
  • Happy Father’s Day week everyone! Today my friend Andrew Pudewa, is with us to offer some lessons and encouragement for all of the dads out there! (Ladies, you'll enjoy this too!)

    Andrew is the founder and director of the Institute for Excellence in Writing (IEW), father of seven, and grandpa to a whole bunch of kids! Andrew travels and speaks around the world, addressing issues related to teaching, writing, thinking, spelling, and music with clarity, insight, practical experience, and humor. He's so much fun to listen to!

    And today, Andrew shares what he considers the “3 best things” he did as a dad. I love this conversation and I think men and women alike will find inspiration and encouragement in it!

    NOTE!! -- My Character Training Course is currently OPEN *only until Monday, June 17th! (find out more about the course at: www.monicaswanson.com/character-course)

    Find show notes for today’s episode at: www.monicaswanson.com/andrew-pudewa

    General podcast page: http://www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    The IEW WEBSITE here.

    Looking for math or science homeschool curriculum? All my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math and science for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go to diveintomath to learn more!

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
    * Check out HelloFresh: hellofresh.com/monicaapps

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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  • A child’s character reflects their convictions, establishes their reputation, and ultimately determines their destiny. In the world today it may seem like a big job to raise kids with biblical character, but today’s conversation should offer a lot of HOPE!

    Kathy Koch, child development specialist, author, and sought-after speaker, is here to help us understand how to guide children to develop biblical character. We talk about the connection between character and obedience, the essential foundational beliefs for good character, and strategies for teaching and improving character in our kids.

    I love this conversation so much, and the timing couldn’t be better because next week, (Monday, June 10th!) I will be opening the doors to my Character Training Course! (find out more about the course at: www.monicaswanson.com/character-course)

    Find show notes for today’s episode at: www.monicaswanson.com/kathy-koch

    General podcast page: http://www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    Looking for new math homeschool curriculum? All my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go to diveintomath to learn more!

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
    * Check out HelloFresh: hellofresh.com/monicaapps

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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  • Women are mostly all tired, aren’t we? For women today, fatigue has become the norm, and busyness is often worn as a badge of honor.

    Jess Connolly has lived in that bone-weary place, even to the point of developing chronic panic-attacks, battling anxiety and an autoimmune disease. But with wise practices and a new way of living, Jess discovered the path to a realistic rest that is available to every Christ follower.

    Jess is sharing practical wisdom to guide women into a lifestyle of sustainable rest. In today’s conversation Jess and I talk about the different sources of fatigue, the lies that prevent women from practicing rest, and the difference between being “busy” and having a “full life.” I loved what Jess had to say about (my pet peeve) “busy shaming” and how we each need to discover our unique sources of rest.

    I think this is a relatable topic for all women and I pray you finish this episode feeling refreshed and hopeful!

    Show notes with links to anything we talked about: http://www.monicaswanson.com/jess-connolly

    General podcast page: http://www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    Looking for new math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go to diveintomath to learn more!

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
    * Check out HelloFresh: hellofresh.com/monicaapps

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • For Christian families in the thick of it, the thought of world missions can seem unrealistic and overwhelming. Many of us feel like we are in survival mode, just taking care of our families and trying to protect our kids from the crazy world. (and that’s all so important!) Yet, in light of the fact that 1/3 of our world has not yet heard the Gospel, Jesus’ words in the Great Commission are still relevant: We are to make disciples of all nations. What do busy families do with that?

    Ann Dunagan is with us today to share her story of being a missionary family with seven children! But even more, Ann shares a lot of practical ways we can ALL be “mission-minded” right in the midst of our real lives at home. I think this is such an important conversation, whether mission work has been on your mind, or not (yet)!

    Hopefully Ann’s words (and most certainly her enthusiasm) will inspire you to consider how you might raise kids who love God’s Word and His people, and who are ready to say YES to His call, whatever that might look like!

    Show notes with links to anything we talked about: www.monicaswanson.com/ann-dunagan

    General podcast page: http://www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    Looking for new math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go to diveintomath to learn more!

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
    * Check out HelloFresh: hellofresh.com/monicaapps

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • When I come across a wildly popular influencer who is also raising (and homeschooling) 7 children, and keeping their home and marriage in (seemingly) great order, I can’t help but wonder: HOW DOES SHE DO IT ALL?

    Sarah Molitor is one of those people, and in this interview with Sarah, I dive right into my honest questions: When do you sleep? Do you have time for devotions? How about exercise? And really: Do you have help?

    Sarah is the author of Well Said (as well as 2 darling children’s books) and she also wrote the foreword to Becoming Homeschoolers. I had so much fun chatting with her in this episode, and her answers inspired me and made me laugh. I hope this very real girlfriend chat blesses you, too.

    Show notes with links to anything we talked about: www.monicaswanson.com/sarah-molitor-2

    General podcast page: http://www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    Looking for new math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go to diveintomath to learn more!

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
    * Check out HelloFresh: hellofresh.com/monicaapps

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • My husband Dave is with me today for a special Mother’s Day/book release interview!

    Dave and I are reflecting on the last 25 years of my motherhood journey...highs and lows, what I have learned, and my advice for younger moms. I share about some of my biggest joys of motherhood, (the laughter and fun, and much more!) and some of my greatest challenges (overwhelm, anger, and loneliness.)

    We also get to talk about my book that released yesterday (May 7th!) - Becoming Homeschoolers. I share a bit of our homeschool story, how I ended up writing this book, and what readers can expect! Then Dave says a sweet Mother’s Day prayer for all the moms listening! HAPPY MOTHER’S DAY!

    Note: My publisher has offered to extend my preorder bonuses until the end of the week, so be sure to visit the preorder page if you want to get some really cool bonuses.

    BOOK PAGE HERE for bonuses: https://monicaswanson.com/becominghomeschoolers/bonuses/  

    Show notes with links to anything we talked about: www.monicaswanson.com/mothers-day

    General podcast page: http://www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    Looking for new math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go to diveintomath to learn more!

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
    * Check out HelloFresh: hellofresh.com/monicaapps

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • Sally Clarkson’s books and podcast have inspired me for years. Living between England and Colorado, Sally’s writing and voice is like a trusted mentor who puts everything in perspective.

    I have always hoped to meet Sally so this interview was really special. I got to ask Sally about her heart for parenting, what the rhythms in her home were as her kids grew up, and what led her to homeschooling. (Some of her answers might surprise you!)

    I asked Sally about her great relationship with her now-adult children, and I asked her to offer wisdom to those of us still in the thick of parenting. I love this whole conversation and I think you will, too!

    Find show notes and links at my website:


    General podcast page: www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    Looking for new math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go to diveintomath to learn more!

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
    * Check out HelloFresh: hellofresh.com/monicaapps

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • Renowned researcher and bestselling author, Dr. George Barna is with us to share some startling data, along with a passionate call-to-action for Christian parents. This may be the most important episode you could listen to, and I pray that what we talk about inspires you to a deeper level of commitment in your parenting. (Don’t run away – I promise you'll be encouraged!)

    Dr. Barna’s recent book, Raising Spiritual Champions, focuses on the importance of raising kids with a Biblical Worldview, and how difficult this is in our world today. Part of the reason it is so difficult is that so few parents have a Biblical worldview. And as Barna says, we “cannot give what we don’t possess.”

    Not only do a mere 2% of parents of preteens have a biblical worldview, but only 12% of Children’s Pastors do! Few Christians believe in absolute truth, and most Christians today are “syncretists”, meaning they draw their beliefs from a variety of competing worldviews, religions, and convenient concepts.

    Raising children is an exciting opportunity to influence a life, but Barna says it’s also, “a daunting assignment.” Dr. Barna’s research reveals that who our children will be as adults is essentially determined by the age of 13 (their core beliefs, morals, values, desires and lifestyle.)

    At the end of the conversation, I ask Dr. Barna to get practical and go through the “Seven Cornerstones” of a Christian worldview. I hope this is helpful and encouraging. Find those 7 Cornerstones as well as the rest of the links over in show notes:


    General podcast page: www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    Looking for new math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go to diveintomath to learn more!

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
    * Check out HelloFresh: hellofresh.com/monicaapps

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • When you come across a family with a bunch of young adults thriving in their faith, work, and passions, you can’t help but want to ask the parents: “Ok! What is the secret?” (Right?) And for good reason: Yes we can learn through mistakes and struggles, but I vote that it is even better to learn from those who have had successes!

    Melissa and Jonathan Brown are some of those people. They have raised, discipled, and homeschooled 7 children, most of whom are now adults. They have also worked with CRU (Campus Crusade for Christ) for years before branching off in their own ministry. Now they coach other parents and families in how to build a family on purpose.

    In this conversation Melissa shares some of the best marriage advice ever. She also talks about the true key to passing faith on to our children. I think you’ll be inspired by everything Melissa shares. Find links to all that we talk about in show notes:


    General podcast page: www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    Looking for new math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go to diveintomath to learn more!

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
    * Check out HelloFresh: hellofresh.com/monicaapps

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • Our most trying moments as a parent can quickly spiral into discouragement, hopelessness, and sometimes even resentment toward God or your family—partly because our culture has conditioned us to believe that anything this hard can’t possibly be good for us. If you’ve ever found yourself asking, “Why me, Lord?” today’s podcast guest will resonate with you.

    Abbie Halberstadt, (homeschooling) Mom to 10…with two sets of twins in the mix – understands toddler tantrums, mealtime melees, and the backseat blowups. Yet, she has lived out a message that is sure to encourage you. Learning the difference between “just making it” and Christlike parenting has changed everything for Abbie, and she wants to help other moms find the good…even in the hard!

    In today’s conversation I ask Abbie more about her life – what led to book writing, and some of the highlights from her recent book, “Hard is Not the Same as Bad”. Find links to all that we talk about over in show notes!


    Don’t miss MY NEXT BOOK LAUNCH TEAM signups (the group just opened as this releases, but we’ll welcome new team members until the end of the week!) *find sign-up link in show notes as well.

    General podcast page: www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    Looking for new math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go to diveintomath to learn more!

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
    * Check out HelloFresh: hellofresh.com/monicaapps

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • This one is especially for the boy moms out there! I know you'll love hearing from Durenda Wilson -- Mom to 8 (five boys!) author, podcaster, and someone I consider a virtual mentor -- as she shares from her new book, Raising Boys to Men.

    Durenda has homeschooled all of her kids, and now with grown children (and a bunch of grandchildren) she has a lot of wisdom to share. In today’s interview, Durenda addresses our culture’s masculinity crisis with encouragement for moms to celebrate and appropriately direct their boys’ God-given masculinity. She shares an acronym that helps moms remember what their sons need most (“BURP” J ) and some really encouraging words about the importance of work, rough-housing, and how to nurture character and faith in our sons. Whether or not you have boys, I think you will enjoy this conversation!

    Find show notes and links to everything we talk about on my website:


    General podcast page: www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    Looking for new math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go to diveintomath to learn more!

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
    * Check out HelloFresh: hellofresh.com/monicaapps

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • Who do you want to set the first impressions on your kids on topics like: identity and self worth, sexuality and gender, politics, and other cultural hot topics? I vote YOU DO, Mom and Dad.

    I think most of us would say that we, the parents, are the best people to begin these conversations. Yet, it is easy to put these (sometimes awkward!) conversations off. But, when we do, our kids are likely learning about them from somebody else (or the internet!)

    In today’s episode I am encouraging you to “Set the first tracks”, to talk about things before they are things! This is the final episode in my year-long series going over topics from my book: Raising Amazing: Bringing up Kids Who Love God, Like Their Family, and Do the Dishes Without Being Asked! If you are new to the podcast, I encourage you to check the archives for all of the other episodes covering highlights and nuggets from each chapter of my book.

    In show notes I am giving away a printable list of "20 Conversations to have with your kids before they launch" and I am also offering a GIVEAWAY of 3 copies of Raising Amazing. So head over to show notes to enter and get all of the links mentioned!

    Today’s episode: www.monicaswanson.com/raising-amazing-14

    General podcast page: www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    Looking for a new homeschool MATH curriculum? Check out DIVE/Shormann math, which is what all of my boys used, which they say well-prepared them for their college studies in engineering and data analytics! Your kids will love these short, Bible-based, SAT-Prep math classes! Go to DIVEintomath.com and see all they have to offer!

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
    * Check out HelloFresh: hellofresh.com/monicaapps

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • Would you say that joy (a deep sense of well-being, regardless of circumstances) is something you live with daily? Brant Hansen joins us to tell us that this is not only possible, but promised to all who follow Jesus. In fact, through Christ, we can start to see the world in a more childlike, humble, and optimistic way.

    Brant and I are talking about his book: Life is Hard, God is Good, Let’s Dance, and I absolutely LOVE this conversation. We talk about how we can “outsource our worries”, what it means when you get goosebumps (I love this!) and the fact that when we don’t freak out, it freaks people out (in a good way!) Brant has great stories and tear-inducing insights (you’ve been warned.) I hope you end this episode feeling more joy and less anxiety already!

    Find show notes and links to everything we talk about on my website:


    General podcast page: www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    Looking for new math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! They believe it was the best preparation for their college studies in engineering and data analytics. Go to diveintomath to learn more!

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
    * Check out HelloFresh: hellofresh.com/monicaapps

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • Today’s guest, Cynthia Yanof is the friend we all need. She is honest, encouraging, and hilarious. She shoots straight and stays humble. I am so glad she poured all of these things into her new book: Life is Messy, God is Good: Sanity for the Chaos of Everyday Life.

    In today’s conversation Cynthia and I talk about parenting (she has college age down to first-grade children!) fostering and adoption (so much respect!) church life (Cynthia knows her stuff!) Mom-friends, and so much more. We talk about some of the lies in our culture and how we can speak truth to ourselves. Cynthia shares encouragement for focusing on what really matters in parenting, and also offers us her “4 Playground Rules” for life. (So good!)

    Listen to this one for encouragement and a good, healthy laugh. Because, as Cynthia says, “When did it all become so serious?” Find show notes and links below:


    General podcast page: www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    Looking for new science or math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! Go to diveintomath to learn more!

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
    * Check out HelloFresh: hellofresh.com/monicaapps

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • Best selling author, teacher and Pastor, John Mark Comer, is here to talk about his newest book: “Practicing the Way”, which explores the concept of being an apprentice of Jesus. John Mark explains that to practice the way of Jesus, we must: “Be with Jesus, become like him, and do as he did” (the subtitle to the book.💥)

    In this conversation we talk about the difference between being merely a “Christian” (which can mean all kinds of things today!) and an apprentice. John Mark points out that we are all being “formed” – all the time -- whether we know it or not -- and the importance of being intentional about what forms us. We also talk about the “Rule of Life” - purposeful rhythms and disciplines, which he says, leads to the best kind of freedom.

    We cover a lot in this conversation, and John Mark even shares some of the ways that the Comers are helping their 3 teenagers learn to slow down, lock up their devices (literally,) and practice a Sabbath rest. I think you’ll be (a little challenged perhaps, as well as- ) encouraged!

    Find show notes and links at:


    General podcast page: www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    Looking for new math homeschool curriculum? All my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! Go to diveintomath.com to learn more!

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
    * Check out HelloFresh: hellofresh.com/monicaapps

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • If screentime is a challenge in your home (pretty sure that is most of us!) then this episode is for you! Today we’re talking about how we can be intentional about screens, sports, hobbies, and all the ways kids spend their days! - From Chapters 12 and 13 of my book: Raising Amazing: Bringing up Kids Who Love God, Like Their Family, and Do the Dishes Without Being Asked!

    We start by zooming out on our kids’ days, and considering the time they spend at school, in sports, doing other activities. There is no doubt that in the busyness of family life we can find ourselves on autopilot, not tuned in to how our kids’ days are shaping their young lives.

    Next we talk about the reality of screentime challenges. I share some helpful guidelines and encouragement for setting healthy boundaries, routines, and rhythms with technology.

    None of this is easy, but with some intentionality we can make small changes that make a big difference! Remember, raising amazing kids is not easy, but it’s worth it all in the end!

    Find free printables and show notes at:

    Today’s episode: www.monicaswanson.com/raising-amazing-12

    General podcast page: www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
    * Check out HelloFresh: hellofresh.com/monicaapps

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • Having a solid mentor in your life is a true gift; mentors offer us wisdom from their life experience and help us navigate all that we face. If you don’t have a mentor in your life, I encourage you to pray for, and seek one out. But I am also thankful that we live in a time when we can have “virtual mentors”, people we may not know in real life but who we can glean wisdom from all the same! Rhonda Stoppe is one such mentor, and today she is on the podcast offering a whole lot of wisdom and grace.

    In this episode, Rhonda and I are especially drawing from her book, “Moms Raising Sons to Be Men” which was released in its updated version last year. (However, we are not talking only about raising boys!) Rhonda addresses some of the changing cultural issues of our time and offers some healthy perspective to parents in the thick of it!

    Whether your kids are young or older, I think you’ll find a lot of encouragement in this interview. Be sure to find show notes and links over on my website:


    General podcast page: www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    Looking for new science or math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bbile-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! Go to diveintomath to learn more!

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
    * Check out HelloFresh: hellofresh.com/monicaapps

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

    Privacy & Opt-Out: https://redcircle.com/privacy
  • Happy Valentine’s Day! My husband Dave is with me as we celebrate our 28th Valentine’s Day together. ☺ In this episode we are talking through a blog post that has been very popular for many years now on my website: “7 Attitudes that Will Sabotage Your Marriage, and 7 to Replace them with.”

    Dave and I are sharing from our own experience -- as we’ve been guilty of all 7 bad attitudes…but we’ve also experienced God’s grace in helping us learn to replace them. Dave shares a reminder from 1 Corinthians 13, and I say a prayer for all of the marriages (as well as our kids’ current/future marriages) at the end. I hope this offers a bit of encouragement (even if via some tough love!)

    Find show notes and links at:


    General podcast page: www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    Looking for new science or math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bible-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! Go to diveintomath to learn more!

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

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    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
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  • Dating has never been simple (who remembers?!) but today it is more complicated than ever. The world offers all kinds of mixed messages to young adults and teenagers and our Christian culture isn’t giving a lot of alternatives. In such crazy times our kids need a voice of reason and a lot of Biblical wisdom to help them navigate.

    Pastor Jonathan “JP” Pokluda is the voice we all need and one that young people actually like to listen to. In today’s conversation JP and I are drawing from his book, “Outdated” which has become my own sons' favorite book on the topic of dating and relationships. JP offers wisdom, humor, and a ton of common sense on the topic of dating. He is tuned into our current culture yet remains biblically grounded. I think you’ll find this conversation inspiring and refreshing.

    This conversation will be helpful for all of us parents as we coach and encourage our kids through relationships and prepare them for a lasting marriage one day. Find show notes and links at:


    General podcast page: www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    Looking for new science or math homeschool curriculum? All of my boys have used DIVE/Shormann Math for Bbile-based, short-but-thorough science and math lessons, through AP level! Go to diveintomath to learn more!

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
    * Check out HelloFresh: hellofresh.com/monicaapps

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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  • Since last March, at the end of each month I have been covering highlights from a chapter of my book, Raising Amazing: Bringing up Kids Who Love God, Like Their Family, and Do the Dishes Without Being Asked! Today we get to cover the topic of sibling relationships from Chapter 11, with the help of my two sons, Jonah (22) and Luke (19).

    I know sibling relationships can be challenging, and they are obviously not entirely in our control as parents. (far from it!) However, in Raising Amazing I share some of the things we can do as parents that I think make it a lot more likely that kids will grow up to be friends. (even if they fight like crazy growing up!)

    The boys and I have a lot of fun in this chat and I hope some of your kids might listen with you, and be inspired! Find show notes and links on my website:

    Today’s episode: www.monicaswanson.com/raising-amazing-11

    General podcast page: www.monicaswanson.com/podcast

    The Monica Swanson Podcast is a part of the Christian Parenting Podcast Network. To find practical and spiritual resources to help you grow into the parent you want to be, visit www.christianparenting.org

    Our Sponsors:
    * Check out Happy Mammoth and use my code MONICA for a great deal: happymammoth.com
    * Check out HelloFresh: hellofresh.com/monicaapps

    Advertising Inquiries: https://redcircle.com/brands

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