise
    3:50 - How Christian developed a passion for stem cells and why he chose this field
    8:03 - Basic explanation of stem cells, their role in the body, and support for bone health
    10:42 - Factors influencing stem cell differentiation
    11:21 - Impact of inflammation, poor sleep, and high stress on stem cell environment
    14:07 - Ways to test for healthy stem cell production and regeneration
    17:20 - Supporting the natural role of stem cells in tissue repair
    18:52 - Specific plants that impact stem cell numbers and how they work
    23:56 - The development of StemRegen and its ingredients
    27:21 - Interesting and unexpected findings in stem cell research
    30:01 - Future advancements in stem cell research and potential applications
    33:40 - Where to find StemRegen and how to connect with Christian on social media

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/christian-drapeau-stem-cells-osteoporosis-whole-body-health

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  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore osteoporosis and gut health is Steven Wright, a health engineer and gut health specialist.

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    Topics Covered
    0:00 - Episode start
    2:28 - Getting to know Steven Wright and his background
    3:04 - His journey into gut health and helping others
    6:59 - What is the Specific Carbohydrate Diet (SCD), and how can it benefit your health?
    10:40 - How gut health impacts bone health, particularly for those with osteopenia or osteoporosis
    13:39 - A detailed breakdown of the digestive process
    18:33 - What are short-chain fatty acids, especially butyrate, and why do they matter
    20:30 - How to increase butyrate in your system
    22:14 - The potential long-term issues with vegan and carnivore diets and the importance of a balanced approach
    24:50 - The benefits of butyrate supplementation on intestinal permeability, microbiome health, and inflammation
    27:31 - How much butyrate is needed for optimal gut health
    28:44 - Introduction to Tributyrin-X™: formulation and how it works
    31:29 - How to incorporate Tributyrin-X™ into your daily routine, including dosage and timing
    34:52 - Simple, actionable steps to support and improve your gut health
    36:54 - Why a healthy gut is essential for maintaining strong bones
    38:11 - Final thoughts and additional resources

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/osteoporosis-healthy-gut-tributyrin-x

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  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore why we need sleep for stronger bones and optimal health is Mollie Eastman.

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    Topics Covered
    0:00 - Episode start
    2:23 - Meet today’s guest, Mollie Eastman
    4:20 - Importance of sleep for bone health, including risks related to fractures and impaired bone formation
    4:56 - The circadian rhythm and its effects on sleep, health, mood, and physique
    11:45 - The role of light and the suprachiasmatic nucleus in sleep
    17:19 - Why a dark room is essential for proper sleep
    19:58 - Recommendations on using night lights and other light sources during sleep
    24:03 - Impact of screen time and light exposure before sleep
    26:57 - Melatonin's role in sleep regulation and other factors affecting its production
    31:53 - Addressing undiagnosed sleep disorders and the need for testing, especially in postmenopausal women
    34:31 - Sleep-related gadgets and alternative solutions for sleep disorders
    40:47 - Where to find more about Mollie Eastman and her work on sleep

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/mollie-eastman-sleep-better-strong-bones

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  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore understanding allostatic load to improve bone building and prevent bone loss is Dr. Christine Smith.

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    Topics Covered
    0:00 - Episode start
    2:30 - An overview of Dr. Christine Smith's professional background
    3:39 - Her personal health challenges and transition into holistic medicine
    8:40 - The most important thing to understand about your body's healing process
    12:47 - The concept of allostatic load and its impact on bone health and osteoporosis
    17:41 - The significance of organ interaction in the body, with a focus on the bones
    22:58 - The most overlooked part of healing and healthcare
    24:16 - How regenerative medicine works and its benefits
    30:32 - The power of meditation and advice for beginners
    36:08 - Common issues Dr. Smith's patients face and how she helps resolve them
    43:32 - Where to find Dr. Christine Smith and her resources

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/dr-christine-smith-osteoporosis-depth-wellness

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  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore raising strong, healthy, resilient kids is Katie Wells, also known as Wellness Mama.

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    Topics Covered
    00:00 - Episode start
    01:30 - Getting to know today’s guest, Katie Wells
    02:50 - The origin of Wellness Mama and its mission
    05:55 - Exploring core principles for raising strong, healthy, resilient children
    12:25 - Importance of nutrition in early childhood for building strong bones and overall health
    21:41 - Strategies for instilling healthy habits in children from a young age
    25:49 - Approaching and setting boundaries with children as they grow
    32:37 - Exploring the concept of "be careful" as a boundary and its effects
    34:43 - The evolving role of grandparents in family dynamics and maintaining strong intergenerational relationships
    39:05 - Introduction to Katie’s brand Wellnesse, focusing on natural oral health care products
    42:14 - Discussion about the ingredients and benefits of Wellnesse toothpaste
    47:13 - Debating the use of fluoride in dental care and its downsides
    49:14 - Closing thoughts on the mindset aspect of health and how internal dialogue influences health outcomes
    50:50 - Where to find more information about Katie Wells and her initiatives

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/wellness-mama-raise-strong-kids

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  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore nitric oxide and bone health is Brendan Vermeire.

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    Topics Covered
    0:00 - Episode start
    1:34 - Introducing today's guest, Brendan Vermeire
    3:26 - His journey into health, fitness, and functional medicine
    7:31 - Exploring nitric oxide and its importance
    9:09 - The wide-reaching effects of nitric oxide on various bodily functions, including bone formation
    11:53 - How nitric oxide is produced in the body
    14:24 - Factors affecting nitric oxide availability
    16:37 - Nitric oxide and its impact on bone health
    18:10 - Strategies to optimize nitric oxide levels
    19:53 - Discussion about Berkeley Life and their focus on nitric oxide supplements
    28:56 - Importance of nitric oxide in women's health, especially during postmenopausal stages
    32:21 - Where to find Brendan Vermeire and his work

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/nitric-oxide-bone-health-berkeley-life-brendan-vermeire

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  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore how to revitalize your bones with hormone treatment is Dr. Lorraine Maita, MD.

    =>>FREE Stronger Bones Masterclass (Gain Access Now!)
    =>>FREE 7-Day Osteoporosis Kickstart
    =>>Apply to join the Stronger Bones Solution Program w/ the BoneCoach™ Team

    Topics Covered

    00:00 - Episode start
    01:34 - Introduction to Dr. Lorraine Maita and her expertise in hormone treatment
    03:24 - Discussion on hormone replacement therapy (HRT) and its role in bone health
    07:35 - Addressing fears and misconceptions about HRT
    15:18 - Evidence supporting the use of HRT for treating osteoporosis
    17:39 - Understanding hormone dosages and their impact on health
    18:49 - The timing and forms of hormone administration
    22:41 - Considerations for progesterone use in women without a uterus
    29:12 - The role of various hormones in bone health and overall wellness
    33:26 - Final thoughts on supporting health with hormones
    34:15 - Where to find Dr. Lorraine Maita, her quiz, and special offer for listeners

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/dr-lorraine-maita-hormones-osteoporosis

    What can you do to support your bone health and this podcast?
    1. Hit the “Subscribe” Button.
    2. Leave a review. Thank you! 🙂
    3. Tell a friend.

  • BoneCoach™ Osteoporosis & Osteopenia - Joining us today to explore how to address inflammation and get on the path to optimal well-being is Dr. Tom O’Bryan.

    =>>FREE Stronger Bones Masterclass (Gain Access Now!)
    =>>FREE 7-Day Osteoporosis Kickstart
    =>>Apply to join the Stronger Bones Solution Program w/ the BoneCoach™ Team

    Topics Covered
    0:00 - Episode start
    1:27 - A brief look at Dr. Tom O'Bryan’s background
    2:44 - Overview of his new docu-series on health and inflammation
    4:36 - Explanation of how the immune system works and the role of inflammation in health
    9:01 - Differentiating between beneficial and harmful inflammation and its effects on chronic health conditions
    10:46 - Examining the gap between lifespan and healthspan, emphasizing the importance of addressing low-level inflammation for a more vibrant senior life
    14:59 - Expert insights on inflammation's root causes
    20:07 - The dangers of phthalates and their long-term effects on brain development and health
    25:32 - The advantages of organic food consumption on health and fertility
    33:49 - Strategies for reducing daily toxin exposure and promoting detoxification
    40:54 - Benefits of sauna use in detoxification
    43:35 - Final thoughts on toxins, inflammation, and the upcoming docuseries by Dr. Tom O'Bryan
    48:44 - Where to find Dr. Tom O'Bryan and his work

    Resources Mentioned
    Find all resources mentioned and show notes @
    =>> https://bonecoach.com/theinflammationequation

    What can you do to support your bone health and this podcast?
    1. Hit the “Subscribe” Button.
    2. Leave a review. Thank you! 🙂
    3. Tell a friend.